未验证 提交 9f7225bf 编写于 作者: Z Zhangzi 提交者: Gitee

update zh-cn/device-dev/driver/driver-peripherals-camera-des.md.

Signed-off-by: NZhangzi <zhangjiaxiang7@huawei.com>
上级 fc1eda64
......@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ Camera模块主要针对相机预览、拍照、视频流等场景,对这些
### 接口说明<a name="6"></a>
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/ICameraDevice.idl
- icamera_device.h
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
......@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ Camera模块主要针对相机预览、拍照、视频流等场景,对这些
| 禁止具体的ResultMeta | int32_t DisableResult(const std::vector<int32_t>& results) |
| 关闭Camera设备 | int32_t Close() |
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/ICameraDeviceCallback.idl
- icamera_device_callback.h
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
......@@ -69,39 +67,40 @@ Camera模块主要针对相机预览、拍照、视频流等场景,对这些
| 上报camera设备相关的metadata的回调 | int32_t OnResult(uint64_t timestamp, const std::vector<uint8_t>& result) |
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/ICameraHost.idl
- icamera_host.h
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 设置ICameraHost回调接口 | int32_t SetCallback(const sptr<ICameraHostCallback>& callbackObj) |
| 获取当前可用的Camera设备ID列表 | int32_t GetCameraIds(std::vector<std::string> &cameraIds) |
| 获取Camera设备能力集合 | int32_t GetCameraAbility(const std::string &cameraId, std::vector<uint8_t>& cameraAbility) |
| 打开Camera设备 | int32_t OpenCamera(const std::string& cameraId,<br>const sptr<ICameraDeviceCallback>& callbackObj,<br>sptr<ICameraDevice>& device) |
| 打开或关闭闪光灯 | int32_t SetFlashlight(const std::string &cameraId, bool isEnable) |
| 获取当前可用的Camera设备ID列表 | int32_t GetCameraIds(std::vector<std::string>& cameraIds) |
| 获取Camera设备能力集合 | int32_t GetCameraAbility(const std::string& cameraId, std::vector<uint8_t>& cameraAbility) |
| 打开Camera设备 | int32_t OpenCamera(const std::string& cameraId, const sptr<ICameraDeviceCallback>& callbackObj,<br>sptr<ICameraDevice>& device) |
| 打开或关闭闪光灯 | int32_t SetFlashlight(const std::string& cameraId, bool isEnable) |
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/ICameraHostCallback.idl
- icamera_host_callback.h
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Camera设备状态变化上报 | int32_t OnCameraStatus(const std::string &cameraId, CameraStatus status) |
| 闪光灯状态变化回调 | int32_t OnFlashlightStatus(const std::string &cameraId, FlashlightStatus status) |
| Camera设备状态变化上报 | int32_t OnCameraStatus(const std::string& cameraId, CameraStatus status) |
| 闪光灯状态变化回调 | int32_t OnFlashlightStatus(const std::string& cameraId, FlashlightStatus status) |
| Camera事件回调 | int32_t OnCameraEvent(const std::string& cameraId, CameraEvent event) |
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/IOfflineStreamOperator.idl
- ioffline_stream_operator.h
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 取消捕获请求 | int32_t CancelCapture(int32_t captureId) |
| 释放流 | int32_t ReleaseStreams(const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds) |
| 释放所有离线流 | RetCode Release() |
| 释放所有离线流 | int32_t Release() |
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/IStreamOperator.idl
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 查询是否支持添加参数对应的流 | int32_t IsStreamsSupported(<br>OperationMode mode,<br>const std::vector<uint8_t>& modeSetting,<br>const std::vector<StreamInfo>& infos,<br>StreamSupportType& type) |
| 查询是否支持添加参数对应的流 | int32_t IsStreamsSupported(<br>OperationMode mode,<br>const std::vector<uint8_t>& modeSetting,<br>const std::vector<StreamInfo>& infos,<br> StreamSupportType& type) |
| 创建流 | int32_t CreateStreams(const std::vector<StreamInfo>& streamInfos) |
| 释放流 | int32_t ReleaseStreams(const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds) |
| 配置流 | int32_t CommitStreams(OperationMode mode, const std::shared_ptr<CameraMetadata> &modeSetting) |
| 配置流 | int32_t CommitStreams(OperationMode mode, const std::vector<uint8_t>& modeSetting) |
| 获取流的属性 | int32_t GetStreamAttributes(std::vector<StreamAttribute>& attributes) |
| 绑定生产者句柄和指定流 | int32_t AttachBufferQueue(int32_t streamId, const sptr<BufferProducerSequenceable>& bufferProducer) |
| 解除生产者句柄和指定流的绑定关系 | int32_t DetachBufferQueue(int32_t streamId) |
......@@ -109,14 +108,14 @@ Camera模块主要针对相机预览、拍照、视频流等场景,对这些
| 取消捕获 | int32_t CancelCapture(int32_t captureId) |
| 将指定流转换成离线流 | int32_t ChangeToOfflineStream(const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds,<br>const sptr<IStreamOperatorCallback>& callbackObj,<br>sptr<IOfflineStreamOperator>& offlineOperator) |
- drivers/interface/camera/v1_0/IStreamOperatorCallback.idl
- istream_operator_callback.h
| 功能描述 | 接口名称 |
| ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 捕获开始回调,在捕获开始时调用 | void OnCaptureStarted(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds) |
| 捕获结束回调,在捕获结束时调用 | void OnCaptureEnded(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<CaptureEndedInfo>& infos) |
| 捕获错误回调,在捕获过程中发生错误时调用 | void OnCaptureError(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<CaptureErrorInfo>& infos) |
| 帧捕获回调 | void OnFrameShutter(int32_t captureId,<br>const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds, uint64_t timestamp) |
| 捕获开始回调,在捕获开始时调用 | int32_t OnCaptureStarted(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds) |
| 捕获结束回调,在捕获结束时调用 | int32_t OnCaptureEnded(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<CaptureEndedInfo>& infos) |
| 捕获错误回调,在捕获过程中发生错误时调用 | int32_t OnCaptureError(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<CaptureErrorInfo>& infos) |
| 帧捕获回调 | int32_t OnFrameShutter(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds, uint64_t timestamp) |
### 开发步骤<a name="7"></a>
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