| INCLUDE_ASYNC | 1 | Asynchronous call flag. By default, only synchronous calls are traced. If this flag is set, both synchronous and asynchronous calls will be traced. |
| DONOT_CREATE_SPAN | 1 << 1 | No span flag|
| DONOT_CREATE_SPAN | 1 << 1 | No span flag. By default, a span is automatically created during tracing of synchronous and asynchronous calls. If this flag is set, no span will be created. |
| TP_INFO | 1 << 2 | Trace point flag|
| TP_INFO | 1 << 2 | Trace point flag. By default, no trace point is added when tracing is enabled. This flag is used for debugging. If this flag is set, trace points will be automatically added on the TX and RX sides of synchronous and asynchronous calls to output trace point and timestamp information. Trace points are classified into four types: [CS, SR, SS, and CR](#hitracetracepointtype). For a synchronous call, the output trace points are CS, SR, SS, and CR; for an asynchronous call, the output trace points are CS, SR, and SS. |
| NO_BE_INFO | 1 << 3 | No begin/end flag|
| NO_BE_INFO | 1 << 3 | No begin/end flag. By default, information about the start and end of the trace task is printed. If this flag is set, information about the start and end of the trace task will not be printed.|
| DISABLE_LOG | 1 << 4 | Log association flag|
| DISABLE_LOG | 1 << 4 | Log association flag. If this flag is set, information about the trace task will not be printed. |
| D2D_TP_INFO | 1 << 6 | Device-to-device trace point flag. It is a subset of **TP_INFO**. If this flag is set, trace points are added only for call chain tracing between devices.|