未验证 提交 ac097f78 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!18489 修改assanEnabled拼写错误(无需翻译)

Merge pull request !18489 from junyi233/hsp
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ As shown above, the **app.json5** file contains several tags.
| targetAPIVersion | Target API version required for running the application.| Number| Yes (initial value: value of **compileSdkVersion** in **build-profile.json5**)|
| apiReleaseType | Type of the target API version required for running the application. The value can be **"CanaryN"**, **"BetaN"**, or **"Release"**, where **N** represents a positive integer.<br>- **Canary**: indicates a restricted release.<br>- **Beta**: indicates a publicly released beta version.<br>- **Release**: indicates a publicly released official version.<br>The value is set by DevEco Studio reading the stage of the SDK in use.| String| Yes (initial value: set by DevEco Studio)|
| multiProjects | Whether the application supports joint development of multiple projects.<br>- **true**: The application supports joint development of multiple projects.<br>- **false**: The application does not support joint development of multiple projects. For details about multi-project development, see [Multi-Project Build](https://developer.harmonyos.com/en/docs/documentation/doc-guides-V3/ohos-building-overview-0000001263360495-V3#section71471033104216).| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)|
| assanEnabled | Whether to enable AddressSanitizer (ASan) to detect memory corruption issues such as buffer overflows.<br>- **true**: ASan is enabled.<br>- **false**: ASan is disabled. Note that ASan is not available in the Release version.| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)|
| asanEnabled | Whether to enable AddressSanitizer (ASan) to detect memory corruption issues such as buffer overflows.<br>- **true**: ASan is enabled.<br>- **false**: ASan is disabled. Note that ASan is not available in the Release version.| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)|
| tablet | Tablet-specific configuration, which includes the **minAPIVersion** attribute.<br>When running on tablets, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)|
| tv | TV-specific configuration, which includes the **minAPIVersion** attribute.<br>When running on TVs, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)|
| wearable | Wearable-specific configuration, which includes the **minAPIVersion** attribute.<br>When running on wearables, the application applies the attribute settings under this tag and ignores the general counterparts.| Object| Yes (initial value: general settings in the **app.json5** file)|
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The **app** tag contains application-wide configuration. The internal structure
| apiVersion | OpenHarmony API version on which the application depends.| Object| Yes (initial value: left empty)|
| smartWindowSize | Screen size used when the application runs in the emulator.| String| Yes (initial value: left empty)|
| smartWindowDeviceType | Types of emulated devcies on which the application can run.| String array| Yes (initial value: left empty)|
| assanEnabled | Whether to enable AddressSanitizer (ASan) to detect memory corruption issues such as buffer overflows.<br>- **true**: ASan is enabled.<br>- **false**: ASan is disabled. Note that ASan is not available in the Release version.| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)|
| asanEnabled | Whether to enable AddressSanitizer (ASan) to detect memory corruption issues such as buffer overflows.<br>- **true**: ASan is enabled.<br>- **false**: ASan is disabled. Note that ASan is not available in the Release version.| Boolean| Yes (initial value: **false**)|
## Internal Structure of the version Atttribute
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ app.json5配置文件包含以下标签。
| targetAPIVersion | 标识应用运行需要的API目标版本。 | 数值 | 由build-profile.json5中的compileSdkVersion生成。 |
| apiReleaseType | 标识应用运行需要的API目标版本的类型,采用字符串类型表示。取值为“CanaryN”、“BetaN”或者“Release”,其中,N代表大于零的整数。<br/>-&nbsp;Canary:受限发布的版本。<br/>-&nbsp;Beta:公开发布的Beta版本。<br/>-&nbsp;Release:公开发布的正式版本。<br/>该字段由DevEco&nbsp;Studio读取当前使用的SDK的Stage来生成。 | 字符串 | 该标签可缺省,由IDE生成并覆盖。 |
| multiProjects | 标识当前工程是否支持多个工程的联合开发。<br/>-&nbsp;true:当前工程支持多个工程的联合开发。<br/>-&nbsp;false:当前工程不支持多个工程的联合开发。多工程开发可以参考文档:[多工程构建](https://developer.harmonyos.com/cn/docs/documentation/doc-guides-V3/ohos-building-overview-0000001263360495-V3#section71471033104216) | 布尔值 | 可缺省,缺省值为false。 |
| assanEnabled | 标识应用程序是否开启asan检测,用于辅助定位buffer越界造成的crash问题。<br/>-&nbsp;true:当前工程开启asan检测。<br/>-&nbsp;false:当前工程不开启asan检测。Release版本不支持开启asan检测。 | 布尔值 | 可缺省,缺省值为false。 |
| asanEnabled | 标识应用程序是否开启asan检测,用于辅助定位buffer越界造成的crash问题。<br/>-&nbsp;true:当前工程开启asan检测。<br/>-&nbsp;false:当前工程不开启asan检测。Release版本不支持开启asan检测。 | 布尔值 | 可缺省,缺省值为false。 |
| tablet | 标识对tablet设备做的特殊配置,可以配置的属性字段有上文提到的:minAPIVersion。<br/>如果使用该属性对tablet设备做了特殊配置,则应用在tablet设备中会采用此处配置的属性值,并忽略在app.json5公共区域配置的属性值。 | 对象 | 该标签可缺省,缺省时tablet设备使用app.json5公共区域配置的属性值。 |
| tv | 标识对tv设备做的特殊配置,可以配置的属性字段有上文提到的:minAPIVersion。<br/>如果使用该属性对tv设备做了特殊配置,则应用在tv设备中会采用此处配置的属性值,并忽略在app.json5公共区域配置的属性值。 | 对象 | 该标签可缺省,缺省时tv设备使用app.json5公共区域配置的属性值。 |
| wearable | 标识对wearable设备做的特殊配置,可以配置的属性字段有上文提到的:minAPIVersion。<br/>如果使用该属性对wearable设备做了特殊配置,则应用在wearable设备中会采用此处配置的属性值,并忽略在app.json5公共区域配置的属性值。 | 对象 | 该标签可缺省,缺省时wearable设备使用app.json5公共区域配置的属性值。 |
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ app对象包含应用全局配置信息,内部结构如下:
| apiVersion | 标识应用程序所依赖的OpenHarmony&nbsp;API版本。 | 对象 | 可缺省,缺省值为空。 |
| smartWindowSize | 标识应用在模拟器中运行时使用的屏幕尺寸。 | 字符串 | 可缺省,缺省值为空。 |
| smartWindowDeviceType | 标识应用在模拟器中运行时可以模拟的设备。 | 字符串数组 | 可缺省,缺省值为空。 |
| assanEnabled | 标识应用程序是否开启asan检测,用于辅助定位buffer越界造成的crash问题。<br/>-&nbsp;true:当前工程开启asan检测。<br/>-&nbsp;false:当前工程不开启asan检测。Release版本不支持开启asan检测。 | 布尔值 | 可缺省,缺省值false。 |
| asanEnabled | 标识应用程序是否开启asan检测,用于辅助定位buffer越界造成的crash问题。<br/>-&nbsp;true:当前工程开启asan检测。<br/>-&nbsp;false:当前工程不开启asan检测。Release版本不支持开启asan检测。 | 布尔值 | 可缺省,缺省值false。 |
## version对象内部结构
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