提交 f3d8a719 编写于 作者: J jiangminsen 提交者: Gitee

Merge branch 'master' of gitee.com:openharmony/docs into master

Signed-off-by: Njiangminsen <jiangminsen@huawei.com>
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## IDL Overview
To ensure successful communications between the client and server, interfaces recognized by both parties must be defined. The OpenHarmony Interface Definition Language (IDL) is a tool for defining such interfaces. OpenHarmony IDL decomposes objects to be transferred into primitives that can be understood by the operating system and encapsulates cross-boundary objects based on developers' requirements.
**Figure 1** IDL interface description
**Figure 1** IDL interface description
......@@ -156,11 +156,13 @@ On DevEco Studio, choose **Tools > SDK Manager** to view the local installation
Go to the local installation path, choose **toolchains > 3.x.x.x** (the folder named after the version number), and check whether the executable file of IDL exists.
> **NOTE**: Use the SDK of the latest version. The use of an earlier version may cause errors in some statements.
> **NOTE**
> Use the SDK of the latest version. The use of an earlier version may cause errors in some statements.
If the executable file does not exist, download the SDK package from the mirror as instructed in the [Release Notes](../../release-notes). The following uses the [3.2 Beta3](../../release-notes/OpenHarmony-v3.2-beta3.md#acquiring-source-code-from-mirrors) as an example.
If the executable file does not exist, download the SDK package from the mirror as instructed in the [Release Notes](../../release-notes). The following uses [3.2 Beta3](../../release-notes/OpenHarmony-v3.2-beta3.md) as an example.
For details about how to replace the SDK package, see [Guide to Switching to Full SDK](../quick-start/full-sdk-switch-guide.md).
For details about how to replace the SDK package, see [Full SDK Compilation Guide](../quick-start/full-sdk-compile-guide.md).
After obtaining the executable file, perform subsequent development steps based on your scenario.
......@@ -176,6 +178,8 @@ You can use TS to create IDL files.
interface OHOS.IIdlTestService {
int TestIntTransaction([in] int data);
void TestStringTransaction([in] String data);
void TestMapTransaction([in] Map<int, int> data);
int TestArrayTransaction([in] String[] data);
......@@ -183,7 +187,9 @@ Run the **idl -gen-ts -d *dir* -c dir/IIdlTestService.idl** command in the folde
-*dir* next to **d** is the target output folder. For example, if the target output folder is **IIdlTestServiceTs**, run the **idl -gen-ts -d IIdlTestServiceTs -c IIdlTestServiceTs/IIdlTestService.idl** command in the folder where the executable file is located. The interface file, stub file, and proxy file are generated in the *dir* directory (**IIdlTestServiceTs** directory in this example) in the execution environment.
> **NOTE**: The generated interface class file name must be the same as that of the .idl file. Otherwise, an error occurs during code generation.
> **NOTE**
> The generated interface class file name must be the same as that of the .idl file. Otherwise, an error occurs during code generation.
For example, for an .idl file named **IIdlTestService.idl** and target output directory named **IIdlTestServiceTs**, the directory structure is similar to the following:
......@@ -203,6 +209,8 @@ The stub class generated by IDL is an abstract implementation of the interface c
import {testIntTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service";
import {testStringTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service";
import {testMapTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service";
import {testArrayTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service";
import IIdlTestService from "./i_idl_test_service";
import rpc from "@ohos.rpc";
......@@ -211,8 +219,8 @@ export default class IdlTestServiceStub extends rpc.RemoteObject implements IIdl
async onRemoteRequestEx(code: number, data, reply, option): Promise<boolean> {
console.log("onRemoteRequestEx called, code = " + code);
async onRemoteMessageRequest(code: number, data, reply, option): Promise<boolean> {
console.log("onRemoteMessageRequest called, code = " + code);
switch(code) {
let _data = data.readInt();
......@@ -231,6 +239,29 @@ export default class IdlTestServiceStub extends rpc.RemoteObject implements IIdl
return true;
let _data = new Map();
let _dataSize = data.readInt();
for (let i = 0; i < _dataSize; ++i) {
let key = data.readInt();
let value = data.readInt();
_data.set(key, value);
this.testMapTransaction(_data, (errCode) => {
return true;
let _data = data.readStringArray();
this.testArrayTransaction(_data, (errCode, returnValue) => {
if (errCode == 0) {
return true;
default: {
console.log("invalid request code" + code);
......@@ -241,17 +272,23 @@ export default class IdlTestServiceStub extends rpc.RemoteObject implements IIdl
testIntTransaction(data: number, callback: testIntTransactionCallback): void{}
testStringTransaction(data: string, callback: testStringTransactionCallback): void{}
testMapTransaction(data: Map<number, number>, callback: testMapTransactionCallback): void{}
testArrayTransaction(data: string[], callback: testArrayTransactionCallback): void{}
You need to inherit the interface class defined in the IDL file and implement the methods in the class. The following code snippet shows how to inherit the **IdlTestServiceStub** interface class and implement the **testIntTransaction** and **testStringTransaction** methods.
You need to inherit the interface class defined in the IDL file and implement the methods in the class. The following code snippet shows how to inherit the **IdlTestServiceStub** interface class and implement the **testIntTransaction**, **testStringTransaction**, **testMapTransaction**, and **testArrayTransaction** methods.
import {testIntTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service"
import {testStringTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service"
import {testMapTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service";
import {testArrayTransactionCallback} from "./i_idl_test_service";
import IdlTestServiceStub from "./idl_test_service_stub"
......@@ -265,6 +302,14 @@ class IdlTestImp extends IdlTestServiceStub {
testMapTransaction(data: Map<number, number>, callback: testMapTransactionCallback): void
testArrayTransaction(data: string[], callback: testArrayTransactionCallback): void
callback(0, 1);
......@@ -320,11 +365,28 @@ function callbackTestStringTransaction(result: number): void {
function callbackTestMapTransaction(result: number): void {
if (result == 0) {
console.log('case 3 success');
function callbackTestArrayTransaction(result: number, ret: number): void {
if (result == 0 && ret == 124) {
console.log('case 4 success');
var onAbilityConnectDone = {
onConnect:function (elementName, proxy) {
let testProxy = new IdlTestServiceProxy(proxy);
let testMap = new Map();
testMap.set(1, 1);
testMap.set(1, 2);
testProxy.testIntTransaction(123, callbackTestIntTransaction);
testProxy.testStringTransaction('hello', callbackTestStringTransaction);
testProxy.testMapTransaction(testMap, callbackTestMapTransaction);
testProxy.testArrayTransaction(['1','2'], callbackTestMapTransaction);
onDisconnect:function (elementName) {
console.log('onDisconnectService onDisconnect');
......@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ This section uses the operation of using a browser to open a website as an examp
"host": "www.test.com",
"port": "8080",
// Prefix matching is used.
"pathStartWith": "query",
"type": "text/*"
"pathStartWith": "query"
"scheme": "http",
......@@ -53,12 +52,11 @@ function implicitStartAbility() {
let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext;
let wantInfo = {
// Uncomment the line below if you want to implicitly query data only in the specific bundle.
// bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
"action": "ohos.want.action.viewData",
// bundleName: 'com.example.myapplication',
'action': 'ohos.want.action.viewData',
// entities can be omitted.
"entities": ["entity.system.browsable"],
"uri": "https://www.test.com:8080/query/student",
"type": "text/plain"
'entities': ['entity.system.browsable'],
'uri': 'https://www.test.com:8080/query/student'
context.startAbility(wantInfo).then(() => {
// ...
......@@ -75,6 +73,6 @@ The matching process is as follows:
3. If **uri** in the passed **want** parameter is included in **uris** under **skills** of the ability to match, which is concatenated into https://www.test.com:8080/query* (where * is a wildcard), the matching is successful.
4. If **type** in the passed **want** parameter is specified and is included in **type** under **skills** of the ability to match, the matching is successful.
When there are multiple matching applications, a dialog box is displayed for you to select one of them. The following figure shows an example.
If there are multiple matching applications, the system displays a dialog box for you to select one of them. The following figure shows an example.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ In view of this, OpenHarmony formulates a set of component startup rules, as fol
- An application is considered as a foreground application only when the application process gains focus or its UIAbility component is running in the foreground.
- Verify the **ohos.permission.START_ABILITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND** permission.
- **When the startAbilityByCall() method is used, verify the call permission.** For details, see [Using Ability Call to Implement UIAbility Interaction](uiability-intra-device-interaction.md#using-ability-call-to-implement-uiability-interaction) and [Using Cross-Device Ability Call](hop-multi-device-collaboration.md#using-cross-device-ability-call).
- **When the startAbilityByCall() method is used, verify the call permission.** For details, see [Using Call to Implement UIAbility Interaction](uiability-intra-device-interaction.md#using-call-to-implement-uiability-interaction) and [Using Cross-Device Call](hop-multi-device-collaboration.md#using-cross-device-call).
- Verify the **ohos.permission.ABILITY_BACKGROUND_COMMUNICATION** permission.
......@@ -76,22 +76,22 @@ In the FA model, you can call **getContext** of **featureAbility** to obtain the
The following code snippet shows how to use **getContext()** to obtain the application context and distributed directory:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
import fileIo from '@ohos.fileio'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
(async () => {
let dir: string
let dir: string;
try {
console.info('Begin to getOrCreateDistributedDir')
dir = await featureAbility.getContext().getOrCreateDistributedDir()
console.info('Begin to getOrCreateDistributedDir');
dir = await featureAbility.getContext().getOrCreateDistributedDir();
console.info('distribute dir is ' + dir)
} catch (error) {
console.error('getOrCreateDistributedDir failed with ' + error)
console.error('getOrCreateDistributedDir failed with ' + error);
let fd: number;
let path = dir + "/a.txt";
fd = fileIo.openSync(path, 0o2 | 0o100, 0o666);
fd = fs.openSync(path, fs.OpenMode.READ_WRITE).fd;
......@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
Users often need to share data (such as a text or an image) from one application to another. The following uses PDF file sharing as an example to describe how to use Want to share data between applications.
Data sharing requires two UIAbility components (one for the sharing party and the other for the shared party) and one system component (used as the application selector). When the sharing party initiates data sharing by calling **startAbility()**, the system implicitly matches and displays all applications that support the type of data to share. After the user selects an application, the system starts the application to complete data sharing.
Data sharing requires two UIAbility components (one for the sharing party and the other for the shared party) and one system component (used as the application sharing box). When the sharing party initiates data sharing by calling **startAbility()**, the system implicitly matches and displays all applications that support the type of data to share. After the user selects an application, the system starts the application to complete data sharing.
In this section, data sharing is triggered by touching a button. You can use other ways to trigger data sharing during application development. This section focuses on how to configure Want to implement data sharing.
The following actions are involved for data sharing:
- **ohos.want.action.select**: action of starting the application selector.
- **ohos.want.action.select**: action of starting the application sharing box.
- **ohos.want.action.sendData**: action of sending a single data record, that is, transferring data to the shared party.
## Sharing Party
The sharing party starts an application selector and transfers the data to the shared party. Therefore, Want of the sharing party must be nested at two layers. In the first layer, implicit Want is used together with the **ohos.want.action.select** action to display the application selector. In the second layer, the data to share is declared
The sharing party starts an application sharing box and transfers the data to the shared party. Therefore, Want of the sharing party must be nested at two layers. In the first layer, implicit Want is used together with the **ohos.want.action.select** action to display the application sharing box. In the second layer, the data to share is declared
in the custom field **parameters**, and then the Want that includes the **ohos.want.action.sendData** action and the **parameters** field is transferred to the application selector. The shared party obtains the shared data from **parameters**.
in the custom field **parameters**, and then the Want that includes the **ohos.want.action.sendData** action and the **parameters** field is transferred to the application sharing box. The shared party obtains the shared data from **parameters**.
import common from '@ohos.app.ability.common';
......@@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ let fileSize; // Obtain the size of the file to share.
function implicitStartAbility() {
let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext;
let wantInfo = {
/ This action is used to implicitly match the application selector.
/ This action is used to implicitly match the application sharing box.
action: 'ohos.want.action.select',
// This is the custom parameter in the first layer of Want,
/ which is intended to add information to the application selector.
/ which is intended to add information to the application sharing box.
parameters: {
// MIME type of PDF.
"ability.picker.type": fileType,
"ability.picker.fileNames": [fileName],
"ability.picker.fileSizes": [fileSize],
'ability.picker.type': fileType,
'ability.picker.fileNames': [fileName],
'ability.picker.fileSizes': [fileSize],
// This is nested Want ,which will be directly sent to the selected application.
"ability.want.params.INTENT": {
"action": "ohos.want.action.sendData",
"type": "application/pdf",
"parameters": {
"keyFd": { "type": "FD", "value": fileFd }
'ability.want.params.INTENT': {
'action': 'ohos.want.action.sendData',
'type': 'application/pdf',
'parameters': {
'keyFd': { 'type': 'FD', 'value': fileFd }
......@@ -59,14 +59,15 @@ function implicitStartAbility() {
> Data sharing can be implemented only in FD format. For details about how to obtain the FD and file name, see [File Management](../reference/apis/js-apis-file-fs.md).
In the preceding code, under the custom field **parameters**, the following **ability.picker.*** fields are used to pass the information to be displayed on the application selector:
In the preceding code, under the custom field **parameters**, the following **ability.picker.*** fields are used to pass the information to be displayed on the application sharing box:
- **ability.picker.type**: file type icon.
- **ability.picker.fileNames**: file name.
- **ability.picker.fileSizes**: file size, in bytes.
- **ability.picker.fileNames** and **ability.picker.fileSizes** are arrays and have a one-to-one mapping.
The following figure shows an example.
The following figure shows an example.
## Shared Party
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The system matches the **action** attribute in the **want** parameter passed by
**Figure 1** Matching rules of action in the want parameter
### Matching Rules of entities in the want Parameter
......@@ -79,19 +79,15 @@ The system matches the **entities** attribute in the **want** parameter passed b
- If **entities** in the passed **want** parameter is specified, and **entities** under **skills** of an ability is specified but does not contain **entities** in the passed **want** parameter, the matching fails.
Figure 2 Matching rule of entities in the want parameter
**Figure 2** Matching rule of entities in the want parameter
### Matching Rules of uri and type in the want Parameter
When the **uri** and **type** parameters are specified in the **want** parameter to initiate a component startup request, the system traverses the list of installed components and matches the **uris** array under **skills** of the abilities one by one. If one of the **uris** arrays under **skills** matches the **uri** and **type** in the passed **want**, the matching is successful.
Figure 3 Matching rules when uri and type are specified in the want parameter
There are four combinations of **uri** and **type** settings. The matching rules are as follows:
- Neither **uri** or **type** is specified in the **want** parameter.
......@@ -111,11 +107,17 @@ There are four combinations of **uri** and **type** settings. The matching rules
- If the **uris** array under **skills** of an ability is unspecified, the matching fails.
- If the **uris** array under **skills** of an ability contains an element whose [uri is matched](#matching-rules-of-uri) and [type is matched](#matching-rules-of-type), the matching is successful. Otherwise, the matching fails.
