提交 85d44b4a 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!636 更新IDE签名配置示例

Merge pull request !636 from 杨林/master
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Use the CSR generated in [Generating a Key Store and CSR](#section153146467405)
Go to the **Sdk\\toolchains\\lib** directory where the OpenHarmony SDK is saved \(see [Configuring the OpenHarmony SDK](configuring-the-openharmony-sdk.md) for details\) in the DevEco Studio installation directory, and run the following command in the CLI. If the **keytool** command cannot be executed, add the JDK environment variables to the system environment variables. You only need to modify the input and output to quickly generate a certificate. That is, modify **-infile** to specify the path of the CSR and **-outfile** to specify the name and path of the output certificate.
keytool -gencert -alias "OpenHarmony Application CA" -infile myApplication_debug.csr -outfile myApplication_debug.cer -keystore OpenHarmony.p12 -sigalg SHA384withECDSA -storepass 123456 -ext KeyUsage:"critical=digitalSignature" -validity 3650 -rfc
keytool -gencert -alias "OpenHarmony Application CA" -infile myApplication_ohos.csr -outfile myApplication_ohos.cer -keystore OpenHarmony.p12 -sigalg SHA384withECDSA -storepass 123456 -ext KeyUsage:"critical=digitalSignature" -validity 3650 -rfc
Refer to the following descriptions about the parameters in the command:
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The profile contains the package name of the OpenHarmony app, digital certificat
Go to the **Sdk\\toolchains\\lib** directory, open the command-line tool, and run the following command.
java -jar provisionsigtool.jar sign --in UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json --out myApplication_debug_Provision.p7b --keystore OpenHarmony.p12 --storepass 123456 --alias "OpenHarmony Application Profile Release" --sigAlg SHA256withECDSA --cert OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem --validity 365 --developer-id ohosdeveloper --bundle-name package name --permission restricted permission name (optional) --permission restricted permission name (optional) --distribution-certificate myApplication_debug.cer
java -jar provisionsigtool.jar sign --in UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json --out myApplication_ohos_Provision.p7b --keystore OpenHarmony.p12 --storepass 123456 --alias "OpenHarmony Application Profile Release" --sigAlg SHA256withECDSA --cert OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem --validity 365 --developer-id ohosdeveloper --bundle-name package name --permission restricted permission name (optional) --permission restricted permission name (optional) --distribution-certificate myApplication_ohos.cer
Refer to the following descriptions about the parameters in the command:
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OpenHarmony应用通过数字证书(.cer文件)和Profile文件(.p7b文件
进入DevEco Studio安装目录的**Sdk\\toolchains\\lib**文件夹下(该SDK目录只能是OpenHarmony SDK,配置方法可参考[配置OpenHarmony SDK](配置OpenHarmony-SDK.md)),打开命令行工具,执行如下命令(如果keytool命令不能执行,请在系统环境变量中添加JDK的环境变量)。其中,只需要修改输入和输出即可快速生成证书文件,即修改**-infile**指定证书请求文件csr文件路径,**-outfile**指定输出证书文件名及路径。
keytool -gencert -alias "OpenHarmony Application CA" -infile myApplication_debug.csr -outfile myApplication_debug.cer -keystore OpenHarmony.p12 -sigalg SHA384withECDSA -storepass 123456 -ext KeyUsage:"critical=digitalSignature" -validity 3650 -rfc
keytool -gencert -alias "OpenHarmony Application CA" -infile myApplication_ohos.csr -outfile myApplication_ohos.cer -keystore OpenHarmony.p12 -sigalg SHA384withECDSA -storepass 123456 -ext KeyUsage:"critical=digitalSignature" -validity 3650 -rfc
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Profile文件包含OpenHarmony应用的包名、数字证书信息、描述应
java -jar provisionsigtool.jar sign --in UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json --out myApplication_debug_Provision.p7b --keystore OpenHarmony.p12 --storepass 123456 --alias "OpenHarmony Application Profile Release" --sigAlg SHA256withECDSA --cert OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem --validity 365 --developer-id ohosdeveloper --bundle-name 包名 --permission 受限权限名(可选) --permission 受限权限名(可选) --distribution-certificate myApplication_debug.cer
java -jar provisionsigtool.jar sign --in UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json --out myApplication_ohos_Provision.p7b --keystore OpenHarmony.p12 --storepass 123456 --alias "OpenHarmony Application Profile Release" --sigAlg SHA256withECDSA --cert OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem --validity 365 --developer-id ohosdeveloper --bundle-name 包名 --permission 受限权限名(可选) --permission 受限权限名(可选) --distribution-certificate myApplication_ohos.cer
......@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ java -jar provisionsigtool.jar sign --in UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json --o
- **Profile File**:选择[生成应用Profile文件](#section2048641015325)中生成的Profile文件,文件后缀为.p7b。
- **Certpath File**:选择[生成应用证书文件](#section136609429562)中生成的数字证书文件,文件后缀为.cer。
默认情况下,DevEco Studio编译hap包的类型为debug类型,如果需要编译release类型的hap包,请打开工程左下角的OhosBuild Variants,设置模块的编译构建类型为release。关于编译构建hap的详细说明请参考[HUAWEI DevEco Studio使用指南](https://developer.harmonyos.com/cn/docs/documentation/doc-guides/build_hap-0000001053342418)
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