| top | boolean | Yes | Whether to jump to the top of the page. The value **true** means to jump to the top of the page; and **false** means to scroll the page up by half the view port.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Webview Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-webview.md).
| bottom | boolean | Yes | Whether to jump to the bottom of the page. The value **true** means to jump to the bottom of the page; and **false** means to scroll the page down by half the view port.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Webview Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-webview.md).
| baseName | string | Yes| Save path. The value cannot be null. |
| autoName | boolean | Yes| Whether to automatically generate a file name.<br>The value **false** means not to automatically generate a file name.<br>The value **true** means to automatically generate a file name based on the URL of current page and the **baseName** value. In this case, **baseName** is regarded as a directory. |
| autoName | boolean | Yes| Whether to automatically generate a file name.<br>The value **false** means not to automatically generate a file name.<br>The value **true** means to automatically generate a file name based on the URL of current page and the **baseName** value. In this case, **baseName** is regarded as a directory. |
| callback | AsyncCallback\<string> | Yes | Callback used to return the save path if the operation is successful and null otherwise.|
@@ -4080,6 +4335,10 @@ Stores this web page. This API uses a promise to return the result.
Implements a **GeolocationPermissions** object.
### Required Permissions
**ohos.permission.LOCATION**, **ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION**, and **ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND**, which are required for accessing the location information. For details about the permissions, see [@ohos.geolocation (Geolocation)](./js-apis-geolocation.md).
### allowGeolocation
static allowGeolocation(origin: string): void
@@ -4467,6 +4726,8 @@ Provides the element information of the area being clicked. For details about th
Describes the data types supported for [WebMessagePort](#webmessageport).
| currentIndex | number | Yes | No | Index of the current page in the page history stack.|
| size | number | Yes | No | Number of indexes in the history stack. The maximum value is 50. If this value is exceeded, the earliest index will be overwritten.|