Leftmost URI matching: When only **scheme**, a combination of **scheme** and **host**, or a combination of **scheme**, **host**, and **port** is configured in the **uris** array under **skills** of the ability,
the matching is successful only if the leftmost URI in the passed **want** parameter matches **scheme**, the combination of **scheme** and **host**, or the combination of **scheme**, **host**, and **port**.
To simplify the description, **uri** and **type** passed in the **want** parameter are called **w_uri** and **w_type**, respectively; the **uris** array under **skills** of an ability to match is called **s_uris**; each element in the array is called **s_uri**. Matching is performed from top to bottom.
**Figure 3** Matching rules when uri and type are specified in the want parameter
To simplify the description, **uri** and **type** passed in the **want** parameter are called **w_uri** and **w_type**, respectively; the **uris** array under **skills** of an ability to match is called **s_uris**; each element in the array is called **s_uri**. Matching is performed from top to bottom.
Figure 4 Matching rules of uri and type in the want parameter
**Figure 4** Matching rules of uri and type in the want parameter
......@@ -128,7 +130,9 @@ To simplify the description, **uri** in the passed **want** parameter is called
- If **host** of **s_uri** is unspecified and **scheme** of **w_uri** and **scheme** of **s_uri** are the same, the matching is successful. Otherwise, the matching fails.
- If **path**, **pathStartWith**, and **pathRegex** of **s_uri** are unspecified and **w_uri** and **s_uri** are the same, the matching is successful. Otherwise, the matching fails.
- If **port** of **s_uri** is unspecified and the combination of **scheme** and **host** of **w_uri** is the same as the combination of **scheme** and **host** of **s_uri**, the matching is successful. Otherwise, the matching fails.
- If **path**, **pathStartWith**, and **pathRegex** of **s_uri** are unspecified and the combination of **scheme**, **host**, and **port** of **w_uri** is the same as the combination of **scheme**, **host**, and **port** of **s_uri**, the matching is successful. Otherwise, the matching fails.
- If **path** of **s_uri** is specified and the **full path expressions** of **w_uri** and **s_uri** are the same, the matching is successful. Otherwise, the matching of **pathStartWith** continues.
......@@ -139,12 +143,17 @@ To simplify the description, **uri** in the passed **want** parameter is called
> **NOTE**
> The **scheme**, **host**, **port**, **path**, **pathStartWith**, and **pathRegex** attributes of **uris** under **skills** of an ability are concatenated. If **path**, **pathStartWith**, and **pathRegex** are declared in sequence, **uris** can be concatenated into the following expressions:
> - **Full path expression**: `scheme://host:port/path`
> - **Prefix expression**: `scheme://host:port/pathStartWith`
> - **Regular expression**: `scheme://host:port/pathRegex`
> - **Prefix URI expression**: When only **scheme**, a combination of **scheme** and **host**, or a combination of **scheme**, **host**, and **port** is configured in the configuration file, the matching is successful if a URI prefixed with the configuration file is passed in.
> * `scheme://`
> * `scheme://host`
> * `scheme://host:port`
### Matching Rules of type
# Cross-Device Migration (for System Applications Only)]
# Cross-Device Migration (for System Applications Only)
## When to Use
......@@ -47,25 +47,16 @@ The table below describes the main APIs used for cross-device migration. For det
## How to Develop
1. Configure the data synchronization permission in the **module.json5** file. The sample code is as follows:
"module": {
"name" : "ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC",
1. Request the **ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
2. Configure the fields related to cross-device migration in the configuration file.
- Configure the application to support migration.
2. Display a dialog box to ask authorization from the user when the application is started for the first time. For details, see [Requesting User Authorization](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#requesting-user-authorization).
Set the **continuable** field in the **module.json5** file to **true**. The default value is **false**. If this parameter is set to **false**, the application cannot be continued on the target device.
3. Configure the fields related to cross-device migration in the configuration file.
Configure the application to support migration.
Set the **continuable** field in the **module.json5** file to **true**. The default value is **false**. If this parameter is set to **false**, the application cannot be continued on the target device.
"module": {
......@@ -80,47 +71,31 @@ The table below describes the main APIs used for cross-device migration. For det
- Configure the application launch type. For details, see [UIAbility Component Launch Type](uiability-launch-type.md).
3. Request the data synchronization permission. The sample code for displaying a dialog box to request the permission is as follows:
requestPermission() {
let context = this.context
let permissions: Array<string> = ['ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC']
context.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions).then((data) => {
console.info("Succeed to request permission from user with data: "+ JSON.stringify(data))
}).catch((error) => {
console.info("Failed to request permission from user with error: "+ JSON.stringify(error))
Configure the application launch type. For details, see [UIAbility Component Launch Type](uiability-launch-type.md).
4. Implement [onContinue()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#abilityoncontinue) in the UIAbility of the initiator.
[onContinue()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#abilityoncontinue) is called on the initiator. You can save the data in this method to implement application compatibility check and migration decision.
- Saving migrated data: You can save the data to be migrated in key-value pairs in **wantParam**.
- Checking application compatibility: You can obtain the version number of the target application from **wantParam** and check the compatibility between the target application and the current application.
- Making a migration decision: You can determine whether to support the migration based on the return value of **onContinue()**. For details about the return value, see [Available APIs](#available-apis).
The sample code is as follows:
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
import AbilityConstant from '@ohos.app.ability.AbilityConstant';
onContinue(wantParam : {[key: string]: any}) {
console.info(`onContinue version = ${wantParam.version}, targetDevice: ${wantParam.targetDevice}`)
let workInput = AppStorage.Get<string>('ContinueWork');
// Set the user input data into wantParam.
wantParam["work"] = workInput // set user input data into want params
console.info(`onContinue input = ${wantParam["input"]}`);
return AbilityConstant.OnContinueResult.AGREE
The sample code is as follows:
import UIAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.UIAbility';
import AbilityConstant from '@ohos.app.ability.AbilityConstant';
onContinue(wantParam : {[key: string]: any}) {
console.info(`onContinue version = ${wantParam.version}, targetDevice: ${wantParam.targetDevice}`)
let workInput = AppStorage.Get<string>('ContinueWork');
// Set the user input data into wantParam.
wantParam["work"] = workInput // set user input data into want params
console.info(`onContinue input = ${wantParam["input"]}`);
return AbilityConstant.OnContinueResult.AGREE
5. Implement **onCreate()** and **onNewWant()** in the UIAbility of the target application to implement data restoration.
- Implementation example of **onCreate** in the multi-instance scenario
......@@ -30,102 +30,100 @@ Missions are managed by system applications (such as home screen), rather than t
A UIAbility instance corresponds to an independent mission. Therefore, when an application calls [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) to start a UIAbility, a mission is created.
To call [missionManager](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-missionManager.md) to manage missions, the home screen application must request the **ohos.permission.MANAGE_MISSIONS** permission. For details about the configuration, see [Permission Application Guide](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
You can use **missionManager** to manage missions, for example, listening for mission changes, obtaining mission information or snapshots, and clearing, locking, or unlocking missions. The sample code is as follows:
import missionManager from '@ohos.app.ability.missionManager'
let listener = {
// Listen for mission creation.
onMissionCreated: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission destruction.
onMissionDestroyed: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission snapshot changes.
onMissionSnapshotChanged: function (mission) {
// Listen for switching the mission to the foreground.
onMissionMovedToFront: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission icon changes.
onMissionIconUpdated: function (mission, icon) {
// Listen for mission name changes.
onMissionLabelUpdated: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission closure events.
onMissionClosed: function (mission) {
// 1. Register a mission change listener.
let listenerId = missionManager.on('mission', listener);
// 2. Obtain the latest 20 missions in the system.
missionManager.getMissionInfos("", 20, (error, missions) => {
console.info("getMissionInfos is called, error.code = " + error.code);
console.info("size = " + missions.length);
console.info("missions = " + JSON.stringify(missions));
// 3. Obtain the detailed information about a mission.
let missionId = 11; // The mission ID 11 is only an example.
let mission = missionManager.getMissionInfo("", missionId).catch(function (err) {
// 4. Obtain the mission snapshot.
missionManager.getMissionSnapShot("", missionId, (error, snapshot) => {
console.info("getMissionSnapShot is called, error.code = " + error.code);
console.info("bundleName = " + snapshot.ability.bundleName);
// 5. Obtain the low-resolution mission snapshot.
missionManager.getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot("", missionId, (error, snapshot) => {
console.info("getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot is called, error.code = " + error.code);
console.info("bundleName = " + snapshot.ability.bundleName);
// 6. Lock or unlock the mission.
missionManager.lockMission(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("lockMission is called ");
missionManager.unlockMission(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("unlockMission is called ");
// 7. Switch the mission to the foreground.
missionManager.moveMissionToFront(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("moveMissionToFront is called ");
// 8. Clear a single mission.
missionManager.clearMission(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("clearMission is called ");
// 9. Clear all missions.
missionManager.clearAllMissions().catch(function (err) {
// 10. Deregister the mission change listener.
missionManager.off('mission', listenerId, (error) => {
To call [missionManager](../reference/apis/js-apis-application-missionManager.md) to manage missions, the home screen application must request the **ohos.permission.MANAGE_MISSIONS** permission. For details about the configuration, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
You can use **missionManager** to manage missions, for example, listening for mission changes, obtaining mission information or snapshots, and clearing, locking, or unlocking missions.
import missionManager from '@ohos.app.ability.missionManager'
let listener = {
// Listen for mission creation.
onMissionCreated: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission destruction.
onMissionDestroyed: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission snapshot changes.
onMissionSnapshotChanged: function (mission) {
// Listen for switching the mission to the foreground.
onMissionMovedToFront: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission icon changes.
onMissionIconUpdated: function (mission, icon) {
// Listen for mission name changes.
onMissionLabelUpdated: function (mission) {
// Listen for mission closure events.
onMissionClosed: function (mission) {
// 1. Register a mission change listener.
let listenerId = missionManager.on('mission', listener);
// 2. Obtain the latest 20 missions in the system.
missionManager.getMissionInfos("", 20, (error, missions) => {
console.info("getMissionInfos is called, error.code = " + error.code);
console.info("size = " + missions.length);
console.info("missions = " + JSON.stringify(missions));
// 3. Obtain the detailed information about a mission.
let missionId = 11; // The mission ID 11 is only an example.
let mission = missionManager.getMissionInfo("", missionId).catch(function (err) {
// 4. Obtain the mission snapshot.
missionManager.getMissionSnapShot("", missionId, (error, snapshot) => {
console.info("getMissionSnapShot is called, error.code = " + error.code);
console.info("bundleName = " + snapshot.ability.bundleName);
// 5. Obtain the low-resolution mission snapshot.
missionManager.getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot("", missionId, (error, snapshot) => {
console.info("getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot is called, error.code = " + error.code);
console.info("bundleName = " + snapshot.ability.bundleName);
// 6. Lock or unlock the mission.
missionManager.lockMission(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("lockMission is called ");
missionManager.unlockMission(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("unlockMission is called ");
// 7. Switch the mission to the foreground.
missionManager.moveMissionToFront(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("moveMissionToFront is called ");
// 8. Clear a single mission.
missionManager.clearMission(missionId).then(() => {
console.info("clearMission is called ");
// 9. Clear all missions.
missionManager.clearAllMissions().catch(function (err) {
// 10. Deregister the mission change listener.
missionManager.off('mission', listenerId, (error) => {
......@@ -9,37 +9,7 @@ During application development, you must declare the required permission in the
To declare a permission in **config.json**, add **reqPermissions** under **module** and list the permission.
For example, to request the permission to access the calendar, perform the following steps:
For example, to declare the permission to access the calendar, request the **ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR** permission. For details, see [Permission Application Guide](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
The sample code in the **config.json** file is as follows:
"module": {
// ...
"reqPermissions": [
"name": "ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR"
// ...
Request the permission from uses in the form of a dialog box:
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
let context = featureAbility.getContext();
let permissions: Array<string> = ['ohos.permission.READ_CALENDAR']
context.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions, 1).then((data) => {
console.info("Succeed to request permission from user with data: " + JSON.stringify(data))
}).catch((error) => {
console.info("Failed to request permission from user with error: " + JSON.stringify(error))
1. Request the **ohos.permission.DISTRIBUTED_DATASYNC** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
2. Display a dialog box to ask authorization from the user when the application is started for the first time. For details, see [Requesting User Authorization](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#requesting-user-authorization).
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Before using the APIs provided by **EventHub**, you must obtain an **EventHub**
4. After **event1** is used, you can call [eventHub.off()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-eventHub.md#eventhuboff) to unsubscribe from the event.
// context is the ability-level context of the UIAbility instance.
// context is the AbilityContext of the UIAbility instance.
......@@ -240,10 +240,6 @@ The following provides an example to describe the object overwritten problem in
struct Index {
onPageShow() {
let ctx = globalThis.context; // Obtain the context from globalThis and use it.
let permissions = ['com.example.permission']
ctx.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions,(result) => {
// ...
// Page display.
build() {
......@@ -251,7 +247,7 @@ The following provides an example to describe the object overwritten problem in
3. In the UIAbilityB file, [UIAbilityContext](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md) is stored in **globalThis** and has the same name as that in the UIAbilityA file.
......@@ -274,10 +270,6 @@ The following provides an example to describe the object overwritten problem in
struct Index {
onPageShow() {
let ctx = globalThis.context; // Obtain the context from globalThis and use it.
let permissions = ['com.example.permission']
ctx.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions,(result) => {
console.info('requestPermissionsFromUser result:' + JSON.stringify(result));
// Page display.
build() {
......@@ -285,7 +277,7 @@ The following provides an example to describe the object overwritten problem in
5. Switch the UIAbilityB instance to the background and switch the UIAbilityA instance to the foreground. In this case, UIAbilityA will not enter the **onCreate()** lifecycle again.
......@@ -307,10 +299,6 @@ The following provides an example to describe the object overwritten problem in
struct Index {
onPageShow() {
let ctx = globalThis.context; // The context in globalThis is the context of UIAbilityB.
let permissions=['com.example.permission'];
ctx.requestPermissionsFromUser(permissions,(result) => { // Using this object causes a process breakdown.
console.info('requestPermissionsFromUser result:' + JSON.stringify(result));
// Page display.
build() {
......@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ The launch type of the UIAbility component refers to the state of the UIAbility
Each time [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) is called, if a UIAbility instance of this type already exists in the application process, the instance is reused. Therefore, only one UIAbility instance of this type exists in the system, that is, displayed in **Recents**.
**Figure 1** Demonstration effect in singleton mode
**Figure 1** Demonstration effect in singleton mode
> **NOTE**<br>Assume that the application already has a UIAbility instance created, and the launch type of the UIAbility instance is set to **singleton**. If [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) is called again to start the UIAbility instance, the original UIAbility instance is started, and no new UIAbility instance is created. In this case, the [onNewWant()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#abilityonnewwant) callback is invoked, but the [onCreate()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#uiabilityoncreate) and [onWindowStageCreate()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#uiabilityonwindowstagecreate) callbacks are not.
> **NOTE**
> Assume that the application already has a UIAbility instance created, and the launch type of the UIAbility instance is set to **singleton**. If [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) is called again to start the UIAbility instance, the original UIAbility instance is started, and no new UIAbility instance is created. In this case, the [onNewWant()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#abilityonnewwant) callback is invoked, but the [onCreate()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#uiabilityoncreate) and [onWindowStageCreate()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#uiabilityonwindowstagecreate) callbacks are not.
