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!13753 Monthly EN更新:application-dev下ability+application-test+connectivity+database+device+device-usage-statistics+dfx 7个文件夹
Merge pull request !13753 from wusongqing/E0118-ability-folder
# Ability Development
> **NOTE**<br/>
> This folder is deprecated. Read [Application Models](../application-models/Readme-EN.md) instead.
- [Ability Framework Overview](ability-brief.md)
- [Context Usage](context-userguide.md)
- FA Model
......@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ The ability assistant enables you to start applications, atomic services, and te
| -a/--all | - | Prints ability information in all missions. |
| -l/--mission-list | type (All logs are printed if this parameter is left unspecified.)| Prints mission stack information.<br>The following values are available for **type**:<br>- NORMAL <br>- DEFAULT_STANDARD<br>- DEFAULT_SINGLE<br>- LAUNCHER |
| -e/--extension | elementName | Prints extended component information. |
| -u/--userId | UserId | Prints stack information of a specified user ID. This parameter must be used together with other parameters. <br/>Example commands: aa **dump -a -u 100** and **aa dump -d -u 100**. |
| -d/--data | - | Prints Data ability information. |
| -i/--ability | AbilityRecord ID | Prints detailed information about a specified ability. |
| -c/--client | - | Prints detailed ability information. This parameter must be used together with other parameters. <br/>Example commands: **aa dump -a -c** and **aa dump -i 21 -c**. |
| -u/--userId | UserId | Prints stack information of a specified user ID. This parameter must be used together with other parameters. <br/>Example commands: aa **dump -a -u 100** and **aa dump -d -u 100**.|
| -d/--data | - | Prints Data ability information. |
| -i/--ability | AbilityRecord ID | Prints detailed information about a specified ability. |
| -c/--client | - | Prints detailed ability information. This parameter must be used together with other parameters. <br/>Example commands: **aa dump -a -c** and **aa dump -i 21 -c**.|
# Ability Framework Overview
An ability is the abstraction of a functionality that an application can provide. It is the minimum unit for the system to schedule applications. An application can contain one or more `Ability` instances.
Ability is the basic abstraction of applications in OpenHarmony.
Each ability is an application component that provides an independent service and is the minimum unit for the system to schedule an application. An application can contain one or more **Ability** instances.
The ability framework model has two forms:
- FA model, which applies to application development using API version 8 and earlier versions. In the FA model, there is Feature Ability (FA) and Particle Ability (PA). The FA supports Page abilities, and the PA supports Service, Data, and Form abilities.
- Stage model, which is introduced since API version 9. In the stage model, there is `PageAbility` and `ExtensionAbility`. `ExtensionAbility` is further extended to `ServiceExtensionAbility`, `FormExtensionAbility`, `DataShareExtensionAbility`, and more.
- FA model, which is available for application development using API version 8 and earlier versions. In the FA model, there are PageAbility, ServiceAbility, DataAbility, and FormAbility.
- Stage model, which is introduced since API version 9. In the stage model, there are two classes: UIAbility and ExtensionAbility. ExtensionAbility is further extended to ServiceExtensionAbility, FormExtensionAbility, DataShareExtensionAbility, and more.
Starting from API version 9, the stage model is recommended.
The stage model is designed to make it easier to develop complex applications in the distributed environment. The table below lists the design differences between the two models.
| Item | FA Model | Stage Model |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| Development mode | Web-like APIs are provided. The UI development is the same as that of the stage model. | Object-oriented development mode is provided. The UI development is the same as that of the FA model. |
| Engine instance | Each ability in a process exclusively uses a JS VM engine instance. | Multiple abilities in a process share one JS VM engine instance. |
| Intra-process object sharing| Not supported. | Supported. |
| Bundle description file | The `config.json` file is used to describe the HAP and component information. Each component must use a fixed file name.| The `module.json5` file is used to describe the HAP and component information. The entry file name can be specified.|
| Component | Four types of components are provided: Page ability (used for UI page display), Service ability (used to provide services), Data ability (used for data sharing), and Form ability (used to provide widgets).| Two types of components are provided: Ability (used for UI page display) and Extension (scenario-based service extension). |
| Application component development mode | Web-like development | Object-oriented development |
| Engine instance | Each **Ability** instance exclusively occupies a VM instance. | Multiple **Ability** instances share a VM instance. |
| Intra-process object sharing| Not supported | Supported |
| Bundle description file | The **config.json** file is used to describe the HAP and component information. Each component must use a fixed file name.| The **module.json5** file is used to describe the HAP and component information. The entry file name can be specified.|
| Component | Four types of components are provided: PageAbility (used for UI page display), ServiceAbility (used to provide services), DataAbility (used for data sharing), and FormAbility (used to provide widgets).| Two types of components are provided: UIAbility (used for UI page display) and ExtensionAbility (scenario-based service extension). |
In addition, the following differences exist in the development process:
......@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ For details about how to use DevEco Studio to start the test framework, see [Ope
## Introduction to TestRunner
**TestRunner** is the entry class of the test framework test process. When the test process is started, the system calls related APIs in **TestRunner**. You need to inherit this class and override the **onPrepare** and **onRun** APIs. When creating an application template, DevEco Studio initializes the default **TestRunner** and starts the default **TestAbility** in the **onRun** API. You can modify the test code of **TestAbility** or override **onPrepare** and **onRun** in **TestRunner** to implement your own test code. For details, see [TestRunner](../reference/apis/js-apis-testRunner.md).
**TestRunner** is the entry class of the test framework test process. When the test process is started, the system calls related APIs in **TestRunner**. You need to inherit this class and override the **onPrepare** and **onRun** APIs. When creating an application template, DevEco Studio initializes the default **TestRunner** and starts the default **TestAbility** in the **onRun** API. You can modify the test code of **TestAbility** or override **onPrepare** and **onRun** in **TestRunner** to implement your own test code. For details, see [TestRunner](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-testRunner.md).
## Introduction to AbilityDelegatorRegistry
**AbilityDelegatorRegistry** is the **AbilityDelegator** repository class provided by the test framework. You can use **AbilityDelegatorRegistry** to obtain an **AbilityDelegator** instance and the input and generated parameters **AbilityDelegatorArgs** during the test. You can use **AbilityDelegator** to invoke the function set provided by the test framework for testing and verification. For details, see [AbilityDelegatorRegistry](../reference/apis/js-apis-abilityDelegatorRegistry.md).
**AbilityDelegatorRegistry** is the **AbilityDelegator** repository class provided by the test framework. You can use **AbilityDelegatorRegistry** to obtain an **AbilityDelegator** instance and the input and generated parameters **AbilityDelegatorArgs** during the test. You can use **AbilityDelegator** to invoke the function set provided by the test framework for testing and verification. For details, see [AbilityDelegatorRegistry](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-abilityDelegatorRegistry.md).
## Introduction to AbilityDelegatorArgs
**AbilityDelegatorArgs** is a test parameter class provided by the test framework. You can use **AbilityDelegatorArgs** to obtain the parameters passed and generated during the test. For details, see [AbilityDelegatorArgs](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-abilityDelegatorArgs.md).
**AbilityDelegatorArgs** is a test parameter class provided by the test framework. You can use **AbilityDelegatorArgs** to obtain the parameters passed and generated during the test. For details, see [AbilityDelegatorArgs](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegatorArgs.md).
## Introduction to AbilityMonitor
**AbilityMonitor** is provided by the test framework for binding to and listening for abilities. You can use **AbilityMonitor** to bind to an **Ability** instance and add **AbilityMonitor** to the listening list. When **AbilityMonitor** is bound to an ability, the creation and lifecycle changes of the ability will trigger the related callback in **AbilityMonitor**. You can test and verify the ability in these callbacks. For details, see [AbilityMonitor](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-abilityMonitor.md).
**AbilityMonitor** is provided by the test framework for binding to and listening for abilities. You can use **AbilityMonitor** to bind to an **Ability** instance and add **AbilityMonitor** to the listening list. When **AbilityMonitor** is bound to an ability, the creation and lifecycle changes of the ability will trigger the related callback in **AbilityMonitor**. You can test and verify the ability in these callbacks. For details, see [AbilityMonitor](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-abilityMonitor.md).
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ abilityDelegator.startAbility(want, (err, data) => {
### Scheduling the Ability Lifecycle
**AbilityDelegator** provides APIs to display and schedule the ability lifecycle and supports the foreground and background. It works with **AbilityMonitor** to listen for the ability lifecycle. For details, see [AbilityDelegator](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-abilityDelegator.md).
**AbilityDelegator** provides APIs to display and schedule the ability lifecycle and supports the foreground and background. It works with **AbilityMonitor** to listen for the ability lifecycle. For details, see [AbilityDelegator](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-abilityDelegator.md).
### Running a Shell Command
......@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
**Context** provides the capability of obtaining contextual information of an application.
The OpenHarmony application framework has two models: Feature Ability (FA) model and stage model. Correspondingly, there are two sets of context mechanisms. **application/BaseContext** is a common context base class. It uses the **stageMode** attribute to specify whether the context is used for the stage model.
- FA model
Only the methods in **app/Context** can be used for the context in the FA model. Both the application-level context and ability-level context are instances of this type. If an ability-level method is invoked in the application-level context, an error occurs. Therefore, you must pay attention to the actual meaning of the **Context** instance.
The OpenHarmony application framework has two models: Feature Ability (FA) model and stage model. Correspondingly, there are two sets of context mechanisms. **application/BaseContext** is a common context base class. It uses the **stageMode** attribute to specify whether the context is used for the stage model.
- FA model
Only the methods in **app/Context** can be used for the context in the FA model. Both the application-level context and ability-level context are instances of this type. If an ability-level method is invoked in the application-level context, an error occurs. Therefore, you must pay attention to the actual meaning of the **Context** instance.
- Stage model
The stage model has the following types of contexts: **application/Context**, **application/ApplicationContext**, **application/AbilityStageContext**, **application/ExtensionContext**, **application/AbilityContext**, and **application/FormExtensionContext**. For details about these contexts and how to use them, see [Context in the Stage Model](#context-in-the-stage-model).
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ export default class MainAbility extends Ability {
### application/FormExtensionContext
For details, see [FormExtensionContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-formextensioncontext.md).
For details, see [FormExtensionContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-formExtensionContext.md).
### Obtaining the Context on an ArkTS Page
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ As the entry of the ability continuation capability, **continuationManager** is
The preceding multi-device collaboration operation is performed across devices in the stage model. For details about this operation in the FA model, see [Page Ability Development](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/application-dev/ability/fa-pageability.md).
The preceding multi-device collaboration operation is performed across devices in the stage model. For details about this operation in the FA model, see [Page Ability Development](fa-pageability.md).
You can also instruct the device selection module to update the device connection state. The sample code is as follows:
# FA Model Overview
## Overall Architecture
Ability is the entry for application development in OpenHarmony.
The core of ability development is the processing on ability lifecycle callbacks.
The Feature Ability (FA) model can be used only for application development using API version 8 and earlier versions. In this model, there are PageAbility, ServiceAbility, DataAbility, and FormAbility.
- PageAbility implements the ArkUI and provides the capability for interacting with users.
- ServiceAbility does not have a UI. It runs in the background and provides custom services for other abilities to invoke.
- DataAbility does not have a UI. It runs in the background and enables other abilities to insert, delete, and query data.
- FormAbility is used to implement widgets, a new UI display form available on OpenHarmony devices.
> Note: Starting from API version 9, the stage model is recommended for application development.
## Lifecycle
Among all abilities, PageAbility has the most complex lifecycle, because it has a UI and acts as a touchpoint for interacting with users.
**The following figure shows the lifecycle of PageAbility.**
The other abilities do not involve foreground and background switch or the **onShow** and **onHide** callbacks.
You can override the lifecycle callbacks in **app.js** or **app.ets** to process application logic.
The **app.js** file provides only the **onCreate** and **onDestroy** callbacks, and the **app.ets** file provides the callbacks covering the entire lifecycle.
## Process and Thread Model
Each application runs in a process. In the FA model, each ability runs in an independent VM.
When an ability is started, an application process as well as a thread for this ability is created. For an application that has multiple abilities, each ability runs in an independent thread. In the FA model, each ability is bound to an independent VM instance. In this way, abilities are isolated from each other.
## Application Package Structure
For details about the project directory structure of the FA model, see [OpenHarmony Project Overview](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/ohos-project-overview-0000001218440650#section4154183910141).
For details about how to configure the application package structure of the FA model, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/application-configuration-file-overview-fa.md).
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ The basic dependency packages include:
1. Create a Data ability helper.
For details about the APIs provided by **DataAbilityHelper**, see [DataAbilityHelper Module](../reference/apis/js-apis-dataAbilityHelper.md).
For details about the APIs provided by **DataAbilityHelper**, see [DataAbilityHelper Module](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-ability-dataAbilityHelper.md).
// Different from the URI defined in the config.json file, the URI passed in the parameter has an extra slash (/), because there is a DeviceID parameter between the second and the third slash (/).
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The table below describes the **LifecycleForm** APIs, which represent the lifecy
| onDestroy(formId: string): void | Called to notify the widget provider that a widget has been destroyed. |
| onAcquireFormState?(want: Want): formInfo.FormState | Called to instruct the widget provider to receive the status query result of a widget. |
The table below describes the **FormProvider** APIs. For details, see [FormProvider](../reference/apis/js-apis-formprovider.md).
The table below describes the **FormProvider** APIs. For details, see [FormProvider](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-formProvider.md).
**Table 2** FormProvider APIs
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ By default, **singleton** is used.
| API | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| void startAbility(parameter: StartAbilityParameter) | Starts an ability. |
| void startAbility(parameter: StartAbilityParameter) | Starts an ability. |
| Context getContext(): | Obtains the application context.|
| void terminateSelf() | Terminates the ability. |
| bool hasWindowFocus() | Checks whether the ability has focus. |
# Service Ability Development
## When to Use
A Service ability is used to run tasks in the background, such as playing music or downloading files. It does not provide a UI for user interaction. Service abilities can be started by other applications or abilities and can keep running in the background even after the user switches to another application.
## Lifecycle APIs
**Table 1** Service ability lifecycle APIs
|onStart?(): void|Called to initialize a Service ability when the Service ability is being created. This callback is invoked only once in the entire lifecycle of a Service ability.|
|onCommand?(want: Want, startId: number): void|Called every time a Service ability is created on the client. You can collect calling statistics and perform initialization operations in this callback.|
|onConnect?(want: Want): rpc.RemoteObject|Called when another ability is connected to the Service ability.|
|onDisconnect?(want: Want): void|Called when another ability is disconnected from the Service ability.|
|onStop?(): void|Called when the Service ability is being destroyed. You should override this callback for your Service ability to clear its resources, such as threads and registered listeners.|
The differences between **onCommand()** and **onConnect()** are as follows:
- The **onCommand()** callback is triggered each time the client starts the Service ability by calling **startAbility** or **startAbilityForResult**.
- The **onConnect()** callback is triggered each time the client establishes a new connection with the Service ability by calling **connectAbility**.
## How to Develop
### Creating and Registering a Service Ability
1. Override the Service ability-related lifecycle callbacks to implement your own logic for processing interaction requests.
export default {
onStart() {
console.log('ServiceAbility onStart');
onCommand(want, startId) {
console.log('ServiceAbility onCommand');
onConnect(want) {
console.log('ServiceAbility OnConnect');
// Below lists the implementation of ServiceAbilityStub.
return new ServiceAbilityStub('test');
onDisconnect(want) {
console.log('ServiceAbility OnDisConnect');
onStop() {
console.log('ServiceAbility onStop');
2. Register a Service ability.
Declare the Service ability in the **config.json** file by setting its **type** attribute to **service**.
"module": {
"abilities": [
"name": ".ServiceAbility",
"type": "service",
"visible": true
### Starting a Service Ability
The **Ability** class provides the **startAbility()** API for you to start another Service ability by passing a **Want** object.
To set information about the target Service ability, you can first construct a **Want** object with the **bundleName** and **abilityName** parameters specified.
- **bundleName** specifies the bundle name of the target application.
- **abilityName** specifies the target ability name.
The following code snippet shows how to start a Service ability running on the local device:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility"
).then((err) => {
console.log("startService success");
}).catch (err => {
console.log("startService FAILED");
In the preceding code, the **startAbility()** API is used to start the Service ability.
- If the Service ability is not running, the system initializes the Service ability, and calls **onStart()** and **onCommand()** on the Service ability in sequence.
- If the Service ability is running, the system directly calls **onCommand()** on the Service ability.
The following code snippet shows how to start a Service ability running on the remote device. For details, see [Connecting to a Remote Service Ability](#connecting-to-a-remote-service-ability).
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
deviceId: remoteDeviceId, // Remote device ID.
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility"
).then((err) => {
console.log("startService success");
}).catch (err => {
console.log("startService FAILED");
### Stopping a Service Ability
In normal cases, a Service ability can be stopped by itself or by the system.
- The Service ability can call **particleAbility.terminateSelf()** to stop itself.
- If the application process where the Service ability is located exits, the Service ability is reclaimed along with the process.
- If the Service ability is only accessed through **connectAbility()** (the **onCommand()** callback has never been triggered), the system stops the Service ability when the last connection to the Service ability is disconnected.
### Connecting to a Local Service Ability
If a Service ability wants to interact with a Page ability or a Service ability in another application, you must first create a connection. A Service ability allows other abilities to connect to it through **connectAbility()**.
You can use either of the following methods to connect to a Service ability:
1. Using the IDL to automatically generate code
Use OpenHarmony Interface Definition Language (IDL) to automatically generate the corresponding client, server, and **IRemoteObject** code. For details, see [Development Using TS](../IDL/idl-guidelines.md#development-using-ts).
2. Writing code in the corresponding file
When using **connectAbility()**, pass the **Want** and **ConnectOptions** objects of the target Service ability, where **ConnectOptions** encapsulates the following three callbacks that need to be implemented.
- **onConnect()**: callback used for processing when the Service ability is connected.
- **onDisconnect()**: callback used for processing when the Service ability is disconnected.
- **onFailed()**: callback used for processing when the connection to the Service ability fails.
