@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ The GPIO module adaptation involves the following steps:
>  **NOTE**<br/> For details about the callbacks in **GpioMethod**, see [Available APIs](#available_apis).
4. Debug the driver.
(Optional) For new drivers, verify the basic functions, such as the GPIO status control and response to interrupts.
@@ -316,9 +316,11 @@ The HDMI module adaptation involves the following steps:
- **Bind** function
**Input parameter**:
**HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs information.
**Return value**:
The table below describes some status. For more information, see **HDF_STATUS** in the **/drivers/framework/include/utils/hdf_base.h** file.
@@ -333,6 +335,7 @@ The HDMI module adaptation involves the following steps:
|HDF_FAILURE |Transmission failed.|
**Function description**:
Initializes the custom structure object **HdmiAdapterHost** and **HdmiCntlr**, and calls the **HdmiCntlrAdd** function to add the HDMI controller to the core layer.
The **HdmiCntlr**, **HdmiAdapterHost**, and **HdfDeviceObject** assign values with each other so that other functions can be converted successfully.
@@ -377,13 +380,15 @@ The HDMI module adaptation involves the following steps:
- **Init** function
**Input parameter**:
**HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs information.
**Return value**:
**Function description**:
Implements the **HdmiAdapterInit** function.
@@ -396,14 +401,17 @@ The HDMI module adaptation involves the following steps:
- **Release** function
**Input parameter**:
**HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs information.
**HdfDeviceObject**, an interface parameter exposed by the driver, contains the .hcs information.
**Return value**:
No value is returned.
**Function description**:
Releases the memory and deletes the controller. This function assigns values to the **Release** callback in the driver entry structure. If the HDF fails to call the **Init** function to initialize the driver, the **Release** function can be called to release driver resources.