To use the singleton mode, set **launchType** in the [module.json5 configuration file](../quick-start/module-configuration-file.md) to **singleton**.
......@@ -44,7 +47,8 @@ To use the singleton mode, set **launchType** in the [module.json5 configuration
In standard mode, each time [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) is called, a new UIAbility instance of this type is created in the application process. Multiple UIAbility instances of this type are displayed in **Recents**.
**Figure 2** Demonstration effect in standard mode
**Figure 2** Demonstration effect in standard mode
To use the standard mode, set **launchType** in the [module.json5 configuration file](../quick-start/module-configuration-file.md) to **standard**.
......@@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ To use the standard mode, set **launchType** in the [module.json5 configuration
The **specified** mode is used in some special scenarios. For example, in a document application, you want a document instance to be created each time you create a document, but you want to use the same document instance when you repeatedly open an existing document.
**Figure 3** Demonstration effect in specified mode
**Figure 3** Demonstration effect in specified mode
For example, there are two UIAbility components: EntryAbility and SpecifiedAbility (with the launch type **specified**). You are required to start SpecifiedAbility from EntryAbility.
......@@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ For example, there are two UIAbility components: EntryAbility and SpecifiedAbili
instanceKey: getInstance(),
// context is the ability-level context of the initiator UIAbility.
// context is the UIAbilityContext of the initiator UIAbility.
this.context.startAbility(want).then(() => {
// ...
}).catch((err) => {
......@@ -137,7 +142,7 @@ For example, there are two UIAbility components: EntryAbility and SpecifiedAbili
> **NOTE**<br>
> **NOTE**
> 1. Assume that the application already has a UIAbility instance created, and the launch type of the UIAbility instance is set to **specified**. If [startAbility()](../reference/apis/js-apis-inner-application-uiAbilityContext.md#uiabilitycontextstartability) is called again to start the UIAbility instance, and the [onAcceptWant()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-abilityStage.md#abilitystageonacceptwant) callback of [AbilityStage](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-abilityStage.md) matches a created UIAbility instance, the original UIAbility instance is started, and no new UIAbility instance is created. In this case, the [onNewWant()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#abilityonnewwant) callback is invoked, but the [onCreate()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#uiabilityoncreate) and [onWindowStageCreate()](../reference/apis/js-apis-app-ability-uiAbility.md#uiabilityonwindowstagecreate) callbacks are not.
> 2. AbilityStage is not automatically generated in the default project of DevEco Studio. For details about how to create an AbilityStage file, see [AbilityStage Component Container](abilitystage.md).
# Native APIs
Native APIs are a set of native development interfaces and tools provided by the OHOS SDK. It enables the use of C or C++ code to implement key application functionalities. Native APIs provide part of basic underlying capabilities of OHOS, such as libc, graphics library, window system, multimedia, and compression library. They do not provide complete OHOS platform capabilities as JS APIs do. Native APIs are compiled into a dynamic library before being packed into the application.
## Native API Composition
### Native API Directory Structure
Native APIs are stored in the **$(SDK_ROOT)/native** directory of the SDK. They consist of the following parts:
|build|Used to build the toolchain.cmake script of the dynamic library in the application. The **ohos.toolchain.cmake** file in this directory defines OHOS cross compilation options.|
|build-tools|Stores build tools, such as CMake.|
|docs|Stores Native API reference documents, which is extracted from the header files using Doxgen.|
|llvm|Stores LLVM, a cross compiler that supports OHOS ABIs.|
|sysroot|Stores dependent files of build links, including header files and dynamic libraries.|
### Native APIs
|Category|Function|Introduced In|
|C standard library|C standard library interfaces based on musl. Currently, more than 1500 interfaces are provided.|API version 8|
|C++ standard library|C++ runtime library libc++_shared. This library must be packed or statically linked to the application during packing.|API version 8|
|Log|HiLog interfaces for printing logs to the system|API version 8|
|napi|A group of Node-APIs provided by ArkUI to facilitate access to the JS application environment during application development. Node-APIs are part of native APIs.|API version 8|
|XComponent|Provides surface and touchscreen event interfaces for developing high-performance graphics applications.|API version 8|
|libuv|Third-party asynchronous I/O library integrated by ArkUI.|API version 8|
|libz|zlib library that provides basic compression and decompression interfaces.|API version 8|
|Drawing|2D graphics library that can be used for drawing on the surface.|API version 8|
|OpenGL|OpenGL 3.0 interfaces.|API version 8|
|Rawfile|Application resource access interfaces that can be used to read various resources packed in the application.|API version 8|
|OpenSLES|Interface library used for 2D and 3D audio acceleration.|API version 8|
|Mindspore|AI model interface library.|API version 9|
|Bundle management|Bundle service interfaces that can be used to query bundle information of the application.|API version 8|
Some native APIs use open source standards. For details, see [Native Standard Libraries Supported by OpenHarmony](https://docs.openharmony.cn/pages/v3.1/en/application-dev/reference/native-lib/third_party_libc/musl.md/) and [Node_API](https://docs.openharmony.cn/pages/v3.1/en/application-dev/reference/native-lib/third_party_napi/napi.md/).
## Usage Guidelines
### Scenarios Where Native APIs Are Recommended
You can use native APIs when you want to:
1. Develop performance-sensitive code in computing-intensive scenarios such as gaming and physical simulation.
2. Reuse the existing C or C++ library.
3. Customize libraries related to CPU features, such as neon acceleration.
### Scenarios Where Native APIs Are Not Recommended
You do not need to use native APIs when you want to:
1. Write a native OHOS application.
2. Develop an application compatible on as many OHOS devices as possible.
# Native API References
- [Native API hello world]()
This sample shows how to develop a hello native API library, which can display strings obtained from the hello library on the TS page.
- [Using Native APIs in Application Projects](napi-guidelines.md)
This document describes how to use native APIs to interact with modules, interfaces, and asynchronous tasks in JS.
- [Drawing Development](drawing-guidelines.md)
- [Raw File Development](rawfile-guidelines.md)
- [Native Window Development](native-window-guidelines.md)
......@@ -232,3 +232,26 @@ struct Child {
## Restrictions on Naming Custom Components, Classes, and Functions
The name of a custom component, class, or function cannot be the same as any system component name.
// Rect.ets
export class Rect {
// Index.ets
// ERROR: The module name 'Rect' can not be the same as the inner component name.
import { Rect } from './Rect';
struct Index {
build() {
......@@ -65,11 +65,13 @@ Indicates that the device's thermal level has changed.
- Required subscriber permissions: none
## COMMON_EVENT_USER_PRESENT<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
(Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the user unlocks the device.
- Value: **usual.event.USER_PRESENT**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
> This API is deprecated since API version 10.
Indicates that the system time has changed as time ticks by.
......@@ -929,3 +931,116 @@ Indicates the result of applying a quick fix to the application.
Indicates that the HTTP proxy configuration has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.HTTP_PROXY_CHANGE**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the SIM card state has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.SIM_STATE_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the SMS message is received.
- Value: **usual.event.SMS_RECEIVED_COMPLETED**
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
Indicates that an emergency cell broadcast message is received.
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
Indicates that a cell broadcast message is received.
- Value: **usual.event.SMS_CB_RECEIVE_COMPLETED**
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
(Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the STK command.
- Value: **usual.event.STK_COMMAND**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
(Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that an STK session ends.
- Value: **usual.event.STK_SESSION_END**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
(Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates that the STK card state has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.STK_CARD_STATE_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission
(Reserved, not supported yet) Indicates the STK alpha indicator.
- Value: **usual.event.STK_ALPHA_IDENTIFIER**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that a WAP push message is received.
- Value: **usual.event.SMS_WAPPUSH_RECEIVE_COMPLETED**
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
Indicates that the carrier configuration has been updated.
- Value: **usual.event.OPERATOR_CONFIG_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the default SIM card for the SMS service has changed.
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the default SIM card for the mobile data service has changed.
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the default primary SIM card has changed.
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the default SIM card for the voice service has changed.
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the call state has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.CALL_STATE_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE
Indicates that the cellular data state has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.CELLULAR_DATA_STATE_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the network state has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the signal information is updated.
- Value: **usual.event.SIGNAL_INFO_CHANGED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates a missed call.
- Value: **usual.event.INCOMING_CALL_MISSED**
- Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.GET_TELEPHONY_STATE
Indicates that the power-on and power-off status of the modem has changed.
- Value: **usual.event.RADIO_STATE_CHANGE**
Indicates that the screen is locked.
- Value: **usual.event.SCREEN_LOCKED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
Indicates that the screen is unlocked.
- Value: **usual.event.SCREEN_UNLOCKED**
- Required subscriber permissions: none
......@@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ audioManager.off('deviceChange', (deviceChanged) => {
### on('interrupt')<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
### on('interrupt')
on(type: 'interrupt', interrupt: AudioInterrupt, callback: Callback\<InterruptAction>): void
......@@ -2129,10 +2129,6 @@ Subscribes to audio interruption events. When the application's audio is interru
Same as [on('audioInterrupt')](#onaudiointerrupt9), this API is used to listen for focus changes. However, this API is used in scenarios without audio streams (no **AudioRenderer** instance is created), such as frequency modulation (FM) and voice wakeup.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Renderer
......@@ -2163,16 +2159,12 @@ audioManager.on('interrupt', interAudioInterrupt, (InterruptAction) => {
### off('interrupt')<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
### off('interrupt')
off(type: 'interrupt', interrupt: AudioInterrupt, callback?: Callback\<InterruptAction>): void
Unsubscribes from audio interruption events.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Renderer
......@@ -3953,21 +3945,20 @@ Obtains the output device with the highest priority based on the audio renderer
let rendererInfo = {
content : audio.ContentType.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC,
usage : audio.StreamUsage.STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA,
rendererFlags : 0 };
rendererFlags : 0 }
async function getPreferOutputDevice() {
audioRoutingManager.getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo(rendererInfo, (err, desc) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${err}`);
} else {
console.info('device descriptor: ' + JSON.stringify(desc));
console.info(`device descriptor: ${desc}`);
### getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo<sup>9+</sup>
### getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo<sup>10+</sup>
getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo(rendererInfo: AudioRendererInfo): Promise&lt;AudioDeviceDescriptors&gt;
Obtains the output device with the highest priority based on the audio renderer information. This API uses a promise to return the result.
......@@ -3986,19 +3977,27 @@ Obtains the output device with the highest priority based on the audio renderer
| --------------------- | --------------------------- |
| Promise&lt;[AudioDeviceDescriptors](#audiodevicedescriptors)&gt; | Promise used to return the information about the output device with the highest priority.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | --------------------------------------------|
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
let rendererInfo = {
content : audio.ContentType.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC,
usage : audio.StreamUsage.STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA,
rendererFlags : 0 };
rendererFlags : 0 }
async function getPreferOutputDevice() {
audioRoutingManager.getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo(rendererInfo).then((desc) => {
console.info('device descriptor: ' + JSON.stringify(desc));
console.info(`device descriptor: ${desc}`);
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${err}`);
......@@ -4009,6 +4008,8 @@ on(type: 'preferOutputDeviceChangeForRendererInfo', rendererInfo: AudioRendererI
Subscribes to the change of the output device with the highest priority. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Device
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
......@@ -4017,16 +4018,24 @@ Subscribes to the change of the output device with the highest priority. This AP
| rendererInfo | [AudioRendererInfo](#audiorendererinfo8) | Yes | Audio renderer information. |
| callback | Callback<[AudioDeviceDescriptors](#audiodevicedescriptors)\> | Yes | Callback used to return the information about the output device with the highest priority. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | --------------------------------------------|
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
let rendererInfo = {
content : audio.ContentType.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC,
usage : audio.StreamUsage.STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA,
rendererFlags : 0 };
rendererFlags : 0 }
audioRoutingManager.on('preferOutputDeviceChangeForRendererInfo', rendererInfo, (desc) => {
console.info('device descriptor: ' + JSON.stringify(desc));
console.info(`device descriptor: ${desc}`);
......@@ -4045,6 +4054,14 @@ Unsubscribes from the change of the output device with the highest priority.
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'preferOutputDeviceChangeForRendererInfo'** means the event triggered when the output device with the highest priority changes.|
| callback | Callback<[AudioDeviceDescriptors](#audiodevicedescriptors)> | No | Callback used for unsubscription. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | --------------------------------------------|
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
......@@ -5107,18 +5124,18 @@ audioRenderer.setVolume(0.5, (err, data)=>{
on(type: 'audioInterrupt', callback: Callback\<InterruptEvent>): void
Subscribes to audio interruption events. This API uses a callback to get interrupt events.
Subscribes to audio interruption events. This API uses a callback to obtain interrupt events.
Same as [on('interrupt')](#oninterruptdeprecated), this API has obtained the focus before **start**, **pause**, or **stop** of **AudioRenderer** is called. Therefore, you do not need to request the focus.
Same as [on('interrupt')](#oninterrupt), this API is used to listen for focus changes. The **AudioRenderer** instance proactively gains the focus when the **start** event occurs and releases the focus when the **pause** or **stop** event occurs. Therefore, you do not need to request to gain or release the focus.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Interrupt
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'audioInterrupt'** means the audio interruption event, which is triggered when audio playback is interrupted. |
| callback | Callback<[InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9)> | Yes | Callback used to return the audio interruption event. |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'audioInterrupt'** means the audio interruption event, which is triggered when audio rendering is interrupted. |
| callback | Callback\<[InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9)\> | Yes | Callback used to return the audio interruption event. |
**Error codes**
......@@ -5131,50 +5148,68 @@ For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorco
let isPlay;
let started;
let isPlaying; // An identifier specifying whether rendering is in progress.
let isDucked; // An identifier specifying whether the audio volume is reduced.
async function onAudioInterrupt(){
audioRenderer.on('audioInterrupt', async(interruptEvent) => {
if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_FORCE) {
// The system forcibly interrupts audio rendering. The application must update the status and displayed content accordingly.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
console.info('Force paused. Stop writing');
isPlay = false;
// The audio stream has been paused and temporarily loses the focus. It will receive the interruptEvent corresponding to resume when it is able to regain the focus.
console.info('Force paused. Update playing status and stop writing');
isPlaying = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
console.info('Force stopped. Stop writing');
isPlay = false;
// The audio stream has been stopped and permanently loses the focus. The user must manually trigger the operation to resume rendering.
console.info('Force stopped. Update playing status and stop writing');
isPlaying = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_DUCK:
// The audio stream is rendered at a reduced volume.
console.info('Force ducked. Update volume status');
isDucked = true; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for updating the volume status.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_UNDUCK:
// The audio stream is rendered at the normal volume.
console.info('Force ducked. Update volume status');
isDucked = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for updating the volume status.
console.info('Invalid interruptEvent');
} else if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_SHARE) {
// The application can choose to take action or ignore.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_RESUME:
// It is recommended that the application continue rendering. (The audio stream has been forcibly paused and temporarily lost the focus. It can resume rendering now.)
console.info('Resume force paused renderer or ignore');
await audioRenderer.start().then(async function () {
console.info('AudioInterruptMusic: renderInstant started :SUCCESS ');
started = true;
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`AudioInterruptMusic: renderInstant start :ERROR : ${err}`);
started = false;
if (started) {
isPlay = true;
console.info(`AudioInterruptMusic Renderer started : isPlay : ${isPlay}`);
} else {
console.error('AudioInterruptMusic Renderer start failed');
// To continue rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
// It is recommended that the application pause rendering.
console.info('Choose to pause or ignore');
if (isPlay == true) {
isPlay == false;
console.info('AudioInterruptMusic: Media PAUSE : TRUE');
} else {
isPlay = true;
console.info('AudioInterruptMusic: Media PLAY : TRUE');
// To pause rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
// It is recommended that the application stop rendering.
console.info('Choose to stop or ignore');
// To stop rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_DUCK:
// It is recommended that the application reduce the volume for rendering.
console.info('Choose to duck or ignore');
// To decrease the volume for rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_UNDUCK:
// It is recommended that the application resume rendering at the normal volume.
console.info('Choose to unduck or ignore');
// To resume rendering at the normal volume, the application must perform the required operations.
