This project stores OpenHarmony documentation, including the quick start guide, development guides, and API reference. We appreciate your contribution to the OpenHarmony documentation.
Device development
- Mini and Small System Development Guidelines (Reference Memory < 128 MB)
- Device development
- overview: device development overview
- quick-start: quick start guide (covering environment setup, source code acquisition, build, and burning)
- Basic development capabilities
- Kernel: Kernel for Mini Systems
- Kernel:Kernel for Small Systems
- Drivers: drivers
- Subsystems: subsystems (such as compilation and building, graphics, DFX, and XTS)
- Security: privacy and security
- WLAN-connected products (LED peripheral control and third-party SDK integration)
- Screenless cameras (camera control)
- Cameras with a screen (screen and camera control, visual application development)
- porting:
- bundles:
- Device development
- Standard System Development Guidelines (Reference Memory ≥ 128 MB)
- Device development
- overview: device development overview
- quick-start: quick start guide (covering environment setup, source code acquisition, build, and burning)
- Basic development capabilities
- Kernel: Kernel for Standard Systems
- Drivers: drivers
- Subsystems: subsystems (such as compilation and building, graphics, DFX, and XTS)
- Security: privacy and security
- guide:
- porting:
- bundles:
- Device development
- FAQs
- Mini and Small System Development Guidelines (Reference Memory < 128 MB)
App development
- Overview: app development overview
- quick-start: quick start guide
- ui: UI
- media: media
- connectivity: networks and connectivity
- reference: Reference
glossary: glossary
Version Change History
For details, see Release Notes.
Third-Party Open-Source Software and License Notice
How to Contribute
A great open-source project wouldn't be possible without the hard work of many contributors. We'd like to invite anyone from around the world to participate in this exciting journey, and we're grateful for your time, passion, and efforts!
You can evaluate available documents, make simple modifications, provide feedback on document quality, and contribute your original content. For details, see Documentation Contribution.
Excellent contributors will be awarded and the contributions will be publicized in the developer community.