未验证 提交 bd88c261 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!4280 4033 处理完成:更新 ts-container-flex.md

Merge pull request !4280 from ester.zhou/TR-4033
# Flex
> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**
> ![icon-note.gif](public_sys-resources/icon-note.gif) **NOTE**<br/>
> This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
The **&lt;Flex&gt;** component allows for an elastic layout.
The **\<Flex>** component allows for an elastic layout.
## Required Permissions
......@@ -22,46 +22,45 @@ This component can contain child components.
Flex(options?: { direction?: FlexDirection, wrap?: FlexWrap, justifyContent?: FlexAlign, alignItems?: ItemAlign, alignContent?: FlexAlign })
Creates a standard **&lt;Flex&gt;** component.
Creates a standard **\<Flex>** component.
- Parameters
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| direction | FlexDirection | No | FlexDirection.Row | Direction in which child components are arranged in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component, that is, the direction of the main axis. |
| wrap | FlexWrap | No | FlexWrap.NoWrap | Whether the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component has a single line or multiple lines. |
| justifyContent | FlexAlign | No | FlexAlign.Start | Alignment mode of the child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component along the main axis. |
| alignItems | [ItemAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#itemalign-enums) | No | ItemAlign.Stretch | Alignment mode of the child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component along the cross axis. |
| alignContent | FlexAlign | No | FlexAlign.Start | Alignment mode of the child components in a multi-line **&lt;Flex&gt;** component along the cross axis. This parameter is valid only when **wrap** is set to **Wrap** or **WrapReverse**. |
| direction | FlexDirection | No | FlexDirection.Row | Direction in which child components are arranged in the **\<Flex>** component, that is, the direction of the main axis. |
| wrap | FlexWrap | No | FlexWrap.NoWrap | Whether the **\<Flex>** component has a single line or multiple lines. |
| justifyContent | FlexAlign | No | FlexAlign.Start | Alignment mode of the child components in the **\<Flex>** component along the main axis. |
| alignItems | [ItemAlign](ts-appendix-enums.md#itemalign-enums) | No | ItemAlign.Stretch | Alignment mode of the child components in the **\<Flex>** component along the cross axis. |
| alignContent | FlexAlign | No | FlexAlign.Start | Alignment mode of the child components in a multi-line **\<Flex>** component along the cross axis. This parameter is valid only when **wrap** is set to **Wrap** or **WrapReverse**. |
- FlexDirection enums
| Name | Description |
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| Row | The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs along the rows. |
| RowReverse | The child components are arranged opposite to the **Row** direction. |
| Column | The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs down the columns. |
| ColumnReverse | The child components are arranged opposite to the **Column** direction. |
| Row | The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs along the rows. |
| RowReverse | The child components are arranged opposite to the **Row** direction. |
| Column | The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs down the columns. |
| ColumnReverse | The child components are arranged opposite to the **Column** direction. |
- FlexWrap enums
| Name | Description |
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| NoWrap | The child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component are arranged in a single line, and they may overflow. |
| Wrap | The child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component are arranged in multiple lines, and they may overflow. |
| WrapReverse | The child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component are reversely arranged in multiple lines, and they may overflow. |
| NoWrap | The child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component are arranged in a single line, and they may overflow. |
| Wrap | The child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component are arranged in multiple lines, and they may overflow. |
| WrapReverse | The child components in the **&lt;Flex&gt;** component are reversely arranged in multiple lines, and they may overflow. |
- FlexAlign enums
| Name | Description |
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| Start | The child components are aligned with the start edge of the main axis. The first component is aligned with the main-start, and subsequent components are aligned with the previous one. |
| Center | The child components are aligned in the center of the main axis. The space between the first component and the main-start is the same as that between the last component and the main-end. |
| End | The child components are aligned with the end edge of the main axis. The last component is aligned with the main-end, and other components are aligned with the next one. |
| SpaceBetween | The child components are evenly distributed along the main axis. The first component is aligned with the main-start, the last component is aligned with the main-end, and the remaining components are distributed so that the space between any two adjacent components is the same. |
| SpaceAround | The child components are evenly distributed along the main axis, with a half-size space on either end. The space between any two adjacent components is the same. The space between the first component and main-start, and that between the last component and cross-main are both half the size of the space between two adjacent components. |
| SpaceEvenly | The child components are equally distributed along the main axis. The space between the first component and main-start, the space between the last component and main-end, and the space between two adjacent components are the same. |
| Start | The child components are aligned with the start edge of the main axis. The first component is aligned with the main-start, and subsequent components are aligned with the previous one. |
| Center | The child components are aligned in the center of the main axis. The space between the first component and the main-start is the same as that between the last component and the main-end. |
| End | The child components are aligned with the end edge of the main axis. The last component is aligned with the main-end, and other components are aligned with the next one. |
| SpaceBetween | The child components are evenly distributed along the main axis. The first component is aligned with the main-start, the last component is aligned with the main-end, and the remaining components are distributed so that the space between any two adjacent components is the same. |
| SpaceAround | The child components are evenly distributed along the main axis, with a half-size space on either end. The space between any two adjacent components is the same. The space between the first component and main-start, and that between the last component and cross-main are both half the size of the space between two adjacent components. |
| SpaceEvenly | The child components are equally distributed along the main axis. The space between the first component and main-start, the space between the last component and main-end, and the space between two adjacent components are the same. |
## Example
// Example 01
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