......@@ -5850,6 +5885,84 @@ audioCapturer.getBufferSize().then((data) => {
### on('audioInterrupt')<sup>10+</sup>
on(type: 'audioInterrupt', callback: Callback\<InterruptEvent>): void
Subscribes to audio interruption events. This API uses a callback to get interrupt events.
Same as [on('interrupt')](#oninterrupt), this API is used to listen for focus changes. The **AudioCapturer** instance proactively gains the focus when the **start** event occurs and releases the focus when the **pause** or **stop** event occurs. Therefore, you do not need to request to gain or release the focus.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Interrupt
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'audioInterrupt'** means the audio interruption event, which is triggered when audio capturing is interrupted. |
| callback | Callback\<[InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9)\> | Yes | Callback used to return the audio interruption event. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID | Error Message |
| ------- | ------------------------------ |
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
let isCapturing; // An identifier specifying whether capturing is in progress.
async function onAudioInterrupt(){
audioCapturer.on('audioInterrupt', async(interruptEvent) => {
if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_FORCE) {
// The system forcibly interrupts audio capturing. The application must update the status and displayed content accordingly.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
// The audio stream has been paused and temporarily loses the focus. It will receive the interruptEvent corresponding to resume when it is able to regain the focus.
console.info('Force paused. Update capturing status and stop reading');
isCapturing = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
// The audio stream has been stopped and permanently loses the focus. The user must manually trigger the operation to resume capturing.
console.info('Force stopped. Update capturing status and stop reading');
isCapturing = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
console.info('Invalid interruptEvent');
} else if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_SHARE) {
// The application can choose to take action or ignore.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_RESUME:
// It is recommended that the application continue capturing. (The audio stream has been forcibly paused and temporarily lost the focus. It can resume capturing now.)
console.info('Resume force paused renderer or ignore');
// To continue capturing, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
// It is recommended that the application pause capturing.
console.info('Choose to pause or ignore');
// To pause capturing, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
// It is recommended that the application stop capturing.
console.info('Choose to stop or ignore');
// To stop capturing, the application must perform the required operations.
### on('markReach')<sup>8+</sup>
on(type: "markReach", frame: number, callback: Callback&lt;number&gt;): void
......@@ -6306,7 +6419,7 @@ Describes the callback invoked for audio interruption or focus gain events.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9.
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9).
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Renderer
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ Implements initialization for the interpolation curve, which is used to create a
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| [ICurve](#icurve) | Interpolation curve.|
......@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ Creates a step curve.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ------- | ----| ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| count | number | Yes | Number of steps. The value must be a positive integer. |
| count | number | Yes | Number of steps. The value must be a positive integer.<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**.|
| end | boolean | Yes | Whether jumping occurs when the interpolation ends.<br>- **true**: Jumping occurs when the interpolation ends.<br>- **false**: Jumping occurs when the interpolation starts.|
**Return value**
......@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ Creates a step curve.
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| [ICurve](#icurve) | Interpolation curve.|
......@@ -85,12 +83,13 @@ Creates a cubic Bezier curve. The curve values must be between 0 and 1.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ---- | -------------- |
| x1 | number | Yes | X coordinate of the first point on the Bezier curve.|
| y1 | number | Yes | Y coordinate of the first point on the Bezier curve.|
| x2 | number | Yes | X coordinate of the second point on the Bezier curve.|
| y2 | number | Yes | Y coordinate of the second point on the Bezier curve.|
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| x1 | number | Yes | X coordinate of the first point on the Bezier curve.<br>Value range: [0, 1]<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. A value greater than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.|
| y1 | number | Yes | Y coordinate of the first point on the Bezier curve.<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞) |
| x2 | number | Yes | X coordinate of the second point on the Bezier curve.<br>Value range: [0, 1]<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. A value greater than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.|
| y2 | number | Yes | Y coordinate of the second point on the Bezier curve.<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞) |
**Return value**
......@@ -112,17 +111,17 @@ Curves.cubicBezierCurve(0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0) // Create a cubic Bezier curve.
springCurve(velocity: number, mass: number, stiffness: number, damping: number): ICurve
Creates a spring curve.
Creates a spring curve. The curve shape is subject to the spring parameters, and the animation duration is subject to the **duration** parameter in **animation** and **animateTo**.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
| velocity | number | Yes | Initial velocity. It is applied by external factors to the elastic animation. It aims to help ensure the smooth transition from the previous motion state to the elastic animation.|
| mass | number | Yes | Mass, which influences the inertia in the spring system. The greater the mass, the greater the amplitude of the oscillation, and the slower the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.|
| stiffness | number | Yes | Stiffness. It is the degree to which an object deforms by resisting the force applied. In an elastic system, the greater the stiffness, the stronger the ability to resist deformation, and the faster the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.|
| damping | number | Yes | Damping. It is a pure number and has no real physical meaning. It is used to describe the oscillation and attenuation of the system after being disturbed. The larger the damping, the smaller the number of oscillations of elastic motion, and the smaller the oscillation amplitude.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| velocity | number | Yes | Initial velocity. It is applied by external factors to the spring animation, designed to help ensure the smooth transition from the previous motion state.<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
| mass | number | Yes | Mass, which influences the inertia in the spring system. The greater the mass, the greater the amplitude of the oscillation, and the slower the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **1**.|
| stiffness | number | Yes | Stiffness. It is the degree to which an object deforms by resisting the force applied. In an elastic system, the greater the stiffness, the stronger the ability to resist deformation, and the faster the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **1**.|
| damping | number | Yes | Damping. It is a pure number and has no real physical meaning. It is used to describe the oscillation and attenuation of the system after being disturbed. The larger the damping, the smaller the number of oscillations of elastic motion, and the smaller the oscillation amplitude.<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **1**.|
**Return value**
......@@ -149,18 +148,19 @@ Creates a spring animation curve. If multiple spring animations are applied to t
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
| response | number | No | Duration of one complete oscillation, in seconds.<br>Default value: **0.55**|
| dampingFraction | number | No | Damping coefficient.<br>**0**: undamped. In this case, the spring oscillates forever.<br>> 0 and < 1: underdamped. In this case, the spring overshoots the equilibrium position.<br>**1**: critically damped.<br>> 1: overdamped. In this case, the spring approaches equilibrium gradually.<br>Default value: **0.825**|
| overlapDuration | number | No | Duration for animations to overlap, in seconds. When animations overlap, if the **response** values of the two animations are different, they will transit smoothly over this duration.<br> Default value: **0**|
| response | number | No | Duration of one complete oscillation,<br>Default value: **0.55**<br>Unit: second<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value **0.55**.|
| dampingFraction | number | No | Damping coefficient.<br>**0**: undamped. In this case, the spring oscillates forever.<br>> 0 and < 1: underdamped. In this case, the spring overshoots the equilibrium position.<br>**1**: critically damped.<br>> 1: overdamped. In this case, the spring approaches equilibrium gradually.<br>Default value: **0.825**<br>Unit: second<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value **0.55**.|
| overlapDuration | number | No | Duration for animations to overlap, in seconds. When animations overlap, if the **response** values of the two animations are different, they will transit smoothly over this duration.<br><br>Default value: **0**<br>Unit: second<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value **0**.<br>The spring animation curve is physics-based. Its duration depends on the **springMotion** parameters and the previous velocity, rather than the **duration** parameter in **[animation](../arkui-ts/ts-animatorproperty.md)** or **[animateTo](../arkui-ts/ts-explicit-animation.md)**. The time cannot be normalized. Therefore, the interpolation cannot be obtained by using the **[interpolate](#interpolate)** function of the curve.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| [ICurve](#icurve)| Curve.<br>Note: The spring animation curve is physics-based. Its duration depends on the **springMotion** parameters and the previous velocity, rather than the **duration** parameter in **animation** or **animateTo**. The time cannot be normalized. Therefore, the interpolation cannot be obtained by using the [interpolate](#interpolate) function of the curve.|
| [ICurve](#icurve)| Curve.<br>**NOTE**<br>The spring animation curve is physics-based. Its duration depends on the **springMotion** parameters and the previous velocity, rather than the **duration** parameter in **animation** or **animateTo**. The time cannot be normalized. Therefore, the interpolation cannot be obtained by using the **[interpolate](#interpolate)** function of the curve.|
......@@ -182,17 +182,18 @@ Creates a responsive spring animation curve. It is a special case of [springMoti
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
| response | number | No | See **response** in **springMotion**. Default value: **0.15**|
| dampingFraction | number | No | See **dampingFraction** in **springMotion**. Default value: **0.86**|
| overlapDuration | number | No | See **overlapDuration** in **springMotion**. Default value: **0.25**|
| response | number | No | See **response** in **springMotion**.<br>Default value: **0.15**<br>Unit: second<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value **0.15**.|
| dampingFraction | number | No | See **dampingFraction** in **springMotion**.<br>Default value: **0.86**<br>Unit: second<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value **0.86**.|
| overlapDuration | number | No | See **overlapDuration** in **springMotion**.<br>Default value: **0.25**<br>Unit: second<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value **0.25**.<br> To apply custom settings for a spring animation, you are advised to use **springMotion**. When using **responsiveSpringMotion**, you are advised to retain the default settings.<br>The duration of the responsive spring animation depends on the **responsiveSpringMotion** parameters and the previous velocity, rather than the **duration** parameter in **[animation](../arkui-ts/ts-animatorproperty.md)** or **[animateTo](../arkui-ts/ts-explicit-animation.md)**. In addition, the interpolation cannot be obtained by using the **[interpolate](#interpolate)** function of the curve.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| [ICurve](#icurve)| Curve.<br>**NOTE**<br>1. To apply custom settings for a spring animation, you are advised to use **springMotion**. When using **responsiveSpringMotion**, you are advised to retain the default settings.<br>2. The duration of the responsive spring animation depends on the **responsiveSpringMotion** parameters and the previous velocity, rather than the **duration** parameter in **animation** or **animateTo**. In addition, the interpolation cannot be obtained by using the [interpolate](#interpolate) function of the curve.|
| [ICurve](#icurve)| Curve.<br>**NOTE**<br>1. To apply custom settings for a spring animation, you are advised to use **springMotion**. When using **responsiveSpringMotion**, you are advised to retain the default settings.<br>2. The duration of the responsive spring animation depends on the **responsiveSpringMotion** parameters and the previous velocity, rather than the **duration** parameter in **animation** or **animateTo**. In addition, the interpolation cannot be obtained by using the **interpolate** function of the curve.|
......@@ -202,6 +203,39 @@ Curves.responsiveSpringMotion() // Create a responsive spring animation curve wi
## Curves.interpolatingSpringCurve<sup>10+</sup>
interpolatingSpring(velocity: number, mass: number, stiffness: number, damping: number): ICurve
Creates an interpolating spring curve animated from 0 to 1. The actual animation value is calculated based on the curve. The animation duration is subject to the curve parameters, rather than the **duration** parameter in **animation** or **animateTo**.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
| velocity | number | Yes | Initial velocity. It is applied by external factors to the spring animation, designed to help ensure the smooth transition from the previous motion state. The velocity is the normalized velocity, and its value is equal to the actual velocity at the beginning of the animation divided by the animation attribute change value.|
| mass | number | Yes | Mass, which influences the inertia in the spring system. The greater the mass, the greater the amplitude of the oscillation, and the slower the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.|
| stiffness | number | Yes | Stiffness. It is the degree to which an object deforms by resisting the force applied. In an elastic system, the greater the stiffness, the stronger the ability to resist deformation, and the faster the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.|
| damping | number | Yes | Damping. It is a pure number and has no real physical meaning. It is used to describe the oscillation and attenuation of the system after being disturbed. The larger the damping, the smaller the number of oscillations of elastic motion, and the smaller the oscillation amplitude.|
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| [ICurve](#icurve)| Interpolation curve.|
import Curves from '@ohos.curves'
Curves.interpolatingSpring(100, 1, 228, 30) // Create an interpolating spring curve whose duration is subject to spring parameters.
## ICurve
......@@ -217,9 +251,9 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ------ | ---- | -------------------------------------------- |
| fraction | number | Yes | Current normalized time. The value ranges from 0 to 1.|
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| fraction | number | Yes | Current normalized time.<br>Value range: [0, 1]<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. A value greater than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.|
**Return value**
......@@ -300,7 +334,7 @@ Creates a spring curve. This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advi
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
| velocity | number | Yes | Initial velocity. It is applied by external factors to the elastic animation. It aims to help ensure the smooth transition from the previous motion state to the elastic animation.|
| velocity | number | Yes | Initial velocity. It is applied by external factors to the spring animation, designed to help ensure the smooth transition from the previous motion state.|
| mass | number | Yes | Mass, which influences the inertia in the spring system. The greater the mass, the greater the amplitude of the oscillation, and the slower the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.|
| stiffness | number | Yes | Stiffness. It is the degree to which an object deforms by resisting the force applied. In an elastic system, the greater the stiffness, the stronger the ability to resist deformation, and the faster the speed of restoring to the equilibrium position.|
| damping | number | Yes | Damping. It is a pure number and has no real physical meaning. It is used to describe the oscillation and attenuation of the system after being disturbed. The larger the damping, the smaller the number of oscillations of elastic motion, and the smaller the oscillation amplitude.|
......@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ A class that stores the color picked.
## ColorPicker
A class used to obtain the main color of an image from its data. Before calling any method of **ColorPicker**, use [createColorPicker](#effectkitcreatecolorpicker) to create a **ColorPicker** instance.
A class used to obtain the color from an image. Before calling any method of **ColorPicker**, use [createColorPicker](#effectkitcreatecolorpicker) to create a **ColorPicker** instance.
### getMainColor
getMainColor(): Promise\<Color>
Obtains the main color of the image and writes the result to a **[Color](#color)** instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Obtains the main color from the image and writes the result to a [Color](#color) instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Image.Core
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ colorPicker.getMainColor().then(color => {
getMainColorSync(): Color
Obtains the main color of the image and writes the result to a **[Color](#color)** instance. This API returns the result in synchronous mode.
