In a standard system, the Account subsystem supports login status management of distributed cloud accounts, interconnection with vendors' cloud account apps on the device side, and query and update of the cloud account login status.
In the standard system, the Account subsystem provides basic capabilities such as OS account lifecycle management, distributed account login status management, and app account information management.
Using the available classes for managing distributed accounts, you can query and update the account login status, including login, logout, unregistration, and token expiration.
### Modules
To query and update the login status of a distributed account, you must obtain the required system permission. These APIs are supported only by system apps.
| OS account | Provides APIs for adding, deleting, querying, modifying, and starting OS accounts and subscribing to OS account information. |
| Distributed account| Provides APIs for managing distributed account login status, supports interactions with cloud account applications on devices, and provides capabilities for querying and updating cloud account login status.|
| App account | Provides APIs for adding, deleting, querying, modifying, and authenticating app accounts. |