The **Vibrator** module provides APIs for triggering or stopping vibration.
Misc devices, including vibrators and LED lights, are used to send signals externally. You can call the APIs of this module to control the vibration of vibrators and turning-on/off of LED lights.
> **NOTE**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
@@ -19,25 +17,26 @@ import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
vibrate(duration: number): Promise<void>
Triggers vibration with a specific duration. This API uses a promise to return the execution result.
Triggers vibration with the specified duration. This API uses a promise to return the result.
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.VIBRATE (a system permission)
| duration | number | Yes | Vibration duration, in ms. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | No | Callback used to the result. If the vibration starts, **err** is **undefined**. Otherwise, **err** is an error object.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | No | Callback used to the result. If the vibration starts, **err** is **undefined**. Otherwise, **err** is an error object.|
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | Yes | Callback used to the result. If the vibration starts, **err** is **undefined**. Otherwise, **err** is an error object.|
Stops the vibration based on the specified **stopMode**. This API uses a promise to return the execution result. If the specified **stopMode** is different from the mode used to trigger the vibration, this API fails to be called.
Stops the vibration with the specified **stopMode**. This API uses a promise to return the result. If the specified **stopMode** is different from the mode used to trigger the vibration, this API fails to be called.
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.VIBRATE (a system permission)
Stops the vibration based on the specified **stopMode**. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result. If the specified **stopMode** is different from the mode used to trigger the vibration, this API fails to be called.
Stops the vibration with the specified **stopMode**. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. If the specified **stopMode** is different from the mode used to trigger the vibration, this API fails to be called.
**Required permissions**: ohos.permission.VIBRATE (a system permission)
| stopMode | [VibratorStopMode](#vibratorstopmode) | Yes | Mode to stop the vibration. |
| callback | AsyncCallback<void> | No | Callback used to the result. If the vibration stops, **err** is **undefined**. Otherwise, **err** is an error object.|
| VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_TIME | "time" | The vibration to stop is in **duration** mode. This vibration is triggered with the parameter **duration** of the **number** type.|
| VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_PRESET | "preset" | The vibration to stop is in **EffectId** mode. This vibration is triggered with the parameter **effectId** of the **EffectId** type.|