The following code snippet shows how to implement the callbacks:
import prompt from '@system.prompt'
var option = {
onConnect: function onConnectCallback(element, proxy) {
console.log(`onConnectLocalService onConnectDone`);
if (proxy === null) {
message: "Connect service failed"
// After obtaining the proxy of the Service ability, the calling ability can communicate with the Service ability.
let data = rpc.MessageParcel.create();
let reply = rpc.MessageParcel.create();
let option = new rpc.MessageOption();
proxy.sendRequest(0, data, reply, option);
message: "Connect service success"
onDisconnect: function onDisconnectCallback(element) {
console.log(`onConnectLocalService onDisconnectDone element:${element}`);
message: "Disconnect service success"
onFailed: function onFailedCallback(code) {
console.log(`onConnectLocalService onFailed errCode:${code}`);
message: "Connect local service onFailed"
The following code snippet shows how to connect to a local Service ability:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
let want = {
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility"
let connectId = featureAbility.connectAbility(want, option);
When a Service ability is connected, the **onConnect()** callback is invoked and returns an **IRemoteObject** defining the proxy used for communicating with the Service ability. OpenHarmony provides the default implementation of **IRemoteObject**. You can inherit **rpc.RemoteObject** to create a custom implementation class for interaction with the Service ability. For details, see the [RPC API Reference](..\reference\apis\js-apis-rpc.md).
The following code snippet shows how the Service ability returns itself to the calling ability:
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc"
class ServiceAbilityStub extends rpc.RemoteObject {
constructor(des: any) {
if (typeof des === 'string') {
} else {
console.log("Error, the input param is not string");
onRemoteRequest(code: number, data: any, reply: any, option: any) {
console.log("onRemoteRequest called");
// Execute the service logic.
if (code === 1) {
// Sort the input strings.
let string = data.readString();
console.log(`Input string = ${string}`);
let result = Array.from(string).sort().join('');
console.log(`Output result = ${result}`);
} else {
console.log(`Unknown request code`);
return true;
export default {
onStart() {
console.log('ServiceAbility onStart');
onCommand(want, startId) {
console.log('ServiceAbility onCommand');
onConnect(want) {
console.log('ServiceAbility OnConnect');
return new ServiceAbilityStub('ServiceAbilityRemoteObject');
onDisconnect(want) {
console.log('ServiceAbility OnDisConnect');
onStop() {
console.log('ServiceAbility onStop');
### Connecting to a Remote Service Ability
This feature applies only to system applications. The method of creating a **ConnectOptions** object for connecting to a remote Service ability is similar to that for connecting to a local Service ability. The differences are as follows:
- The application must apply for the data synchronization permission from the user.
- **Want** of the target Service ability must contain the remote device ID.
> **NOTE**
> The **getTrustedDeviceList** API of **DeviceManager** is open only to system applications. Currently, only system applications can connect to a remote Service ability.
> For details about the API definition, see [Device Management](..\reference\apis\js-apis-device-manager.md).
The data synchronization permission is required in the cross-device scenario. Configure the permission in the **config.json** file.
"module": {
"reqPermissions": [{
"name": "ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC"
The **DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission is user granted. Therefore, your application, when being started, must display a dialog box to request the permission. The sample code is as follows:
import abilityAccessCtrl from "@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl"
import bundle from '@ohos.bundle'
async function RequestPermission() {
console.info('RequestPermission begin');
let array: Array<string> = ["ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC"];
let bundleFlag = 0;
let tokenID = undefined;
let userID = 100;
let appInfo = await bundle.getApplicationInfo('ohos.samples.etsDemo', bundleFlag, userID);
tokenID = appInfo.accessTokenId;
let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager();
let requestPermissions: Array<string> = [];
for (let i = 0;i < array.length; i++) {
let result = await atManager.verifyAccessToken(tokenID, array[i]);
console.info("verifyAccessToken result:" + JSON.stringify(result));
if (result != abilityAccessCtrl.GrantStatus.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
console.info("requestPermissions:" + JSON.stringify(requestPermissions));
if (requestPermissions.length == 0 || requestPermissions == []) {
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.requestPermissionsFromUser(requestPermissions, 1, (data)=>{
console.info("data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
console.info('RequestPermission end');
To obtain the device ID, import the **@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager** module, which provides **getTrustedDeviceList** to obtain the remote device ID. For details about how to use the API, see [Device Management](..\reference\apis\js-apis-device-manager.md).
To connect to a remote Service ability, you only need to define **deviceId** in **Want**. The sample code is as follows:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
let want = {
deviceId: remoteDeviceId,
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility"
let connectId = featureAbility.connectAbility(want, option);
The other implementations are the same as those for the connection to a local Service ability. For details, see the sample code provided under [Connecting to a Local Service Ability](#connecting-to-a-local-service-ability).
......@@ -301,11 +301,13 @@ In the ability continuation scenario, the distributed data object is used to syn
### Restrictions
1. The continuation must be performed between the same ability, which means the same bundle name, module name, and ability name. For details, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/stage-structure.md).
1. The continuation must be performed between the same ability, which means the same bundle name, module name, and ability name. For details, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/module-configuration-file.md).
2. Currently, the application can only implement the continuation capability. The continuation action must be initiated by the system.
### Best Practice
For better user experience, you are advised to use the **wantParam** parameter to transmit data smaller than 100 KB and use distributed objects to transmit data larger than 100 KB.
For better user experience, you are advised to use the **wantParam** parameter to transmit data smaller than 100 KB and use distributed objects to transmit data larger than 100 KB.
\ No newline at end of file
# Ability Development
## When to Use
Ability development in the [stage model](stage-brief.md) is significantly different from that in the FA model. The stage model requires you to declare the application package structure in the **module.json5** and **app.json5** files during application development. For details about the configuration file, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/stage-structure.md). To develop an ability based on the stage model, implement the following logic:
Ability development in the [stage model](stage-brief.md) is significantly different from that in the FA model. The stage model requires you to declare the application package structure in the **module.json5** and **app.json5** files during application development. For details about the configuration file, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/application-package-structure-stage.md). To develop an ability based on the stage model, implement the following logic:
- Create an ability that supports screen viewing and human-machine interaction. You must implement the following scenarios: ability lifecycle callbacks, obtaining ability configuration, requesting permissions, and notifying environment changes.
- Start an ability. You need to implement ability startup on the same device, on a remote device, or with a specified UI page.
- Call abilities. For details, see [Call Development](stage-call.md).
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ By default, the singleton mode is used. The following is an example of the **mod
## Creating an Ability
### Available APIs
The table below describes the APIs provided by the **AbilityStage** class, which has the **context** attribute. For details about the APIs, see [AbilityStage](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-abilitystage.md).
The table below describes the APIs provided by the **AbilityStage** class, which has the **context** attribute. For details about the APIs, see [AbilityStage](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-abilityStage.md).
**Table 1** AbilityStage APIs
......@@ -321,3 +321,5 @@ struct Index {
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## Design Ideas
The stage model is designed to make it easier to develop complex applications in the distributed environment.
The stage model is designed to provide a better application development mode in the distributed environment.
The following figure shows the design ideas of the stage model.
......@@ -10,18 +10,17 @@ The following figure shows the design ideas of the stage model.
The stage model is designed based on the following considerations:
- **Balance between application capabilities and overall system power consumption**
- Efficient management of application processes
On a running device, resources are preferentially guaranteed for foreground applications, on the prerequisites that the overall power consumption requirements of the system are met. The stage model balances the application capabilities and overall system power consumption through ability and UI separation, strict background control, scenario-based service mechanism, and single-process model.
As the device memory becomes larger, the number of processes concurrently running in the system increases. If the number of concurrent processes reaches several hundreds, the overall power consumption and performance of the system will be adversely affected without effective management measures. To restrict the behavior of background processes, the stage model uses four measures: transient task, continuous task, agent task, and Work Scheduler task. With these measures, foreground processes will obtain guaranteed resources, thereby delivering a better user experience.
- **Native support for component continuation and collaboration**
- Native support for cross-device migration and multi-device collaboration
OpenHarmony natively supports distributed deployment. Therefore, its application framework must be designed for easier component migration and collaboration. The stage model achieves this design objective by providing features such as separation between ability and UI as well as integration of UI display and service capabilities.
OpenHarmony is a native distributed OS. Its application framework must be designed for easier component migration and collaboration across devices. The stage model achieves this design objective by providing features such as separation between ability and UI as well as integration of UI display and service capabilities.
- **Support for multiple device types and window forms**
To support multiple device types and facilitate the implementation of different window forms, the component manager and window manager must be decoupled at the architecture layer for easier tailoring. To achieve this goal, the stage model redefines the ability lifecycle and implements unidirectional dependency for the component manager and window manager.
- Different window forms for various device types
The stage model redefines the ability lifecycle. In terms of architecture, the component manager and window manager are decoupled. This facilitates adaptation between window forms and device types.
## Basic Concepts
......@@ -29,40 +28,42 @@ The following figure shows the basic concepts in the stage model.
- **HAP**: Harmony Ability Package, also called module, which is the basic unit for building, distributing, and loading OpenHarmony applications. Each HAP has a unique name, which is called **moduleName**, in an application.
- **HAP**: basic unit for building, distributing, and loading OpenHarmony applications. Each HAP corresponds to a module in the development state. In an application, **moduleName** uniquely identifies a module.
- **Bundle**: an OpenHarmony application identified by **appid**. A bundle can contain multiple HAP files. Each application has a **bundleName**. However, **bundleName** must be used together with **appid** and other information to uniquely identify an application.
- **AbilityStage**: runtime class of an HAP. It is created when the HAP is loaded to the process for the first time and is visible to developers in the runtime.
- **Application**: runtime class of a bundle, which is invisible to developers in the runtime.
- **Context**: base class that the context classes of **Ability** and **ExtensionAbility** classes inherit. This class provides various capabilities that can be invoked by developers in the runtime, and various information such as the bundle name, module name, and path.
- **Ability**: class that provides lifecycle callbacks, holds the **AbilityContext** class, and supports component continuation and collaboration.
- **ExtensionAbility**: general name of scenario-based service extension abilities. The system defines multiple scenario-based **ExtensionAbility** classes, each of which has its own **ExtensionContext**.
- **AbilityStage**: runtime object of an HAP. It is created when the HAP is loaded to the process for the first time and is visible to developers in the runtime.
- **Application**: runtime object of a bundle. It is invisible to developers in the runtime.
- **Context**: base class that provides APIs in the runtime to obtain information such as the bundle name, module name, and path. The **Context** classes of the Ability and ExtensionAbility components inherit from this class.
- **Ability**: provides lifecycle callbacks, holds the ability context, and supports cross-device component migration and multi-device collaboration.
- **ExtensionAbility**: general name of scenario-based Extension abilities. The system defines multiple scenario-based **ExtensionAbility** classes, each of which has its own **ExtensionContext**.
- **WindowStage**: local window manager.
- **Window**: basic unit managed by the window manager. It has an ArkUI engine instance.
- **ArkUI Page**: ArkUI development framework page.
- **Window**: application window, which holds an ArkUI engine instance.
- **ArkUI Page**: UI developed based on ArkUI.
## Lifecycle
The ability and ability stage lifecycles are the rudiments of the basic process of an application. For details about how these lifecycles differ from those in the FA model, see [Ability Framework Overview](ability-brief.md). This section focuses on the ability lifecycle transition and the scheduling relationships between the ability, ability stage, and window stage.
The ability and ability stage are key objects in the application lifecycle.
For details about the lifecycle differences between the stage model and FA model, see [Ability Framework Overview](ability-brief.md). This section focuses on the ability lifecycle transition and the scheduling relationships between the ability, ability stage, and window stage.
To implement device-specific tailoring and multi-window scalability, OpenHarmony decouples the component manager from the window manager. The ability lifecycle defined in the stage model includes only the creation, destruction, foreground, and background states. The gain focus and lose focus states that are closely related to UI content are defined in the window stage. This implements weak coupling between the abilities and windows. On the service side, the window manager notifies the component manager of the foreground and background changes, so the component manager only senses the foreground and background changes but not the focus changes.
To implement device adaptation and multi-window scalability, OpenHarmony decouples the component manager from the window manager.
The ability lifecycle defined in the stage model includes only the creation, destruction, foreground, and background states. The gain focus and lose focus states that are closely related to UI are defined in the window stage. This implements weak coupling between the abilities and windows. On the service side, the window manager notifies the component manager of the foreground and background state changes, so the component manager only senses the foreground and background state changes but not the focus changes.
There are two lifecycle states related to **WindowStage** in **Ability**: **onWindowStageCreate** and **onWindowStageDestroy**. They are valid only for devices with the window display capability. **onWindowStageCreate** is invoked when a window stage is created, where you can call **loadContent** to set pages to be loaded for the ability. **onWindowStageDestroy** is invoked when the window stage is destroyed, where you can release resources.
There are two lifecycle states related to the window stage in **Ability**: **onWindowStageCreate** and **onWindowStageDestroy**. They are valid only for devices with the display capability. **onWindowStageCreate** is invoked when a window stage is created, where you can call **loadContent** to set pages to be loaded for the ability. **onWindowStageDestroy** is invoked when the window stage is destroyed, where you can release resources.
## Ability Instances and Missions
Abilities can be started in any of the following modes:
+ **Singleton**: For each type of ability, only one instance exists in the application process. **Ability1** in the figure below is started in singleton mode.
+ **Standard**: Each time **startAbility** is called, an instance of the specified ability type is created in the application process. **Ability2** in the figure below is started in standard mode.
+ **Specified**: Before creating an **Ability** instance, you can create a key for the instance. Each time **startAbility** is called, the system asks the application which ability instance (corresponding to a key) will be used. **Ability3** in the figure below is started in specified mode.
* **Singleton**: For each type of ability, only one instance exists in the application process. **Ability1** in the figure below is started in singleton mode.
* **Standard**: Each time **startAbility** is called, an instance of the specified ability type is created in the application process. **Ability2** in the figure below is started in standard mode.
* **Specified**: Before creating an **Ability** instance, you can create a key for the instance. Each time **startAbility** is called, the system asks the application which ability instance (corresponding to a key) will be used. **Ability3** in the figure below is started in specified mode.
Each ability instance corresponds to a mission in **Launcher Recent**.
Each **Ability** instance corresponds to a mission in **Recents**.
The mission corresponding to an ability instance has a snapshot of the ability instance. After the ability instance is destroyed, the ability class information and snapshot are retained in the mission until the user deletes the information or the storage space reaches the upper limit.
......@@ -70,36 +71,44 @@ The mission corresponding to an ability instance has a snapshot of the ability i
## ExtensionAbility Mechanism
Different from the ability used for page display, the extension ability provides a restricted service running environment. It has the following features:
Different from the ability used for UI display, ExtensionAbility provides a restricted running environment.
- Its process runs independently from the main process and shares the same storage sandbox with the main process. There is no inter-process communication (IPC) between the process and the main process.
ExtensionAbility has the following features:
- Its process runs independently from the main process but shares the same storage sandbox with the main process. There is no inter-process communication (IPC) between the ExtensionAbility process and the main process.
- It has an independent context that provides scenario-specific APIs.
- It is created by the system, rather than by applications.
- The lifecycles of the extension ability and process are managed by the system.
- The lifecycles of the ExtensionAbility component and process are managed by the system.
The following figure uses the widget scenario as an example. You can inherit from the **FormExtensionAbility** base class to provide the widget details. The lifecycle of the **FormExtensionAbility** instance and that of the extension ability process where the instance is located are managed by **FormManagerService**, which is a system service.
The following figure uses the widget an example. **FormExtensionAbility** is the base class. You can inherit from this class to provide widget information. The lifecycle of the **FormExtensionAbility** instance and that of the ExtensionAbility process where the instance is located are managed by a system service named **FormManagerService**.
## Process Model
All OpenHarmony applications are designed to meet the single-process model. In the single-process model, all processes in the application are created and managed by the system. Each application supports a maximum of three types of processes:
OpenHarmony forces strong control policies on application processes. No APIs are provided to configure multiple processes. All application processes are created and managed by the system.
The processes of an application can be classified into three types:
- Main process: runs all ability components, pages, and service logic.
- Main process: runs the **UIAbility** component, UI, and service logic.
- Extension process: runs classes derived from **ExtensionAbility** in the application. The lifecycle of this process is managed by a scenario-specific system service.
- Render process: created for the WebView and used to load the WebView rendering library.
The following figure shows the process model of an application.
The following figure shows the process model of an application.
## Application Package Structure
For details about the project directory structure of the stage model, see [OpenHarmony Project Overview](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/ohos-project-overview-0000001218440650#section56487581904).
For details about how to configure the application package structure of the stage model, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File (Stage Model)](../quick-start/stage-structure.md).
For details about how to configure the application package structure of the stage model, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/application-configuration-file-overview-stage.md).
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......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The table below describes the ability call APIs. For details, see [Ability](../r
**Table 2** Ability call APIs
|startAbilityByCall(want: Want): Promise\<Caller>|Starts an ability in the foreground (through the **want** configuration) or background (default) and obtains the **Caller** object for communication with the ability. For details, see [AbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-ability-context.md#abilitycontextstartabilitybycall) or [ServiceExtensionContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-service-extension-context.md#serviceextensioncontextstartabilitybycall).|
|startAbilityByCall(want: Want): Promise\<Caller>|Starts an ability in the foreground (through the **want** configuration) or background (default) and obtains the **Caller** object for communication with the ability. For details, see [AbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-ability-context.md#abilitycontextstartabilitybycall) or [ServiceExtensionContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-serviceExtensionContext.md#serviceextensioncontextstartabilitybycall).|
|on(method: string, callback: CalleeCallBack): void|Callback invoked when the callee ability registers a method.|
|off(method: string): void|Callback invoked when the callee ability deregisters a method.|
|call(method: string, data: rpc.Sequenceable): Promise\<void>|Sends agreed sequenceable data to the callee ability.|
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Stage widget development refers to the development conducted by the widget provi
## Available APIs
The **FormExtension** class has the following APIs. For details, see [FormExtension](../reference/apis/js-apis-formextension.md).
The **FormExtension** class has the following APIs. For details, see [FormExtension](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-form-formExtensionAbility.md).
**Table 1** FormExtension APIs
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The **FormExtension** class has the following APIs. For details, see [FormExtens
| onDestroy(formId: string): void | Called to notify the widget provider that a **Form** instance (widget) has been destroyed. |
| onConfigurationUpdated(config: Configuration): void; | Called when the configuration of the environment where the widget is running is updated. |
The **FormExtension** class also has a member context, that is, the **FormExtensionContext** class. For details, see [FormExtensionContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-formextensioncontext.md).
The **FormExtension** class also has a member context, that is, the **FormExtensionContext** class. For details, see [FormExtensionContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-formExtensionContext.md).
