未验证 提交 9d8ce59e 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!18165 新增OffscreenCanvas文档

Merge pull request !18165 from limeng/OffscreenCanvas
# OffscreenCanvas
使用[Canvas](ts-components-canvas-canvas.md)组件或[Canvas API](ts-canvasrenderingcontext2d.md)时,渲染、动画和用户交互通常发生在应用程序的主线程上,与画布动画和渲染相关的计算可能会影响应用程序性能。OffscreenCanvas提供了一个可以在屏幕外渲染的画布,这样可以在单独的线程中运行一些任务,从而避免影响应用程序主线程性能。
> **说明:**
> 该组件从API Version 8开始支持。后续版本如有新增内容,则采用上角标单独标记该内容的起始版本。
## 子组件
## 接口
OffscreenCanvas(width: number, height: number)
从API version 9开始,该接口支持在ArkTS卡片中使用。
| 参数名 | 参数类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 参数描述 |
| ------ | -------- | ---- | ------ | ------------------------------------- |
| width | number | 是 | 0 | OffscreenCanvas组件的宽度,单位为vp。 |
| height | number | 是 | 0 | OffscreenCanvas组件的高度,单位为vp。 |
## 属性
| 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| width | number | 0 | OffscreenCanvas组件的宽度,单位为vp。从API version 9开始,该接口支持在ArkTS卡片中使用。 |
| height | number | 0 | OffscreenCanvas组件的高度,单位为vp。从API version 9开始,该接口支持在ArkTS卡片中使用。 |
### width
// xxx.ets
struct OffscreenCanvasPage {
private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true);
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings);
private offCanvas: OffscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(200, 300)
build() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, alignItems: ItemAlign.Start, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Start }) {
Column() {
.onReady(() => {
var offContext = this.offCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings)
offContext.fillStyle = '#CDCDCD'
offContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.offCanvas.width, 150)
var image = this.offCanvas.transferToImageBitmap()
this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 200)
### height
// xxx.ets
struct OffscreenCanvasPage {
private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true);
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings);
private offCanvas: OffscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(200, 300)
build() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, alignItems: ItemAlign.Start, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Start }) {
Column() {
.onReady(() => {
var offContext = this.offCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings)
offContext.fillStyle = '#CDCDCD'
offContext.fillRect(0, 0, 100, this.offCanvas.height)
var image = this.offCanvas.transferToImageBitmap()
this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 200)
## 方法
### transferToImageBitmap
transferToImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap
从API version 9开始,该接口支持在ArkTS卡片中使用。
| 类型 | 描述 |
| -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| [ImageBitmap](ts-components-canvas-imagebitmap.md) | 创建的ImageBitmap对象。 |
// xxx.ets
struct OffscreenCanvasPage {
private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true)
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings)
private offCanvas: OffscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(300, 500)
build() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
.onReady(() => {
var offContext = this.offCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings)
offContext.fillStyle = '#CDCDCD'
offContext.fillRect(0, 0, 300, 500)
offContext.fillStyle = '#000000'
offContext.font = '70px serif bold'
offContext.fillText("Offscreen : Hello World!", 20, 60)
var image = this.offCanvas.transferToImageBitmap()
### getContext<sup>10+</sup>
getContext(contextType: "2d", option?: RenderingContextSettings): OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 默认值 | 说明 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| contextType | string | 是 | "2d" | OffscreenCanvas组件绘图上下文的类型。 |
| option | [RenderingContextSettings](ts-canvasrenderingcontext2d.md#renderingcontextsettings) | 否 | - | 见[RenderingContextSettings](ts-canvasrenderingcontext2d.md#renderingcontextsettings)。 |
| 类型 | 描述 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------- |
| [OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D](ts-offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d.md) | OffscreenCanvas组件的绘图上下文。 |
struct OffscreenCanvasExamplePage {
private settings: RenderingContextSettings = new RenderingContextSettings(true);
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(this.settings);
private offscreenCanvas: OffscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(600, 800)
build() {
Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, alignItems: ItemAlign.Start, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Start }) {
Column() {
.onReady(() => {
var offContext = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d", this.settings)
offContext.font = '70px sans-serif'
offContext.fillText("Offscreen : Hello World!", 20, 60)
offContext.fillStyle = "#0000ff"
offContext.fillRect(230, 350, 50, 50)
offContext.fillStyle = "#EE0077"
offContext.translate(70, 70)
offContext.fillRect(230, 350, 50, 50)
offContext.fillStyle = "#77EE0077"
offContext.translate(-70, -70)
offContext.fillStyle = "#00ffff"
offContext.rotate(45 * Math.PI / 180);
offContext.fillRect(180, 120, 50, 50);
offContext.rotate(-45 * Math.PI / 180);
offContext.moveTo(10, 150)
offContext.bezierCurveTo(20, 100, 200, 100, 200, 20)
offContext.fillStyle = '#FF00FF'
offContext.fillRect(100, 100, 60, 60)
var imageData = this.offscreenCanvas.transferToImageBitmap()
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