未验证 提交 8a8d32aa 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!15359 翻译完成:14177+14189 更新API模板

Merge pull request !15359 from wusongqing/TR14177
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ import call from '@ohos.telephony.call';
**System capability**: SystemCapability.*A.B* (This part is mandatory.)
| Name | Type | Readable| Writable| Description |
| Name | Type | Read Only| Mandatory| Description |
| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------------ |
| pluggedType | [BatteryPluggedType]\(#batterypluggedtype) | Yes | No | Charger type of the current device. |
| isBatteryPresent | boolean | Yes | No | Whether the battery is supported or present.|
......@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ import call from '@ohos.telephony.call';
**System capability**: SystemCapability.*A.B* (This part is mandatory.)
| Name | Type | | Description |
| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
| uid | number | 1 | User identifier (UID) of a process. |
| pid | number | 2 | Process ID (PID) of a process. |
| Name | Type | Value | Description |
| ---------------- | -----------------------------------| -------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| uid | number | 1 | User identifier (UID) of a process. |
| pid | number | 2 | Process ID (PID) of a process. |
## Methods
......@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@ Describe the method. For details, see the fourth and fifth points in "Writing In
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| ------------ | --------------------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| parameterOne | number \| string \| [CustomType](#customtype) | Yes | Describe the parameter. Provide the value range and recommended value. If there is a fixed format, provide a format example, especially for the URI.<br>Provide a link for each custom parameter type.|
| callback | Callback\<Array<[CustomType](#customtype)>> | No | Describe the parameter. For an optional parameter, describe the consequences if it is not specified.<br>Example: If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.<br>For details about how to write callback methods, see item 14 in "General Writing Instructions."|
| parameterOne | number \| string \| [CustomType](#classinterface) | Yes | Describe the parameter. Provide the value range and recommended value. If there is a fixed format, provide a format example, especially for the URI.<br>Provide a link for each custom parameter type.|
| callback | Callback\<Array<[CustomType](#classinterface)>> | No | Describe the parameter. For an optional parameter, describe the consequences if it is not specified.<br>Example: If this parameter is not set, this method unsubscribes from all callbacks corresponding to **type**.<br>For details about how to write callback methods, see item 14 in "General Writing Instructions."|
**Return value** (This part is optional. Delete it if there is no return value.)
| Type | Description |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
| string | Describe the return value, for example, what can be done after the return value is obtained.|
| Promise\<Array<[CustomType](#customtype)>> | Describe the return value. For details about how to write promise methods, see item 14 in "General Writing Instructions."|
| Promise\<Array<[CustomType](#classinterface)>> | Describe the return value. For details about how to write promise methods, see item 14 in "General Writing Instructions."|
**Error codes** (This part is optional. Delete it if no error code is thrown.)
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Describe the method. For details, see the fourth and fifth points in "Writing In
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Describe the event and when or how it will be triggered. If a method involves multiple events, describe them separately.<br>**Example 1 (single event):**<br>Type of the event. The **'play'** event is triggered when the **play()** API is called and audio playback starts.<br>Example 2 (multiple events):<br>Type of the event. The following events are supported:<br/>- **'play'**: triggered when the **play()** API is called and audio playback starts.<br>- **'dataLoad'**: triggered when the audio data is loaded, that is, when the **src** attribute is configured.<br>- **'finish'**: triggered when the audio playback is finished. |
| callback | Callback\<[CustomType](#customtype)> | No | Describe the parameter. The instructions are the same as those provided under [Methods](#methods). |
| callback | Callback\<[CustomType](#classinterface)> | No | Describe the parameter. The instructions are the same as those provided under [Methods](#methods). |
**Return value** (This part is optional. Delete it if there is no return value.)
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Describe the method. For details, see the fourth and fifth points in "Writing In
> 2. Use the actual class or interface name as the level-2 heading.
> 3. If the class or interface contains both attributes and methods, write the attributes above the methods. Write their actual names in separate level-3 headings.
