The **\<Blank>** component is able to automatically fill the empty spaces in the container along the main axis. It is valid only when the parent container is **\<Row>** or **\<Column>**.
The **\<Blank>** component is able to automatically fill the empty spaces in the container along the main axis. It works only when the parent component is **\<Row>**, **\<Column>**, or **\<Flex>**.
> **NOTE**
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](, the
| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| color | [ResourceColor]( | Color to fill the empty spaces.<br>Default value: **Color.Transparent**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| color | [ResourceColor]( | Color to fill the empty spaces.<br>Default value: **Color.Transparent**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| src | [PixelMap](../apis/\|[Resource]( | Yes | Image source. Both local and online images are supported.<br>When using an image referenced using a relative path, for example, **Image("common/test.jpg")**, the **\<Image>** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use **\$r** to reference image resources that need to be used globally.<br>- The following image formats are supported: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, GIF.<br>\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data], where [base64 data] is a Base64 string.<br/>\- Strings with the **datashare://** path prefix are supported, which are used to access the image path provided by a Data ability.<br/>\- Strings with the **file:///data/storage** prefix are supported, which are used to read image resources in the **files** folder in the installation directory of the application. Ensure that the application has the read permission to the files in the specified path.<br/>**NOTE**<br/>- ArkTS widgets support GIF images, but the images are played only once when they are displayed.<br/>- ArkTS widgets do not support the **http://**, **datashare://**, or **file://data/storage** path prefixes.<br>- ArkTS widgets do not support the [PixelMap](../apis/ type. |
| src | string \|[PixelMap](../apis/\|[Resource]( | Yes | Image source. Both local and online images are supported.<br>When using an image referenced using a relative path, for example, **Image("common/test.jpg")**, the **\<Image>** component cannot be called across bundles or modules. Therefore, you are advised to use **\$r** to reference image resources that need to be used globally.<br>- The following image formats are supported: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, GIF.<br>\- Base64 strings are supported. The value format is data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data], where [base64 data] is a Base64 string.<br/>\- Strings with the **datashare://** prefix are supported, which are used to access the image path provided by a Data ability.<br/>\- Strings with the **file:///data/storage** prefix are supported, which are used to read image resources in the **files** folder in the installation directory of the current application. Ensure that the application has the read permission to the files in the specified path.<br/>**NOTE**<br/>- ArkTS widgets support GIF animations, but the animations only play once on display.<br/>- ArkTS widgets do not support the strings with the **http://**, **datashare://**, or **file:///data/storage** prefix.<br>- ArkTS widgets do not support the [PixelMap](../apis/ type. |
## Attributes
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](, the
> To use shortcut keys to copy the image, the image must be in focus. To enable the image to gain focus, set both the **focusable** and **focusOnTouch** attributes to **true**.
> For SVG images, only the following tags are included in the supported list: **svg**, **rect**, **circle**, **ellipse**, **path**, **line**, **polyline**, **polygon**, and **animate**.
> For SVG images, only the following tags are included in the supported list: **svg**, **rect**, **circle**, **ellipse**, **path**, **line**, **polyline**, and **polygon**.
### ImageInterpolation
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ struct Index {
> **NOTE**
> For details about the request mode, timeout, and additional request parameters for loading online images, see [request()](../../reference/apis/ in the HTTP module.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | string | Yes| Content of the QR code.|
| value | string | Yes| Content of the QR code. A maximum of 256 characters are supported. If the number of characters exceeds 256, the first 256 characters are used.<br>**NOTE**<br>The string cannot be **null**, **undefined**, or empty.|
| value | string | No | Text input in the search text box.<br>Since API version 10, this parameter supports two-way binding through [$$](../../quick-start/|
| icon | string | No | Path to the search icon. By default, the system search icon is used.<br>For details about the supported image types, see [Image](|
| value | string | No | Text input in the search text box.|
| icon | string | No | Path to the search icon. By default, the system search icon is used.<br>**NOTE**<br>The icon data source can be a local or online image.<br>- The supported formats include PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, GIF, and pixelmap.<br>- The Base64 string is supported in the following format: data:image/[png\|jpeg\|bmp\|webp];base64,[base64 data], where [base64 data] is a Base64 string.|
| controller | SearchController | No | Controller of the **\<Search>** component. |
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| value | number | No| Current progress.<br>Default value: **0**|
| value | number | No| Current progress.<br>Default value: min|
| min | number | No| Minimum value.<br>Default value: **0**|
| max | number | No| Maximum value.<br>Default value: **100**<br>**NOTE**<br>If the value of **min** is greater than or equal to the value of **max**, the default value **0** is used for **min** and the default value **100** is used for **max**.<br>If the value is not within the [min, max] range, the value of **min** or **max**, whichever is closer.|
| step | number | No| Step of the slider.<br>Default value: **1**<br>Value range: [0.01, max]<br>**NOTE**<br>If this parameter is set to a value less than 0 or a percentage, the default value is used.|
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Except touch target attributes, the universal attributes are supported.