Obtains the main color from the image and writes the result to a [Color](#color) instance. This API returns the result in synchronous mode.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Image.Core
......@@ -180,6 +180,93 @@ console.log('get main color =' + color);
### getLargestProportionColor<sup>10+</sup>
getLargestProportionColor(): Color
Obtains the color with the largest proportion from the image and writes the result to a [Color](#color) instance. This API returns the result in synchronous mode.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Image.Core
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| :------------- | :---------------------------------------------- |
| [Color](#color) | Color value of the color with the largest proportion. If the operation fails, **null** is returned.|
let color = colorPicker.getLargestProportionColor();
console.log('get largest proportion color =' + color);
### getHighestSaturationColor<sup>10+</sup>
getHighestSaturationColor(): Color
Obtains the color with the highest saturation from the image and writes the result to a [Color](#color) instance. This API returns the result in synchronous mode.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Image.Core
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| :------------- | :---------------------------------------------- |
| [Color](#color) | Color value of the color with the highest saturation. If the operation fails, **null** is returned.|
let color = colorPicker.getHighestSaturationColor();
console.log('get highest saturation color =' + color);
### getAverageColor<sup>10+</sup>
getAverageColor(): Color
Obtains the average color from the image and writes the result to a [Color](#color) instance. This API returns the result in synchronous mode.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Image.Core
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| :------------- | :---------------------------------------------- |
| [Color](#color) | Average color value. If the operation fails, **null** is returned.|
let color = colorPicker.getAverageColor();
console.log('get average color =' + color);
### isBlackOrWhiteOrGrayColor<sup>10+</sup>
isBlackOrWhiteOrGrayColor(color: number): boolean
Checks whether this image is black, white, and gray.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Image.Core
**Return value**
| Type | Description |
| :------------- | :---------------------------------------------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the image is black, white, and gray; returns **false** otherwise.|
let bJudge = colorPicker.isBlackOrWhiteOrGrayColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
console.log('is black or white or gray color[bool](white) =' + bJudge);
## Filter
A class used to add a specified effect to an image. Before calling any method of **Filter**, use [createEffect](#effectkitcreateeffect) to create a **Filter** instance.
......@@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ Translates this matrix object along the x, y, and z axes.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
| x | number | No | Translation distance along the x-axis, in px.<br>Default value: **0**|
| y | number | No | Translation distance along the y-axis, in px.<br>Default value: **0**|
| z | number | No | Translation distance along the z-axis, in px.<br>Default value: **0**|
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ------ | ---- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| x | number | No | Translation distance along the x-axis, in px.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
| y | number | No | Translation distance along the y-axis, in px.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
| z | number | No | Translation distance along the z-axis, in px.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
**Return value**
......@@ -328,13 +328,13 @@ Scales this matrix object along the x, y, and z axes.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------- | ------ | ---- | --------------------------------- |
| x | number | No | Scaling multiple along the x-axis.<br>Default value: **1** |
| y | number | No | Scaling multiple along the y-axis.<br>Default value: **1** |
| z | number | No | Scaling multiple along the z-axis.<br>Default value: **1** |
| centerX | number | No | X coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0**|
| centerY | number | No | Y coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0**|
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| x | number | No | Scaling multiple along the x-axis. If the value is greater than 1, the image is scaled up along the x-axis. If the value is less than 1, the image is scaled down along the x-axis.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value.|
| y | number | No | Scaling multiple along the y-axis. If the value is greater than 1, the image is scaled up along the y-axis. If the value is less than 1, the image is scaled down along the y-axis.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value.|
| z | number | No | Scaling multiple along the z-axis. If the value is greater than 1, the image is scaled up along the z-axis. If the value is less than 1, the image is scaled down along the z-axis.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value.|
| centerX | number | No | X coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞) |
| centerY | number | No | Y coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞) |
**Return value**
......@@ -376,14 +376,14 @@ Rotates this matrix object along the x, y, and z axes.
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------- | ------ | ---- | --------------------------------- |
| x | number | No | X coordinate of the rotation axis vector.<br>Default value: **1** |
| y | number | No | Y coordinate of the rotation axis vector.<br>Default value: **1** |
| z | number | No | Z coordinate of the rotation axis vector.<br>Default value: **1** |
| angle | number | No | Rotation angle.<br>Default value: **0** |
| centerX | number | No | X coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0**|
| centerY | number | No | Y coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0**|
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| x | number | No | X coordinate of the rotation axis vector.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
| y | number | No | Y coordinate of the rotation axis vector.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
| z | number | No | Z coordinate of the rotation axis vector.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: (-∞, +∞)|
| angle | number | No | Rotation angle.<br>Default value: **0** |
| centerX | number | No | X coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0** |
| centerY | number | No | Y coordinate of the center point.<br>Default value: **0** |
**Return value**
......@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ Locks the screen. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SCREEN_LOCK_INNER
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -186,6 +188,8 @@ Locks the screen. This API uses a promise to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SCREEN_LOCK_INNER
**System API**: This is a system API.
**Return value**
......@@ -220,6 +224,8 @@ Registers a callback for system events related to screen locking. This API can b
**System capability**: SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SCREEN_LOCK_INNER
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -262,6 +268,8 @@ Sends an event to the screen lock service. This API uses an asynchronous callbac
**System capability**: SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SCREEN_LOCK_INNER
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -300,6 +308,8 @@ Sends an event to the screen lock service. This API uses a promise to return the
**System capability**: SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.ACCESS_SCREEN_LOCK_INNER
**System API**: This is a system API.
......@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ Media logical operators (and, or, not, and only) are used to implement complex m
| Type | Description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| and | The **and** operator is used to combine multiple media features into one media query, in a logical AND operation. The query is valid only when all media features are true. It can also combine media types and media functions.<br>For example, **screen and (device-type: wearable) and (max-height: 600) ** evaluates to true when the device type is wearable and the maximum height of the application is 600 pixel units.|
| not | The **not** operator is used to perform a logical negation for a media query. **true** is returned if the query condition is not met. Otherwise, **false** is returned. In a media query list, logical negation is performed only for the media query using the **not** operator.<br>For example, **not screen and (min-height: 50) and (max-height: 600) ** evaluates to true when the height of the application is less than 50 pixel units or greater than 600 pixel units.<br>You must specify the media type when using the **not** operator.|
| and | The **and** operator is used to combine multiple media features into one media query, in a logical AND operation. The query is valid only when all media features are true. It can also combine media types and media functions.<br>For example, **screen and (device-type: wearable) and (max-height: 600)** evaluates to **true** when the device type is wearable and the maximum height of the application is 600 pixel units.|
| not | The **not** operator is used to perform a logical negation for a media query. **true** is returned if the query condition is not met. Otherwise, **false** is returned. In a media query list, logical negation is performed only for the media query using the **not** operator.<br>For example, **not screen and (min-height: 50) and (max-height: 600)** evaluates to **true** when the height of the application is less than 50 pixel units or greater than 600 pixel units.<br>You must specify the media type when using the **not** operator.|
| only | The **only** operator applies the selected style only when the entire expression is matched. It can be used to prevent ambiguity on browsers of earlier versions. The statements that contain both media types and media features produce ambiguity when they are received by some browsers of earlier versions. For example:<br>screen and (min-height: 50)<br>The browsers of earlier versions would mislead this sentence into **screen**, causing the fact that the specified style is applied when only the media type is matched. In this case, the **only** operator can be used to avoid this problem.<br>You must specify the media type when using the **only** operator.|
| ,(comma) | The **or** operator is used to combine multiple media features into one media query, in a logical OR operation. The query is valid if a media feature is true. The effect of a comma operator is equivalent to that of the **or** operator.<br>For example, **screen and (min-height: 1000), (round-screen: true) ** evaluates to true when the minimum height of the application is 1000 pixel units or the device screen is round.|
| or | The **or** operator is used to combine multiple media features into one media query, in a logical OR operation. The query is valid if a media feature is true.<br>For example, **screen and (max-height: 1000) or (round-screen: true)** evaluates to true when the maximum height of the application is 1000 pixel units or the device screen is round.|
| ,(comma) | The **or** operator is used to combine multiple media features into one media query, in a logical OR operation. The query is valid if a media feature is true. The effect of a comma operator is equivalent to that of the **or** operator.<br>For example, **screen and (min-height: 1000), (round-screen: true)** evaluates to **true** when the minimum height of the application is 1000 pixel units or the device screen is round.|
| or | The **or** operator is used to combine multiple media features into one media query, in a logical OR operation. The query is valid if a media feature is true.<br>For example, **screen and (max-height: 1000) or (round-screen: true)** evaluates to **true** when the maximum height of the application is 1000 pixel units or the device screen is round.|
At MediaQuery Level 4, range query is imported so that you can use the operators including &lt;=, &gt;=, &lt;, and &gt; besides the max- and min-operators.
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------| ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| duration | number | No | Animation duration, in ms.<br>Default value: **1000**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>The maximum animation duration on an ArkTS widget is 1000 ms. If the set value exceeds the limit, the value **1000** will be used. |
| tempo | number | No | Animation playback speed. A greater value indicates a higher animation playback speed.<br>The value **0** indicates that no animation is applied.<br>Default value: **1**|
| curve | string \| [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| ICurve<sup>9+</sup> | No | Animation curve.<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets. |
| delay | number | No | Delay of animation playback, in ms. The value **0** indicates that the playback is not delayed.<br>Default value: **0** |
| iterations | number | No | Number of times that the animation is played. The value **-1** indicates that the animation is played for an unlimited number of times.<br>Default value: **1**|
| duration | number | No | Animation duration, in ms.<br>Default value: **1000**<br>Unit: ms<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>- The maximum animation duration on an ArkTS widget is 1000 ms.<br>- A value less than 1 evaluates to the value **0**.<br>- If the value is of the floating point type, the value is rounded down. If the value is 1.2, the value **1** is used.|
| tempo | number | No | Animation playback speed. A larger value indicates a higher animation playback speed.<br>The value **0** indicates that no animation is applied.<br>Default value: **1**<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.|
| curve | string \| [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| ICurve<sup>9+</sup> | No | Animation curve. The default curve is linear.<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| delay | number | No | Delay of animation playback, in ms. The value **0** indicates that the playback is not delayed.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 1 evaluates to the value **0**. If the value is of the floating point type, the value is rounded down. If the value is 1.2, the value **1** is used.|
| iterations | number | No | Number of times that the animation is played.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: [-1, +∞)<br>**NOTE**<br>The value **-1** indicates that the animation is played for an unlimited number of times. The value **0** indicates that no animation is applied.|
| playMode | [PlayMode](ts-appendix-enums.md#playmode) | No | Animation playback mode. By default, the animation is played from the beginning after the playback is complete.<br>Default value: **PlayMode.Normal**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| onFinish | () => void | No | Callback invoked when the animation playback is complete.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| onFinish | () => void | No | Callback invoked when the animation playback is complete.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>This callback is not invoked when **iterations** is set to **-1**.|
## Example
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name | Description |
| ------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| All | The transition takes effect in all scenarios.|
| Insert | The transition takes effect when a component is inserted. |
| Delete | The transition takes effect when a component is deleted. |
| Insert | The transition takes effect when a component is inserted or displayed.|
| Delete | The transition takes effect when a component is deleted or hidden.|
## RelateType
......@@ -307,12 +307,12 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Auto | The default configuration in the flex container is used. |
| Start | The elements are in the flex container, top-aligned in the cross-axis direction. |
| Center | The elements are in the flex container, centered in the cross-axis direction. |
| End | The elements are in the flex container, bottom-aligned in the cross-axis direction. |
| Stretch | The elements are in the flex container, stretched and padded in the cross-axis direction. If the size is not set, the elements are stretched to the container size.|
| Baseline | The elements are in the flex container, text baseline aligned in the cross-axis direction. |
| Auto | The default configuration of the flex container is used. |
| Start | The items in the flex container are aligned with the cross-start edge. |
| Center | The items in the flex container are centered along the cross axis. |
| End | The items in the flex container are aligned with the cross-end edge. |
| Stretch | The items in the flex container are stretched and padded along the cross axis. If the flex container has the **Wrap** attribute set to **FlexWrap.Wrap** or **FlexWrap.WrapReverse**, the items are stretched to the cross size of the widest element on the current row or column. In other cases, the items with no size set are stretched to the container size.|
| Baseline | The items in the flex container are aligned in such a manner that their text baselines are aligned along the cross axis. |
## FlexDirection
......@@ -520,30 +520,30 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name| Description|
| ------- | ---------- |
| Thin | Thin material. |
| Regular | Regular material. |
| Thick | Thick material. |
| BackgroundThin | Material that creates the minimum depth of field effect.|
| BackgroundRegular | Material that creates a medium shallow depth of field effect.|
| BackgroundThick | Material that creates a high shallow depth of field effect.|
| BackgroundUltraThick | Material that creates the maximum depth of field effect.|
| Name| Description|
| ------- | ---------- |
| Thin | Thin material. |
| Regular | Regular material. |
| Thick | Thick material. |
| BackgroundThin | Material that creates the minimum depth of field effect.|
| BackgroundRegular | Material that creates a medium shallow depth of field effect.|
| BackgroundThick | Material that creates a high shallow depth of field effect.|
| BackgroundUltraThick | Material that creates the maximum depth of field effect.|
## ThemeColorMode<sup>10+</sup>
| Name | Description |
| ------- | ---------- |
| System | Following the system color mode.|
| Light | Light color mode.|
| Dark | Dark color mode.|
| Name | Description |
| ------- | ---------- |
| System | Following the system color mode.|
| Light | Light color mode.|
| Dark | Dark color mode.|
## AdaptiveColor<sup>10+</sup>
| Name | Description |
| ------- | ----------- |
| Default | Adaptive color mode is not used. The default color is used as the mask color.|
| Average | Adaptive color mode is used. The average color value of the color picking area is used as the mask color.|
| Name | Description |
| ------- | ----------- |
| Default | Adaptive color mode is not used. The default color is used as the mask color.|
| Average | Adaptive color mode is used. The average color value of the color picking area is used as the mask color.|
## TextHeightAdaptivePolicy<sup>10+</sup>
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| stateEffect | boolean | Whether to enable the pressed effect on the click of the button. The value **false** means to disable the pressed effect.<br>Default value: **true**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| labelStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [LabelStyle](#labelstyle10) | Label style of the button.|
## ButtonType enums
## ButtonType
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ PanGesture(value?: { fingers?: number; direction?: PanDirection; distance?: numb
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| fingers | number | No| Minimum number of fingers to trigger a pan gesture. The value ranges from 1 to 10.<br>Default value: **1**|
| fingers | number | No| Minimum number of fingers to trigger a pan gesture. The value ranges from 1 to 10.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: 1 to 10<br>**NOTE**<br>If the value is less than 1 or is not set, the default value is used.|
| direction | PanDirection | No| Pan direction. The enumerated value supports the AND (&amp;) and OR (\|) operations.<br>Default value: **PanDirection.All**|
| distance | number | No| Minimum pan distance to trigger the gesture, in vp.<br>Default value: **5**<br>**NOTE**<br>If a pan gesture and [tab](ts-container-tabs.md) swipe occur at the same time, set **distance** to **1** so that the gesture can be more easily recognized.|
# TapGesture
**TapGesture** is used to trigger a tap gesture with one or more taps.
**TapGesture** is used to trigger a tap gesture with one, two, or more taps.
> **NOTE**
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ TapGesture(value?: { count?: number, fingers?: number })
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| count | number | No| Number of consecutive taps. If this parameter is set to a value less than **1**, the default value will be used.<br>Default value: **1**<br>> **NOTE**<br>> If multi-tap is configured, the timeout interval between a lift and the next tap is 300 ms.|
| fingers | number | No| Number of fingers required to trigger a tap. The value ranges from 1 to 10.<br>Default value: **1**<br>> **NOTE**<br>> 1. When multi-finger is configured, the gesture will fail to be recognized if the number of fingers used for tapping is less than the configured number within 300 ms of tapping by the first finger.<br>> 2. The gesture will fail to be recognized if the number of fingers used for tapping exceeds the configured number.|
| count | number | No| Number of consecutive taps. If the value is less than 1 or is not set, the default value is used.<br>Default value: **1**<br>**NOTE**<br>If multi-tap is configured, the timeout interval between a lift and the next tap is 300 ms.|
| fingers | number | No| Number of fingers required to trigger a tap. The value ranges from 1 to 10. If the value is less than 1 or is not set, the default value is used.<br>Default value: **1**<br>**NOTE**<br>1. When multi-finger is configured, if the number of fingers used for tap does not reach the specified number within 300 ms after the first finger is tapped, the gesture fails to be recognized.<br>2. Gesture recognition fails if the number of fingers used for tap exceeds the configured number.|
## Events
......@@ -126,7 +126,11 @@ A grid supports a maximum of six breakpoints: xs, sm, md, lg, xl and xxl, whose
## Attributes
The [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md) are supported.
