@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ Pushes the component and data to the component user.
| name | string | Yes | Component name. |
| data | KVObject | No | Component data value. |
| extraData | KVObject | No | Additional data value. |
| jsonPath | string | No | Path of the **external.json** file that stores template paths. |
@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ Requests the component from the component provider.
| want | Want | Yes | Ability information of the component provider.|
| name | string | Yes | Name of the requested component. |
| data | KVObject | Yes | Additional data. |
| jsonPath | string | No | Path of the **external.json file** that stores template paths. If this parameter is not null or not set, request communication is not triggered. |
@@ -112,12 +114,6 @@ Requests the component from the component provider.
| key | number \| string \| boolean \| Array \| KVObject | Key of the **KVObject**. **KVObject** uses **key** and **value** to store data. If **key** is of the string type, **value** can be of the number, string, boolean, array type or another **KVObject**.|
For details, see [PluginComponent User](#plugincomponent-user).
@@ -155,6 +151,20 @@ Listens for events of the request type and returns the requested data, or listen
For details, see [PluginComponent Tools](#plugincomponent-tools).
| key | number \| string \| boolean \| Array \| KVObject | Key of the **KVObject**. **KVObject** uses **key** and **value** to store data. If **key** is of the string type, **value** can be of the number, string, boolean, array type or another **KVObject**.|
**Description of the external.json file**
The **external.json** file is created by developers. This file stores component names and template paths in key-value pairs. The component name is the key, and the corresponding template path is the value.