提交 de2e08f9 编写于 作者: A Annie_wang

update docs

Signed-off-by: NAnnie_wang <annie.wangli@huawei.com>
上级 0368e671
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
## Modules to Import
import distributedObject from '@ohos.data.distributedDataObject'
import distributedObject from '@ohos.data.distributedDataObject';
......@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ Creates a distributed data object.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| source | object | Yes| Attribute of the distributed data object to create.|
**Return Value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [DistributedObject](#distributedobject) | Distributed data object created.|
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [DistributedObject](#distributedobject) | Distributed data object created.|
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Sets a session ID for synchronization. Automatic synchronization is performed fo
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the session ID is set successfully;<br>returns **false** otherwise. |
......@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ Subscribes to the status changes (online or offline) of this distributed data ob
| type | string | Yes| Event type to subscribe to. The value is "status", which indicates the status (online or offline) change events.|
| callback | Callback<{ sessionId: string, networkId: string, status: 'online' \| 'offline' }> | Yes| Callback used to return the online or offline status.<br>**sessionId** indicates the session ID of the distributed data object.<br>**networkId** indicates the network ID of the device.<br>**status** indicates the status, which can be online or offline.|
import distributedObject from '@ohos.data.distributedDataObject'
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
You need to use [RdbStore.query()](js-apis-data-rdb.md#query) to obtain the **resultSet** object.
import dataRdb from '@ohos.data.rdb';
let predicates = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
predicates.equalTo("AGE", 18)
......@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ promise.then((resultSet) => {
console.log(TAG + "resultSet columnCount:" + resultSet.columnCount);})
## ResultSet
Provides methods to access the result set, which is obtained by querying the relational database (RDB) store.
......@@ -52,18 +48,18 @@ Obtains the column index based on the column name.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnName | string | Yes| Column name specified.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Index of the column obtained.|
- Example
const id = resultSet.getLong(resultSet.getColumnIndex("ID"))
const name = resultSet.getString(resultSet.getColumnIndex("NAME"))
......@@ -80,18 +76,18 @@ Obtains the column name based on the column index.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnIndex | number | Yes| Column index specified.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| string | Column name obtained.|
- Example
const id = resultSet.getColumnName(0)
const name = resultSet.getColumnName(1)
const age = resultSet.getColumnName(2)
......@@ -106,18 +102,18 @@ Moves the cursor to the row based on the specified offset.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| offset | number | Yes| Offset relative to the current position.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
let predicatesgoto = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promisequerygoto = rdbStore.query(predicatesgoto, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygoto.then((resultSet) {
......@@ -137,18 +133,18 @@ Moves the cursor to the specified row in the result set.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| position | number | Yes| Position to which the cursor is to be moved.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
let predicatesgotorow = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promisequerygotorow = rdbStore.query(predicatesgotorow, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygotorow.then((resultSet) {
......@@ -169,13 +165,13 @@ Moves the cursor to the first row of the result set.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
let predicatesgoFirst = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promisequerygoFirst = rdbStore.query(predicatesgoFirst, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygoFirst.then((resultSet) {
......@@ -195,13 +191,13 @@ Moves the cursor to the last row of the result set.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
let predicatesgoLast = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promisequerygoLast = rdbStore.query(predicatesgoLast, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygoLast.then((resultSet) {
......@@ -221,13 +217,13 @@ Moves the cursor to the next row in the result set.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
let predicatesgoNext = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promisequerygoNext = rdbStore.query(predicatesgoNext, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygoNext.then((resultSet) {
......@@ -247,13 +243,13 @@ Moves the cursor to the previous row in the result set.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
let predicatesgoPrev = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promisequerygoPrev = rdbStore.query(predicatesgoPrev, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygoPrev.then((resultSet) {
......@@ -273,18 +269,18 @@ Obtains the value in the specified column in the current row as a byte array.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnIndex | number | Yes| Index of the specified column, starting from 0.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| Uint8Array | Value in the specified column as a byte array.|
- Example
const codes = resultSet.getBlob(resultSet.getColumnIndex("CODES"))
......@@ -297,18 +293,18 @@ Obtains the value in the specified column in the current row as a string.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnIndex | number | Yes| Index of the specified column, starting from 0.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| string | Value in the specified column as a string.|
- Example
const name = resultSet.getString(resultSet.getColumnIndex("NAME"))
......@@ -321,18 +317,18 @@ Obtains the value in the specified column in the current row as a Long.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnIndex | number | Yes| Index of the specified column, starting from 0.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Value in the specified column as a Long.|
- Example
const age = resultSet.getLong(resultSet.getColumnIndex("AGE"))
......@@ -345,18 +341,18 @@ Obtains the value in the specified column in the current row as a double.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnIndex | number | Yes| Index of the specified column, starting from 0.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| number | Value in the specified column as a double.|
- Example
const salary = resultSet.getDouble(resultSet.getColumnIndex("SALARY"))
......@@ -369,18 +365,18 @@ Checks whether the value in the specified column of the current row is null.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Parameters
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnIndex | number | Yes| Index of the specified column, starting from 0.|
- Return value
**Return value**
| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| boolean | Returns **true** if the value is null; returns **false** otherwise.|
- Example
const isColumnNull = resultSet.isColumnNull(resultSet.getColumnIndex("CODES"))
......@@ -393,13 +389,13 @@ Closes this result set.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.RelationalStore.Core
- Example
let predicatesclose = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let predicatesclose = rdbStore.query(predicatesclose, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promisequerygoPrev.then((resultSet) {
let predicatesClose = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE")
let promiseClose = rdbStore.query(predicatesClose, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"])
promiseClose.then((resultSet) {
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('query failed')
console.log('Failed to close resultset')
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