**Table 2** FormExtensionContext APIs
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ The **FormExtension** class also has a member context, that is, the **FormExtens
| startAbility(want: Want, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Starts an ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. (This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.)|
| startAbility(want: Want): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Starts an ability. This API uses a promise to return the result. (This is a system API and cannot be called by third-party applications.)|
For details about the **FormProvider** APIs, see [FormProvider](../reference/apis/js-apis-formprovider.md).
For details, see [FormProvider](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-formProvider.md).
**Table 3** FormProvider APIs
......@@ -412,4 +412,4 @@ The following is an example:
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......@@ -71,4 +71,5 @@ OpenHarmony does not support creation of a Service Extension ability for third-p
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## When to Use
The **WantAgent** class encapsulates want information that specifies a particular action, which can be starting an ability or publishing a common event. You can either call **wantAgent.trigger** to trigger a **WantAgent** directly or add a **WantAgent** to a notification so that it will be triggered when users tap the notification.
## Available APIs
| API | Description|
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
# FA Model Overview
## Overall Architecture
The development of an OpenHarmony application is essentially the development of one or more abilities. By scheduling abilities and managing their lifecycle, OpenHarmony implements application scheduling.
The Feature Ability (FA) model applies to application development using API version 8 and earlier versions. In this model, there are Page, Service, Data, and Form abilities.
- The Page ability implements the ArkUI and provides the capability of interacting with users.
- The Service ability does not have a UI. It runs in the background and provides custom services for other abilities to invoke.
- The Data ability does not have a UI. It runs in the background and enables other abilities to insert, delete, and query data.
- The Form ability provides a widget, which is a UI display mode.
## Lifecycle
Among all abilities, the Page ability has the most complex lifecycle, because it has a UI and acts as a touchpoint for interacting with users.
**The following figure shows the lifecycle of the Page ability.**
The other abilities do not involve the foreground/background switchover and the **onShow** callback.
You can override the lifecycle callbacks in **app.js/app.ets** to process application logic.
Currently, the **app.js** file provides only the **onCreate** and **onDestroy** callbacks, and the **app.ets** file provides the full lifecycle callbacks.
## Process and Thread Model
An application exclusively uses an independent process, and an ability exclusively uses an independent thread. When an ability is started for the first time, an application process as well as a thread for this ability is created. After the application is started, other abilities in the application are started, and a thread is created for every of these started abilities. Each ability is bound to an independent JSRuntime instance. In this way, abilities are isolated from each other.
## Application Package Structure
For details about the project directory structure of the FA model, see [OpenHarmony Project Overview](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides/ohos-project-overview-0000001218440650#section4154183910141).
For details about how to configure the application package structure of the FA model, see [Application Package Structure Configuration File](../quick-start/package-structure.md).
# Service Ability Development
## When to Use
A Service ability is used to run tasks in the background, such as playing music or downloading files. It does not provide a UI for user interaction. Service abilities can be started by other applications or abilities and can remain running in the background even after the user switches to another application.
## Available APIs
**Table 1** Service ability lifecycle APIs
|onStart?(): void|Called to initialize a Service ability being created. This callback is invoked only once in the entire lifecycle of a Service ability. The **Want** object passed to this callback must be null.|
|onCommand?(want: Want, startId: number): void|Called every time a Service ability is created on a client. You can collect calling statistics and perform initialization operations in this callback.|
|onConnect?(want: Want): rpc.RemoteObject|Called when another ability is connected to the Service ability.|
|onDisconnect?(want: Want): void|Called when another ability is disconnected from the Service ability.|
|onStop?(): void|Called when the Service ability is being destroyed. You should override this callback for your Service ability to clear its resources, such as threads and registered listeners.|
## How to Develop
### Creating and Registering a Service Ability
1. Override the Service ability-related lifecycle callbacks to implement your own logic for processing interaction requests.
export default {
onStart() {
console.log('ServiceAbility onStart');
onCommand(want, startId) {
console.log('ServiceAbility onCommand');
onConnect(want) {
console.log('ServiceAbility OnConnect');
return new FirstServiceAbilityStub('test');
onDisconnect(want) {
console.log('ServiceAbility OnDisConnect');
onStop() {
console.log('ServiceAbility onStop');
2. Register a Service ability.
Declare the Service ability in the **config.json** file by setting its **type** attribute to **service**.
"module": {
"abilities": [
"name": ".ServiceAbility",
"type": "service",
"visible": true
### Starting a Service Ability
The **Ability** class provides the **startAbility()** API for you to start another Service ability by passing a **Want** object.
To set information about the target Service ability, you can first construct a **Want** object with the **bundleName** and **abilityName** parameters specified. The meanings of the parameters are as follows:
- **bundleName** indicates the name of the bundle to which the target ability belongs.
- **abilityName** indicates the target ability name.
The following code snippet shows how to start a Service ability running on the local device:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let promise = featureAbility.startAbility(
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility",
After the preceding code is executed, the **startAbility()** API is called to start the Service ability.
- If the Service ability is not running, the system calls **onStart()** to initialize the Service ability, and then calls **onCommand()** on the Service ability.
- If the Service ability is running, the system directly calls **onCommand()** on the Service ability.
The following code snippet shows how to start a Service ability running on the remote device. For details about **getRemoteDeviceId()**, see [Connecting to a Remote Service Ability](#connecting-to-a-remote-service-ability).
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let promise = featureAbility.startAbility(
deviceId: getRemoteDeviceId(), // Remote device ID
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility",
### Stopping a Service Ability
Once created, the Service ability keeps running in the background. The system does not stop or destroy it unless memory resources must be reclaimed.
### Connecting to a Local Service Ability
If you need to connect a Service ability to a Page ability or to a Service ability in another application, you must first implement the **IAbilityConnection** API for the connection. A Service ability allows other abilities to connect to it through **connectAbility()**.
You can use either of the following methods to connect to a Service ability:
1. Using the IDL to automatically generate code
Use OpenHarmony Interface Definition Language (IDL) to automatically generate the corresponding client, server, and **IRemoteObject** code. For details, see “Development Using TS" in [OpenHarmony IDL Specifications and User Guide](../IDL/idl-guidelines.md).
2. Writing code in the corresponding file
When calling **connectAbility()**, you should pass a **Want** object containing information about the target Service ability and an **IAbilityConnection** object to the API. **IAbilityConnection** provides the following callbacks that you should implement: **onConnect()**, **onDisconnect()**, and **onFailed()**. The **onConnect()** callback is invoked when a Service ability is connected, **onDisconnect()** is invoked when a Service ability is unexpectedly disconnected, and **onFailed()** is invoked when a connection to a Service ability fails.
The following code snippet shows how to implement the callbacks:
import prompt from '@system.prompt'
var option = {
onConnect: function onConnectCallback(element, proxy) {
console.log(`onConnectLocalService onConnectDone`)
if (proxy === null) {
message: "Connect service failed"
let data = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let reply = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let option = new rpc.MessageOption()
proxy.sendRequest(0, data, reply, option)
message: "Connect service success"
onDisconnect: function onDisconnectCallback(element) {
console.log(`onConnectLocalService onDisconnectDone element:${element}`)
message: "Disconnect service success"
onFailed: function onFailedCallback(code) {
console.log(`onConnectLocalService onFailed errCode:${code}`)
message: "Connect local service onFailed"
The following code snippet shows how to connect to a local Service ability:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
bundleName: "com.jstest.service",
abilityName: "com.jstest.service.ServiceAbility",
onConnect: onConnectCallback,
onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
onFailed: onFailedCallback,
When a Service ability is connected, the **onConnect()** callback is invoked and returns an **IRemoteObject** defining the proxy used for communicating with the Service ability. OpenHarmony provides a default implementation of **IRemoteObject**. You can extend **rpc.RemoteObject** to implement your own class of **IRemoteObject**.
The following code snippet shows how the Service ability instance returns itself to the calling ability:
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc";
class FirstServiceAbilityStub extends rpc.RemoteObject {
constructor(des: any) {
if (typeof des === 'string') {
} else {
onRemoteRequest(code: number, data: any, reply: any, option: any) {
console.log(printLog + ` onRemoteRequest called`)
if (code === 1) {
let string = data.readString()
console.log(printLog + ` string=${string}`)
let result = Array.from(string).sort().join('')
console.log(printLog + ` result=${result}`)
} else {
console.log(printLog + ` unknown request code`)
return true;
### Connecting to a Remote Service Ability
>This feature applies only to system applications, since the **getTrustedDeviceListSync** API of the **DeviceManager** class is open only to system applications.
If you need to connect a Service ability to a Page ability or another Service ability on a remote device, you must first implement the **IAbilityConnection** interface for the connection. A Service ability allows abilities on another device to connect to it through **connectAbility()**.
When calling **connectAbility()**, you should pass a **Want** object containing information about the target Service ability and an **IAbilityConnection** object to the API. **IAbilityConnection** provides the following callbacks that you should implement: **onConnect()**, **onDisconnect()**, and **onFailed()**. The **onConnect()** callback is invoked when a Service ability is connected, **onDisconnect()** is invoked when a Service ability is unexpectedly disconnected, and **onFailed()** is invoked when a connection to a Service ability fails.
The following code snippet shows how to implement the callbacks:
import prompt from '@system.prompt'
var option = {
onConnect: function onConnectCallback(element, proxy) {
console.log(`onConnectRemoteService onConnectDone`)
if (proxy === null) {
message: "Connect service failed"
let data = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let reply = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let option = new rpc.MessageOption()
proxy.sendRequest(0, data, reply, option)
message: "Connect service success"
onDisconnect: function onDisconnectCallback(element) {
console.log(`onConnectRemoteService onDisconnectDone element:${element}`)
message: "Disconnect service success"
onFailed: function onFailedCallback(code) {
console.log(`onConnectRemoteService onFailed errCode:${code}`)
message: "Connect local service onFailed"
The **Want** of the target Service ability must contain the remote **deviceId**, which can be obtained from **DeviceManager**. The sample code is as follows:
import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager';
// For details about the implementation of dmClass, see the implementation in Distributed Demo in Samples.
let dmClass;
function getRemoteDeviceId() {
if (typeof dmClass === 'object' && dmClass != null) {
let list = dmClass.getTrustedDeviceListSync();
if (typeof (list) == 'undefined' || typeof (list.length) == 'undefined') {
console.log("MainAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId err: list is null");
console.log("MainAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId success:" + list[0].deviceId);
return list[0].deviceId;
} else {
console.log("MainAbility onButtonClick getRemoteDeviceId err: dmClass is null");
The following code snippet shows how to connect to a remote Service ability:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
deviceId: getRemoteDeviceId(),
bundleName: "ohos.samples.etsDemo",
abilityName: "ohos.samples.etsDemo.ServiceAbility",
onConnect: onConnectCallback,
onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
onFailed: onFailedCallback,
In the cross-device scenario, the application must also apply for the data synchronization permission from end users. The sample code is as follows:
import abilityAccessCtrl from "@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl";
import bundle from '@ohos.bundle';
async function RequestPermission() {
console.info('RequestPermission begin');
let array: Array<string> = ["ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC"];
let bundleFlag = 0;
let tokenID = undefined;
let userID = 100;
let appInfo = await bundle.getApplicationInfo('ohos.samples.etsDemo', bundleFlag, userID);
tokenID = appInfo.accessTokenId;
let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager();
let requestPermissions: Array<string> = [];
for (let i = 0;i < array.length; i++) {
let result = await atManager.verifyAccessToken(tokenID, array[i]);
console.info("verifyAccessToken result:" + JSON.stringify(result));
if (result == abilityAccessCtrl.GrantStatus.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
} else {
console.info("requestPermissions:" + JSON.stringify(requestPermissions));
if (requestPermissions.length == 0 || requestPermissions == []) {
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
context.requestPermissionsFromUser(requestPermissions, 1, (data)=>{
console.info("data:" + JSON.stringify(data));
console.info('RequestPermission end');
When a Service ability is connected, the **onConnect()** callback is invoked and returns an **IRemoteObject** defining the proxy used for communicating with the Service ability. OpenHarmony provides a default implementation of **IRemoteObject**. You can extend **rpc.RemoteObject** to implement your own class of **IRemoteObject**.
The following code snippet shows how the Service ability instance returns itself to the calling ability:
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc";
class FirstServiceAbilityStub extends rpc.RemoteObject {
constructor(des: any) {
if (typeof des === 'string') {
} else {
onRemoteRequest(code: number, data: any, reply: any, option: any) {
console.log(printLog + ` onRemoteRequest called`)
if (code === 1) {
let string = data.readString()
console.log(printLog + ` string=${string}`)
let result = Array.from(string).sort().join('')
console.log(printLog + ` result=${result}`)
} else {
console.log(printLog + ` unknown request code`)
return true;
export default {
onStart() {
console.info('ServiceAbility onStart');
onStop() {
console.info('ServiceAbility onStop');
onConnect(want) {
console.log("ServiceAbility onConnect");
try {
let value = JSON.stringify(want);
console.log("ServiceAbility want:" + value);
} catch(error) {
console.log("ServiceAbility error:" + error);
return new FirstServiceAbilityStub("first ts service stub");
onDisconnect(want) {
console.log("ServiceAbility onDisconnect");
let value = JSON.stringify(want);
console.log("ServiceAbility want:" + value);
onCommand(want, startId) {
console.info('ServiceAbility onCommand');
let value = JSON.stringify(want);
console.log("ServiceAbility want:" + value);
console.log("ServiceAbility startId:" + startId);
# Application Test
- [arkXtest User Guide](arkxtest-guidelines.md)
- [SmartPerf User Guide](smartperf-guidelines.md)
- [wukong User Guide](wukong-guidelines.md)
# arkXtest User Guide
## Overview
To accelerate test automation of OpenHarmony, arkXtest — an automated test framework that supports both the JavaScript (JS) and TypeScript (TS) programming languages — is provided.
In this document you will learn about the key functions of arkXtest and how to use it to perform unit testing on application or system APIs and to write UI automated test scripts.
### Introduction
arkXtest is part of the OpenHarmony toolkit and provides basic capabilities of writing and running OpenHarmony automated test scripts. In terms of test script writing, arkXtest offers a wide range of APIs, including basic process APIs, assertion APIs, and APIs related to UI operations. In terms of test script running, arkXtest offers such features as identifying, scheduling, and executing test scripts, as well as summarizing test script execution results.
### Principles
arkXtest is divided into two parts: unit test framework and UI test framework.
- Unit Test Framework
As the backbone of arkXtest, the unit test framework offers such features as identifying, scheduling, and executing test scripts, as well as summarizing test script execution results. The figure below shows the main functions of the unit test framework.
The following figure shows the basic unit test process. To start the unit test framework, run the **aa test** command.
- UI Testing Framework
The UI test framework provides [UiTest APIs](../reference/apis/js-apis-uitest.md) for you to call in different test scenarios. The test scripts are executed on top of the unit test framework mentioned above.
The figure below shows the main functions of the UI test framework.
### Limitations and Constraints
- The features of the UI test framework are available only in OpenHarmony 3.1 and later versions.
- The feature availability of the unit test framework varies by version. For details about the mappings between the features and versions, see [arkXtest](https://gitee.com/openharmony/testfwk_arkxtest/blob/master/README_en.md).
## Environment preparations
### Environment Requirements
Software for writing test scripts: DevEco Studio 3.0 or later
Hardware for running test scripts: PC connected to a OpenHarmony device, such as the RK3568 development board
### Setting Up the Environment
[Download DevEco Studio](https://developer.harmonyos.com/cn/develop/deveco-studio#download) and set it up as instructed on the official website.
## Creating a Test Script
1. Open DevEco Studio and create a project, where the **ohos** directory is where the test script is located.
2. Open the .ets file of the module to be tested in the project directory. Move the cursor to any position in the code, and then right-click and choose **Show Context Actions** > **Create Ohos Test** or press **Alt+Enter** and choose **Create Ohos Test** to create a test class.
## Writing a Unit Test Script
import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from '@ohos/hypium'
import abilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry'
const delegator = abilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator()
export default function abilityTest() {
describe('ActsAbilityTest', function () {
it('testUiExample',0, async function (done) {
console.info("uitest: TestUiExample begin");
//start tested ability
await delegator.executeShellCommand('aa start -b com.ohos.uitest -a MainAbility').then(result =>{
console.info('Uitest, start ability finished:' + result)
}).catch(err => {
console.info('Uitest, start ability failed: ' + err)
await sleep(1000);
//check top display ability
await delegator.getCurrentTopAbility().then((Ability)=>{
console.info("get top ability");
function sleep(time) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
The unit test script must contain the following basic elements:
1. Import of the dependency package so that the dependent test APIs can be used.
2. Test code, mainly about the related logic, such as API invoking.
3. Invoking of the assertion APIs and setting of checkpoints. If there is no checkpoint, the test script is considered as incomplete.
## Writing a UI Test Script
You write a UI test script based on the unit test framework, adding the invoking of APIs provided by the UI test framework to implement the corresponding test logic.
In this example, the UI test script is written based on the preceding unit test script. First, add the dependency package, as shown below:
import {UiDriver,BY,UiComponent,MatchPattern} from '@ohos.uitest'
Then, write specific test code. Specifically, implement the click action on the started application page and add checkpoint check cases.
export default function abilityTest() {
describe('ActsAbilityTest', function () {
it('testUiExample',0, async function (done) {
console.info("uitest: TestUiExample begin");
//start tested ability
await delegator.executeShellCommand('aa start -b com.ohos.uitest -a MainAbility').then(result =>{
console.info('Uitest, start ability finished:' + result)
}).catch(err => {
console.info('Uitest, start ability failed: ' + err)
await sleep(1000);
//check top display ability
await delegator.getCurrentTopAbility().then((Ability)=>{
console.info("get top ability");
//ui test code
//init uidriver
var driver = await UiDriver.create();
await driver.delayMs(1000);
//find button by text 'Next'
var button = await driver.findComponent(BY.text('Next'));
//click button
await button.click();
await driver.delayMs(1000);
//check text
await driver.assertComponentExist(BY.text('after click'));
await driver.pressBack();
function sleep(time) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
## Running the Test Script
You can run a test script in DevEco Studio in any of the following modes:
- Test package level: All test cases in the test package are executed.
- Test suite level: All test cases defined in the **describe** method are executed.
- Test method level: The specified **it** method, that is, a single test case, is executed.
## Viewing the Test Result
After the test is complete, you can view the test result in DevEco Studio, as shown in the following figure.
## FAQs
### FAQs About Unit Test Cases
#### The logs in the test case are printed after the test case result
The logs added to the test case are displayed after the test case execution, rather than during the test case execution.
**Possible Causes**
More than one asynchronous interface is called in the test case.<br>In principle, logs in the test case are printed before the test case execution is complete.
