> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
A Worker thread is an independent thread running in parallel with the main thread. The thread that creates the Worker thread is referred to as a host thread. The URL file passed in during Worker creation is executed in the Worker thread. The Worker thread can process time-consuming operations, but cannot directly operate the UI.
The worker thread is an independent thread running in parallel with the main thread. The thread that creates the worker thread is referred to as the host thread. The URL file passed in during worker creation is executed in the worker thread. The worker thread can process time-consuming operations, but cannot directly operate the UI.
## Modules to Import
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import worker from '@ohos.worker';
| parentPort | [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope](#dedicatedworkerglobalscope) | Yes | Yes | Object of the Worker thread used to communicate with the host thread.|
| parentPort | [DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope](#dedicatedworkerglobalscope) | Yes | Yes | Object of the worker thread used to communicate with the host thread.|
## WorkerOptions
@@ -29,13 +30,13 @@ Provides options that can be set for the **Worker** instance to create.
| message | Object | Yes | Data to be sent to the Worker thread. |
| message | Object | Yes | Message to be sent to the worker thread. |
| options | [PostMessageOptions](#postmessageoptions) | No | **ArrayBuffer** instances that can be transferred. The **transferList** array cannot contain **null**.|
Defines the event handler to be called when the host thread receives a message created by itself and sent by the Worker thread through the**parentPort.postMessage**. The event handler is executed in the host thread.
Defines the event handler to be called when the host thread receives a message sent by the worker thread through**parentPort.postMessage**. The event handler is executed in the host thread.
Defines the event handler to be called when the Worker thread receives a message that cannot be serialized. The event handler is executed in the host thread.
Defines the event handler to be called when the worker thread receives a message that cannot be serialized. The event handler is executed in the host thread.
Implements communication between the Worker thread and the host thread. The **postMessage** API is used to send messages to the host thread, and the **close** API is used to terminate the Worker thread. The **DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope** class inherits from [WorkerGlobalScope](#workerglobalscope).
Implements communication between the worker thread and the host thread. The **postMessage** API is used to send messages to the host thread, and the **close** API is used to terminate the worker thread. The **DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope** class inherits from [WorkerGlobalScope](#workerglobalscope).
| message | Object | Yes | Data to be sent to the Worker thread. |
| message | Object | Yes | Message to be sent to the worker thread. |
| options | [PostMessageOptions](#postmessageoptions) | No | **ArrayBuffer** instances that can be transferred. The **transferList** array cannot contain **null**.|
Defines the event handler to be called when the Worker thread receives a message sent by the host thread through **worker.postMessage**. The event handler is executed in the Worker thread.
Defines the event handler to be called when the worker thread receives a message sent by the host thread through **worker.postMessage**. The event handler is executed in the worker thread.
Defines the event handler to be called when the Worker thread receives a message that cannot be deserialized. The event handler is executed in the Worker thread.
Defines the event handler to be called when the worker thread receives a message that cannot be deserialized. The event handler is executed in the worker thread.