In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the following attributes are supported.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| alignItems<sup>10+</sup> | [ItemAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#itemalign) | Alignment mode of the **\<GridCol>** cross axis.<br>Default value: **ItemAlign.Start**<br>**NOTE**<br>The alignment mode of the **\<GridCol>** component can also be set using **alignSelf([ItemAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#itemalign))**. If both of the preceding methods are used, the setting of **alignSelf(ItemAlign)** prevails.<br>Since API version 10, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
## Events
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ struct ListLanesExample {
.lanes({ minLength: 40, maxLength: 40 })
Button("Change alignListItem: "+ this.alignListItem).onClick(() => {
Button("Click to modify alignListItem: "+ this.alignListItem).onClick(() => {
if (this.alignListItem == ListItemAlign.Start) {
this.alignListItem = ListItemAlign.Center
} else if (this.alignListItem == ListItemAlign.Center) {
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SideBarContainer( type?: SideBarContainerType )
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| type | SideBarContainerType | No| Display type of the sidebar.<br>Default value: **SideBarContainerType.Embed**|
## SideBarContainerType enums
## SideBarContainerType
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The motion path animation is used to animate a component along a custom path.
| Name| Type| Default Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| motionPath | {<br>path: string,<br>from?: number,<br>to?: number,<br>rotatable?: boolean<br>}<br>**NOTE**<br>In a path, **start** and **end** can be used to replace the start point and end point. Example:<br>'Mstart.x start.y L50 50 Lend.x end.y Z'<br>For more information, see [Path Drawing](../../ui/ui-js-components-svg-path.md).| {<br>'',<br>0.0,<br>1.0,<br>false<br>} | Motion path of the component.<br>- **path**: motion path of the translation animation. The value is an SVG path string.<br>- **from**: start point of the motion path. The default value is **0.0**.<br>- **to**: end point of the motion path. The default value is **1.0**.<br>- **rotatable**: whether to rotate along the path.|
| motionPath | {<br>path:&nbsp;string,<br>from?:&nbsp;number,<br>to?:&nbsp;number,<br>rotatable?:&nbsp;boolean<br>}<br>**NOTE**<br>In a path, **start** and **end** can be used to replace the start point and end point. Example:<br>'Mstart.x&nbsp;start.y&nbsp;L50&nbsp;50&nbsp;Lend.x&nbsp;end.y&nbsp;Z'<br>For more information, see [Path Drawing](../../ui/ui-js-components-svg-path.md).| {<br>'',<br>0.0,<br>1.0,<br>false<br>} | Motion path of the component.<br>- **path**: motion path of the translation animation. The value is an SVG path string.<br>- **from**: start point of the motion path.<br>Default value: **0.0**<br>Value range: [0, 1]<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. A value greater than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.<br>- **to**: end point of the motion path.<br>Default value: **1.0**<br>Value range: [0, 1]<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. A value larger than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.<br>- **rotatable**: whether to rotate along the path. |
## Example
# Page Transition
The page transition navigates users between pages. You can customize page transitions by configuring the page entrance and exit components in the global **pageTransition** API.
The page transition navigates users between pages. You can customize page transitions by configuring the page entrance and exit components in the **pageTransition** API.
> **NOTE**
......@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ The page transition navigates users between pages. You can customize page transi
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| PageTransitionEnter | {<br>type?: RouteType,<br>duration?: number,<br>curve?: [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| string,<br>delay?: number<br>} | Page entrance animation.<br>- **type**: route type for the page transition effect to take effect.<br>Default value: **RouteType.None**<br>**Note**: If no match is found, the default page transition effect is used (which may vary according to the device). To disable the default page transition effect, set **duration** to **0**.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The value of the string type can be any of the following: "ease", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", "extreme-deceleration", "fast-out-linear-in", "fast-out-slow-in", "friction", "linear", "linear-out-slow-in", "rhythm", "sharp", "smooth".<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay, in milliseconds. By default, the animation is played without delay.|
| PageTransitionExit | {<br>type?: RouteType,<br>duration?: number,<br>curve?: [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| string,<br>delay?: number<br>} | Page exit animation.<br>- **type**: route type for the page transition effect to take effect.<br>Default value: **RouteType.None**<br>**Note**: If no match is found, the default page transition effect is used (which may vary according to the device). To disable the default page transition effect, set **duration** to **0**.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The value range of the string type is the same as that of **PageTransitionEnter**.<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay, in milliseconds. By default, the animation is played without delay.|
| Name | Parameter | Mandatory| Description |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| PageTransitionEnter | {<br>type?: RouteType,<br>duration?: number,<br>curve?: [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| string,<br>delay?: number<br>} | No | Page entrance animation.<br>- **type**: route type for the page transition effect to take effect.<br>Default value: **RouteType.None**<br>**NOTE**<br>If no match is found, the default page transition effect is used (which may vary according to the device). To disable the default page transition effect, set **duration** to **0**.<br>- **duration**: animation duration.<br>Unit: ms<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The value of the string type can be any of the following: "ease", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", "extreme-deceleration", "fast-out-linear-in", "fast-out-slow-in", "friction", "linear", "linear-out-slow-in", "rhythm", "sharp", "smooth".<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Unit: ms|
| PageTransitionExit | {<br>type?: RouteType,<br>duration?: number,<br>curve?: [Curve](ts-appendix-enums.md#curve) \| string,<br>delay?: number<br>} | No | Page exit animation.<br>- **type**: route type for the page transition effect to take effect.<br>Default value: **RouteType.None**<br>**NOTE**<br>If no match is found, the default page transition effect is used (which may vary according to the device). To disable the default page transition effect, set **duration** to **0**.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in milliseconds.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The value range of the string type is the same as that of **PageTransitionEnter**.<br>Default value: **Curve.Linear**<br>- **delay**: animation delay.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Unit: ms|
## RouteType enums
## RouteType
| Name| Description |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The page transition navigates users between pages. You can customize page transi
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| slide | [SlideEffect](#slideeffect) | No | Slide effect during page transition.<br>Default value: **SlideEffect.Right**|
| translate | {<br>x? : number \| string,<br>y? : number \| string,<br>z? : number \| string<br>} | No | Translation effect during page transition, which is the value of the start point of entrance and the end point of exit. When this parameter is set together with **slide**, the latter takes effect by default.<br>- **x**: translation distance along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: translation distance along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: translation distance along the y-axis.|
| scale | {<br>x? : number,<br>y? : number,<br>z? : number,<br>centerX? : number \| string,<br>centerY? : number \| string<br>} | No | Scaling effect during page transition, which is the value of the start point of entrance and the end point of exit.<br>- **x**: scale ratio along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: scale ratio along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: scale ratio along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: scale center point.<br>- If the center point is 0, it refers to the upper left corner of the component.<br>|
| scale | {<br>x? : number,<br>y? : number,<br>z? : number,<br>centerX? : number \| string,<br>centerY? : number \| string<br>} | No | Scaling effect during page transition, which is the value of the start point of entrance and the end point of exit.<br>- **x**: scale ratio along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: scale ratio along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: scale ratio along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: scale center point.<br>- If the center point is 0, it refers to the upper left corner of the component. |
| opacity | number | No | Opacity, which is the opacity value of the start point of entrance or the end point of exit.<br>Default value: **1**|
## SlideEffect
......@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ The page transition navigates users between pages. You can customize page transi
## Events
| Name | Description |
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| onEnter(event: (type?: RouteType, progress?: number) =&gt; void) | The callback input parameter is the normalized progress of the current entrance animation. The value range is 0–1.<br>- **type**: route type.<br>- **progress**: current progress.|
| onExit(event: (type?: RouteType, progress?: number) =&gt; void) | The callback input parameter is the normalized progress of the current exit animation. The value range is 0–1.<br>- **type**: route type.<br>- **progress**: current progress.|
| onEnter(event: (type?: RouteType, progress?: number) =&gt; void) | Invoked once every animation frame until the entrance animation ends, when the value of **progress** changes from 0 to 1. The input parameter is the normalized progress of the current entrance animation. The value range is 0–1.<br>- **type**: route type.<br>- **progress**: current progress. |
| onExit(event: (type?: RouteType, progress?: number) =&gt; void) | Invoked once every animation frame until the exit animation ends, when the value of **progress** changes from 0 to 1. The input parameter is the normalized progress of the current exit animation. The value range is 0–1.<br>- **type**: route type.<br>- **progress**: current progress. |
## Example
......@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ Configure the component transition animations for when a component is inserted o
| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| transition | TransitionOptions | Transition parameters, which are all optional. For details, see **TransitionOptions**.|
| transition | TransitionOptions | Transition effects when the component is inserted, displayed, deleted, or hidden.<br>If no transition effect is set, an opacity transition from 0 to 1 is applied. <br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>Transition parameters, which are all optional. For details, see **TransitionOptions**.|
## TransitionOptions
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| type | [TransitionType](ts-appendix-enums.md#transitiontype) | No| Transition type, which includes component addition and deletion by default.<br>Default value: **TransitionType.All**<br>**NOTE**<br>If **type** is not specified, insertion and deletion use the same transition type.|
| opacity | number | No| Opacity of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>Default value: **1**|
| translate | {<br>x? : number \| string,<br>y? : number \| string,<br>z? : number \| string<br>} | No| Translation of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>-**x**: distance to translate along the x-axis.<br>-**y**: distance to translate along the y-axis.<br>-**z**: distance to translate along the z-axis.|
| scale | {<br>x? : number,<br>y? : number,<br>z? : number,<br>centerX? : number \| string,<br>centerY? : number \| string<br>} | No| Scaling of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>- **x**: scale factor along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: scale factor along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: scale factor along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: x coordinate and y coordinate of the scale center, respectively. The default values are both **"50%"**.<br>- If the center point is 0, it indicates the upper left corner of the component.<br>|
| rotate | {<br>x?: number,<br>y?: number,<br>z?: number,<br>angle?: number \| string,<br>centerX?: number \| string,<br>centerY?: number \| string<br>} | No| Rotation of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>- **x**: rotation vector along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: rotation vector along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: rotation vector along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: x coordinate and y coordinate of the rotation center, respectively. The default values are both **"50%"**.<br>- If the center point is (0, 0), it indicates the upper left corner of the component.|
| type | [TransitionType](ts-appendix-enums.md#transitiontype) | No| Transition type, which includes component addition and deletion by default.<br>Default value: **TransitionType.All**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>If **type** is not specified, insertion and deletion use the same transition type.|
| opacity | number | No| Opacity of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: [0, 1]<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**. A value greater than 1 evaluates to the value **1**.|
| translate | {<br>x? : number \| string,<br>y? : number \| string,<br>z? : number \| string<br>} | No| Translation of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>-**x**: distance to translate along the x-axis.<br>-**y**: distance to translate along the y-axis.<br>-**z**: distance to translate along the z-axis.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| scale | {<br>x? : number,<br>y? : number,<br>z? : number,<br>centerX? : number \| string,<br>centerY? : number \| string<br>} | No| Scaling of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>- **x**: scale factor along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: scale factor along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: scale factor along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: x coordinate and y coordinate of the scale center, respectively. The default values are both **"50%"**.<br>- If the center point is 0, it indicates the upper left corner of the component.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| rotate | {<br>x?: number,<br>y?: number,<br>z?: number,<br>angle?: number \| string,<br>centerX?: number \| string,<br>centerY?: number \| string<br>} | No| Rotation of the component during transition, which is the value of the start point of insertion and the end point of deletion.<br>- **x**: rotation vector along the x-axis.<br>- **y**: rotation vector along the y-axis.<br>- **z**: rotation vector along the z-axis.<br>- **centerX** and **centerY**: x coordinate and y coordinate of the rotation center, respectively. The default values are both **"50%"**.<br>- If the center point is (0, 0), it indicates the upper left corner of the component.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
## Example
# Transition of Shared Elements
# Shared Element Transition
Shared element transition can be used for transition between pages, for example, transition from an image on the current page to the next page.
A shared element transition is a transition animation applied to a component that is present on two pages. This component is called the shared element and can be set in the **sharedTransition** attribute.
> **NOTE**
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ Shared element transition can be used for transition between pages, for example,
## Attributes
| Name | Parameters | Description |
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| sharedTransition | id: string,<br>{<br> duration?: number,<br> curve?: Curve \| string,<br> delay?: number,<br> motionPath?: <br>{<br> path: string,<br> form?: number,<br> to?: number,<br> rotatable?: boolean<br>},<br>zIndex?: number,<br>type?: [SharedTransitionEffectType](ts-appendix-enums.md#sharedtransitioneffecttype)<br>} | Transition of the shared element. If the same **id** value is configured for a component on the two pages, this component is considered as a shared element of the pages. If the **id** value is an empty string, no transition will be applied to the component.<br>- **id**: component ID.<br>- **duration**: animation duration, in ms. The default duration is 1000 ms.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The default curve is **Linear**. For details about the valid values, see [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md).<br>- **delay**: Delay of animation playback, in ms. By default, the playback is not delayed.<br>- **motionPath**: motion path information. For details, see [Motion Path Animation](ts-motion-path-animation.md).<br>- **path**: path.<br>- **from**: start value.<br>- **to**: end value.<br>- **rotatable**: whether to rotate.<br>- **zIndex**: z-axis.<br>- **type**: animation type.|
| sharedTransition | id: string,<br>{<br> duration?: number,<br> curve?: Curve \| string,<br> delay?: number,<br> motionPath?: <br>{<br> path: string,<br> form?: number,<br> to?: number,<br> rotatable?: boolean<br>},<br>zIndex?: number,<br>type?: [SharedTransitionEffectType](ts-appendix-enums.md#sharedtransitioneffecttype)<br>} | Transition of the shared element. If the same **id** value is configured for a component on the two pages, this component is considered as a shared element of the pages. If the **id** value is an empty string, no transition will be applied to the component.<br>- **id**: component ID.<br>- **duration**: animation duration.<br>Default value: **1000**<br>Unit: ms<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>The value **0** indicates that no animation is applied. A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**.<br>- **curve**: animation curve. The default curve is **Linear**. For details about the valid values, see [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md).<br>- **delay**: animation delay.<br>Default value: **0**<br>Unit: ms<br>Value range: [0, +∞)<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the value **0**.<br>- **motionPath**: motion path information. For details, see [Motion Path Animation](ts-motion-path-animation.md).<br>- **path**: path.<br>- **from**: start value.<br>- **to**: end value.<br>- **rotatable**: whether to rotate.<br>- **zIndex**: z-axis.<br>- **type**: animation type.|
## Example
The example implements the custom transition of a shared image during redirection from one page to another, which is triggered by a click on the image.