If more than one asynchronous interface is called, you are advised to encapsulate the interface invoking into the promise mode
#### Error "fail to start ability" is reported during test case execution
When a test case is executed, the console returns the error message "fail to start ability".
**Possible Causes**
An error occurs during the packaging of the test package, and the test framework dependency file is not included in the test package.
Check whether the test package contains the **OpenHarmonyTestRunner.abc** file. If the file does not exist, rebuild and pack the file and perform the test again.
#### Test case execution timeout
After the test case execution is complete, the console displays the error message "execute time XXms", indicating that the case execution times out.
**Possible Causes**
1. The test case is executed through an asynchronous interface, but the **done** function is not executed during the execution. As a result, the test case execution does not end until it times out.
2. The time taken for API invocation is longer than the timeout interval set for test case execution.
1. Check the code logic of the test case to ensure that the **done** function is executed even if the assertion fails.
2. Modify the case execution timeout settings under **Run/Debug Configurations** in DevEco Studio.
### FAQs About UI Test Cases
#### The failure log contains "Get windows failed/GetRootByWindow failed"
The UI test case fails to be executed. The HiLog file contains the error message "Get windows failed/GetRootByWindow failed".
**Possible Causes**
The ArkUI feature is disabled. As a result, the control tree information on the test page is not generated.
Run the following command, restart the device, and execute the test case again:
hdc shell param set persist.ace.testmode.enabled 1
#### The failure log contains "uitest-api dose not allow calling concurrently"
The UI test case fails to be executed. The HiLog file contains the error message "uitest-api dose not allow calling concurrently".
**Possible Causes**
1. In the test case, the **await** operator is not added to the asynchronous interface provided by the UI test framework.
2. The UI test case is executed in multiple processes. As a result, multiple UI test processes are started. The framework does not support multi-process invoking.
1. Check the case implementation and add the **await** operator to the asynchronous interface invoking.
2. Do not execute UI test cases in multiple processes.
#### The failure log contains "dose not exist on current UI! Check if the UI has changed after you got the widget object"
The UI test case fails to be executed. The HiLog file contains the error message "dose not exist on current UI! Check if the UI has changed after you got the widget object".
**Possible Causes**
After the target component is found in the code of the test case, the device UI changes. As a result, the found component is lost and the emulation operation cannot be performed.
Run the UI test case again.
# SmartPerf User Guide
## Overview
Performance testing helps developers detect the performance bottlenecks and deliver quality applications that meet user expectations. For this reason, SmartPerf, a performance testing tool specially designed for OpenHarmony developers, is provided.
## Introduction
SmartPerf is a reliable, easy-to-use performance and power consumption test tool built for the OpenHarmony system. It provides KPIs with test value details that help you measure the performance and power consumption of your application, such as FPS, CPU, GPU, and Ftrace.
You can use SmartPerf in two modes: visualized operation mode (SmartPerf-Device) and command-line shell mode (SmartPerf-Daemon). SmartPerf-Device supports visualized operations and floating window based operations (such as data collection control and real-time data display). SmartPerf-Daemon is applicable to devices without screens and devices with high tolerance regarding performance, for example, Hi3568.
## Principles
SmartPerf come with SmartPerf-Device and SmartPerf-Daemon. SmartPerf-Device sends data requests for KPIs (such as FPS, RAM, and Trace) through messages to SmartPerf-Daemon, which then collects and sends back data as requested, and displays the received data. SmartPerf-Daemon also allows on-demand data collection through hell commands. The figure below demonstrates the main functions of SmartPerf.
## Constraints
- SmartPerf-Device and SmartPerf-Daemon are pre-installed in version 3.2 and later versions.
- SmartPerf-Device requires a screen to work correctly.
## Environment Preparations
To run SmartPerf-Daemon, you must connect the PC to an OpenHarmony device, such as the RK3568 development board.
## Performing Performance Testing
**Using SmartPerf-Device**
In the screenshots below, the RK3568 development board is used as an example.
1. Set the application for which you want to collect data.
Start SmartPerf-Device. On the home screen, select the test application and test indicators, and touch **Start Test**.
2. Control the data collection process from the floating window.
To start collection, touch **Start** in the floating window. To pause, touch the timer in the floating window to pause data collection. To resume, touch the timer again. To view the collected data in real time, double-touch the timer. To stop, touch and hold the timer. You can drag the floating window to anywhere you like.
3. View the report.
Touch **Report** to view the test report list. Touch **Report List** to view details about test indicators.
**Using SmartPerf-Daemon**
1. Access the shell and run the following command to view the help information:
:# SP_daemon --help
2. Run the collection commands.
:# SP_daemon -N 2 -PKG com.ohos.contacts -c -g -t -p -r
**Collection Commands**
| Command | Function |Mandatory|
| :-----| :--------------------- |:-----|
| -N | Set the number of collection times. |Yes|
| -PKG | Set the package name. | No|
| -PID | Sets the PID of a process (applicable to RAM).|No|
| -c | Set whether to collect CPU data. | No|
| -g | Set whether to collect GPU data. |No|
| -f | Set whether to collect FPS data. |No|
| -t | Set whether to collect temperature data. |No|
| -p | Set whether to collect current data. |No|
| -r | Set whether to collect memory data. |No|
The default output path of the test result is as follows:
# wukong User Guide
## Overview
Stability testing is important in that it demonstrates how an application performs under stress. For this reason, wukong, a stability testing tool specially designed for OpenHarmony developers, is provided.
In this document you will learn about the key functions of wukong and how to use it to perform stability testing.
## Introduction
wukong is part of the OpenHarmony toolkit and implements basic application stability test capabilities such as random event injection, component injection, exception capture, report generation, and data traversal of abilities.
## Principles
wukong mainly provides two types of tests: random test and special test.
- Random test
The random test is the staple service of wukong. It provides the basic startup, running, and result summary features, as shown below.
The following figure shows the basic running process of the random test, which depends on the **hdc** command.
- Special test
The special test provides a wide range of features: traversing the components of an application in sequence, recording and playback, and sleeping and waking up.
The following figure shows the main features of the special test.
For details about the test commands, see [wukong](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ostest_wukong/blob/master/README.md).
## Constraints
1. wukong is pre-installed in version 3.2 and later versions.
2. In versions earlier than 3.2, you must build wukong separately and push it to the tested OpenHarmony device. The procedure is as follows:
How to build:
./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --build-target wukong
How to push:
hdc_std shell mount -o rw,remount /
hdc_std file send wukong /
hdc_std shell chmod a+x /wukong
hdc_std shell mv /wukong /bin/
## Environment Preparations
To run commands, connect the PC to an OpenHarmony device, such as the RK3568 development board.
## Performing Stability Testing
**Using wukong exec for Random Test**
Access the shell and run the following random test command:
# wukong exec -s 10 -i 1000 -a 0.28 -t 0.72 -c 100
Random test commands
| Command | Value | Description |
| -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| wukong exec | - | Works as the main command. |
| -s | 10 | Sets the random seed. The value 10 is the seed value. |
| -i | 1000 | Sets the application startup interval to 1000 ms.|
| -a | 0.28 | Sets the proportion of the random application startup test to 28%. |
| -t | 0.72 | Sets the proportion of the random touch test to 72%. |
| -c | 100 | Sets the number of execution times to 100. |
**Using wukong special for Special Test**
Access the shell and run the following commands to perform the sequential traversal test:
# wukong special -C [bundlename] -p
Special test commands
| Command | Value | Description |
| -------------- |-------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| wukong special | - | Works as the main command. |
| -C [bundlename] |[bundlename] | Sets the bundle name of the application for the sequential traversal test. |
| -p | - | Indicates a screenshot. |
## Viewing the Test Result
After the test commands are executed, the test result is automatically generated.
You can obtain the test result in the following directory:
Before 2022/9/22: /data/local/wukong/report/xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/
Since 2022/9/22: /data/local/tmp/wukong/report/xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/
>The folder for test reports is automatically generated.
Content of the folder is described in the table below.
| Folder/File | Description |
| ------------------------------------ | ------------------ |
| exception/ | Stores exception files generated during the test.|
| screenshot/ | Stores screenshots of the sequential traversal test. |
| wukong_report.csv | Stores the test report summary. |
You can view the wukong execution log in the path below:
# Connectivity
- Network Management
- [Network Management Overview](net-mgmt-overview.md)
- [HTTP Data Request](http-request.md)
- [WebSocket Connection](websocket-connection.md)
- [Socket Connection](socket-connection.md)
- [Network Management Overview](net-mgmt-overview.md)
- [HTTP Data Request](http-request.md)
- [WebSocket Connection](websocket-connection.md)
- [Socket Connection](socket-connection.md)
- [IPC & RPC Overview](ipc-rpc-overview.md)
- [IPC & RPC Development](ipc-rpc-development-guideline.md)
- [Subscribing to State Changes of a Remote Object](subscribe-remote-state.md)
- [IPC & RPC Overview](ipc-rpc-overview.md)
- [IPC & RPC Development](ipc-rpc-development-guideline.md)
- [Subscribing to State Changes of a Remote Object](subscribe-remote-state.md)
# IPC & RPC Development<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001103710988"></a>
# IPC & RPC Development Guidelines
## When to Use<a name="section18502174174019"></a>
## When to Use
IPC/RPC enables a proxy and a stub that run on different processes to communicate with each other, regardless of whether they run on the same or different devices.
## Available APIs<a name="section1633115419401"></a>
**Table 1** Native IPC APIs
## Available APIs
| Class/Interface | Function | Description |
| --------------- | -------- | ----------- |
| [IRemoteBroker](../reference/apis/js-apis-rpc.md#iremotebroker) | sptr<IRemoteObject> AsObject() | Obtains the holder of a remote proxy object. This method must be implemented by the derived classes of **IRemoteBroker**. If you call this method on the stub, the **RemoteObject** is returned; if you call this method on the proxy, the proxy object is returned. |
| IRemoteStub | virtual int OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code, MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option) | Called to process a request from the proxy and return the result. Derived classes need to override this method. |
| IRemoteProxy | | Service proxy classes are derived from the **IRemoteProxy** class. |
Table 1 Native IPC APIs
## How to Develop<a name="section4207112818418"></a>
| Class| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| [IRemoteBroker](../reference/apis/js-apis-rpc.md#iremotebroker) | sptr&lt;IRemoteObject&gt; AsObject() | Holder of a remote proxy object. If you call this API on the stub, the **RemoteObject** is returned; if you call this API on the proxy, the proxy object is returned.|
| IRemoteStub | virtual int OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code, MessageParcel &amp;data, MessageParcel &amp;reply, MessageOption &amp;option) | Callback used to process a request from the proxy and return the result. Derived classes need to override this API.|
| IRemoteProxy | | Service proxy class, which is derived from the **IRemoteProxy** class.|
**Using Native APIs**
1. Define the IPC interface **ITestAbility**.
## How to Develop
**ITestAbility** inherits the IPC base class **IRemoteBroker** and defines descriptors, functions, and message code. The functions need to be implemented on both the proxy and stub.
### **Using Native APIs**
class ITestAbility : public IRemoteBroker {
1. Add dependencies.
SDK dependency:
#IPC scenario
external_deps = [
#RPC scenario
external_deps = [
In addition, the refbase implementation on which IPC/RPC depends is stored in **//utils**. Add the dependency on the Utils source code.
external_deps = [
2. Define the IPC interface **ITestAbility**.
**ITestAbility** inherits the IPC base class **IRemoteBroker** and defines descriptors, functions, and message code. The functions need to be implemented on both the proxy and stub.
#include "iremote_broker.h"
// Define message codes.
const std::string DESCRIPTOR = "test.ITestAbility";
class ITestAbility : public IRemoteBroker {
// DECLARE_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR is mandatory, and the input parameter is std::u16string.
int TRANS_ID_PING_ABILITY = 1; // Define the message code.
virtual int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) = 0; // Define functions.
2. Define and implement service provider **TestAbilityStub**.
3. Define and implement service provider **TestAbilityStub**.
This class is related to the IPC framework and needs to inherit **IRemoteStub<ITestAbility\>**. You need to override **OnRemoteRequest** on the stub to receive requests from the proxy.
This class is related to the IPC framework and needs to inherit **IRemoteStub&lt;ITestAbility&gt;**. You need to override **OnRemoteRequest** on the stub to receive requests from the proxy.
class TestAbilityStub : public IRemoteStub<ITestAbility> {
virtual int OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code, MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option) override;
int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) override;
#include "iability_test.h"
#include "iremote_stub.h"
class TestAbilityStub : public IRemoteStub<ITestAbility> {
virtual int OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code, MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option) override;
int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) override;
int TestServiceStub::OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code,
MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option)
switch (code) {
std::u16string dummy = data.ReadString16();
int result = TestPingAbility(dummy);
return 0;
return IPCObjectStub::OnRemoteRequest(code, data, reply, option);
3. Define the **TestAbility** class that implements functions for the stub.
class TestAbility : public TestAbilityStub {
int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy);
int TestAbility::TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) {
return 0;
4. Define and implement **TestAbilityProxy**.
This class is implemented on the proxy and inherits **IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility\>**. You can call **SendRequest** to send a request to the stub and expose the capabilities provided by the stub.
class TestAbilityProxy : public IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility> {
explicit TestAbilityProxy(const sptr<IRemoteObject> &impl);
int TestPingService(const std::u16string &dummy) override;
static inline BrokerDelegator<TestAbilityProxy> delegator_; // Use the iface_cast macro.
TestAbilityProxy::TestAbilityProxy(const sptr<IRemoteObject> &impl)
: IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility>(impl)
int TestAbilityProxy::TestPingService(const std::u16string &dummy) {
MessageOption option;
MessageParcel dataParcel, replyParcel;
int error = Remote()->SendRequest(TRANS_ID_PING_ABILITY, dataParcel, replyParcel, option);
int result = (error == ERR_NONE) ? replyParcel.ReadInt32() : -1;
return result;
5. Register and start an SA.
Call **AddSystemAbility** to register the **TestAbilityStub** instance of the SA with **SystemAbilityManager**. The registration parameters vary depending on whether the **SystemAbilityManager** resides on the same device as the SA.
// Register the TestAbilityStub instance with the SystemAbilityManager on the same device as the SA.
auto samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
samgr->AddSystemAbility(saId, new TestAbility());
// Register the TestAbilityStub instance with the SystemAbilityManager on a different device.
auto samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
ISystemAbilityManager::SAExtraProp saExtra;
saExtra.isDistributed = true; // Set a distributed SA.
int result = samgr->AddSystemAbility(saId, new TestAbility(), saExtra);
6. Obtain the SA.
Call the **GetSystemAbility** function of the **SystemAbilityManager** class to obtain the **IRemoteObject** for the SA, and create a **TestAbilityProxy** instance.
// Obtain the proxy of the SA registered on the local device.
sptr<ISystemAbilityManager> samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
sptr<IRemoteObject> remoteObject = samgr->GetSystemAbility(saId);
sptr<ITestAbility> testAbility = iface_cast<ITestAbility>(remoteObject); // Use the iface_cast macro to convert the proxy to a specific type.
// Obtain the proxies of the SAs registered with other devices.
sptr<ISystemAbilityManager> samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
sptr<IRemoteObject> remoteObject = samgr->GetSystemAbility(saId, deviceId); // deviceId identifies a device.
sptr<TestAbilityProxy> proxy(new TestAbilityProxy(remoteObject)); // Construct a proxy.
int TestAbilityStub::OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code,
MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option)
switch (code) {
std::u16string dummy = data.ReadString16();
int result = TestPingAbility(dummy);
return 0;
return IPCObjectStub::OnRemoteRequest(code, data, reply, option);
4. Define the **TestAbility** class that implements functions for the stub.
#include "iability_server_test.h"
class TestAbility : public TestAbilityStub {
int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy);
int TestAbility::TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) {
return 0;
5. Define and implement **TestAbilityProxy**.
This class is implemented on the proxy and inherits **IRemoteProxy&lt;ITestAbility&gt;**. You can call **SendRequest** to send a request to the stub and expose the capabilities provided by the stub.
#include "iability_test.h"
#include "iremote_proxy.h"
#include "iremote_object.h"
class TestAbilityProxy : public IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility> {
explicit TestAbilityProxy(const sptr<IRemoteObject> &impl);
int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) override;
static inline BrokerDelegator<TestAbilityProxy> delegator_; // Use the iface_cast macro.
TestAbilityProxy::TestAbilityProxy(const sptr<IRemoteObject> &impl)
: IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility>(impl)
int TestAbilityProxy::TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy){
MessageOption option;
MessageParcel dataParcel, replyParcel;
int error = Remote()->SendRequest(TRANS_ID_PING_ABILITY, dataParcel, replyParcel, option);
int result = (error == ERR_NONE) ? replyParcel.ReadInt32() : -1;
return result;
6. Register and start an SA.
Call **AddSystemAbility** to register the **TestAbilityStub** instance of the SA with **SystemAbilityManager**. The registration parameters vary depending on whether the **SystemAbilityManager** resides on the same device as the SA.
// Register the TestAbilityStub instance with the SystemAbilityManager on the same device as the SA.
auto samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
samgr->AddSystemAbility(saId, new TestAbility());
// Register the TestAbilityStub instance with the SystemAbilityManager on a different device.
auto samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
ISystemAbilityManager::SAExtraProp saExtra;
saExtra.isDistributed = true; // Set a distributed SA.
int result = samgr->AddSystemAbility(saId, new TestAbility(), saExtra);
7. Obtain the SA.
Call the **GetSystemAbility** function of the **SystemAbilityManager** class to obtain the **IRemoteObject** for the SA, and create a **TestAbilityProxy** instance.
// Obtain the proxy of the SA registered on the local device.
sptr<ISystemAbilityManager> samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
sptr<IRemoteObject> remoteObject = samgr->GetSystemAbility(saId);
sptr<ITestAbility> testAbility = iface_cast<ITestAbility>(remoteObject); // Use the iface_cast macro to convert the proxy to a specific type.
// Obtain the proxy of the SA registered with any other devices.
sptr<ISystemAbilityManager> samgr = SystemAbilityManagerClient::GetInstance().GetSystemAbilityManager();
// networkId is the device identifier and can be obtained through GetLocalNodeDeviceInfo.
sptr<IRemoteObject> remoteObject = samgr->GetSystemAbility(saId, networkId);
sptr<TestAbilityProxy> proxy(new TestAbilityProxy(remoteObject)); // Construct a proxy.
