未验证 提交 cd29a802 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!17874 资料一致性问题同步3.2release

Merge pull request !17874 from jiangminsen/OpenHarmony-3.2-Release
......@@ -388,7 +388,6 @@ getBundleInfo(bundleName: string, bundleFlags: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ------------------------------------- |
| 17700001 | The specified bundleName is not found. |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
......@@ -574,7 +573,6 @@ getApplicationInfo(bundleName: string, appFlags: [number](#applicationflag), cal
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | --------------------------------------|
| 17700001 | The specified bundleName is not found. |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
......@@ -724,14 +722,6 @@ getAllBundleInfo(bundleFlags: [number](#bundleflag), callback: AsyncCallback<Arr
| bundleFlags | [number](#bundleflag) | 是 | 指定返回的BundleInfo所包含的信息。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback<Array\<[BundleInfo](js-apis-bundleManager-bundleInfo.md)>> | 是 | 回调函数,当获取成功时,err为null,data为获取到的Array\<BundleInfo>;否则为错误对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
......@@ -871,14 +861,6 @@ getAllApplicationInfo(appFlags: [number](#applicationflag), callback: AsyncCallb
| appFlags | [number](#applicationflag) | 是 | 指定返回的ApplicationInfo所包含的信息。 |
| callback | AsyncCallback<Array\<[ApplicationInfo](js-apis-bundleManager-applicationInfo.md)>> | 是 | 回调函数,当获取成功时,err为null,data为获取到的Array\<ApplicationInfo>;否则为错误对象。 |
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
......@@ -1037,7 +1019,6 @@ queryAbilityInfo(want: Want, abilityFlags: [number](#abilityflag), callback: Asy
| -------- | -------------------------------------- |
| 17700001 | The specified bundleName is not found. |
| 17700003 | The specified ability is not found. |
| 17700004 | The specified userId is invalid. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
| 17700029 | The specified ability is disabled. |
......@@ -1234,7 +1215,6 @@ queryExtensionAbilityInfo(want: Want, extensionAbilityType: [ExtensionAbilityTyp
| -------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| 17700001 | The specified bundleName is not found. |
| 17700003 | The specified extensionAbility is not found. |
| 17700004 | The specified userId is invalid. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
......@@ -2158,7 +2138,6 @@ getLaunchWantForBundle(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<Want>): void
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | --------------------------------------|
| 17700001 | The specified bundleName is not found. |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
| 17700026 | The specified bundle is disabled. |
......@@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ getDefaultApplication(type: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<BundleInfo>) : void
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
| 17700023 | The specified default app does not exist. |
| 17700025 | The specified type is invalid. |
......@@ -415,7 +414,6 @@ setDefaultApplication(type: string, elementName: ElementName, callback: AsyncCal
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
| 17700025 | The specified type is invalid. |
| 17700028 | The specified ability does not match the type. |
......@@ -574,7 +572,6 @@ resetDefaultApplication(type: string, callback: AsyncCallback\<void>) : void;
| 错误码ID | 错误信息 |
| -------- | ----------------------------------- |
| 17700004 | The specified user ID is not found. |
| 17700025 | The specified type is invalid. |
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