提交 efcf264b 编写于 作者: E ester.zhou

Update docs (12286)

Signed-off-by: Nester.zhou <ester.zhou@huawei.com>
上级 4af16a0d
......@@ -223,7 +223,10 @@ You can implement page redirection through the [page router](../reference/apis/j
// Bind the onClick event to the Next button so that clicking the button redirects the user to the second page.
.onClick(() => {
router.pushUrl({ url: 'pages/second' })
router.push({ url: 'pages/second' })
// In a project of API version 9, you can use the API below instead:
// router.pushUrl({ url: 'pages/second' })
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ The following styles are supported.
| font-size | &lt;length&gt; | 30px | No | Font size of the menu. |
| allow-scale | boolean | true | No | Whether the font size changes with the system's font size settings.<br>If the **config-changes** tag of **fontSize** is configured for abilities in the **config.json** file, the setting takes effect without application restart.|
| letter-spacing | &lt;length&gt; | 0 | No | Character spacing of the menu. |
| font-style | string | normal | No | Font style of the menu. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>**](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md#styles) component. |
| font-weight | number \| string | normal | No | Font weight of the menu. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>**](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md#styles) component. |
| font-style | string | normal | No | Font style of the menu. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>**](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md#styles) component.|
| font-weight | number \| string | normal | No | Font weight of the menu. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>**](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md#styles) component.|
| font-family | string | sans-serif | No | Font family, in which fonts are separated by commas (,). Each font is set using a font name or font family name. The first font in the family or the specified [custom font](../arkui-js/js-components-common-customizing-font.md) is used for the text.|
......@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ The following methods are supported.
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
onMenuSelected(e) {
message: e.value
......@@ -224,8 +224,7 @@ select {
// xxx.js
import router from '@system.router';
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
data: {
......@@ -253,63 +252,63 @@ export default {
textonchange(e) {
this.textvalue = e.newValue;
message: "text:" + e.newValue + ",newSelected:" + e.newSelected
textoncancel(e) {
message: "text: textoncancel"
dateonchange(e) {
this.datevalue = e.year + "-" + e.month + "-" + e.day;
message: "date:" + e.year + "-" + (e.month + 1) + "-" + e.day
dateoncancel() {
message: "date: dateoncancel"
timeonchange(e) {
if (this.containsecond) {
this.timevalue = e.hour + ":" + e.minute + ":" + e.second;
message: "Time:" + e.hour + ":" + e.minute + ":" + e.second
} else {
this.timevalue = e.hour + ":" + e.minute;
message: "Time:" + e.hour + ":" + e.minute
timeoncancel() {
message: "timeoncancel"
datetimeonchange(e) {
this.datetimevalue = e.year + "-" + e.month + "-" + e.day + " " + e.hour + ":" + e.minute;
message: "Time:" + (e.month + 1) + "-" + e.day + " " + e.hour + ":" + e.minute
datetimeoncancel() {
message: "datetimeoncancel"
multitextonchange(e) {
this.multitextvalue = e.newValue;
message: "Multi-column text change" + e.newValue
multitextoncancel() {
message: "multitextoncancel"
......@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ rating {
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
message: e.rating
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ In addition to the [universal styles](../arkui-js/js-components-common-styles.md
| color | &lt;color&gt; | \#e6000000 | No | Text color of the multi-line text box. |
| font-size | &lt;length&gt; | 16px | No | Font size of the multi-line text box. |
| allow-scale | boolean | true | No | Whether the font size changes with the system's font size settings.<br>If the **config-changes** tag of **fontSize** is configured for abilities in the **config.json** file, the setting takes effect without application restart.|
| placeholder-color | &lt;color&gt; | \#99000000 | No | Color of the hint text in the multi-line text box. This attribute is available when the component type is set to one of the following: text\|email\|date\|time\|number\|password. |
| font-weight | number \| string | normal | No | Font weight. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>**](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md#styles) component.|
| placeholder-color | &lt;color&gt; | \#99000000 | No | Color of the hint text in the multi-line text box. This attribute is available when the component type is set to one of the following: text\|email\|date\|time\|number\|password.|
| font-weight | number \| string | normal | No | Font weight. For details, see **font-weight** of the [**\<text>**](../arkui-js/js-components-basic-text.md#styles) component.|
| font-family | string | sans-serif | No | Font family, in which fonts are separated by commas (,). Each font is set using a font name or font family name. The first font in the family or the specified [custom font](../arkui-js/js-components-common-customizing-font.md) is used for the text.|
| caret-color<sup>6+</sup> | &lt;color&gt; | - | No | Color of the caret. |
......@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ The [universal methods](../arkui-js/js-components-common-methods.md) are support
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
message: 'value: ' + e.text + ', lines: ' + e.lines + ', height: ' + e.height,
duration: 3000,
......@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ The **ImageData** object is an object that stores pixel data rendered on a canva
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
onShow() {
const el =this.$refs.canvas;
const ctx = el.getContext('2d');
var imageData = ctx.createImageData(1,1)