This example implements the custom transition of a shared image during redirection from one page to another, which is triggered by a click on the image.
// xxx.ets
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The location attributes set the alignment mode, layout direction, and position o
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| align | [Alignment](ts-appendix-enums.md#alignment) | Alignment mode of the component content in the drawing area.<br>Default value: **Alignment.Center**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| direction | [Direction](ts-appendix-enums.md#direction) | Horizontal layout of the component.<br>Default value: **Direction.Auto**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| position | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | Offset of the component's upper left corner relative to the parent component's upper left corner. This offset is expressed using absolute values. When laying out components, this attribute does not affect the layout of the parent component. It only adjusts the component position during drawing.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| position | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | Offset of the component's upper left corner relative to the parent component's upper left corner. This offset is expressed using absolute values. When laying out components, this attribute does not affect the layout of the parent component. It only adjusts the component position during drawing.<br>This attribute is applicable to scenarios where the component is fixed at a position in the parent container, for example, where it is pinned to top or floating above the UI.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| markAnchor | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | Anchor point of the component for positioning. The upper left corner of the component is used as the reference point for offset. Generally, this attribute is used together with the **position** and **offset** attributes. When used independently, this attribute is similar to **offset**.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>x: 0,<br>y: 0<br>}<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| offset | [Position](ts-types.md#position8) | Offset of the component relative to itself. This offset is expressed using relative values. This attribute does not affect the layout of the parent component. It only adjusts the component position during drawing.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>x: 0,<br>y: 0<br>}<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| alignRules<sup>9+</sup> | {<br>left?: { anchor: string, align: [HorizontalAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#horizontalalign) };<br>right?: { anchor: string, align: [HorizontalAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#horizontalalign) };<br>middle?: { anchor: string, align: [HorizontalAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#horizontalalign) };<br>top?: { anchor: string, align: [VerticalAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#verticalalign) };<br>bottom?: { anchor: string, align: [VerticalAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#verticalalign) };<br>center?: { anchor: string, align: [VerticalAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#verticalalign) }<br>} | Alignment rules relative to the container. This attribute is valid only when the container is [\<RelativeContainer>](ts-container-relativecontainer.md).<br>- **left**: left-aligned.<br>- **right**: right-aligned.<br>- **middle**: center-aligned.<br>- **top**: top-aligned.<br>- **bottom**: bottom-aligned.<br>- **center**: center-aligned.<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>- **anchor**: ID of the component that functions as the anchor point.<br>- **align**: alignment mode relative to the anchor component.|
......@@ -18,15 +18,23 @@ You can bind a popup to a component, specifying its content, interaction logic,
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------------------------| ------------------------------------------------| -----| ----------------------------------------- |
| message | string | Yes | Content of the popup message. |
| placementOnTop | boolean | No | Whether to display the popup above the component.<br/>Default value: **false** |
| primaryButton | {<br>value: string,<br>action: () =&gt; void<br>} | No | Primary button.<br>**value**: text of the primary button in the popup.<br>**action**: callback for clicking the primary button.|
| secondaryButton | {<br>value: string,<br>action: () =&gt; void<br>} | No | Secondary button.<br>**value**: text of the secondary button in the popup.<br>**action**: callback for clicking the secondary button.|
| onStateChange | (event: { isVisible: boolean }) =&gt; void | No | Callback for the popup status change event.<br/>**isVisible**: whether the popup is visible. |
| arrowOffset<sup>9+</sup> | [Length](ts-types.md#length) | No | Offset of the popup arrow relative to the popup. <br>When the arrow is at the top or bottom of the popup: The value **0** indicates that the arrow is located on the leftmost, and any other value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. <br/>When the arrow is on the left or right side of the popup: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. <br/>When the popup is displayed on either edge of the screen, it will automatically deviate leftward or rightward to stay within the safe area. When the value is **0**, the arrow always points to the bound component. |
| showInSubWindow<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | No | Whether to show the popup in the subwindow. <br/>Default value: **false** |
| mask<sup>10+</sup> | boolean \| [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Whether to apply a mask to the popup. The value **true** means to apply a transparent mask to the popup, **false** means not to apply a mask to the popup, and a color value means to apply a mask in the corresponding color to the popup.|
| message | string | Yes | Content of the popup message. |
| placementOnTop | boolean | No | Whether to display the popup above the component.<br/>Default value: **false** |
| primaryButton | {<br>value: string,<br>action: () =&gt; void<br>} | No | Primary button.<br>**value**: text of the primary button in the popup.<br>**action**: callback for clicking the primary button.|
| secondaryButton | {<br>value: string,<br>action: () =&gt; void<br>} | No | Secondary button.<br>**value**: text of the secondary button in the popup.<br>**action**: callback for clicking the secondary button.|
| onStateChange | (event: { isVisible: boolean }) =&gt; void | No | Callback for the popup status change event.<br/>**isVisible**: whether the popup is visible. |
| arrowOffset<sup>9+</sup> | [Length](ts-types.md#length) | No | Offset of the popup arrow relative to the popup. <br>When the arrow is at the top or bottom of the popup: The value **0** indicates that the arrow is located on the leftmost, and any other value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. <br/>When the arrow is on the left or right side of the popup: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. <br/>When the popup is displayed on either edge of the screen, it will automatically deviate leftward or rightward to stay within the safe area. When the value is **0**, the arrow always points to the bound component. |
| showInSubWindow<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | No | Whether to show the popup in the subwindow. <br/>Default value: **false** |
| mask<sup>10+</sup> | boolean \| [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Whether to apply a mask to the popup. The value **true** means to apply a transparent mask to the popup, **false** means not to apply a mask to the popup, and a color value means to apply a mask in the corresponding color to the popup.|
| messageOptions<sup>10+</sup> | [PopupMessageOptions](#popupmessageoptions10) | No | Parameters of the popup message.|
| targetSpace<sup>10+</sup> | [Length](ts-types.md#length) | No | Space between the popup and the target.|
## PopupMessageOptions<sup>10+</sup>
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---- | ---------------------- |
| textColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Text color of the popup message.|
| font | [Font](ts-types.md#Font) | No | Font attributes of the popup message.|
## CustomPopupOptions<sup>8+</sup>
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
......@@ -34,13 +42,13 @@ You can bind a popup to a component, specifying its content, interaction logic,
| builder | [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8) | Yes | Popup builder. |
| placement | [Placement](ts-appendix-enums.md#placement8) | No | Preferred position of the popup. If the set position is insufficient for holding the popup, it will be automatically adjusted.<br>Default value: **Placement.Bottom** |
| popupColor | [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No | Color of the popup. |
| enableArrow | boolean | No | Whether to display an arrow.<br>Since API version 9, if the position set for the popup is not large enough, the arrow will not be displayed. For example, if **placement** is set to **Left** but the popup height is less than twice the arrow width (64 vp), the arrow will not be displayed.<br>Default value: **true**|
| enableArrow | boolean | No | Whether to display an arrow.<br>Since API version 9, if the position set for the popup is not large enough, the arrow will not be displayed. For example, if **placement** is set to **Left**, but the popup height (80 vp) is less than the sum of the arrow width (32 vp) and diameter of popup rounded corner (48 vp), the arrow will not be displayed.<br>Default value: **true**|
| autoCancel | boolean | No | Whether to automatically close the popup when an operation is performed on the page.<br>Default value: **true** |
| onStateChange | (event: { isVisible: boolean }) =&gt; void | No | Callback for the popup status change event.<br>**isVisible**: whether the popup is visible. |
| arrowOffset<sup>9+</sup> | [Length](ts-types.md#length) | No | Offset of the popup arrow relative to the popup. <br/>When the arrow is at the top or bottom of the popup: The value **0** indicates that the arrow is located on the leftmost, and any other value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. <br/>When the arrow is on the left or right side of the popup: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. <br/>When the popup is displayed on either edge of the screen, it will automatically deviate leftward or rightward to stay within the safe area. When the value is **0**, the arrow always points to the bound component. |
| showInSubWindow<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | No | Whether to show the popup in the subwindow.<br/>Default value: **false** |
| mask<sup>10+</sup> | boolean \| [ResourceColor](ts-types.md#resourcecolor) | No| Whether to apply a mask to the popup. The value **true** means to apply a transparent mask to the popup, **false** means not to apply a mask to the popup, and a color value means to apply a mask in the corresponding color to the popup.|
| targetSpace<sup>10+</sup> | [Length](ts-types.md#length) | No| Space between the popup and the target.|
## Example
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
> This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see [Universal Error Codes](errorcode-universal.md).
## 17100001 WebviewController Not Associated with a Web Component
**Error Message**
......@@ -229,3 +228,41 @@ The related JS database API is not used.
1. Check whether the JS database API is used.
2. If the JS database API is used, find out the failure cause, for example, check whether **databaseAccess** is enabled.
## 17100013 Memory Allocation Failure
**Error Message**
New failed, out of memeory.
Memory allocation failed due to insufficient memory.
**Possible Causes**
The data to send is too large.
Check the length of the data to be sent.
## 17100014 Type and Value Mismatch
**Error Message**
The type does not match with the value of the message.
The type and value of the message do not match.
**Possible Causes**
The value of the obtained message does not match the type of the message.
Call the API based on the message type to obtain the message value. For example, if the type is **BOOLEAN**, call the **GetBoolean** API to obtain the Boolean value.
......@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@
The agent-powered reminder feature provides APIs for publishing background reminders. You can call these APIs to create scheduled reminders for countdown timers, calendar events, and alarm clocks. The APIs are encapsulated in the [reminderAgentManager](../reference/apis/js-apis-reminderAgentManager.md) class.
**Table 1** Major APIs in reminderAgentManager
**Table 1** Major APIs in reminderAgentManager
| API | Description |
| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| publishReminder(reminderReq: ReminderRequest, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;): void<br>publishReminder(reminderReq: ReminderRequest): Promise&lt;number&gt; | Publishes a scheduled reminder.<br>The maximum number of valid notifications (excluding expired ones that will not pop up again) is 30 for one application<br>and 2000 for the entire system.|
| cancelReminder(reminderId: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>cancelReminder(reminderId: number): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Cancels a specified reminder. (The value of **reminderId** is obtained from the return value of **publishReminder**.)|
| getValidReminders(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;ReminderRequest&gt;&gt;): void<br>getValidReminders(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;ReminderRequest&gt;&gt; | Obtains all valid reminders set by the current application. |
| cancelAllReminders(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>cancelAllReminders(): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Cancels all reminders set by the current application. |
| addNotificationSlot(slot: NotificationSlot, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>addNotificationSlot(slot: NotificationSlot): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Registers a **NotificationSlot** instance to be used by the reminder. |
| removeNotificationSlot(slotType: notification.SlotType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>removeNotificationSlot(slotType: notification.SlotType): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Removes a **NotificationSlot** instance of a specified type. |
| API | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| publishReminder(reminderReq: ReminderRequest, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;number&gt;): void<br>publishReminder(reminderReq: ReminderRequest): Promise&lt;number&gt; | Publishes a scheduled reminder.<br>The maximum number of valid notifications (excluding expired ones that will not pop up again) is 30 for one application and 2000 for the entire system. |
| cancelReminder(reminderId: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>cancelReminder(reminderId: number): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Cancels a specified reminder. (The value of **reminderId** is obtained from the return value of **publishReminder**.) |
| getValidReminders(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;Array&lt;ReminderRequest&gt;&gt;): void<br>getValidReminders(): Promise&lt;Array&lt;ReminderRequest&gt;&gt; | Obtains all valid reminders set by the current application. |
| cancelAllReminders(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>cancelAllReminders(): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Cancels all reminders set by the current application. |
| addNotificationSlot(slot: NotificationSlot, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>addNotificationSlot(slot: NotificationSlot): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Registers a **NotificationSlot** instance to be used by the reminder. |
| removeNotificationSlot(slotType: notification.SlotType, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void<br>removeNotificationSlot(slotType: notification.SlotType): Promise&lt;void&gt; | Removes a **NotificationSlot** instance of a specified type. |
## How to Develop
1. Request the **ohos.permission.PUBLISH_AGENT_REMINDER** permission. For details, see [Permission Application Guide](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
1. Request the **ohos.permission.PUBLISH_AGENT_REMINDER** permission. For details, see [Declaring Permissions in the Configuration File](../security/accesstoken-guidelines.md#declaring-permissions-in-the-configuration-file).
2. [Enable the notification feature](../notification/notification-enable.md).
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ The agent-powered reminder feature provides APIs for publishing background remin
snoozeTimes: 2, // Number of reminder snooze times.
timeInterval: 5, // Reminder snooze interval, in seconds.
title: 'this is title', // Reminder title.
content:'this is content', // Reminder content.
content: 'this is content', // Reminder content.
expiredContent: 'this reminder has expired', // Content to be displayed after the reminder expires.
snoozeContent: 'remind later', // Content to be displayed when the reminder is snoozed.
notificationId: 100, // Notification ID used by the reminder. If there are reminders with the same notification ID, the later one will overwrite the earlier one.
