This document provides guidance on how to port the Linux and LiteOS Cortex-A kernels on the OpenHarmony [small system](../quick-start/ to a development board. It is intended for developers with experience in developing embedded systems. Before following instructions in this document, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with [OpenHarmony](../../, including its technical architecture, directory structure, kernel subsystem, and driver subsystem. The following table lists the development boards that have been adapted to the small system.
**表 1** OpenHarmony小型系统已适配的开发板
**Table 1** Development boards compatible with the OpenHarmony small system
<tdclass="cellrowborder"valign="top"width="16.498350164983503%"headers="mcps1. "><pid="p74084625719"><aname="p74084625719"></a><aname="p74084625719"></a>LiteOS Cortex-A and Linux 4.19</p>
In addition to the aforementioned development boards, LiteOS Cortex-A and Linux 4.19 can be ported to development boards that meet the requirements described in the table below.
**表 2** OpenHarmony小型系统内核移植信息表
**Table 2** Requirements for porting OpenHarmony small system kernels