| [OH_Huks_ImportKeyType](_huks_type_api.md#oh_huks_importkeytype) { OH_HUKS_KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY = 0, OH_HUKS_KEY_TYPE_PRIVATE_KEY = 1, OH_HUKS_KEY_TYPE_KEY_PAIR = 2 } | Enumerates the types of keys to import. By default, a public key is imported. This field is not required when a symmetric key is imported. |
| [OH_Huks_ChallengeType](_huks_type_api.md#oh_huks_challengetype) { OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_NORMAL = 0, OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_CUSTOM = 1, OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_NONE = 2 } | Enumerates the types of the challenges generated when a key is used. |
| [OH_Huks_ChallengePosition](_huks_type_api.md#oh_huks_challengeposition) { OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_0 = 0, OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_1, OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_2, OH_HUKS_CHALLENGE_POS_3 } | Enumerates the positions of the 8-byte valid value in a custom challenge generated. |
| [OH_Huks_SecureSignType](_huks_type_api.md#oh_huks_securesigntype) { OH_HUKS_SECURE_SIGN_WITH_AUTHINFO = 1 } | Enumerates the signature types of the keys generated or imported. |