提交 ecb33e86 编写于 作者: L lixiangpeng5

fix docs: add interface VibrateFromFile, HapticFileDescriptor

Signed-off-by: Nlixiangpeng5 <lixiangpeng5@huawei.com>
Change-Id: I93396239c43be942b1e123a4ce8ceb6ba81590da
上级 c7a0d8a4
......@@ -21,6 +21,121 @@
| ohos.vibrator | isSupportEffect(effectId: string): Promise&lt;boolean&gt; | 查询是否支持传入的参数effectId。返回true则表示支持,否则不支持 |
| ohos.vibrator | isSupportEffect(effectId: string, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt;): void | 查询是否支持传入的参数effectId。返回true则表示支持,否则不支持 |
## 自定义振动支持的格式
"MetaData": {
"Create": "2023-01-09",
"Description": "a haptic case",
"Version": 1.0,
"ChannelNumber": 1
"Channels": [
"Parameters": {
"Index": 1
"Pattern": [
"Event": {
"Type": "transient",
"StartTime": 0,
"Parameters": {
"Intensity": 100,
"Frequency": 31
"Event": {
"Type": "continuous",
"StartTime": 100,
"Duration": 54,
"Parameters": {
"Intensity": 38,
"Frequency": 30
"MetaData": {
"Create": "2023-01-09",
"Description": "a haptic case",
"Version": 1.0,
"ChannelNumber": 1
"Channels": [ ... ]
"Channels": [
"Parameters": {
"Index": 1
"Pattern": [ ... ]
"Pattern": [
"Event": {
"Type": "transient",
"StartTime": 0,
"Parameters": {
"Intensity": 100,
"Frequency": 31
"Event": {
"Type": "continuous",
"StartTime": 100,
"Duration": 54,
"Parameters": {
"Intensity": 38,
"Frequency": 30
| 参数 | 说明 | 范围|
| --- | ------------------------ | ---|
| Type | 振动事件类型 | "transient" 或"continuous"|
| StartTime | 振动的起始时间 | 单位ms,有效范围为[0, 1800 000],且振动事件不能重叠|
| Duration | 振动持续时间,仅当类型为"continuous"时可用 | 单位ms,有效范围为(10, 1600)|
| Intensity | 振动强度 | 有效范围为[0, 100],这里的强度值为相对值,并不代表真实强度|
| Frequency | 振动频率 | 有效范围为[0, 100],这里的频率值为相对值,并不代表真实频率|
| 参数 | 要求 |
| -------- | ------------------------ |
| 振动事件(event)的数量 | 不得超过128个 |
| 振动配置文件长度 | 不得超过64KB |
## 开发步骤
......@@ -136,7 +251,64 @@
6. 启动和停止自定义振动
import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
import resourceManager from '@ohos.resourceManager';
const FILE_NAME = "xxx.json";
async function openResource(fileName) {
let fileDescriptor = undefined;
let mgr = await resourceManager.getResourceManager();
await mgr.getRawFd(fileName).then(value => {
fileDescriptor = {fd: value.fd, offset: value.offset, length: value.length};
console.log('openResource success fileName: ' + fileName);
}).catch(error => {
console.log('openResource err: ' + error);
return fileDescriptor;
async function closeResource(fileName) {
let mgr = await resourceManager.getResourceManager();
await mgr.closeRawFd(fileName).then(()=> {
console.log('closeResource success fileName: ' + fileName);
}).catch(error => {
console.log('closeResource err: ' + error);
// 获取振动文件资源描述符
let rawFd = openResource(FILE_NAME);
// 使用startVibration、stopVibration需要添加ohos.permission.VIBRATE权限
try {
// 启动自定义振动
type: "file",
hapticFd: { fd: rawFd.fd, offset: rawFd.offset, length: rawFd.length }
}, {
usage: "alarm"
}).then(() => {
console.info('startVibration success');
}, (error) => {
console.info('startVibration error');
// 停止所有类型的马达振动
vibrator.stopVibration(function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error.code' + error.code + 'error.message' + error.message);
console.log('Callback returned to indicate successful.');
} catch (error) {
console.info('errCode: ' + error.code + ' ,msg: ' + error.message);
// 关闭振动文件资源
## 相关实例
......@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ try {
| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| [VibrateTime](#vibratetime9) | 按照指定持续时间触发马达振动。 |
| [VibratePreset](#vibratepreset9) | 按照预置振动类型触发马达振动。 |
| [VibrateFromFile](#vibratefromfile10) | 按照振动配置文件触发马达振动。 |
## VibrateTime<sup>9+</sup>
......@@ -486,6 +487,29 @@ try {
| effectId | - | 预置的振动效果ID。 |
| count | - | 重复振动的次数。 |
## VibrateFromFile<sup>10+</sup>
| 名称 | 值 | 说明 |
| -------- | -------- | ------------------------------ |
| type | "file" | 按照振动配置文件触发马达振动。 |
| hapticFd | - | 振动配置文件的描述符,类型为[HapticFileDescriptor](#hapticfiledescriptor10)。 |
## HapticFileDescriptor<sup>10+</sup>
| 名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
| -------- | -------- |--------| ------------------------------ |
| fd | number | 是 | 文件描述符。 |
| offset | number | 否 | 文件指针起始偏移量,默认值为文件起始位置。 |
| length | number | 否 | 文件长度,默认值为从偏移位置至文件结尾的大小。 |
## VibrateAttribute<sup>9+</sup>
# 泛Sensor子系统Changelog
## cl.vibrator.1 新增自定义振动相关属性
| 模块名 | 类名 | 方法/属性/枚举/常量 | 变更类型 |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| @ohos.vibrator.d.ts | vibrator | HapticFileDescriptor | 新增 |
| @ohos.vibrator.d.ts | vibrator | VibrateFromFile | 新增 |
import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
import resourceManager from '@ohos.resourceManager';
const FILE_NAME = "xxx.json";
async function openResource(fileName) {
let fileDescriptor = undefined;
let mgr = await resourceManager.getResourceManager();
await mgr.getRawFd(fileName).then(value => {
fileDescriptor = {fd: value.fd, offset: value.offset, length: value.length};
console.log('openResource success fileName: ' + fileName);
}).catch(error => {
console.log('openResource err: ' + error);
return fileDescriptor;
async function closeResource(fileName) {
let mgr = await resourceManager.getResourceManager();
await mgr.closeRawFd(fileName).then(()=> {
console.log('closeResource success fileName: ' + fileName);
}).catch(error => {
console.log('closeResource err: ' + error);
// 获取振动文件资源描述符
let rawFd = openResource(FILE_NAME);
// 使用startVibration、stopVibration需要添加ohos.permission.VIBRATE权限
try {
// 启动自定义振动
type: "file",
hapticFd: { fd: rawFd.fd, offset: rawFd.offset, length: rawFd.length }
}, {
usage: "alarm"
}).then(() => {
console.info('startVibration success');
}, (error) => {
console.info('startVibration error');
// 停止所有类型的马达振动
vibrator.stopVibration(function (error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error.code' + error.code + 'error.message' + error.message);
console.log('Callback returned to indicate successful.');
} catch (error) {
console.info('errCode: ' + error.code + ' ,msg: ' + error.message);
// 关闭振动文件资源
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