### **Using JS APIs**
1. Add dependencies.
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc"
import featureAbility from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility"
2. Bind the desired ability.
Construct the **want** variable, and specify the bundle name and component name of the application where the ability is located. If cross-device communication is involved, also specify the network ID of the target device, which can be obtained through **deviceManager**. Then, construct the **connect** variable, and specify the callback that is called when the binding is successful, the binding fails, or the ability is disconnected. After that, call the API provided by **featureAbility** to bind an ability.
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc"
import featureAbility from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility"
let proxy = null
let connectId = null
// Bind the ability on a single device.
let want = {
// Enter the bundle name and ability name.
"bundleName": "ohos.rpc.test.server",
"abilityName": "ohos.rpc.test.server.ServiceAbility",
let connect = {
onConnect:function(elementName, remote) {
proxy = remote
onDisconnect:function(elementName) {
onFailed:function() {
proxy = null
connectId = featureAbility.connectAbility(want, connect)
// If you're binding the ability across devices, use deviceManager to obtain the network ID of the target device.
import deviceManager from '@ohos.distributedHardware.deviceManager'
function deviceManagerCallback(deviceManager) {
let deviceList = deviceManager.getTrustedDeviceListSync()
let networkId = deviceList[0].networkId
let want = {
"bundleName": "ohos.rpc.test.server",
"abilityName": "ohos.rpc.test.service.ServiceAbility",
"networkId": networkId,
"flags": 256
connectId = featureAbility.connectAbility(want, connect)
// The first parameter specifies the bundle name of the application, and the second parameter specifies the callback used to return the device ID obtained by using DeviceManager.
deviceManager.createDeviceManager("ohos.rpc.test", deviceManagerCallback)
3. Process requests sent from the client.
Call the **onConnect** API to return a proxy object inherited from **rpc.RemoteObject** after the ability is successfully bound. Implement the **onRemoteMessageRequest** API for the proxy object to process requests sent from the client.
onConnect(want: Want) {
var robj:rpc.RemoteObject = new Stub("rpcTestAbility")
return robj
class Stub extends rpc.RemoteObject {
constructor(descriptor) {
onRemoteMessageRequest(code, data, reply, option) {
// Process requests sent from the client based on the code.
return true
4. Process responses sent from the server.
Obtain the proxy object from the **onConnect** callback, call **sendRequestAsync** to send a request, and receive the response using a callback or a promise (an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation and its result value).
// Use a promise.
let option = new rpc.MessageOption()
let data = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let reply = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
// Write parameters to data.
proxy.sendRequestAsync(1, data, reply, option)
.then(function(result) {
if (result.errCode != 0) {
console.error("send request failed, errCode: " + result.errCode)
// Read the result from result.reply.
.catch(function(e) {
console.error("send request got exception: " + e)
.finally(() => {
// Use a callback.
function sendRequestCallback(result) {
try {
if (result.errCode != 0) {
console.error("send request failed, errCode: " + result.errCode)
// Read the result from result.reply.
} finally {
let option = new rpc.MessageOption()
let data = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let reply = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
// Write parameters to data.
proxy.sendRequest(1, data, reply, option, sendRequestCallback)
5. Tear down the connection.
Use the API provided by **featureAbility** to tear down the connection when the communication is over.
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc"
import featureAbility from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility"
function disconnectCallback() {
console.info("disconnect ability done")
featureAbility.disconnectAbility(connectId, disconnectCallback)
......@@ -3,20 +3,42 @@
## Basic Concepts
Inter-process communication (IPC) and remote procedure call (RPC) are used to implement cross-process communication. IPC uses the Binder driver to implement inter-process communication within a device, whereas RPC uses the intelligent software bus driver to implement inter-process communication across devices.
The inter-process communication (IPC) and remote procedure call (RPC) mechanisms are used to implement cross-process communication. The difference between them lies in that IPC uses the Binder driver to implement cross-process communication within a device, whereas RPC uses the DSoftBus driver to implement cross-process communication across devices.
IPC and RPC generally use the client-server model for communication. The client (service requester) obtains the proxy of the server (service provider) and uses this proxy to read and write data. The server registers system abilities (SAs) with the system ability manager (SAMgr), which manages the SAs and provides interfaces for clients. To interact with an SA, the client must obtain the proxy of the SA from SAMgr.
The reason why cross-process communication is needed is that each process has its own independent resources and memory space and one process is not allowed to access the resources and memory space of other processes. IPC and RPC usually use the client-server model, where the client (service requester, that is, the process that requests a service) obtains the proxy of the server (service provider, that is, the process that provides the service) and uses the proxy to read and write data to implement data communication across processes. More specifically, the client constructs a proxy object of the server. The proxy object has the same functions as the server. To access a certain API of the server, you only need to access the corresponding API in the proxy object. The proxy object sends the request to the server, and the server processes the received request and returns the processing result to the proxy object through the driver. Then, the proxy object forwards the processing result to the client. The server registers system abilities (SAs) with the system ability manager (SAMgr), which manages the SAs and provides APIs for clients. To communicate with a specific SA, the client must obtain the proxy of the SA from SAMgr.
In OpenHarmony documents, proxy represents the service requester, and stub represents the service provider.
In the following sections, proxy represents the service requester, and stub represents the service provider.
![IPC&RPC communication mechanisms](figures/IPC_RPC_communication.PNG)
## Constraints
- The data transmitted for inter-process communication within a device cannot exceed 1 MB. If more data needs to be transmitted, use the anonymous shared memory.
- During cross-process communication within a single device, the maximum amount of data to be transmitted is about 1 MB. If the amount of data to be transmitted exceeds this limit, use the [anonymous shared memory](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/application-dev/reference/apis/js-apis-rpc.md#ashmem8).
- Subscription to death notifications of anonymous stub objects (not registered with SAMgr) is prohibited in RPC.
- During cross-process communication across processes, a proxy object cannot be passed back to the device that hosts the stub object pointed by the proxy object. That is, the proxy object pointing to the stub object of the remote device cannot be passed across processes twice on the local device.
## **Recommendations**
First, compile an API class and define message codes in the API class for both communication parties to identify operations. Unimplemented APIs are allowed in the API class because it must be inherited by both communication parties and its inheritance classes cannot be abstract classes. When inheriting the API class, both communication parties must implement the unimplemented APIs, so as to make sure that the inheritance classes are not abstract classes.
Then, implement the API class specific to the stub, and override the **AsObject** and **OnRemoteRequest** APIs. In addition, compile the proxy to implement the APIs in the API class and override the **AsObject** API. You can also encapsulate an additional API for calling **SendRequest** to send data to the peer.
After the preceding operations are done, register a system ability (SA) with SAMgr. Note that the registration should be completed in the process that hosts the stub. Then, obtain the proxy from SAMgr as needed to implement cross-process communication with the stub.
Related steps are as follows:
- Implementing the API class: Inherit **IRemoteBroker**, define message codes, and declare APIs that are not implemented in the API class.
- Implementing the service provider (stub): Inherit **IRemoteStub** or **RemoteObject**, and override the **AsObject** and **OnRemoteRequest** APIs.
- Implementing the service requester (proxy): Inherit **IRemoteProxy** or **RemoteProxy**, override the **AsObject** API, and encapsulate the required API to call **SendRequest**.
- Registering the SA: Apply for a unique ID for the SA, and register the SA with SAMgr.
- The cross-device proxy object cannot be passed to the device hosting the stub object pointed by this proxy object.
- Obtaining the SA: Obtain the proxy based on the SA ID and device ID, and use the proxy to communicate with the remote end.
## Related Modules
[Distributed Scheduler](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ability_dmsfwk)
[Distributed Ability Manager Service Framework](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ability_dmsfwk)
# Subscribing to State Changes of a Remote Object
IPC/RPC allows you to subscribe to the state changes of a remote stub object. When the remote stub object dies, a death notification will be sent to your local proxy object. Such subscription and unsubscription are controlled by APIs. To be specific, you need to implement the **DeathRecipient** callback and the **onRemoteDied** method to clear resources. This callback is invoked when the process accommodating the remote stub object dies, or the device accommodating the remote stub object leaves the network.
IPC/RPC allows you to subscribe to the state changes of a remote stub object. When the remote stub object dies, a death notification will be sent to your local proxy object. Such subscription and unsubscription are controlled by APIs. To be specific, you need to implement the **DeathRecipient** interface and the **onRemoteDied** API to clear resources. This callback is invoked when the process accommodating the remote stub object dies, or the device accommodating the remote stub object leaves the network. It is worth noting that these APIs should be called in the following order: The proxy object must first subscribe to death notifications of the stub object. If the stub object is in the normal state, the proxy object can cancel the subscription as required. If the process of the stub object exits or the device hosting the stub object goes offline, subsequent operations customized by the proxy object will be automatically triggered.
Note that the proxy object must first subscribe to death notifications of the stub object. If the stub object is in the normal state, the proxy object can cancel the subscription as required. If the process of the stub object exits or the device hosting the stub object goes offline, subsequent operations customized by the proxy object will be automatically triggered.
## When to Use
This subscription mechanism is applicable when the local proxy object needs to detect death of the process hosting the remote stub object or network detach of the device hosting the remote stub object. When the proxy detects death of the remote stub object, the proxy can clear local resources. Currently, IPC supports death notification for anonymous objects, but RPC does not. That is, you can only subscribe to death notifications of services that have been registered with SAMgr.
## **Using Native APIs**
## **Development Using Native APIs**
| API| Return Value Type| Feature Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| AddDeathRecipient(const sptr\<DeathRecipient> &recipient); | bool | Adds a recipient for death notifications of a remote stub object.|
| RemoveDeathRecipient(const sptr\<DeathRecipient> &recipient); | bool | Removes the recipient for death notifications of a remote stub object.|
| OnRemoteDied(const wptr\<IRemoteObject> &object); | void | Called when the remote stub object dies.|
| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| AddDeathRecipient(const sptr\<DeathRecipient> &recipient); | Adds a recipient for death notifications of a remote stub object.|
| RemoveDeathRecipient(const sptr\<DeathRecipient> &recipient); | Removes the recipient for death notifications of a remote stub object.|
| OnRemoteDied(const wptr\<IRemoteObject> &object); | Called when the remote stub object dies.|
### Sample Code
#include "iremote_broker.h"
#include "iremote_stub.h"
## Sample Code
// Define message codes.
enum {
const std::string DESCRIPTOR = "test.ITestAbility";
class ITestService : public IRemoteBroker {
// DECLARE_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR is mandatory, and the input parameter is std::u16string.
virtual int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) = 0; // Define functions.
class TestServiceProxy : public IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility> {
explicit TestAbilityProxy(const sptr<IRemoteObject> &impl);
virtual int TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy) override;
int TestAnonymousStub();
static inline BrokerDelegator<TestAbilityProxy> delegator_; // Use the iface_cast macro.
TestServiceProxy::TestServiceProxy(const sptr<IRemoteObject> &impl)
: IRemoteProxy<ITestAbility>(impl)
int TestServiceProxy::TestPingAbility(const std::u16string &dummy){
MessageOption option;
MessageParcel dataParcel, replyParcel;
int error = PeerHolder::Remote()->SendRequest(TRANS_ID_PING_ABILITY, dataParcel, replyParcel, option);
int result = (error == ERR_NONE) ? replyParcel.ReadInt32() : -1;
return result;
#include "iremote_object.h"
class TestDeathRecipient : public IRemoteObject::DeathRecipient {
virtual void OnRemoteDied(const wptr<IRemoteObject>& remoteObject);
void TestDeathRecipient::OnRemoteDied(const wptr<IRemoteObject>& remoteObject)
sptr<IPCObjectProxy> object = new IPCObjectProxy(1, to_utf16(DESCRIPTOR));
sptr<IRemoteObject::DeathRecipient> deathRecipient (new TestDeathRecipient());// Construct a death notification recipient.
bool result = proxy->AddDeathRecipient(deathRecipient); // Add a recipient for death notifications.
result = proxy->RemoveDeathRecipient(deathRecipient); // Remove the recipient for death notifications.
bool result = object->AddDeathRecipient(deathRecipient); // Add a recipient for death notifications.
result = object->RemoveDeathRecipient(deathRecipient); // Remove the recipient for death notifications.
## **Using JS APIs**
| API | Return Value Type| Feature Description |
| -------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| addDeathRecippient | boolean | Adds a recipient for death notifications of the remote object, including death notifications of the remote proxy.|
| removeDeathRecipient | boolean | Removes the recipient for death notifications of the remote object. |
| onRemoteDied | void | Called to perform subsequent operations when a death notification of the remote object is received.|
### Sample Code
import FA from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility";
let proxy;
let connect = {
onConnect: function(elementName, remoteProxy) {
console.log("RpcClient: js onConnect called.");
proxy = remoteProxy;
onDisconnect: function(elementName) {
console.log("RpcClient: onDisconnect");
onFailed: function() {
console.log("RpcClient: onFailed");
let want = {
"bundleName": "com.ohos.server",
"abilityName": "com.ohos.server.EntryAbility",
FA.connectAbility(want, connect);
class MyDeathRecipient {
onRemoteDied() {
console.log("server died");
let deathRecipient = new MyDeathRecipient();
proxy.addDeathRecippient(deathRecipient, 0);
proxy.removeDeathRecipient(deathRecipient, 0);
## Reverse Death Notification (Anonymous Stub)
Forward dead notification is a mechanism that allows the proxy to detect death notifications of the stub. To achieve reverse dead notification, we can leverage the forward dead notification mechanism to allow the stub to detect death notifications of the proxy.
Suppose there are two processes, A (the process hosting the original stub) and B (the process hosting the original proxy). After obtaining the proxy object of process A, process B creates an anonymous stub object (that is, a stub object not registered with SAMgr), which can be called a callback stub. Then, process B calls **SendRequest** to send the callback stub to the original stub of process A. As a result, process A obtains the callback proxy of process B. When process B dies or the device hosting process B detaches from the network, the callback stub dies. The callback proxy detects the death of the callback stub and sends a death notification to the original stub. In this way, reverse death notification is implemented.
> - Reverse death notification can only be used for cross-process communication within a device.
> - When an anonymous stub object is not pointed by any proxy, the kernel automatically reclaims the object.
### Sample Code
// Proxy
int TestAbilityProxy::TestAnonymousStub()
MessageOption option;
MessageParcel dataParcel, replyParcel;
dataParcel.WriteRemoteObject(new TestAbilityStub());
int error = Remote()->SendRequest(TRANS_ID_REVERSED_MONITOR,dataParcel, replyParcel, option);
int result = (error == ERR_NONE) ? replyParcel.ReadInt32() : -1;
return result;
// Stub
int TestAbilityStub::OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code, MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option)
switch (code) {
sptr<IRemoteObject> obj = data.ReadRemoteObject();
if (obj == nullptr) {
bool result = obj->AddDeathRecipient(new TestDeathRecipient());
result ? reply.WriteInt32(ERR_NONE) : reply.WriteInt32(-1);
return ERR_NONE;
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The **DataShare** module allows an application to manage its own data and share
|query?(uri: string, predicates: DataSharePredicates, columns: Array&lt;string&gt;, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Object&gt;): void|Queries data from the database.|
|delete?(uri: string, predicates: DataSharePredicates, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;): void|Deletes data from the database.|
For more information, see [DataShareExtensionAbility](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-DataShareExtensionAbility.md).
For more information, see [DataShareExtensionAbility](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-dataShareExtensionAbility.md).
**Table 2** APIs of the data consumer
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ For more information, see [DataShareHelper](../reference/apis/js-apis-data-dataS
## When to Use
There are two roles in **DataShare**:
There are two roles in **DataShare**:
- Data provider: adds, deletes, modifies, and queries data, opens files, and shares data.
- Data consumer: accesses the data provided by the provider using **DataShareHelper**.
......@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ Examples are given below.
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| "name" | Ability name, corresponding to the **ExtensionAbility** class name derived from **Ability**. |
| "type" | Ability type. The value is **dataShare**, indicating the development is based on the **datashare** template.|
| "uri" | URI used for communication. It is the unique identifier for the data consumer to connect to the provider. |
| "visible" | Whether it is visible to other applications. Data sharing is allowed only when the value is **true**.|
| "uri" | URI used for communication. It is the unique identifier for the data consumer to connect to the provider. |
| "visible" | Whether it is visible to other applications. Data sharing is allowed only when the value is **true**. |
**module.json5 example**
......@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ Examples are given below.
### Data Consumer Application Development
1. Import the dependencies.
1. Import dependencies.
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability';
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
import dataShare from '@ohos.data.dataShare';
import dataSharePredicates from '@ohos.data.dataSharePredicates';
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Examples are given below.
let dsHelper;
let abilityContext;
export default class MainAbility extends Ability {
export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
abilityContext = this.context;
dataShare.createDataShareHelper(abilityContext, dseUri, (err, data)=>{
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Examples are given below.
dsHelper.query(dseUri, predicates, valArray, (err, data) => {
console.log("dsHelper query result: " + data);
// Delete data.
// Delete specified data.
dsHelper.delete(dseUri, predicates, (err, data) => {
console.log("dsHelper delete result: " + data);
......@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ The Distributed Data Service (DDS) implements synchronization of application dat
## Available APIs
For details about the APIs, see [Distributed Data Management](../reference/apis/js-apis-distributed-data.md).
For details about the APIs, see [Distributed KV Store](../reference/apis/js-apis-distributedKVStore.md).
