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!19540 翻译完成:19003+19145 内存管理新增Purgeable Memory 接口文档

Merge pull request !19540 from wusongqing/TR19003
# Native APIs
- [Introduction to Native APIs](introduction.md)
- [Using Native APIs in Application Projects](napi-guidelines.md)
- [Drawing Development](drawing-guidelines.md)
- [Raw File Development](rawfile-guidelines.md)
- [Native Window Development](native-window-guidelines.md)
- [Using MindSpore Lite for Model Inference](mindspore-lite-guidelines.md)
- [Connecting the Neural Network Runtime to an AI Inference Framework](neural-network-runtime-guidelines.md)
\ No newline at end of file
- [Connecting the Neural Network Runtime to an AI Inference Framework](neural-network-runtime-guidelines.md)
- [Purgeable Memory Development](purgeable-memory-guidelines.md)
# Purgeable Memory Development
## When to Use
You can use the native purgeable memory APIs to apply for and release purgeable memory.
The following scenarios are common for native purgeable memory development:
* Apply for a **PurgeableMemory** object and write data to the object.
* Release the **PurgeableMemory** object when it is no longer required.
## Available APIs
| API| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_PurgeableMemory \*OH_PurgeableMemory_Create(size_t size, OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc func, void \*funcPara) | Creates a **PurgeableMemory** object. A new **PurgeableMemory** object is generated each time this API is called.|
| bool OH_PurgeableMemory_Destroy(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj) | Destroys a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| bool OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginRead(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj) | Begins a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| void OH_PurgeableMemory_EndRead(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj) | Ends a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object and decreases the reference count of the object by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, the object can be reclaimed by the system.|
|bool OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginWrite(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj) | Begins a write operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
|void OH_PurgeableMemory_EndWrite(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj)|Ends a write operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object and decreases the reference count of the object by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, the object can be reclaimed by the system.|
|void \*OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj)|Obtains the memory data of a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
|size_t OH_PurgeableMemory_ContentSize(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj)|Obtains the memory data size of a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
|bool OH_PurgeableMemory_AppendModify(OH_PurgeableMemory \*purgObj, OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc func, void \*funcPara)|Adds a function for modifying a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
## How to Develop
The following steps describe how to use the native purgeable memory APIs to apply for a **PurgeableMemory** object, write data to the object, and read data from the object.
1. Declare the rules for creating a **PurgeableMemory** object.
// Declare the parameters of the constructor.
struct ParaData{
int start;
int end;
// Declare a function for modifying the object.
bool FactorialFunc(void* data, size_t size, void* param){
bool ret = true;
int oriData = *(int*)(data);
int i = param->start;
oriData *= i;
*data = oriData;
if(oriData < 0)
ret = false;
return ret;
// Declare the parameters of the extended function for modifying the object.
struct AppendParaData{
int newPara;
// Declare the extended function for modifying the object.
bool AddFunc(void* data, size_t size, void* param){
bool ret = true;
int oriData = *(int*)(data);
oriData += param->newPara;
*data = oriData;
return ret;
2. Create a **PurgeableMemory** object.
// Define the memory data size to 4 MB.
#define DATASIZE (4 * 1024 * 1024)
// Declare the parameters of the constructor.
struct ParaData pdata = {1,2};
// Create a PurgeableMemory object.
OH_PurgableMmory* pPurgmem = OH_PurgableMmory_Create(DATASIZE, FactorialFunc, &pdata);
3. Perfrom a read operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object.
// Begin a read operation on the object.
// Obtain the object size.
size_t size = OH_PurgeableMemory_ContentSize(pPurgmem);
// Obtain the object content.
ReqObj* pReqObj = (ReqObj*) OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent(pPurgmem);
// End a read operation on the object.
4. Perform a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object.
// Begin a write operation on the object.
// Obtain the object data.
ReqObj* pReqObj = (ReqObj*) OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent(pPurgmem);
// Declare the parameters of the extended constructor.
struct AppendParaData apdata = {1};
// Update the rules for recreating the object.
OH_PurgeableMemory_AppendModify(pPurgmem, AddFunc, &apdata);
// Stop writing data to the object.
5. Destroy the **PurgeableMemory** object.
// Destroy the object.
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- [HuksKeyApi](_huks_key_api.md)
- [HuksParamSetApi](_huks_param_set_api.md)
- [HuksTypeApi](_huks_type_api.md)
- [Memory](memory.md)
- Header Files
- [drawing_bitmap.h](drawing__bitmap_8h.md)
- [drawing_brush.h](drawing__brush_8h.md)
......@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
- [native_huks_api.h](native__huks__api_8h.md)
- [native_huks_param.h](native__huks__param_8h.md)
- [native_huks_type.h](native__huks__type_8h.md)
- [purgeable_memory.h](purgeable__memory_8h.md)
- Structs
- [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md)
- [OH_NativeXComponent_Callback](_o_h___native_x_component___callback.md)
# Memory
## Overview
Provides APIs for memory management.
