## Available APIs<a name="section7331102018815"></a>
The WLAN driver module provides APIs that can be directly called by driver developers, such as creating/releasing a **WifiModule**, connecting to/disconnecting from a WLAN hotspot, applying for/releasing a **NetBuf**, and converting between the **pbuf** structure of Lightweight IP \(lwIP\) and a **NetBuf**. [Table 1](#table1521573319472) describes some APIs.
The WLAN driver module provides APIs that can be directly called by driver developers, such as creating/releasing a **WifiModule**, connecting to/disconnecting from a WLAN hotspot, applying for/releasing a **NetBuf**, and converting between the **pbuf** structure of Lightweight IP \(lwIP\) and a **NetBuf**. [Table 1](#table1521573319472) describes some APIs.