| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to zip. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model] (js-apis-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to zip. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the zipped file. The file name extension is .zip. |
| options | [Options](#options) | Yes | Optional parameters for the zip operation. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to unzip. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model] (js-apis-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to unzip. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the unzipped file. |
| options | [Options](#options) | Yes | Optional parameters for the unzip operation. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model] (js-apis-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the compressed file. |
| AsyncCallback<**void**> | callback | No | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **null** is returned; otherwise, a specific error code is returned. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model] (js-apis-application-context.md).|
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the folder or file to compress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the compressed file. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model] (js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the decompressed file. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the decompressed file. The path must exist in the system. Otherwise, the decompression fails. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| AsyncCallback<**void**> | callback | No | Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, **null** is returned; otherwise, a specific error code is returned. |
**Error codes**
@@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [zlib Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcod
// The path used in the code must be an application sandbox path, for example, /data/storage/el2/base/haps. You can obtain the path through the context.
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model] (js-apis-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the decompressed file. |
| inFile | string | Yes | Path of the file to decompress. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
| outFile | string | Yes | Path of the decompressed file. The path must exist in the system. Otherwise, the decompression fails. The path must be an application sandbox path, which can be obtained from the context. For details about the context, see [FA Model](js-apis-inner-app-context.md) and [Stage Model](js-apis-inner-application-context.md).|
@@ -299,7 +303,7 @@ For details about the error codes, see [zlib Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcod
// The path used in the code must be an application sandbox path, for example, /data/storage/el2/base/haps. You can obtain the path through the context.