......@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ The following table lists the licenses of the third-party open source software u
| third_party_jerryscript | Apache License V2.0 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_libjpeg | Libjpeg License (JPEG License) | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_libpng | libpng license | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_Linux_Kernel | GPL V2.0+EXCEPTION | The third\_party\_Linux\_Kernel repository contains two modules, jffs2 and scripts. <br>1. The jffs2 module is introduced to be compatible with Journalling Flash File System version 2 (JFFS2). This module uses the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) and EXCEPTION licenses, which are available at https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_Linux_Kernel/blob/master/fs/jffs2/LICENCE.<br>OpenHarmony compiles the jffs2 module and uses links in a way that meets the EXCEPTION requirements. The use will not cause other code to be affected by GPLv2. <br>2. The scripts module is an independent compiler. It is only used to generate the conf and mconf tools during compilation, and its code is not packaged into kernel\_liteos\_a. Therefore, it will not cause kernel_\liteos\_a to be affected by the GPL.|
| third_party_ltp | GPL V2.0 | third\_party\_ltp is an independent process used to test kernel\_liteos\_a APIs across processes. It will not cause kernel_\liteos\_a to be affected by the GPL.|
| third_party_Linux_Kernel | GPL V2.0+EXCEPTION | The third\_party\_Linux\_Kernel repository contains two modules, jffs2 and scripts.<br>(1) The jffs2 module is introduced to be compatible with Journalling Flash File System version 2 (JFFS2). This module uses the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) and EXCEPTION licenses, which are available at https://gitee.com/openharmony/third_party_Linux_Kernel/blob/master/fs/jffs2/LICENCE.<br>OpenHarmony compiles the jffs2 module and uses links in a way that meets the EXCEPTION requirements. The use will not cause other code to be affected by GPLv2.<br>(2) The scripts module is an independent compiler. It is only used to generate the conf and mconf tools during compilation, and its code is not packaged into kernel\_liteos\_a. Therefore, it will not cause kernel_\liteos\_a to be affected by the GPL. |
| third_party_ltp | GPL V2.0 | third\_party\_ltp is an independent process used to test kernel\_liteos\_a APIs across processes. It will not cause kernel_\liteos\_a to be affected by the GPL. |
| third_party_lwip | BSD 3-Clause License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_mbedtls | Apache License V2.0 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_mtd_utils | GPL V2.0 | third\_party\_mtd\_utils is used to compile and generate a tool that is used for packaging rootfs and userfs images in JFFS2 format. Its code is not packaged into kernel\_liteos\_a. It will not cause kernel_\liteos\_a to be affected by the GPL.|
| third_party_mtd_utils | GPL V2.0 | third\_party\_mtd\_utils is used to compile and generate a tool that is used for packaging rootfs and userfs images in JFFS2 format. Its code is not packaged into kernel\_liteos\_a. It will not cause kernel_\liteos\_a to be affected by the GPL. |
| third_party_musl | BSD 2-Clause License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_NuttX | BSD 3-Clause License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_openssl | OpenSSL License and Original SSLeay License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ The following table lists the licenses of the third-party open source software u
| third_party_mingw-w64 | Zope Public License V2.1 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code. Some build scripts use Autoconf exception to GPL 2.0 or later. The use meets its requirements and will not cause OpenHarmony processes to be affected by the GPL. Some header files use LGPL-2.1+ and are invoked through a dynamic link. The use of these files will not cause OpenHarmony processes to be affected by the GPL.|
| third_party_mtdev | MIT License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_ninja | Apache License V2.0 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_node | Apache License V2.0<br>Artistic License 2.0<br>BSD 2-Clause License<br>BSD 3-Clause License<br>ICU License<br>MIT License<br>OpenSSL License<br>Public Domain<br>SSLeay License<br>UNICODE INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE<br>c-ares license<br>zlib/libpng License<br> | The components corresponding to Artistic License 2.0 contained in the software is not used in OpenHarmony. Other licenses do not require the products that use such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_node | Apache License V2.0<br>Artistic License 2.0<br>BSD 2-Clause License<br>BSD 3-Clause License<br>ICU License<br>MIT License<br>OpenSSL License<br>Public Domain<br>SSLeay License<br>UNICODE INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE<br>c-ares license<br>zlib/libpng License<br>| The components corresponding to Artistic License 2.0 contained in the software is not used in OpenHarmony. Other licenses do not require the products that use such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_objenesis | Apache License V2.0 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_pixman | MIT license | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_protobuf | BSD 3-Clause License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
......@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ The following table lists the licenses of the third-party open source software u
| third_party_mksh | MirOS License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_toybox | Public Domain License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_optimized_routines | MIT License | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_libsnd | LGPL v2.1 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code. Some test code uses GPL-3.0-or-later, and some uses GPL-2.0-or-later.|
| third_party_pulseaudio | LGPL v2.1 | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_libsnd | LGPL v2.1 | third\_party_\libsnd is called through a dynamic link. It will not cause OpenHarmony processes to be affected by the LGPL. Some test code uses GPL-3.0-or-later, and some uses GPL-2.0-or-later.|
| third_party_pulseaudio | LGPL v2.1 | third\_party_\pulseaudio is called through a dynamic link. It will not cause OpenHarmony processes to be affected by the LGPL.|
| third_party_ffmpeg | LGPL v2.1 | OpenHarmony uses the ffmpeg repository in the LGPL through a dynamic link. The use will not cause other code to be affected by the LGPL.|
| third_party_quickjs | MIT licence | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
| third_party_icu | BSD 3-Clause License, ICU License, UNICODE INC. LICENSE AGREEMENT - DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE | The license does not require any product that uses such a repository to open their code.|
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ foundation/bundlemanager/bundle_framework
│ ├── js # JS APIs
│ └── native # C/C++ APIs
├── services # Framework code of the bundle management service
── test # Testing
── test # Testing
......@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ bm get -u
Bundle Management Subsystem
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ For details, see the README and **test** directory of each repository.
**Graphics subsystem**
- [**graphic_graphic_2d**](https://gitee.com/abbuu_openharmony/graphic_graphic_2d)
- [**graphic_graphic_2d**](https://gitee.com/openharmony/graphic_graphic_2d)
- [arkui_ace_engine](https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkui_ace_engine)
- [ability_ability_runtime](https://gitee.com/openharmony/ability_ability_runtime)
- [multimedia_player_framework](https://gitee.com/openharmony/multimedia_player_framework)
......@@ -231,3 +231,10 @@ If the **distroFilter** tag is used, an error is reported during compilation on
**Adaptation Guide**<br>
Replace **distroFilter** with **distributionFilter** in the configuration file.
## cl.bundlemanager.20 Changed standard of launchType to multiton in the module.json Configuration File
The **standard** mode of the [launchType](../../../application-dev/quick-start/module-configuration-file.md) tag in the **module.json** file is changed to **multiton**.
**Adaptation Guide**<br>
Replace **standard** of **launchType** to **multiton** in the configuration file.
# Web Subsystem Changelog
Compared with earlier versions, OpenHarmony has the following API changes in its web subsystem:
## cl.web.1 Parameters in createWebMessagePorts
Added an optional parameter to the **WebMessagePort** API to accommodate more data types.
**Change Impact**
None (The added parameter is optional, and the API is forward compatible.)
**Key API/Component Changes**
- Involved APIs:
createWebMessagePorts(): Array\<WebMessagePort>;
- Before change:
createWebMessagePorts(): Array<WebMessagePort>;
- After change:
createWebMessagePorts(isExtentionType?: boolean): Array<WebMessagePort>;
**Adaptation Guide**
......@@ -25,49 +25,31 @@ Beta is a branch pulled from Master in the OpenHarmony community irregularly. Th
A tag version is a stable and reliable version created by applying patches to an LTS or a Release branch, with the purpose of fixing individual bugs, security vulnerabilities, and other necessary adaptation modifications.
### Commands for Downloading Branches
The release versions are available in the [**Release Notes** folder](../release-notes).
| Branch | Download Command (repo + https) | Download Command (repo + ssh) |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1.0.1-Release | repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest -b OpenHarmony_1.0.1_release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.1-Release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' |
| 3.0-LTS | repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.0-LTS --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.0-LTS --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' |
| 3.1-Release | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.1-Release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.1-Release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' |
## Maintenance Policies
### Lifecycle Policies
OpenHarmony provides lifecycle management services for LTS and Release branches as follows:
#### Release -> Stop proactive maintenance
​ The Release SIG periodically makes and maintains tag version plans to resolve individual bugs, security vulnerabilities, and other major issues to ensure continuously stable and available branches.
## Lifecycle Policies
#### Stop proactive maintenance -> Stop maintenance
The OpenHarmony community provides maintenance and technical support for Release and LTS branches based on the OpenHarmony Version Lifecycle Management. The OpenHarmony community provides maintenance and technical support based on the *OpenHarmony Version Lifecycle Management*.
​ The Release SIG no longer proactively plans and releases tag versions. It only fixes security vulnerabilities and major defects in corresponding branches.
### LTS and Release Maintenance Policies
For an LTS branch, the OpenHarmony community provides 2-year proactive maintenance and 1.5-year passive maintenance since its release.
### Maintenance Schedule
For a Release branch, the OpenHarmony community provides 1-year proactive maintenance and 1-year passive maintenance since its release.
The following table lists the maintenance schedule of the LTS and Release branches that have been released in the OpenHarmony community.
### Branch Merge Policies
| Branch Name | Branch Type| Release Date | End of Proactive Maintenance| End of Maintenance |
| ------------- | -------- | --------- | ------------ | --------- |
| 1.0.1-Release | Release | 2021-03-30| 2022-03-30 | 2023-03-30|
| 3.0-LTS | LTS | 2021-09-30| 2023-09-30 | 2025-03-30|
| 3.1-Release | Release | 2022-03-30| 2023-03-30 | 2024-03-30|
The Release SIG is responsible for lifecycle management of an LTS or a Release branch. During the maintenance period, the SIG accepts only code updates that resolve security vulnerabilities, ACTS issues, and other major issues. All code updates can be merged into the branch only after the related pull request has been approved by the [owner](https://gitee.com/openharmony/community/blob/master/zh/BRANCHOWNER).
Run the following commands to download the source code of each branch:
### Maintenance Schedule
| Branch | Download Command (repo + https) | Download Command (repo + ssh) |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1.0.1-Release | repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest -b OpenHarmony_1.0.1_release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.1-Release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' |
| 3.0-LTS | repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.0-LTS --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.0-LTS --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' |
| 3.1-Release | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.1-Release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' | repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b OpenHarmony-3.1-Release -m default.xml --no-repo-verify<br>repo sync -c<br>repo forall -c 'git lfs pull' |
The following table lists the maintenance schedule of the LTS and Release branches that have been released in the OpenHarmony community.
| No. | Branch Name | Branch Type| Release Date | End of Proactive Maintenance| End of Maintenance |
| :--- | ------------- | :------- | :-------- | :----------- | :-------- |
| 1 | 1.0.1-Release | Release | 2021-03-30| 2022-03-30 | 2023-03-30|
| 2 | 3.0-LTS | LTS | 2021-09-30| 2023-09-30 | 2025-03-30|
| 3 | 3.1-Release | Release | 2022-03-30| 2023-03-30 | 2024-03-30|
### Version Plan
......@@ -17,11 +17,37 @@
- ExtensionAbility组件
- [ExtensionAbility组件概述](extensionability-overview.md)
- [ServiceExtensionAbility](serviceextensionability.md)
- [DataShareExtensionAbility(仅对系统应用开放)](datashareextensionability.md)
- [AccessibilityExtensionAbility](accessibilityextensionability.md)
- [EnterpriseAdminExtensionAbility](enterprise-extensionAbility.md)
- [InputMethodExtensionAbility](inputmethodextentionability.md)
- [WindowExtensionAbility](windowextensionability.md)
- [服务卡片开发指导](widget-development-stage.md)
- 服务卡片开发指导(Stage模型)
- [服务卡片概述](service-widget-overview.md)
- 开发基于ArkTS UI的卡片
- [ArkTS卡片运行机制](arkts-ui-widget-working-principles.md)
- [ArkTS卡片相关模块](arkts-ui-widget-modules.md)
- ArkTS卡片开发指导
- [创建一个ArkTS卡片](arkts-ui-widget-creation.md)
- [配置卡片的配置文件](arkts-ui-widget-configuration.md)
- [卡片生命周期管理](arkts-ui-widget-lifecycle.md)
- 开发卡片页面
- [卡片页面能力说明](arkts-ui-widget-page-overview.md)
- [卡片使用动效能力](arkts-ui-widget-page-animation.md)
- [卡片使用自定义绘制能力](arkts-ui-widget-page-custom-drawing.md)
- 开发卡片事件
- [卡片事件能力说明](arkts-ui-widget-event-overview.md)
- [通过FormExtensionAbility刷新卡片内容](arkts-ui-widget-event-formextensionability.md)
- [通过UIAbility刷新卡片内容](arkts-ui-widget-event-uiability.md)
- [使用router事件跳转到指定页面](arkts-ui-widget-event-router.md)
- 卡片数据交互
- [卡片数据交互说明](arkts-ui-widget-interaction-overview.md)
- [定时刷新和定点刷新](arkts-ui-widget-update-by-time.md)
- [刷新本地图片和网络图片](arkts-ui-widget-image-update.md)
- [根据卡片状态刷新不同内容](arkts-ui-widget-update-by-status.md)
- [使用方刷新卡片内容(仅对系统应用开放)](arkts-ui-widget-content-update.md)
- [开发基于JS UI的卡片](js-ui-widget-development.md)
- [Stage模型服务卡片相关实例](service-widget-development-samples.md)
- [AbilityStage组件容器](abilitystage.md)
- [应用上下文Context](application-context-stage.md)
- 信息传递载体Want
# 卡片数据交互说明
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ExtensionAbility组件是基于特定场景(例如服务卡片、输入法等
## 实现指定类型的ExtensionAbility组件
......@@ -57,13 +57,6 @@ FormExtensionAbility类拥有如下API接口,具体的API介绍详见[接口
| onConfigurationUpdate(config:&nbsp;Configuration):&nbsp;void | 当系统配置更新时调用。 |
| onShareForm?(formId:&nbsp;string):&nbsp;{&nbsp;[key:&nbsp;string]:&nbsp;any&nbsp;} | 卡片提供方接收卡片分享的通知接口。 |
| 接口名 | 描述 |
| -------- | -------- |
| startAbility(want:&nbsp;Want,&nbsp;callback:&nbsp;AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;):&nbsp;void | 回调形式拉起一个卡片所属应用的UIAbility(系统接口,三方应用不支持调用,需申请后台拉起权限)。 |
| startAbility(want:&nbsp;Want):&nbsp;Promise&lt;void&gt; | Promise形式拉起一个卡片所属应用的UIAbility(系统接口,三方应用不支持调用,需申请后台拉起权限)。 |
| 接口名 | 描述 |
......@@ -324,7 +317,7 @@ export default class EntryFormAbility extends FormExtension {
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
| distributedfiles | distributedFilesDir | 分布式文件路径 | 应用在el2加密条件下存放分布式文件的目录,应用将文件放入该目录可分布式跨设备直接访问;随应用卸载而清理。 |
| files | filesDir | 应用通用文件路径 | 应用在本设备内部存储上通用的存放默认长期保存的文件路径;随应用卸载而清理。 |
| cache | cacheDir | 应用缓存文件路径 | 应用在本设备内部存储上用于缓存下载的文件或可重新生成的缓存文件的路径,应用cache目录大小超过配额或者系统空间达到一定条件,自动触发清理该目录下文件;用户通过系统空间管理类应用也可能触发清理该目录。应用需判断文件是否仍存在,决策是否需重新缓存该文件。 |
| preferences | preferencesDir | 应用首选项文件路径 | 应用在本设备内部存储上通过数据库API存储配置类或首选项的目录;随应用卸载而清理。 |
| preferences | preferencesDir | 应用首选项文件路径 | 应用在本设备内部存储上通过数据库API存储配置类或首选项的目录;应用在本设备内部存储上通过数据库API存储配置类或首选项的目录;随应用卸载而清理。详见[通过用户首选项实现数据持久化](../database/data-persistence-by-preferences.md)。 |
| temp | tempDir | 应用临时文件路径 | 应用在本设备内部存储上仅在应用运行期间产生和需要的文件,应用退出后即清理。 |
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