| selectedColor | [ResourceColor]( | Color of the selected part of the slider track.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| showSteps | boolean | Whether to display the current step.<br>Default value: **false**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| showTips | boolean | Whether to display a bubble to indicate the percentage when the user drags the slider.<br>Default value: **false**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>When **direction** is set to **Axis.Horizontal**, the bubble is displayed right above the slider. When **direction** is set to **Axis.Vertical**, the bubble is displayed on the left of the slider.<br>The drawing area of the bubble is the overlay of the slider.<br>If no margin is set for the slider or the margin is not large enough, the bubble will be clipped.|
| trackThickness | [Length]( | Track thickness of the slider.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| trackThickness | [Length]( | Track thickness of the slider.<br>Default value: **4.0vp** when **style** is set to **[SliderStyle](#sliderstyle).OutSet**; **20.0vp** when **style** is set to **[SliderStyle](#sliderstyle).InSet**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.<br>**NOTE**<br>A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value.|
| prevLabel | string | Text label of the button on the left, which is not displayed on the first page. When the **\<Stepper>** contains more than one page, the default value for all pages except the first page is **Back**.|
| nextLabel | string | Text label of the button on the right. The default value is **Start** for the last page and **Next** for the other pages.|
| status | ItemState | Display status of **nextLabel** in the stepper.<br>Default value: **ItemState.Normal**|
| status | [ItemState](#itemstate) | Display status of **nextLabel** in the stepper. Optional.<br>Default value: **ItemState.Normal**|
| textAlign | [TextAlign]( | Horizontal alignment mode of the text.<br>Default value: **TextAlign.Start**<br>**NOTE**<br>The text takes up the full width of the **\<Text>** component. To set the vertical alignment for the text, use the [align]( attribute.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| textAlign | [TextAlign]( | Horizontal alignment mode of the text.<br>Default value: **TextAlign.Start**<br>**NOTE**<br>The text takes up the full width of the **\<Text>** component. To set vertical alignment for the text, use the [align]( attribute. The **align** attribute alone does not control the horizontal position of the text. In other words, **Alignment.TopStart**, **Alignment.Top**, and **Alignment.TopEnd** produce the same effect, top-aligning the text; **Alignment.Start**, **Alignment.Center**, and **Alignment.End** produce the same effect, centered-aligning the text vertically; **Alignment.BottomStart**, **Alignment.Bottom**, and **Alignment.BottomEnd** produce the same effect, bottom-aligning the text. Yet, it can work with the **textAlign** attribute to jointly determine the horizontal position of the text.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| textOverflow | {overflow: [TextOverflow](} | Display mode when the text is too long.<br>Default value: **{overflow: TextOverflow.Clip}**<br>**NOTE**<br/>Text is clipped at the transition between words. To clip text in the middle of a word, add **\u200B** between characters.<br>This attribute must be used with `maxLines` to take effect.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| maxLines | number | Maximum number of lines in the text.<br>Default value: **Infinity**<br>**NOTE**<br/>By default, text is automatically folded. If this attribute is specified, the text will not exceed the specified number of lines. If there is extra text, you can use **textOverflow** to specify how it is displayed.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| lineHeight | string \| number \|[Resource]( | Text line height. If the value is less than or equal to **0**, the line height is not limited and the font size is adaptive. If the value of the number type, the unit fp is used.<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
// Clip the text when the value of maxLines is exceeded.
Text('This is the setting of textOverflow to Clip text content This is the setting of textOverflow to None text content. This is the setting of textOverflow to Clip text content This is the setting of textOverflow to None text content.')
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ The **\<WaterFlow>** component is a container that consists of cells formed by r
The [\<FlowItem>]( child component is supported.
> **NOTE**
> When the **visibility** attribute of a child component in **\<WaterFlow >** is set to **None**, the child component is not displayed, but still takes up cells.