| onChange(value: string) => void | Triggered when the input changes. |
| onSubmit(callback: (enterKey: EnterKeyType) => void) | Triggered when the Enter key on the physical or soft keyboard is pressed. |
| onEditChanged(callback: (isEditing: boolean) => void) | Triggered when the input status changes. |
| onCopy<sup>8+</sup>(callback:(value: string) => void) | Triggered when the copy button on the pasteboard, which displays when the text box is long pressed, is clicked.<br/>**value**: text to be copied. |
| onCut<sup>8+</sup>(callback:(value: string) => void) | Triggered when the cut button on the pasteboard, which displays when the text box is long pressed, is clicked.<br/>**value**: text to be cut. |
| onPaste<sup>8+</sup>(callback:(value: string) => void) | Triggered when the paste button on the pasteboard, which displays when the text box is long pressed, is clicked.<br/>**value**: text to be pasted. |
### TextInputController<sup>8+</sup>
@@ -78,7 +88,7 @@ controller: TextInputController = new TextInputController()
### controller.createPosition
### caretPosition
caretPosition(value: number): void
@@ -90,18 +100,6 @@ Sets the cursor in a specified position.
| value | number | Yes | - | Position of the input cursor.<br/>**value**: indicates the length from the start of the string to the position where the input cursor is located. |
## Events
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| onChange(value: string) => void | Triggered when the input changes. |
| onSubmit(callback: (enterKey: EnterKeyType) => void) | Triggered when the Enter key on the physical or soft keyboard is pressed. |
| onEditChanged(callback: (isEditing: boolean) => void) | Triggered when the input status changes. |
| onCopy<sup>8+</sup>(callback:(value: string) => void) | Triggered when the copy button on the pasteboard, which displays when the text box is long pressed, is clicked.<br/>**value**: text to be copied. |
| onCut<sup>8+</sup>(callback:(value: string) => void) | Triggered when the cut button on the pasteboard, which displays when the text box is long pressed, is clicked.<br/>**value**: text to be cut. |
| onPaste<sup>8+</sup>(callback:(value: string) => void) | Triggered when the paste button on the pasteboard, which displays when the text box is long pressed, is clicked.<br/>**value**: text to be pasted. |