> If the class or interface contains only attributes, you do not need to create a level-3 heading. Instead, use a table to display the attributes. For details, see [CustomType](#customtype).
> If the API contains only attributes, you do not need to create a level-3 heading. Instead, use a table to display the attributes.
Describe the class or interface. If there are usage restrictions, describe them as well, for example, whether there is a prerequisite and whether an instance needs to be created by using any method.
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ Describe the class or interface. If there are usage restrictions, describe them
> *Writing Instructions*
> Except that a level-3 heading is used for attributes in classes/interfaces, other instructions are the same as those provided under [Attributes](#attributes).
> Except that level-3 headings are used, other requirements are the same as those in [Attribute](#Attribute).
### Methods in Classes/Interfaces
......@@ -289,43 +289,29 @@ Provide a brief description of the enum type. Example: Enumerates the charger ty
| ---- | ---- | -------------------------- |
| NONE | 1 | Unknown type.|
## CustomType
> *Writing Instructions*
> This section is optional. Delete it if there is no custom type. It corresponds to **Interface** in the .d.ts file.
The following is an example of the custom type of a key-value pair.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.*A.B* (This part is mandatory.)
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| ------------ | ------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| parameterUrl | string | Yes | Media output URI. Supported:<br>1. Relative path whose protocol type is **internal**. Example: <br/>Temporary directory: internal://cache/test.mp4<br>2. Absolute path. Example:<br/> file:///data/data/ohos.xxx.xxx/files/test.mp4|
| parameterOne | [CustomEnum](#enums)| No | Describe the attributes. The requirements are similar to those for the parameter description. |
## Type
## Types
> *Writing Instructions*
> 1. This section is optional. Delete it if there is no type. It corresponds to **type** in the .d.ts file.
> 2. By default, use **Type** as the heading of the first column. If all the values are specific strings, change the heading of the first column to **Value**.
> 2. If the value range is of a specific value, such as a fixed string or enumerated value, describe the data type and specified value. If the value range is of a specified type, describe whether any value of the type or a value range is used.
> 3. If a type is of a custom type, create a link to the corresponding interface or enum.
> 3. If the type is of a custom type, create a link to the corresponding interface or enum.
Provide a brief description of the union type. Example: Enumerates the value types.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.*A.B* (This part is mandatory.)
| Type | Description |
| Value Range | Description |
| -----------| ---------------------------- |
| number | The value is a number. |
| string | The value is a string. |
| number | The value can be any number. |
| string | The value can be any string. |
## Change History
| Change Description | Date |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| 1. Changed the template for **Attributes** from **Read**, **Write**, and **Mandatory** to **Read Only** and **Mandatory**.<br>2. Changed the template for **Types** by using **Value Range** and **Description**, and provided the related description.<br>3. Deleted the custom type, and incorporated the related description under **Classes/Interfaces**.| 2023/02/01 |
| 1. Provided the general writing instructions in a table.<br>2. Added the description about how to reference an image in "Upload path".<br>3. Added the "Document structure" item to describe the sequence of nodes in the API reference document.<br>4. Added the description for multiple permissions in "Permission description".<br>5. Added the description of @FAModelOnly and @StageModelOnly in the API reference document.<br>6. Added the description of asynchronous methods (callback and promise).<br>7. Added the standards and specifications for the sample code programming language.<br>8. Added the standard format for links used in the API reference document.<br>9. Added examples for "Module description".<br>10. Added the description of on and off subscription methods.<br>11. Updated the description of @syscap.<br>12. Updated the description of @systemapi. Now only the sentence "This is a system API." is used. <br>13. Deleted the MR version description. | 2022/6/24 |
| Added the error code description. | 2022/10/11 |
| 1. Added the template for **constant** and **type**.<br> 2. Modified the table of the custom type **interface** by deleting the **Readable** and **Writable** columns and adding the **Mandatory** column, for consistency with the content of the .d.ts file.<br> 3. Added the deprecated description for APIs with both the initial version and deprecated version. |2022/11/22 |
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