The Docker image of OpenHarmony is hosted on [HUAWEI CLOUD SWR]( Using the Docker image will help simplify environment configurations needed for the building. The following describes the detailed procedure.
The Docker image of OpenHarmony is hosted on HUAWEI CLOUD SWR. Using the Docker image will help simplify environment configurations needed for the building. The following describes the detailed procedure.
### Setting Up the Docker Environment for Mini-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 KB\) and Small-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 1 MB\)<a name="section319412277287"></a>
### Setting Up the Docker Environment for Mini-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 128 KB\) and Small-System Devices \(reference memory ≥ 1 MB\)<a name="section319412277287"></a>