@Syscap SystemCapability.CommonLibrary.PurgeableMemory
## Summary
### Files
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [purgeable_memory.h](purgeable__memory_8h.md) | Declares the APIs for managing purgeable memory at the native layer.|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) | Defines the type name of the **OH_PurgeableMemory** data.|
| (\*[OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc](#oh_purgeablememory_modifyfunc)) (void \*, size_t, void \*) | Defines the function for rebuilding purgeable memory data.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| \*[OH_PurgeableMemory_Create](#oh_purgeablememory_create) (size_t size, [OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc](#oh_purgeablememory_modifyfunc) func, void \*funcPara) | Creates a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_Destroy](#oh_purgeablememory_destroy) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Destroys a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginRead](#oh_purgeablememory_beginread) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Starts a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object. If purgeable memory is reclaimed, the rebuilding function is called to rebuild it.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_EndRead](#oh_purgeablememory_endread) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Ends a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object. Now the system can reclaim purgeable memory.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginWrite](#oh_purgeablememory_beginwrite) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Begins a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object. If purgeable memory is reclaimed, the rebuilding function is called to rebuild it.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_EndWrite](#oh_purgeablememory_endwrite) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Ends a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object. Now the system can reclaim purgeable memory.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent](#oh_purgeablememory_getcontent) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Obtains the memory data of a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_ContentSize](#oh_purgeablememory_contentsize) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Obtains the memory data size of a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_AppendModify](#oh_purgeablememory_appendmodify) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj, [OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc](#oh_purgeablememory_modifyfunc) func, void \*funcPara) | Adds a function for modifying a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
## Type Description
### OH_PurgeableMemory
typedef struct OH_PurgeableMemoryOH_PurgeableMemory
Defines the type name of the **OH_PurgeableMemory** data.
### OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc
typedef bool(* OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc) (void *, size_t, void *)
Defines the function for rebuilding purgeable memory data.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| void \* | Pointer to the address of purgeable memory.|
| size_t | Size of the memory data to rebuild.|
| void \* | Pointer to the parameters used for rebuilding.|
Returns a success message if the operation is successful; returns a failure message otherwise.
## Function Description
### OH_PurgeableMemory_AppendModify()
bool OH_PurgeableMemory_AppendModify (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj, OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc func, void * funcPara )
Adds a function for modifying a **PurgeableMemory** object.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| func | Function pointer to the modify function, which is used for further modification after the purgeable memory data is rebuilt.|
| funcPara | Pointer to the parameters of the modify function.|
Returns a success message if the operation is successful; returns a failure message otherwise.
### OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginRead()
bool OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginRead (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Starts a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object. If purgeable memory is reclaimed, the rebuilding function is called to rebuild it.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
Returns a success message if the purgeable memory data is ready; returns a failure message if purgeable memory has been reclaimed and fails to be rebuilt.
### OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginWrite()
bool OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginWrite (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Begins a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object. If purgeable memory is reclaimed, the rebuilding function is called to rebuild it.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
Returns a success message if the purgeable memory data is ready; returns a failure message if purgeable memory has been reclaimed and fails to be rebuilt.
### OH_PurgeableMemory_ContentSize()
size_t OH_PurgeableMemory_ContentSize (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Obtains the memory data size of a **PurgeableMemory** object.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object. |
Returns the memory data size.
### OH_PurgeableMemory_Create()
OH_PurgeableMemory* OH_PurgeableMemory_Create (size_t size, OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc func, void * funcPara )
Creates a **PurgeableMemory** object.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| size | Size of the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| func | Function pointer to the rebuilding function, which is used to restore the reclaimed purgeable memory data.|
| funcPara | Pointer to the parameters of the rebuilding function.|
Returns the **PurgeableMemory** object.
### OH_PurgeableMemory_Destroy()
bool OH_PurgeableMemory_Destroy (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Destroys a **PurgeableMemory** object.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
Returns a success message if the operation is successful; returns a failure message otherwise. If no value is passed, a failure message is returned. If a success message is returned, the value of **purgObj** will be cleared to avoid Use-After-Free (UAF).
### OH_PurgeableMemory_EndRead()
void OH_PurgeableMemory_EndRead (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Ends a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object. Now the system can reclaim purgeable memory.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
### OH_PurgeableMemory_EndWrite()
void OH_PurgeableMemory_EndWrite (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Ends a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object. Now the system can reclaim purgeable memory.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object.|
### OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent()
void* OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent (OH_PurgeableMemory * purgObj)
Obtains the memory data of a **PurgeableMemory** object.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| purgObj | Pointer to the **PurgeableMemory** object. |
Returns the pointer to the purgeable memory address.
# purgeable_memory.h
## Overview
Declares the APIs for managing purgeable memory at the native layer.
**Related Modules**
## Summary
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) | Defines the type name of the **OH_PurgeableMemory** data.|
| (\*[OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_modifyfunc)) (void \*, size_t, void \*) | Defines the function for rebuilding purgeable memory data.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| \*[OH_PurgeableMemory_Create](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_create) (size_t size, [OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_modifyfunc) func, void \*funcPara) | Creates a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_Destroy](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_destroy) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Destroys a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginRead](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_beginread) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Starts a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object. If purgeable memory is reclaimed, the rebuilding function is called to rebuild it.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_EndRead](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_endread) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Ends a read operation on a **PurgeableMemory** object. Now the system can reclaim purgeable memory.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_BeginWrite](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_beginwrite) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Begins a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object. If purgeable memory is reclaimed, the rebuilding function is called to rebuild it.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_EndWrite](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_endwrite) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Ends a write operation on the **PurgeableMemory** object. Now the system can reclaim purgeable memory.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_GetContent](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_getcontent) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Obtains the memory data of a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_ContentSize](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_contentsize) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj) | Obtains the memory data size of a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
| [OH_PurgeableMemory_AppendModify](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_appendmodify) ([OH_PurgeableMemory](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory) \*purgObj, [OH_PurgeableMemory_ModifyFunc](memory.md#oh_purgeablememory_modifyfunc) func, void \*funcPara) | Adds a function for modifying a **PurgeableMemory** object.|
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