提交 acfe0ff1 编写于 作者: S shawn_he

update docs

Signed-off-by: Nshawn_he <shawn.he@huawei.com>
上级 3dc8c69b
# HiLog
> **Note:**
> The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Modules to Import
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog';
## System Capabilities
## hilog.debug
debug(domain: number, tag: string, format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
Prints logs of the DEBUG level.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| ------ | -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| domain | number | Yes| Service domain. The value ranges from **0x0** to **0xFFFFF**.|
| tag | string | Yes| String constant used to identify the class or service behavior.|
| format | string | Yes| String constant format, including the parameter type and privacy identifier. A parameter without the privacy identifier is treated as a privacy parameter by default.|
| args | any[] | Yes| Variable-length parameter list corresponding to the parameter type in the format string. The number and type of parameters must map to the identifier in the format string.|
hilog.debug(0xFF00, "testTag", "%d: %{private}s World %{public}f", 1, "hello", 3.0);
09-08 12:49:35.941 1547 2452 D FF00/testTag: 1: hello World 3.0
## **hilog.info**
info(domain: number, tag: string, format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
Prints logs of the INFO level.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| ------ | -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| domain | number | Yes| Service domain. The value ranges from **0x0** to **0xFFFFF**.|
| tag | string | Yes| String constant used to identify the class or service behavior.|
| format | string | Yes| String constant format, including the parameter type and privacy identifier. A parameter without the privacy identifier is treated as a privacy parameter by default.|
| args | any[] | Yes| Variable-length parameter list corresponding to the parameter type in the format string. The number and type of parameters must map to the identifier in the format string.|
hilog.info(0xFF00, "testTag", "%d: %{private}s World %{public}f", 1, "hello", 3.0);
09-08 12:49:35.941 1547 2452 I FF00/testTag: 1: hello World 3.0
## hilog.warn
warn(domain: number, tag: string, format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
Prints logs of the WARN level.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| ------ | -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| domain | number | Yes| Service domain. The value ranges from **0x0** to **0xFFFFF**.|
| tag | string | Yes| String constant used to identify the class or service behavior.|
| format | string | Yes| String constant format, including the parameter type and privacy identifier. A parameter without the privacy identifier is treated as a privacy parameter by default.|
| args | any[] | Yes| Variable-length parameter list corresponding to the parameter type in the format string. The number and type of parameters must map to the identifier in the format string.|
hilog.warn(0xFF00, "testTag", "%d: %{private}s World %{public}f", 1, "hello", 3.0);
09-08 12:49:35.941 1547 2452 W FF00/testTag: 1: hello World 3.0
## hilog.error
error(domain: number, tag: string, format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
Prints logs of the ERROR level.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| ------ | -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| domain | number | Yes| Service domain. The value ranges from **0x0** to **0xFFFFF**.|
| tag | string | Yes| String constant used to identify the class or service behavior.|
| format | string | Yes| String constant format, including the parameter type and privacy identifier. A parameter without the privacy identifier is treated as a privacy parameter by default.|
| args | any[] | Yes| Variable-length parameter list corresponding to the parameter type in the format string. The number and type of parameters must map to the identifier in the format string.|
hilog.error(0xFF00, "testTag", "%d: %{private}s World %{public}f", 1, "hello", 3.0);
09-08 12:49:35.941 1547 2452 E FF00/testTag: 1: hello World 3.0
## hilog.fatal
fatal(domain: number, tag: string, format: string, ...args: any[]) : void
Prints logs of the FATAL level.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| ------ | -------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| domain | number | Yes| Service domain. The value ranges from **0x0** to **0xFFFFF**.|
| tag | string | Yes| String constant used to identify the class or service behavior.|
| format | string | Yes| String constant format, including the parameter type and privacy identifier. A parameter without the privacy identifier is treated as a privacy parameter by default.|
| args | any[] | Yes| Variable-length parameter list corresponding to the parameter type in the format string. The number and type of parameters must map to the identifier in the format string.|
hilog.fatal(0xFF00, "testTag", "%d: %{private}s World %{public}f", 1, "hello", 3.0);
09-08 12:49:35.941 1547 2452 F FF00/testTag: 1: hello World 3.0
## hilog.isLoggable
isLoggable(domain: number, tag: string, level: LogLevel) : boolean
Checks whether printing is enabled for a domain, tag, or log level.
| Name| Type| Mandatory| Description|
| ------ | --------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------ |
| domain | number | Yes| Service domain. The value ranges from **0x0** to **0xFFFFF**.|
| tag | string | Yes| String constant used to identify the class or service behavior.|
| level | [LogLevel](#loglevel) | Yes| Log level.|
hilog.isLoggable(0xFF00, "testTag", hilog.DEBUG);
## LogLevel
Enumerates event types.
| Name| Default Value| Description|
| ----- | ------ | ----------- |
| DEBUG | 3 | DEBUG level|
| INFO | 4 | INFO level|
| WARN | 5 | WARN level|
| ERROR | 6 | ERROR level|
| FATAL | 7 | FATAL level|
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