| useMilitaryTime | boolean | Whether the display time is in 24-hour format.<br>Default value: **false**|
| useMilitaryTime | boolean | Whether the display time is in 24-hour format.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br>When in the 12-hour format, the AM/PM zone does not change depending on the hour portion.|
| disappearTextStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | Font color, font size, and font width for the top and bottom items.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff182431',<br>font: {<br>size: '14fp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Regular<br>}<br>} |
| textStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | Font color, font size, and font width of all items except the top, bottom, and selected items.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff182431',<br>font: {<br>size: '16fp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Regular<br>}<br>} |
| selectedTextStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | Font color, font size, and font width of the selected item.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff007dff',<br>font: {<br>size: '20vp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Medium<br>}<br>} |
| selected | Date | No| Selected date.<br>Default value: current system date|
| lunar | boolean | No| Whether to display the lunar calendar.<br>Default value: **false**|
| showTime<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | No| Whether to display the time item.<br>Default value: **false**|
| useMilitaryTime<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | No| Whether to display time in 24-hour format.<br>Default value: **false**|
| useMilitaryTime<sup>10+</sup> | boolean | No| Whether to display time in 24-hour format.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br>When in the 12-hour format, the AM/PM zone does not change depending on the hour portion.|
| disappearTextStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | No| Font color, font size, and font width for the top and bottom items.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff182431',<br>font: {<br>size: '14fp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Regular<br>}<br>} |
| textStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | No| Font color, font size, and font width of all items except the top, bottom, and selected items.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff182431',<br>font: {<br>size: '16fp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Regular<br>}<br>} |
| selectedTextStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | No| Font color, font size, and font width of the selected item.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff007dff',<br>font: {<br>size: '20vp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Medium<br>}<br>} |
| selected | Date | No| Selected time.<br>Default value: current system time|
| useMilitaryTime | boolean | No| Whether to display time in 24-hour format. The 12-hour format is used by default.<br>Default value: **false**|
| useMilitaryTime | boolean | No| Whether to display time in 24-hour format. The 12-hour format is used by default.<br>Default value: **false**<br>**NOTE**<br>When in the 12-hour format, the AM/PM zone does not change depending on the hour portion.|
| disappearTextStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | No| Font color, font size, and font width for the top and bottom items.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff182431',<br>font: {<br>size: '14fp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Regular<br>}<br>} |
| textStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | No| Font color, font size, and font width of all items except the top, bottom, and selected items.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff182431',<br>font: {<br>size: '16fp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Regular<br>}<br>} |
| selectedTextStyle<sup>10+</sup> | [PickerTextStyle](ts-basic-components-datepicker.md#pickertextstyle10) | No| Font color, font size, and font width of the selected item.<br>Default value:<br>{<br>color: '#ff007dff',<br>font: {<br>size: '20vp', <br>weight: FontWeight.Medium<br>}<br>} |