| inputDevice | function getDeviceList(callback: AsyncCallback\<Array\<number>>): void; | Obtains the list of input devices.|
| inputDevice | function getKeyboardType(deviceId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\<KeyboardType>): void; | Obtains the keyboard type of the input device.|
| inputDevice | function getDeviceList(): Promise\<Array\<number>>; | Obtains the list of input devices.|
| inputDevice | function getKeyboardType(deviceId: number): Promise\<KeyboardType>; | Obtains the keyboard type of the input device.|
| inputDevice | function on(type: "change", listener: Callback\<DeviceListener>): void; | Enables listening for device hot swap events.|
| inputDevice | function off(type: "change", listener?: Callback\<DeviceListener>): void; | Disables listening for device hot swap events.|