>You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.
Enables listening for the **message** events of a WebSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. The maximum length of each message is 4 KB. If the length exceeds 4 KB, the message is automatically fragmented.
Disables listening for the **message** events of a WebSocket connection. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. The maximum length of each message is 4 KB. If the length exceeds 4 KB, the message is automatically fragmented.
>The data in **AsyncCallback** can be in the format of string\(API 6\) or ArrayBuffer\(API 8\).
>You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.
>You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.
>You can pass the callback of the **on** function if you want to cancel listening for a certain type of event. If you do not pass the callback, you will cancel listening for all events.
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ The HCTest framework is used to support test cases developed with the C language
Test suites are built along with version build. The ACTS is built together with the debug version.
> **NOTE**
>The ACTS build middleware is a static library, which will be linked to the image.
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ The HCPPTest framework is enhanced and adapted based on the open-source framewor
Test suites are built along with the version build. The ACTS is built together with the debug version.
> **NOTE**
>The ACTS for the small system is independently built to an executable file \(.bin\) and archived in the **suites\\acts** directory of the build result.