......@@ -132,30 +132,30 @@ The following methods are supported. The [universal methods](../arkui-js/js-comp
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
showDialog() {
cancelDialog() {
message: 'Dialog cancelled'
cancelSchedule() {
message: 'Successfully cancelled'
setSchedule() {
message: 'Successfully confirmed'
message: 'doubleclick'
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](../arkui-js/js-components-common-attri
| Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
| type | string | default | No | Type of the list item group. A list supports multiple list item group types. The same type of list item groups must have the same view layout after being rendered. If the type is fixed, replace the **if** attribute with the **show** attribute to ensure that the view layout remains unchanged.|
| type | string | default | No | Type of the list-item-group. A list supports multiple list-item-group types. The same type of list-item-groups must have the same view layout after being rendered. If the type is fixed, replace the **if** attribute with the **show** attribute to ensure that the view layout remains unchanged.|
> **NOTE**
......@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ In addition to the [universal styles](../arkui-js/js-components-common-styles.md
In addition to the [universal events](../arkui-js/js-components-common-events.md), the following events are supported.
| Name | Name | Description |
| Name | Parameter | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| groupclick | { groupid: string } | Triggered when a group is clicked.<br>**groupid**: ID of the group that is clicked. |
| groupcollapse | { groupid: string } | Triggered when a group is collapsed.<br>**groupid**: ID of the group that is collapsed.<br>If the parameter is not carried or **groupid** is left empty, all groups are collapsed.|
| groupexpand | { groupid: string } | Triggered when a group is expanded.<br>**groupid**: ID of the group that is expanded.<br>If the parameter is not carried or **groupid** is left empty, all groups are expanded.|
| groupcollapse | { groupid: string } | Triggered when a group is collapsed.<br>**groupid**: ID of the group collapsed.<br>If the parameter is not carried or **groupid** is left empty, all groups are collapsed.|
| groupexpand | { groupid: string } | Triggered when a group is expanded.<br>**groupid**: ID of the group expanded.<br>If the parameter is not carried or **groupid** is left empty, all groups are expanded.|
## Methods
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ The [universal methods](../arkui-js/js-components-common-methods.md) are support
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
export default {
data: {
direction: 'column',
......@@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ export default {
collapse(e) {
message: 'Close ' + e.groupid
expand(e) {
message: 'Open ' + e.groupid
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
> This component is supported since API version 4. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The **\<popup>** component is used to display a pop-up to offer instructions after a user clicks a bound component.
The **\<popup>** component is used to display a pop-up to offer instructions after a user clicks a bound component or calls the specific API.
## Required Permissions
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](../arkui-js/js-components-common-attri
| Name| Type| Default Value| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| target | string | - | Yes| ID of the target element. Dynamic switch is not supported.|
| placement | string | bottom | No| Position of the pop-up. Available values are as follows:<br>- **left**: The pop-up is displayed on the left of the target item.<br>- **right**: The pop-up is displayed on the right of the target item.<br>- **top**: The pop-up is displayed at the top of the target item.<br>- **bottom**: The pop-up is displayed at the bottom of the target item.<br>- **topLeft**: The pop-up is displayed on the upper left of the target item.<br>- **topRight**: The pop-up is displayed on the upper right of the target item.<br>- **bottomLeft**: The pop-up is displayed on the bottom left of the target item.<br>- **bottomRight**: The pop-up is displayed on the bottom right of the target item.|
| placement | string | bottom | No| Position of the pop-up relative to the target element. Available values are as follows:<br>- **left**: on the left of the target element.<br>- **right**: on the right of the target element.<br>- **top**: at the top of the target element;<br>- **bottom**: at the bottom of the target element.<br>- **topLeft**: in the upper left corner of the target element.<br>- **topRight**: in the upper right corner of the target element.<br>- **bottomLeft**: in the lower left corner of the target element.<br>- **bottomRight**: in the lower right corner of the target element.|
| keepalive<sup>5+</sup> | boolean | false | No| Whether to retain this pop-up. **true**: The pop-up does not disappear when users tap other areas or switch the page. To hide the pop-up, call the **hide** method.<br>**false**: The pop-up disappears when users tap other areas or switch the page.|
| clickable<sup>5+</sup> | boolean | true | No| Whether to display the pop-up when users click the bound control. If this parameter is set to **false**, the pop-up can be triggered only by a method call.|
| clickable<sup>5+</sup> | boolean | true | No| Whether to display the pop-up when the user clicks the target element. If this attribute is set to **false**, the pop-up can be triggered only by an API call.|
| arrowoffset<sup>5+</sup> | &lt;length&gt; | 0 | No| Offset of the pop-up arrow. By default, the arrow is centered. A positive value means that the arrow moves along the language direction (LTR or RTL), and a negative value means that the arrow moves along the opposite direction of the language direction.|
> **NOTE**
......@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ The following methods are supported.