**Table 1** APIs provided by the DDS
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
| createKVManager(config: KVManagerConfig, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;KVManager&gt;): void<br>createKVManager(config: KVManagerConfig): Promise&lt;KVManager> | Creates a **KVManager** object for database management.|
| getKVStore&lt;TextendsKVStore&gt;(storeId: string, options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;T&gt;): void<br>getKVStore&lt;TextendsKVStore&gt;(storeId: string, options: Options): Promise&lt;T&gt; | Obtains a KV store with the specified **Options** and **storeId**.|
| put(key: string, value: Uint8Array\|string\|number\|boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>put(key: string, value: Uint8Array\|string\|number\|boolean): Promise&lt;void> | Inserts and updates data. |
| delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>delete(key: string): Promise&lt;void> | Deletes data. |
| get(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Uint8Array\|string\|boolean\|number&gt;): void<br>get(key: string): Promise&lt;Uint8Array\|string\|boolean\|number> | Queries data. |
| on(event: 'dataChange', type: SubscribeType, observer: Callback&lt;ChangeNotification&gt;): void<br>on(event: 'syncComplete', syncCallback: Callback&lt;Array&lt;[string,number]&gt;&gt;): void | Subscribes to data changes in the KV store. |
| sync(deviceIdList: string[], mode: SyncMode, allowedDelayMs?: number): void | Triggers database synchronization in manual mode. |
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| createKVManager(config: KVManagerConfig, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;KVManager&gt;): void<br>createKVManager(config: KVManagerConfig): Promise&lt;KVManager> | Creates a **KvManager** object for database management. |
| getKVStore&lt;TextendsKVStore&gt;(storeId: string, options: Options, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;T&gt;): void<br>getKVStore&lt;TextendsKVStore&gt;(storeId: string, options: Options): Promise&lt;T&gt; | Creates and obtains a KV store.|
| put(key: string, value: Uint8Array\|string\|number\|boolean, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>put(key: string, value: Uint8Array\|string\|number\|boolean): Promise&lt;void> | Inserts and updates data. |
| delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>delete(key: string): Promise&lt;void> | Deletes data. |
| get(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Uint8Array\|string\|boolean\|number&gt;): void<br>get(key: string): Promise&lt;Uint8Array\|string\|boolean\|number> | Queries data. |
| on(event: 'dataChange', type: SubscribeType, observer: Callback&lt;ChangeNotification&gt;): void<br>on(event: 'syncComplete', syncCallback: Callback&lt;Array&lt;[string,number]&gt;&gt;): void | Subscribes to data changes in the KV store. |
| sync(deviceIdList: string[], mode: SyncMode, allowedDelayMs?: number): void | Triggers database synchronization in manual mode. |
## How to Develop
......@@ -28,23 +28,25 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
1. Import the distributed data module.
import distributedData from '@ohos.data.distributedData';
import distributedKVStore from '@ohos.data.distributedKVStore';
2. Apply for the required permission if data synchronization is required.
Add the permission required (FA model) in the **config.json** file. The sample code is as follows:
"module": {
"reqPermissions": [
"name": "ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC"
"module": {
"reqPermissions": [
"name": "ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC"
For the apps based on the stage model, see [Declaring Permissions](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#stage-model).
This permission must also be granted by the user when the application is started for the first time. The sample code is as follows:
......@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
// FA model
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
function grantPermission() {
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
......@@ -62,21 +64,21 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
console.info('failed: ${error}');
// Stage model
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability';
let context = null;
function grantPermission() {
class MainAbility extends Ability {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
let context = this.context;
let permissions = ['ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC'];
context.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions).then((data) => {
console.log('success: ${data}');
......@@ -84,14 +86,14 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
console.log('failed: ${error}');
3. Create a **kvManager** instance based on the specified **kvManagerConfig** object.
3. Create a **KvManager** instance based on the specified **KvManagerConfig** object.
1. Create a **kvManagerConfig** object based on the application context.
2. Create a **kvManager** instance.
2. Create a **KvManager** instance.
The sample code is as follows:
......@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
// Obtain the context of the FA model.
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
// Obtain the context of the stage model.
import AbilityStage from '@ohos.application.Ability';
let context = null;
......@@ -108,27 +110,23 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
context = this.context;
let kvManager;
try {
const kvManagerConfig = {
bundleName: 'com.example.datamanagertest',
userInfo: {
userId: '0',
userType: distributedData.UserType.SAME_USER_ID
distributedData.createKVManager(kvManagerConfig, function (err, manager) {
distributedKVStore.createKVManager(kvManagerConfig, function (err, manager) {
if (err) {
console.log('Failed to create KVManager: ${error}');
console.error(`Failed to create KVManager.code is ${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);
console.log('Created KVManager successfully');
kvManager = manager;
} catch (e) {
console.log('An unexpected error occurred. Error: ${e}');
console.error(`An unexpected error occurred.code is ${e.code},message is ${e.message}`);
......@@ -147,34 +145,38 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
encrypt: false,
backup: false,
autoSync: false,
kvStoreType: distributedData.KVStoreType.SINGLE_VERSION,
securityLevel: distributedData.SecurityLevel.S0
kvStoreType: distributedKVStore.KVStoreType.SINGLE_VERSION,
securityLevel: distributedKVStore.SecurityLevel.S1
kvManager.getKVStore('storeId', options, function (err, store) {
if (err) {
console.log('Failed to get KVStore: ${err}');
console.error(`Failed to get KVStore: code is ${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);
console.log('Got KVStore successfully');
console.log('Obtained KVStore successfully');
kvStore = store;
} catch (e) {
console.log('An unexpected error occurred. Error: ${e}');
console.error(`An unexpected error occurred.code is ${e.code},message is ${e.message}`);
> **NOTE**<br>
> For data synchronization between networked devices, you are advised to open the distributed KV store during application startup to obtain the database handle. With this database handle (`kvStore` in this example), you can perform operations, such as inserting data into the KV store, without creating the KV store repeatedly during the lifecycle of the handle.
5. Subscribe to changes in the distributed data.
The following is the sample code for subscribing to the data changes of a single KV store:
kvStore.on('dataChange', distributedData.SubscribeType.SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_ALL, function (data) {
console.log("dataChange callback call data: ${data}");
kvStore.on('dataChange', distributedKVStore.SubscribeType.SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_ALL, function (data) {
console.log(`dataChange callback call data: ${data}`);
console.error(`An unexpected error occured.code is ${e.code},message is ${e.message}`);
6. Write data to the single KV store.
......@@ -188,15 +190,15 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
const KEY_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT = 'key_test_string';
const VALUE_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT = 'value-test-string';
try {
kvStore.put(KEY_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT, VALUE_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT, function (err, data) {
if (err != undefined) {
console.log('Failed to put data: ${error}');
console.error(`Failed to put.code is ${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);
console.log('Put data successfully');
} catch (e) {
console.log('An unexpected error occurred. Error: ${e}');
}catch (e) {
console.error(`An unexpected error occurred.code is ${e.code},message is ${e.message}`);
......@@ -211,18 +213,22 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
const KEY_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT = 'key_test_string';
const VALUE_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT = 'value-test-string';
try {
kvStore.put(KEY_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT, VALUE_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT, function (err, data) {
if (err != undefined) {
console.log('Failed to put data: ${error}');
console.error(`Failed to put.code is ${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);
console.log('Put data successfully');
kvStore.get(KEY_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT, function (err, data) {
console.log('Got data successfully: ${data}');
kvStore.get(KEY_TEST_STRING_ELEMENT, function (err,data) {
if (err != undefined) {
console.error(`Failed to get data.code is ${err.code},message is ${err.message}`);
console.log(`Obtained data successfully:${data}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log('An unexpected error occurred. Error: ${e}');
}catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to get.code is ${e.code},message is ${e.message}`);
......@@ -233,7 +239,7 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
> **NOTE**<br>
> The APIs of the `deviceManager` module are system interfaces.
The following is the example code for synchronizing data in a single KV store:
......@@ -254,9 +260,9 @@ The following uses a single KV store as an example to describe the development p
// 1000 indicates that the maximum delay is 1000 ms.
kvStore.sync(deviceIds, distributedData.SyncMode.PUSH_ONLY, 1000);
kvStore.sync(deviceIds, distributedKVStore.SyncMode.PUSH_ONLY, 1000);
} catch (e) {
console.log('An unexpected error occurred. Error: ${e}');
console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. code is ${e.code},message is ${e.message}`);
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
- Vibrator
- [Vibrator Overview](vibrator-overview.md)
- [Vibrator Development](vibrator-guidelines.md)
- Multimodal Input
- [Input Device Development](inputdevice-guidelines.md)
- [Mouse Pointer Development](pointerstyle-guidelines.md)
- Update Service
- [Sample Server Overview](sample-server-overview.md)
- [Sample Server Development](sample-server-guidelines.md)
# Input Device Development
## When to Use
Input device management provides functions such as listening for device hot swap events and querying the keyboard type of a specified device. For example, as a user enters text, the input method determines whether to launch the virtual keyboard based on whether a physical keyboard is currently inserted. Your application can determine whether a physical keyboard is inserted by listening to device hot swap events.
## Modules to Import
import inputDevice from '@ohos.multimodalInput.inputDevice';
## Available APIs
The following table lists the common APIs for input device management. For details about the APIs, see [ohos.multimodalInput.inputDevice](../reference/apis/js-apis-inputdevice.md).
| Instance| API | Description|
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------- |
| inputDevice | function getDeviceList(): Promise\<Array\<number>>; | Obtains the list of input devices.|
| inputDevice | function getKeyboardType(deviceId: number): Promise\<KeyboardType>; | Obtains the keyboard type of the input device.|
| inputDevice | function on(type: "change", listener: Callback\<DeviceListener>): void; | Enables listening for device hot swap events.|
| inputDevice | function off(type: "change", listener?: Callback\<DeviceListener>): void; | Disables listening for device hot swap events.|
## Virtual Keyboard Detection
When a user enters text, the input method determines whether to launch the virtual keyboard based on whether a physical keyboard is currently inserted. Your application can determine whether a physical keyboard is inserted by listening to device hot swap events.
## How to Develop
1. Call the **getDeviceList** API to obtain the list of connected input devices. Call the **getKeyboardType** API to traverse all connected devices to check whether a physical keyboard exists. If a physical keyboard exists, mark the physical keyboard as connected. This step ensures that your application detects all inserted input devices before listening for device hot swap events.
2. Call the **on** API to listen for device hot swap events. If a physical keyboard is inserted, mark the physical keyboard as connected. If a physical keyboard is removed, mark the physical keyboard as disconnected.
3. When a user enters text, check whether a physical keyboard is connected. If a physical keyboard is not connected, launch the virtual keyboard.
import inputDevice from '@ohos.multimodalInput.inputDevice';
let isPhysicalKeyboardExist = true;
try {
// 1. Obtain the list of input devices and check whether a physical keyboard is connected.
inputDevice.getDeviceList().then(data => {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
inputDevice.getKeyboardType(data[i]).then(type => {
if (type === inputDevice.KeyboardType.ALPHABETIC_KEYBOARD) {
// The physical keyboard is connected.
isPhysicalKeyboardExist = true;
// 2. Listen for device hot swap events.
inputDevice.on("change", (data) => {
console.log(`Device event info: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
inputDevice.getKeyboardType(data.deviceId).then((type) => {
console.log("The keyboard type is: " + type);
if (type === inputDevice.KeyboardType.ALPHABETIC_KEYBOARD && data.type == 'add') {
// The physical keyboard is inserted.
isPhysicalKeyboardExist = true;
} else if (type == inputDevice.KeyboardType.ALPHABETIC_KEYBOARD && data.type == 'remove') {
// The physical keyboard is removed.
isPhysicalKeyboardExist = false;
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Execute failed, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
// 3. Determine whether to launch the virtual keyboard based on the value of isPhysicalKeyboardExist.
# Mouse Pointer Development
## When to Use
Mouse pointer management provides the functions such as displaying or hiding the mouse pointer as well as querying and setting the pointer style. For example, you can determine whether to display or hide the mouse pointer when a user watches a video in full screen, and can switch the mouse pointer to a color picker when a user attempts color pickup.
## Modules to Import
import pointer from '@ohos.multimodalInput.pointer';
## Available APIs
The following table lists the common APIs for mouse pointer management. For details about the APIs, see [ohos.multimodalInput.pointer](../reference/apis/js-apis-pointer.md).
| Instance | API | Description |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| pointer | function isPointerVisible(callback: AsyncCallback\<boolean>): void; | Checks the visible status of the mouse pointer. |
| pointer | function setPointerVisible(visible: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Sets the visible status of the mouse pointer. This setting takes effect for the mouse pointer globally.|
| pointer | function setPointerStyle(windowId: number, pointerStyle: PointerStyle, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>): void; | Sets the mouse pointer style. This setting takes effect for the mouse pointer style of a specified window. |
| pointer | function getPointerStyle(windowId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<PointerStyle>): void; | Obtains the mouse pointer style. |
## Hiding the Mouse Pointer
When watching a video in full-screen mode, a user can hide the mouse pointer for an improved user experience.
## How to Develop
1. Switch to the full-screen playback mode.
2. Hide the mouse pointer.
3. Exit the full-screen playback mode.
4. Display the mouse pointer.
import pointer from '@ohos.multimodalInput.pointer';
// 1. Switch to the full-screen playback mode.
// 2. Hide the mouse pointer.
try {
pointer.setPointerVisible(false, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`Set pointer visible failed, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
console.log(`Set pointer visible success.`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`The mouse pointer hide attributes is failed. ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
// 3. Exit the full-screen playback mode.
// 4. Display the mouse pointer.
try {
pointer.setPointerVisible(true, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`Set pointer visible failed, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
console.log(`Set pointer visible success.`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Set pointer visible failed, ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);
## Setting the Mouse Pointer Style
When designing a color picker, you can have the mouse pointer switched to the color picker style during color pickup and then switched to the default style on completion of color pickup. This setting takes effect for the pointer style of a specified window in the current application. A total of 39 pointer styles can be set. For details, see [Pointer Style](../reference/apis/js-apis-pointer.md#pointerstyle9).
### How to Develop
1. Enable the color pickup function.
2. Obtain the window ID.
3. Set the mouse pointer to the color picker style.
4. End color pickup.
5. Set the mouse pointer to the default style.
import window from '@ohos.window';
// 1. Enable the color pickup function.
// 2. Obtain the window ID.
window.getTopWindow((error, windowClass) => {
windowClass.getProperties((error, data) => {
var windowId = data.id;
if (windowId < 0) {
console.log(`Invalid windowId`);
try {
// 3. Set the mouse pointer to the color picker style.
pointer.setPointerStyle(windowId, pointer.PointerStyle.COLOR_SUCKER).then(() => {
console.log(`Successfully set mouse pointer style`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to set the pointer style, error=${JSON.stringify(error)}, msg=${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
// 4. End color pickup.
window.getTopWindow((error, windowClass) => {
windowClass.getProperties((error, data) => {
var windowId = data.id;
if (windowId < 0) {
console.log(`Invalid windowId`);
try {
// 5. Set the mouse pointer to the default style.
pointer.setPointerStyle(windowId, pointer.PointerStyle.DEFAULT).then(() => {
console.log(`Successfully set mouse pointer style`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to set the pointer style, error=${JSON.stringify(error)}, msg=${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ The sample server provides a package search server for checking update packages
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout serverKey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out serverCert.cer -subj "/C=CN/ST=GD/L=GZ/O=abc/OU=defg/CN=hijk/emailAddress=test.com"
2. Modify the **bundle.json** file.
Add **sub_component** to the **build** field.
......@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ The sample server provides a package search server for checking update packages
"\"descriptPackageId\": \"abcdefg1234567ABCDEFG\","
"\"descriptInfo\": [{"
"\"descriptPackageId\": \"abcdefg1234567ABCDEFG\","
"\"descriptionType\": 0,"
"\"content\": \"This package message is used for sampleContent\""
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The following is an example of the JSON response returned by the server. Note th
"descriptPackageId": "abcdefg1234567ABCDEFG"
"descriptInfo": [{
"descriptPackageId": "abcdefg1234567ABCDEFG",
"descriptionType": 0,
"content": "This package is used for update."
......@@ -3,30 +3,18 @@
## When to Use
- Data provided by the compass sensor denotes the current orientation of the user device, which helps your application accurately navigate for the user.
With the sensor module, a device can obtain sensor data. For example, the device can subscribe to data of the orientation sensor to detect its own orientation, and data of the pedometer sensor to learn the number of steps the user walks every day.
- Data provided by the proximity sensor denotes the distance between the device and a visible object, which enables the device to automatically turn on or off its screen accordingly to prevent accidental touch on the screen.
- Data provided by the barometer sensor helps your application accurately determine the altitude of the device.
- Data provided by the ambient light sensor helps your device automatically adjust its backlight.
- Data provided by the Hall effect sensor implements the smart cover mode of your device.
- Data provided by the heart rate sensor helps your application track the heart health of a user.
- Data provided by the pedometer sensor helps your application obtain the number of steps a user has walked.
- Data provided by the wear detection sensor helps your application detect whether a user is wearing a wearable device.
For details about the APIs, see [Sensor](../reference/apis/js-apis-sensor.md).
## Available APIs
| Module| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| ohos.sensor | sensor.on(sensorType, callback:AsyncCallback&lt;Response&gt;): void | Subscribes to data changes of a type of sensor.|
| ohos.sensor | sensor.once(sensorType, callback:AsyncCallback&lt;Response&gt;): void | Subscribes to only one data change of a type of sensor.|
| ohos.sensor | sensor.off(sensorType, callback?:AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Unsubscribes from sensor data changes.|
| ohos.sensor | sensor.on(sensorId, callback:AsyncCallback&lt;Response&gt;): void | Subscribes to data changes of a type of sensor.|
| ohos.sensor | sensor.once(sensorId, callback:AsyncCallback&lt;Response&gt;): void | Subscribes to only one data change of a type of sensor.|
| ohos.sensor | sensor.off(sensorId, callback?:AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Unsubscribes from sensor data changes.|
## How to Develop
......@@ -43,52 +31,46 @@
For details about how to configure a permission, see [Declaring Permissions](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md).
2. Subscribe to data changes of a type of sensor.
2. Subscribe to data changes of a type of sensor. The following uses the acceleration sensor as an example.
import sensor from "@ohos.sensor";
sensor.on(sensor.SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, function(data){
sensor.on(sensor.SensorId.ACCELEROMETER, function(data){
console.info("Data obtained successfully. x: " + data.x + "y: " + data.y + "z: " + data.z); // Data is obtained.
The following figure shows the successful call result when **SensorType** is **SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER**.
3. Unsubscribe from sensor data changes.
import sensor from "@ohos.sensor";
The following figure shows the successful call result when **SensorType** is **SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER**.
4. Subscribe to only one data change of a type of sensor.
import sensor from "@ohos.sensor";
sensor.once(sensor.SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, function(data) {
sensor.once(sensor.SensorId.ACCELEROMETER, function(data) {
console.info("Data obtained successfully. x: " + data.x + "y: " + data.y + "z: " + data.z); // Data is obtained.
The following figure shows the successful call result when **SensorType** is **SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER**.
If the API fails to be called, you are advised to use the **try/catch** statement to capture error information that may occur in the code. Example:
import sensor from "@ohos.sensor";
try {
sensor.once(sensor.SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, function(data) {
sensor.once(sensor.SensorId.ACCELEROMETER, function(data) {
console.info("Data obtained successfully. x: " + data.x + "y: " + data.y + "z: " + data.z); // Data is obtained.
