未验证 提交 dd6e5d90 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!17498 无效链接处理

Merge pull request !17498 from jiao_yanlin_001/master
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Hardware-based decoding and encoding functions of audio and video data are devic
You can use the APIs in any of the provided classes based on your development requirements.
- For details about how to call media APIs to implement the video recording, preview, and playback, see [Multimedia Development Guide](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/tree/master/en/application-dev/media).
- For details about how to call media APIs to implement the video recording, preview, and playback, see [Multimedia Development Guide](../application-dev/media).
- For a simple player, use **Player** and **Recorder** classes to quickly implement the playback and recording features.
- The **CameraKit** class provides a group of effective methods for controlling a camera, which facilitates the camera development.
- You can create a **CameraKit** object and register various callbacks to respond to many events in the multimedia module. Then, create a **Camera** object to operate camera resources, for example, to start preview, recording, and stream capturing, and set related parameters.
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
- 应用开发者使用媒体接口实现录像、预览和播放音视频,使用可以参考[多媒体开发指南](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/tree/master/zh-cn/application-dev/media)
- 应用开发者使用媒体接口实现录像、预览和播放音视频,使用可以参考[多媒体开发指南](../application-dev/media)
- 当使用简单播放录制功能时,可以使用Player和Recorder快速完成播放和录制功能。
- 提供了一组控制相机的有效接口,可以让用户方便开发使用相机。
- 开发者先创建camerakit组件对象,注册各种事件回调,这些事件回调是用来响应多媒体模块中事件响应的,之后调用创建camera就可以创建一个操作camera资源的对象,使用这个对象可以启动预览、录像或抓拍取流,及设置取流的相关参数。
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