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt'
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction'
export default {
visibilitychange(e) {
message: 'visibility change visibility: ' + e.visibility,
duration: 3000
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Obtains an image from the specified source for subsequent rendering and display.
| Name| Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| src | string \| [PixelMap](../apis/js-apis-image.md#pixelmap7) \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Yes | Image source. Both local and online images are supported.<br>When using an image referenced using a relative path, for example, `Image("common/test.jpg")`, the **\<Image>** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use `$r` to reference image resources that need to be used globally.<br>- The following image formats are supported: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, GIF.<br>\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data], where [base64 data] is a Base64 string.<br/>\- Strings with the **datashare://path** prefix are supported, which are used to access the image path provided by a data ability. Before loading images, the application must [request the required permissions](../../file-management/medialibrary-overview.md#requesting-permissions).<br>\- Strings with the **file:///data/storage** prefix are supported, which are used to read image resources in the **files** folder in the installation directory of the application. Ensure that the files in the directory package path have the read permission.|
| src | string \| [PixelMap](../apis/js-apis-image.md#pixelmap7) \| [Resource](ts-types.md#resource) | Yes | Image source. Both local and online images are supported.<br>When using an image referenced using a relative path, for example, **Image("common/test.jpg")**, the **\<Image>** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use **\$r** to reference image resources that need to be used globally.<br>- The following image formats are supported: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, GIF.<br>\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data], where [base64 data] is a Base64 string.<br/>\- Strings with the **datashare://path** prefix are supported, which are used to access the image path provided by a data ability. Before loading images, the application must [request the required permissions](../../file-management/medialibrary-overview.md#requesting-permissions).<br>\- Strings with the **file:///data/storage** prefix are supported, which are used to read image resources in the **files** folder in the installation directory of the application. Ensure that the files in the directory package path have the read permission.|
## Attributes
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
| syncLoad<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to load the image synchronously. By default, the image is loaded asynchronously. During synchronous loading, the UI thread is blocked and the placeholder diagram is not displayed.<br>Default value: **false**|
| copyOption<sup>9+</sup> | [CopyOptions](ts-appendix-enums.md#copyoptions9) | Whether the image can be copied. (SVG images cannot be copied.)<br>When **copyOption** is set to a value other than **CopyOptions.None**, the image can be copied in various manners, such as long pressing, right-clicking, or pressing Ctrl+C.<br>Default value: **CopyOptions.None**|
| colorFilter<sup>9+</sup> | [ColorFilter](ts-types.md#colorfilter9) | Color filter of the image.|
| draggable<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether the image is draggable. This attribute cannot be used together with the [onDragStart](ts-universal-events-drag-drop.md) event.<br>Default value: **false**|
> **NOTE**
......@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ struct Index {
let code = data.responseCode
if(ResponseCode.ResponseCode.OK == code) {
let imageSource = image.createImageSource(data.result)
let options = {alphaType: 0, // Transparency
let options = {alphaType: 0, // Opacity
editable: false, // Whether the image is editable
pixelFormat: 3, // Pixel format
scaleMode: 1, // Scale mode
......@@ -355,9 +356,9 @@ struct ImageExample3 {
### Rendering Sandbox Images
import fileio from '@ohos.fileio'
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs'
import context from '@ohos.application.context'
import fileio from '@ohos.fileio';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
import context from '@ohos.app.ability.context';
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