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to get sensor data");
console.error("Get sensor data error. data:" + error.data, " msg:", error.message);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,32 +3,29 @@
Sensors in OpenHarmony are an abstraction of underlying sensor hardware. Your application can access the underlying sensor hardware via the sensors. Using the [Sensor](../reference/apis/js-apis-sensor.md) APIs, you can query sensors on your device, subscribe to sensor data, customize algorithms based on sensor data, and develop various sensor-based applications, such as compass, motion-controlled games, and fitness and health applications.
A sensor is a device to detect events or changes in an environment and send messages about the events or changes to another device (for example, a CPU). Generally, a sensor is composed of sensitive components and conversion components. Sensors are the cornerstone of the IoT. A unified sensor management framework is required to achieve data sensing at a low latency and low power consumption, thereby keeping up with requirements of "1+8+N" products or business in the Seamless AI Life Strategy. The sensor list is as follows:
| Type | Name | Description | Usage |
| --------------------------------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER | Acceleration sensor | Measures the acceleration (including the gravity acceleration) applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Detecting the motion status |
| SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED | Uncalibrated acceleration sensor| Measures the uncalibrated acceleration (including the gravity acceleration) applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Measuring the acceleration bias estimation |
| SENSOR_TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION | Linear acceleration sensor | Measures the linear acceleration (excluding the gravity acceleration) applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Detecting the linear acceleration in each axis |
| SENSOR_TYPE_GRAVITY | Gravity sensor | Measures the gravity acceleration applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Measuring the gravity |
| SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE | Gyroscope sensor | Measures the rotation angular velocity of a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of rad/s.| Measuring the rotation angular velocity |
| SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED | Uncalibrated gyroscope sensor| Measures the uncalibrated rotation angular velocity of a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of rad/s.| Measuring the bias estimation of the rotation angular velocity |
| SENSOR_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION | Significant motion sensor | Checks whether a device has a significant motion on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z). The value **0** means that the device does not have a significant motion, and **1** means the opposite.| Detecting significant motions of a device |
| SENSOR_TYPE_PEDOMETER_DETECTION | Pedometer detection sensor | Detects whether a user takes a step. The value can be **0** (the user does not take a step) or **1** (the user takes a step).| Detecting whether a user takes a step |
| SENSOR_TYPE_PEDOMETER | Pedometer sensor | Records the number of steps a user has walked. | Providing the number of steps a user has walked |
| SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE | Ambient temperature sensor | Measures the ambient temperature, in the unit of degree Celsius (°C). | Measuring the ambient temperature |
| SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD | Magnetic field sensor | Measures the magnetic field on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of μT.| Creating a compass |
| SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED | Uncalibrated magnetic field sensor | Measures the uncalibrated magnetic field on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of μT.| Measuring the magnetic field bias estimation |
| SENSOR_TYPE_HUMIDITY | Humidity sensor | Measures the ambient relative humidity, in a percentage (%). | Monitoring the dew point, absolute humidity, and relative humidity |
| SENSOR_TYPE_BAROMETER | Barometer sensor | Measures the barometric pressure, in the unit of hPa or mbar.| Measuring the barometric pressure |
| SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION | Orientation sensor | Measures the rotation angles of a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of rad. | Providing the three orientation angles of the screen |
| SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR | Rotation vector sensor | Measures the rotation vector of a device. It is a composite sensor that generates data from the acceleration sensor, magnetic field sensor, and gyroscope sensor. | Detecting the orientation of a device in the East, North, Up (ENU) Cartesian coordinate system |
| SENSOR_TYPE_PROXIMITY | Proximity sensor | Measures the distance between a visible object and the device screen. | Measuring the distance between a person and the device during a call |
| SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_LIGHT | Ambient light sensor | Measures the ambient light intensity of a device, in the unit of lux. | Automatically adjusting the screen brightness and checking whether the screen is covered on the top|
| SENSOR_TYPE_HEART_RATE | Heart rate sensor | Measures the heart rate of a user. | Providing users' heart rate data |
| SENSOR_TYPE_WEAR_DETECTION | Wear detection sensor | Checks whether a user is wearing a wearable device. | Detecting wearables |
| SENSOR_TYPE_HALL | Hall effect sensor | Detects a magnetic field around a device. | Smart cover mode of the device |
| Type | Name | Description | Usage |
| --------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------- |
| ACCELEROMETER | Acceleration sensor | Measures the acceleration (including the gravity acceleration) applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Detecting the motion status |
| ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED | Uncalibrated acceleration sensor| Measures the uncalibrated acceleration (including the gravity acceleration) applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Measuring the acceleration bias estimation |
| LINEAR_ACCELERATION | Linear acceleration sensor | Measures the linear acceleration (excluding the gravity acceleration) applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Detecting the linear acceleration in each axis |
| GRAVITY | Gravity sensor | Measures the gravity acceleration applied to a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of m/s<sup>2</sup>.| Measuring the gravity |
| GYROSCOPE | Gyroscope sensor | Measures the rotation angular velocity of a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of rad/s.| Measuring the rotation angular velocity |
| GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED | Uncalibrated gyroscope sensor| Measures the uncalibrated rotation angular velocity of a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of rad/s.| Measuring the bias estimation of the rotation angular velocity |
| SIGNIFICANT_MOTION | Significant motion sensor | Checks whether a device has a significant motion on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z). The value **0** means that the device does not have a significant motion, and **1** means the opposite.| Detecting significant motions of a device |
| PEDOMETER_DETECTION | Pedometer detection sensor | Detects whether a user takes a step. The value can be **0** (the user does not take a step) or **1** (the user takes a step).| Detecting whether a user takes a step |
| PEDOMETER | Pedometer sensor | Records the number of steps a user has walked. | Providing the number of steps a user has walked |
| AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE | Ambient temperature sensor | Measures the ambient temperature, in the unit of degree Celsius (°C). | Measuring the ambient temperature |
| MAGNETIC_FIELD | Magnetic field sensor | Measures the magnetic field on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of μT.| Creating a compass |
| MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED | Uncalibrated magnetic field sensor | Measures the uncalibrated magnetic field on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of μT.| Measuring the magnetic field bias estimation |
| HUMIDITY | Humidity sensor | Measures the ambient relative humidity, in a percentage (%). | Monitoring the dew point, absolute humidity, and relative humidity |
| BAROMETER | Barometer sensor | Measures the barometric pressure, in the unit of hPa or mbar. | Measuring the barometric pressure |
| ORIENTATION | Orientation sensor | Measures the rotation angles of a device on three physical axes (X, Y, and Z), in the unit of rad.| Providing the three orientation angles of the screen |
| ROTATION_VECTOR | Rotation vector sensor | Measures the rotation vector of a device. It is a composite sensor that generates data from the acceleration sensor, magnetic field sensor, and gyroscope sensor.| Detecting the orientation of a device in the East, North, Up (ENU) Cartesian coordinate system |
| PROXIMITY | Proximity sensor | Measures the distance between a visible object and the device screen. | Measuring the distance between a person and the device during a call |
| AMBIENT_LIGHT | Ambient light sensor | Measures the ambient light intensity of a device, in the unit of lux. | Automatically adjusting the screen brightness and checking whether the screen is covered on the top|
| HEART_RATE | Heart rate sensor | Measures the heart rate of a user. | Providing users' heart rate data |
| WEAR_DETECTION | Wear detection sensor | Checks whether a user is wearing a wearable device. | Detecting wearables |
| HALL | Hall effect sensor | Detects a magnetic field around a device. | Smart cover mode of the device |
## Working Principles
......@@ -60,4 +57,3 @@ The following modules work cooperatively to implement OpenHarmony sensors: Senso
| Heart rate sensor | ohos.permission.READ_HEALTH_DATA | user_grant | Allows an application to read health data. |
2. The APIs for subscribing to and unsubscribing from sensor data work in pairs. If you do not need sensor data, call the unsubscription API to stop sensor data reporting.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## When to Use
In Host mode, you can obtain the list of connected devices, enable or disable the devices, manage device access permissions, and perform data transfer or control transfer.
In Host mode, you can obtain the list of connected USB devices, enable or disable the devices, manage device access permissions, and perform data transfer or control transfer.
## APIs
......@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ The following table lists the USB APIs currently available. For details, see the
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean | Checks whether the user, for example, the application or system, has the device access permissions. The value **true** is returned if the user has the device access permissions; the value **false** is returned otherwise. |
| requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise\<boolean> | Requests the temporary permission for a given application to access the USB device. |
| connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly\<USBDevicePipe> | Connects to the USB device based on the device information returned by `getDevices()`. |
| getDevices(): Array<Readonly\<USBDevice>> | Obtains the USB device list. |
| hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean | Checks whether the user has the device access permissions. |
| requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise\<boolean> | Requests the temporary permission for a given application to access the USB device. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly\<USBDevicePipe> | Connects to the USB device based on the device list returned by `getDevices()`. |
| getDevices(): Array<Readonly\<USBDevice>> | Obtains the list of USB devices connected to the USB host. If no USB device is connected, an empty list is returned. |
| setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number | Sets the USB device configuration. |
| setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number | Sets a USB interface. |
| claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number | Claims a USB interface. |
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ You can set a USB device as the USB host to connect to other USB devices for dat
// Import the USB API package.
import usb from '@ohos.usb';
import usb from '@ohos.usbV9';
// Obtain the USB device list.
let deviceList = usb.getDevices();
......@@ -10,42 +10,55 @@ For details about the APIs, see [Vibrator](../reference/apis/js-apis-vibrator.md
## Available APIs
| Module | API | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| ohos.vibrator | vibrate(duration: number): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Triggers vibration with the specified duration. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| ohos.vibrator | vibrate(duration: number, callback?: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Triggers vibration with the specified duration. This API uses a callback to return the result. |
| ohos.vibrator | vibrate(effectId: EffectId): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Triggers vibration with the specified effect. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| ohos.vibrator | vibrate(effectId: EffectId, callback?: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Triggers vibration with the specified effect. This API uses a callback to return the result.|
| ohos.vibrator | stop(stopMode: VibratorStopMode): Promise&lt;void&gt;| Stops vibration. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| ohos.vibrator | stop(stopMode: VibratorStopMode, callback?: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Stops vibration. This API uses a callback to return the result. |
| Module | API | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ohos.vibrator | startVibration(effect: VibrateEffect, attribute: VibrateAttribute): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Starts vibration with the specified effect and attribute. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
| ohos.vibrator | startVibration(effect: VibrateEffect, attribute: VibrateAttribute, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Starts vibration with the specified effect and attribute. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| ohos.vibrator | stopVibration(stopMode: VibratorStopMode): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Stops vibration in the specified mode. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| ohos.vibrator | stopVibration(stopMode: VibratorStopMode, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void | Stops vibration in the specified mode. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
## How to Develop
1. Before using the vibrator on a device, you must declare the **ohos.permission.VIBRATE** permission. For details about how to configure a permission, see [Declaring Permissions](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md).
2. Trigger the device to vibrate.
2. Start vibration with the specified effect and attribute.
import vibrator from "@ohos.vibrator"
vibrator.vibrate(1000).then((error) => {
if (error) { // The call fails, and error.code and error.message are printed.
console.log("Promise return failed.error.code " + error.code + "error.message " + error.message);
} else { // The call is successful, and the device starts to vibrate.
console.log("Promise returned to indicate a successful vibration.")
import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
try {
type: 'time',
duration: 1000,
}, {
id: 0,
usage: 'alarm'
}, (error) => {
if (error) {
console.error('vibrate fail, error.code: ' + error.code + 'error.message: ', + error.message);
console.log('Callback returned to indicate a successful vibration.');
} catch (err) {
console.error('errCode: ' + err.code + ' ,msg: ' + err.message);
3. Stop the vibration.
3. Stop vibration in the specified mode.
import vibrator from "@ohos.vibrator"
vibrator.stop(vibrator.VibratorStopMode.VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_PRESET).then((error) => {
if (error) { // The call fails, and error.code and error.message are printed.
console.log("Promise return failed.error.code " + error.code + "error.message " + error.message);
} else { // The call is successful, and the device stops vibrating.
console.log("Promise returned to indicate successful.");
import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
try {
// Stop vibration in VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_TIME mode.
vibrator.stopVibration(vibrator.VibratorStopMode.VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_TIME, function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error.code' + error.code + 'error.message' + error.message);
console.log('Callback returned to indicate successful.');
} catch (err) {
console.info('errCode: ' + err.code + ' ,msg: ' + err.message);
- Application Event Logging
- [Overview of Application Event Logging](hiappevent-overview.md)
- [Development of Application Event Logging](hiappevent-guidelines.md)
- Performance Tracing
- [Overview of Performance Tracing](hitracemeter-overview.md)
- [Development of Performance Tracing](hitracemeter-guidelines.md)
- Distributed Call Chain Tracing
- [Overview of Distributed Call Chain Tracing](hitracechain-overview.md)
- [Development of Distributed Call Chain Tracing](hitracechain-guidelines.md)
- Error Management
- [Development of Error Manager](errormanager-guidelines.md)
- [Development of Application Recovery](apprecovery-guidelines.md)
\ No newline at end of file
# Development of Application Recovery
## When to Use
During application running, some unexpected behaviors are inevitable. For example, unprocessed exceptions and errors are thrown, and the call or running constraints of the framework are violated.
By default, the processes will exit as exception handling. However, if user data is generated during application use, process exits may interrupt user operations and cause data loss.
In this way, application recovery APIs may help you save temporary data, restart an application after it exits, and restore its status and data, which deliver a better user experience.
Currently, the APIs support only the development of an application that adopts the stage model, single process, and single ability.
## Available APIs
The application recovery APIs are provided by the **appRecovery** module, which can be imported via **import**. For details, please refer to [Development Example](#development-example). This document describes behaviors of APIs in API version 9, and the content will update with changes.
### Available APIs
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| enableAppRecovery(restart?: RestartFlag, saveOccasion?: SaveOccasionFlag, saveMode?: SaveModeFlag) : void; | Enables the application recovery function. |
| saveAppState(): boolean; | Saves the ability status of an application. |
| restartApp(): void; | Restarts the current process. If there is saved ability status, it will be passed to the **want** parameter's **wantParam** attribute of the **onCreate** lifecycle callback of the ability.|
The APIs are used for troubleshooting and do not return any exception. Therefore, you need to be familiar with when they are used.
**enableAppRecovery**: This API should be called during application initialization. For example, you can call this API in **onCreate** of **AbilityStage**. For details, please refer to the [parameter description](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-appRecovery.md).
**saveAppState**: After this API is called, the framework calls back **onSaveState** of the ability. If data saving is agreed to in this method, relevant data and the page stack of the ability are persisted to the local cache of the application.
**restartApp**: After this API is called, the framework kills the current application process and restarts the ability in the foreground, with **APP_RECOVERY** specified as the startup cause.
### Framework Fault Management Process
Fault management is an important way for applications to deliver a better user experience. The application framework offers three methods for application fault management: fault listening, fault rectification, and fault query.
- Fault listening refers to the process of registering [ErrorObserver](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-errorManager.md#errorobserver) via [errorManager](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-errorManager.md), listening for fault occurrence, and notifying the fault listener.
- Fault rectification refers to [appRecovery](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-appRecovery.md) and restarts an application to restore its status previous to a fault.
- Fault query indicates that [faultLogger](../reference/apis/js-apis-faultLogger.md) obtains the fault information using its query API.
The figure below does not illustrate the time when [faultLogger](../reference/apis/js-apis-faultLogger.md) is called. You can refer to [LastExitReason](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-abilityConstant.md#abilityconstantlastexitreason) passed during application initialization to determine whether to call [faultLogger](../reference/apis/js-apis-faultLogger.md) to query the information about the last fault.
![Fault rectification process](./figures/fault_rectification.png)
It is recommended that you call [errorManager](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-errorManager.md) to process the exception. After the processing is complete, you can call the status saving API and restart the application.
If you do not register [ErrorObserver](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-errorManager.md#errorobserver) or enable application recovery, the application process will exit according to the default processing logic of the system. Users can restart the application from the home screen.
If you have enabled application recovery, the framework first checks whether a fault allows for ability status saving and whether you have configured ability status saving. If so, [onSaveState](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-ability.md#abilityonsavestate) of [Ability](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-ability.md#ability) is called back. Finally, the application is restarted.
### Scenarios Supported by Application Fault Management APIs
Common fault types include JavaScript application crash, application freezing, and C++ application crash. Generally, an application is closed when a crash occurs. Application freezing occurs when the application does not respond. The fault type can be ignored for the upper layer of an application. The recovery framework implements fault management in different scenarios based on the fault type.
| Fault | Fault Listening| Status Saving| Automatic Restart| Log Query|
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| [JS_CRASH](../reference/apis/js-apis-faultLogger.md#faulttype) | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported |
| [APP_FREEZE](../reference/apis/js-apis-faultLogger.md#faulttype) | Not supported | Not supported | Supported | Supported |
| [CPP_CRASH](../reference/apis/js-apis-faultLogger.md#faulttype) | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Supported |
**Status Saving** in the table header means status saving when a fault occurs. To protect user data as much as possible in the application freezing fault, you can adopt either the periodic or automatic way, and the latter will save user data when an ability is switched to the background.
## Development Example
### Enabling Application Recovery
Enable **appRecovery** during application initialization. The following is an example of **AbilityStage**:
import AbilityStage from '@ohos.app.ability.AbilityStage'
import appRecovery from '@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery'
export default class MyAbilityStage extends AbilityStage {
onCreate() {
console.info("[Demo] MyAbilityStage onCreate")
appRecovery.SaveOccasionFlag.SAVE_WHEN_ERROR | appRecovery.SaveOccasionFlag.SAVE_WHEN_BACKGROUND,
### Saving and Restoring Data
After enabling **appRecovery**, you can use this function by either actively or passively saving the status and restoring data in the ability.
The following is an example of **MainAbility**:
#### Importing the Service Package
import errorManager from '@ohos.app.ability.errorManager'
import appRecovery from '@ohos.app.ability.appRecovery'
import AbilityConstant from '@ohos.app.ability.AbilityConstant'
#### Actively Saving Status and Restoring Data
- Define and register the [ErrorObserver](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-errorManager.md#errorobserver) callback.
var registerId = -1;
var callback = {
onUnhandledException: function (errMsg) {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
// Main window is created. Set a main page for this ability.
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onWindowStageCreate")
globalThis.registerObserver = (() => {
registerId = errorManager.registerErrorObserver(callback);
windowStage.loadContent("pages/index", null);
- Save data.
After the callback triggers **appRecovery.saveAppState()**, **onSaveState(state, wantParams)** of **MainAbility** is triggered.
onSaveState(state, wantParams) {
// Save application data.
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onSaveState")
wantParams["myData"] = "my1234567";
return AbilityConstant.onSaveResult.ALL_AGREE;
- Restore data.
After the callback triggers **appRecovery.restartApp()**, the application is restarted. After the restart, **onSaveState(state, wantParams)** of **MainAbility** is called, and the saved data is in **parameters** of **want**.
storage: LocalStorage
onCreate(want, launchParam) {
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onCreate")
globalThis.abilityWant = want;
if (launchParam.launchReason == AbilityConstant.LaunchReason.APP_RECOVERY) {
this.storage = new LocalStorage();
let recoveryData = want.parameters["myData"];
this.storage.setOrCreate("myData", recoveryData);
- Deregister **ErrorObserver callback**.
onWindowStageDestroy() {
// Main window is destroyed to release UI resources.
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onWindowStageDestroy")
globalThis.unRegisterObserver = (() => {
errorManager.unregisterErrorObserver(registerId, (result) => {
console.log("[Demo] result " + result.code + ";" + result.message)
#### Passively Saving Status and Restoring Data
This is triggered by the recovery framework. You do not need to register **ErrorObserver callback**. You only need to implement **onSaveState** of the ability for status saving and **onCreate** of the ability for data restoration.
export default class MainAbility extends Ability {
storage: LocalStorage
onCreate(want, launchParam) {
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onCreate")
globalThis.abilityWant = want;
if (launchParam.launchReason == AbilityConstant.LaunchReason.APP_RECOVERY) {
this.storage = new LocalStorage();
let recoveryData = want.parameters["myData"];
this.storage.setOrCreate("myData", recoveryData);
onSaveState(state, wantParams) {
// Save application data.
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onSaveState")
wantParams["myData"] = "my1234567";
return AbilityConstant.onSaveResult.ALL_AGREE;
......@@ -48,28 +48,28 @@ var callback = {
export default class MainAbility extends Ability {
onCreate(want, launchParam) {
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onCreate")
registerId = errorManager.registerErrorObserver(callback);
globalThis.abilityWant = want;
onDestroy() {
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onDestroy")
errorManager.unregisterErrorObserver(registerId, (result) => {
console.log("[Demo] result " + result.code + ";" + result.message)
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage) {
// Main window is created for this ability.
console.log("[Demo] MainAbility onWindowStageCreate")
globalThis.registerObserver = (() => {
registerId = errorManager.registerErrorObserver(callback);
globalThis.unRegisterObserver = (() => {
errorManager.unregisterErrorObserver(registerId, (result) => {
console.log("[Demo] result " + result.code + ";" + result.message)
windowStage.setUIContent(this.context, "pages/index", null)
windowStage.loadContent("pages/index", (err, data) => {
if (err.code) {
console.error('Failed to load the content. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
console.info('Succeeded in loading the content. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
onWindowStageDestroy() {
# Development of Application Event Logging
## When to Use
## Introduction
The event logging function helps applications log various information generated during running.
A traditional log system aggregates log information generated by all applications running on the entire device, making it difficult to identify key information in the log. Therefore, an effective logging mechanism is needed to evaluate mission-critical information, for example, number of visits, number of daily active users, user operation habits, and key factors that affect application usage.
## Available APIs
HiAppEvent is a module that provides the event logging function for applications to log the fault, statistical, security, and user behavior events reported during running. Based on event information, you will be able to analyze the running status of applications.
JS application event logging APIs are provided by the **hiAppEvent** module.
## Basic Concepts
The following table provides only a brief description of related APIs. For details, see [HiAppEvent](../reference/apis/js-apis-hiappevent.md).
- **Logging**
**Table 1** APIs for application event logging
Logs changes caused by user operations to provide service data for development, product, and O&M analysis.
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| write(AppEventInfo info, AsyncCallback\<void> callback): void | Logs application events in asynchronous mode. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| write(AppEventInfo info): Promise\<void> | Logs application events in asynchronous mode. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
## Event Design Specifications
When an asynchronous callback is used, the return value can be processed directly in the callback.
- Event domain: identifies the domain of an event. You are advised to set this parameter to the service module name to differentiate service modules.
- Event name: specifies the name of an event. You are advised to set this parameter to a specific service name to differentiate services.
- Event type: specifies the type of an event. Four event types are supported:
- Behavior event: used to record the daily operation behavior of a user, for example, button click and page redirection.
- Fault event: used to locate and analyze application faults, for example, frame freezing, network disconnection, and call drop.
- Statistical event: used to collect statistics on key application behaviors, for example, usage duration and number of visits.
- Security event: used to record events related to application security, for example, password change and user authorization.
- Event parameter: specifies the parameters of an event. Each event can contain a group of parameters. You are advised to set this parameter to an event attribute or event context to depict the event details.
If a promise is used, the return value can also be processed in the promise in a similar way.
## Available APIs
For details about the result codes, see [Event Verification Result Codes](#event-verification-result-codes).
The following table provides only a brief description of related APIs. For details, see [HiAppEvent](../reference/apis/js-apis-hiviewdfx-hiappevent.md).
**Table 2** APIs for event logging configuration
**Table 1** APIs for application event logging
| API | Description |
| --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| configure(ConfigOption config): boolean | Sets the configuration options for application event logging.|
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| write(AppEventInfo info, AsyncCallback\<void> callback): void | Logs application events in asynchronous mode. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| write(AppEventInfo info): Promise\<void> | Logs application events in asynchronous mode. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
**Table 3** APIs for watcher management
| API | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| addWatcher(Watcher watcher): AppEventPackageHolder | Adds an event watcher.|
| removeWatcher(Watcher watcher): void | Removes an event watcher.|
**Table 4** APIs for clearing logging data
| API | Description |
| ----------------- | -------------------- |
| clearData(): void | Clears local logging data.|
| API | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| addWatcher(Watcher watcher): AppEventPackageHolder | Adds an event watcher to subscribe to expected application events.|
| removeWatcher(Watcher watcher): void | Adds an event watcher to unsubscribe from expected application events.|
### Event Verification Result Codes
## How to Develop
| Result Code| Cause | Verification Rules | Handling Method |
| ------ | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0 | N/A | Event verification is successful. | Event logging is normal. No action is required. |
| -1 | Invalid event name | The name is not empty and contains a maximum of 48 characters.<br>The name consists of only the following characters: digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscore \(_).<br>The name does not start with a digit or underscore \(_).| Ignore this event and do not perform logging. |
| -2 | Invalid event parameter type | The event name must be a string.<br>The event type must be a number.<br>The event parameter must be an object.| Ignore this event and do not perform logging. |
| -4 | Invalid event domain name | The name is not empty and contains a maximum of 32 characters.<br>The name consists of only the following characters: digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscore \(_).<br>The name does not start with a digit or underscore \(_).| Ignore this event and do not perform logging. |
| -99 | Application event logging disabled | Application event logging is disabled. | Ignore this event and do not perform logging. |
| -100 | Unknown error | None. | Ignore this event and do not perform logging. |
| 1 | Invalid key name | The name is not empty and contains a maximum of 16 characters.<br>The name consists of only the following characters: digits (0 to 9), letters (a to z), and underscore \(_).<br>The name does not start with a digit or underscore \(_).<br>The name does not end with an underscore \(_).| Ignore the key-value pair and continue to perform logging. |
| 2 | Invalid key type | The key must be a string. | Ignore the key-value pair and continue to perform logging. |
| 3 | Invalid value type | The supported value types vary depending on the programming language:<br>boolean, number, string, or Array [basic element]| Ignore the key-value pair and continue to perform logging. |
| 4 | Invalid length for values of the string type| For a value of the string type, the maximum length is 8*1024 characters. | Truncate the value with the first 8*1024 characters retained, and continue to perform logging.|
| 5 | Excess key-value pairs | The number of key-value pairs must be less than or equal to 32. | Ignore the excess key-value pairs and continue to perform logging. |
| 6 | Invalid number of elements in values of the array type | For a value of the array type, the number of elements must be less than or equal to 100. | Truncate the array with the first 100 elements retained, and continue to perform logging. |
| 7 | Invalid parameters in values of the array type | For a value of the array type, all the parameters must be of the same type, which can only be boolean, number, or string.| Ignore the key-value pair and continue to perform logging. |
The following example illustrates how to log and subscribe to button click events of users.
## Development Procedure
1. Create an eTS application project. In the displayed **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **ets** > **entryability** > **EntryAbility.ts**, and double-click **EntryAbility.ts**. Then, add an event watcher to subscribe to button click events. The complete sample code is as follows:
The following uses a one-time event watcher as an example to illustrate the development procedure.
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
import Ability from '@ohos.application.Ability'
import Window from '@ohos.window'
import hiAppEvent from '@ohos.hiviewdfx.hiAppEvent'
export default class EntryAbility extends Ability {
onCreate(want, launchParam) {
hilog.isLoggable(0x0000, 'testTag', hilog.LogLevel.INFO);
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate');
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'want param:' + JSON.stringify(want) ?? '');
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'launchParam:' + JSON.stringify(launchParam) ?? '');
// Add a watcher. You can customize the watcher name. The system identifies different watchers based on their names.
name: "watcher1",
// Subscribe to application events you are interested in, for example, button click events.
appEventFilters: [{ domain: "button" }],
// Set the subscription callback trigger condition. In this example, a callback is triggered if one event is logged.
triggerCondition: { row: 1 },
// Implement the subscription callback function to apply custom processing to the event logging data obtained through subscription.
onTrigger: function (curRow, curSize, holder) {
// If the watcher incurs an error while it is working, return a null holder object after recording the error in the log.
if (holder == null) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', "HiAppEvent holder is null")
let eventPkg = null
// Fetch the subscription event package based on the specified threshold (512 KB by default) until all subscription event data is fetched.
// If all subscription event data is fetched, return a null event package object. The subscription callback process is ended.
while ((eventPkg = holder.takeNext()) != null) {
// Apply custom processing to the event logging data in the event package, for example, print the event logging data in the log.
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent eventPkg.packageId=%{public}d`, eventPkg.packageId)
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent eventPkg.row=%{public}d`, eventPkg.row)
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent eventPkg.size=%{public}d`, eventPkg.size)
for (const eventInfo of eventPkg.data) {
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent eventPkg.info=%{public}s`, eventInfo)
1. Create an ArkTS application project. In the displayed **Project** window, choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **ets** > **pages** > **index.ets**, and double-click **index.ets**. Then, add three buttons to simulate the process of watching for application events. Wherein, button 1 is used to invoke application event logging, button 2 to add an event watcher that automatically triggers a callback, and button 3 to remove the watcher. The complete sample code is as follows:
2. Choose **entry** > **src** > **main** > **ets** > **pages** > **index.ets**, and double-click **index.ets**. Then, add a button, and enable logging of button click events in its **onClick** function. The complete sample code is as follows:
import hiAppEvent from '@ohos.hiAppEvent';
import hiAppEvent from '@ohos.hiviewdfx.hiAppEvent'
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog'
......@@ -81,61 +109,21 @@ The following uses a one-time event watcher as an example to illustrate the deve
Button("1 writeTest").onClick(()=>{
// Perform event logging based on the input event parameters.
// Enable event logging in the button click function to log button click events.
domain: "test_domain",
name: "test_event",
eventType: hiAppEvent.EventType.FAULT,
params: {
int_data: 100,
str_data: "strValue"
}).then((value) => {
console.log(`HiAppEvent success to write event: ${value}`);
// Define the event domain.
domain: "button",
// Define the event name.
name: "click",
// Define the event type.
eventType: hiAppEvent.EventType.BEHAVIOR,
// Define event parameters.
params: { click_time: 100 }
}).then(() => {
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent success to write event`)
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`HiAppEvent failed to write event because ${err.code}`);
Button("2 addWatcherTest").onClick(()=>{
// Add an event watcher based on the input subscription parameters.
name: "watcher1",
appEventFilters: [{ domain: "test_domain" }],
triggerCondition: {
row: 2,
size: 1000,
timeOut: 2
onTrigger: function (curRow, curSize, holder) {
// If the holder object is null, return an error after recording it in the log.
if (holder == null) {
console.error("HiAppEvent holder is null");
// Set the size threshold to 1,000 bytes for obtaining an event package.
let eventPkg = null;
// Obtain the event package based on the configured size threshold. If returned event package is null, all event data has been obtained.
while ((eventPkg = holder.takeNext()) != null) {
// Parse the obtained event package and display the result on the Log page.
console.info('HiAppEvent eventPkg.packageId=' + eventPkg.packageId);
console.info('HiAppEvent eventPkg.row=' + eventPkg.row);
console.info('HiAppEvent eventPkg.size=' + eventPkg.size);
// Traverse and parse event string arrays in the obtained event package.
for (const eventInfo of eventPkg.data) {
console.info('HiAppEvent eventPkg.data=' + eventInfo);
Button("3 removeWatcherTest").onClick(()=>{
// Remove the specified event watcher.
name: "watcher1"
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', `HiAppEvent err.code: ${err.code}, err.message: ${err.message}`)
......@@ -145,28 +133,22 @@ The following uses a one-time event watcher as an example to illustrate the deve
3. Touch the run button on the IDE to run the project. Then, touch the **writeTest** button on the application UI to trigger application event logging.
2. Touch the run button on the IDE to run the project.
3. Touch button 1 on the application UI to start application event logging. If the logging is successful, you'll see the following message in the **Log** window:
success to write event: 0
4. On the application UI, touch button 2 to add an event watcher, and touch button 1 for multiple times to perform application event logging. If any callback trigger condition (event count, event data size, and timeout duration) is met, the event watcher will invoke a callback and the event package obtained through the callback will be displayed in the **Log** window.
4. View the information printed in the **Log** window. If logging of the button click event is successful, you will see a message indicating successful event logging as well as the log information specific to processing of the event logging data in the subscription callback.
HiAppEvent success to write event
HiAppEvent eventPkg.packageId=0
HiAppEvent eventPkg.row=2
HiAppEvent eventPkg.size=308
HiAppEvent eventPkg.data={"domain_":"test_domain","name_":"test_event","type_":1,"time_":1502096107556,"tz_":"+0000","pid_":4204,"tid_":4223,"int_data":100,"str_data":"strValue"}
HiAppEvent eventPkg.row=1
HiAppEvent eventPkg.size=124
HiAppEvent eventPkg.info={"domain_":"button","name_":"click","type_":4,"time_":1670268234523,"tz_":"+0800","pid_":3295,"tid_":3309,"click_time":100}
5. On the application UI, touch button 3 to remove the event watcher. Then, touch button 1 for multiple times to perform application event logging. In such a case, there will be no log information about the callback invoked by the event watcher.
## Samples
The following sample is provided to help you better understand how to develop the application event logging feature:
- [`JsDotTest` (JS) (API8)](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/DFX/JsDotTest)
- [`JsDotTest`: Event Logging (JS) (API8)](https://gitee.com/openharmony/applications_app_samples/tree/master/DFX/JsDotTest)
# Overview of Application Event Logging
HiAppEvent provides event logging APIs for applications to log the fault, statistical, security, and user behavior events reported during running. Based on event information, you will be able to analyze the running status of your application.
The HiAppEvent module can be used to develop application event-related functions, including flushing application events to a disk and querying historical application events.
## Basic Concepts
A function that logs changes caused by user operations to provide service data for development, product, and O&M analysis.
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# Development of Distributed Call Chain Tracing
## When to Use
## Introduction
HiTraceChain is the module that provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. With HiTraceChain, you can quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.
The hiTraceChain module provides APIs to implement call chain tracing throughout a service process. This can help you quickly obtain the run log for the call chain of a specified service process and locate faults in inter-device, inter-process, or inter-thread communications.
hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls. The hiTraceChain module generates a unique **chainId** for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique **chainId** to quickly correlate various information related to the service process.
## Basic Concepts
- **chainId**
Distributed call chain tracing ID, which is a part of **HiTraceId** and is used to identify the service process being traced.
## Available APIs
# Overview of Distributed Call Chain Tracing
hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls.
## Basic Concepts
- **chainId**
Distributed call chain tracing ID, which is a part of **HiTraceId** and is used to identify the service process being traced.
## Working Principles
The hiTraceChain module generates a unique **chainId** for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique **chainId** to quickly correlate various information related to the service process.
## Constraints
All APIs provided by the hiTraceChain module work in synchronous mode.
# Development of Performance Tracing
## When to Use
## Introduction
HiTraceMeter provides APIs for system performance tracing. You can call the APIs provided by HiTraceMeter module in your own service logic to effectively track service processes and check the system performance.
hiTraceMeter provides APIs for system performance tracing. You can call the APIs provided by the hiTraceMeter module in your own service logic to effectively track service processes and check the system performance.
## Basic Concepts
- **hiTraceMeter Tag**
Tag used for tracing data categorization. It is also known as **hiTraceMeter Category**. Generally, one subsystem maps to a tag. The tag is passed as the **Tag** parameter in performance tracing APIs. When you use the hiTraceMeter CLI tool to collect tracing data, only the tracing data specified by the **Tag** parameter is collected.
## Working Principles
- The application calls hiTraceMeter APIs to perform performance tracing. The APIs output the tracing data to the kernel's ftrace data buffer through the kernel's sysfs file interface.
- The hiTraceMeter CLI tool reads the tracing data in the ftrace data buffer and saves the trace data as a text file on the device.
## Constraints
Due to the asynchronous I/O feature of JS, the hiTraceMeter module provides only asynchronous APIs.
## Available APIs
# Overview of Performance Tracing
hiTraceMeter is a tool for you to trace service processes and monitor system performance. Through encapsulating and extending the ftrace inside the kernel, hiTraceMeter supports performance tracing for code execution in the user space. You can use hiTraceMeter APIs to implement performance tracing and use the hiTraceMeter CLI tool to collect traced data.
## Basic Concepts
- **hiTraceMeter Tag**
Tag used for tracing data categorization. It is also known as **hiTraceMeter Category**. Generally, one subsystem maps to a tag. The tag is passed as the **Tag** parameter in performance tracing APIs. When you use the hiTraceMeter CLI tool to collect tracing data, only the tracing data specified by the **Tag** parameter is collected.
## Working Principles
- The application calls hiTraceMeter APIs to perform performance tracing. The APIs output the tracing data to the kernel's ftrace data buffer through the kernel's sysfs file interface.
- The hiTraceMeter CLI tool reads the tracing data in the ftrace data buffer and saves the trace data as a text file on the device.
## Constraints
Due to the asynchronous I/O feature of JS, the hiTraceMeter module provides only asynchronous APIs.
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