@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Want from '@ohos.app.ability.Want';
| flags | number | No | How the **Want** object will be handled. By default, numbers are passed in. For details, see [flags](js-apis-ability-wantConstant.md#wantconstantflags).|
| action | string | No | Action to take, such as viewing and sharing application details. In implicit Want, you can define this field and use it together with **uri** or **parameters** to specify the operation to be performed on the data. For details, see [action](js-apis-ability-wantConstant.md#wantconstantaction). For details about the definition and matching rules of implicit Want, see [Matching Rules of Explicit Want and Implicit Want](../../application-models/explicit-implicit-want-mappings.md). |
| parameters | {[key: string]: Object} | No | Want parameters in the form of custom key-value (KV) pairs. By default, the following keys are carried:<br>- **ohos.aafwk.callerPid**: PID of the caller.<br>- **ohos.aafwk.param.callerToken**: token of the caller.<br>- **ohos.aafwk.param.callerUid**: UID in [bundleInfo](js-apis-bundle-BundleInfo.md#bundleinfo), that is, the application UID in the bundle information.<br>- **component.startup.newRules**: whether to enable the new control rule.<br>- **moduleName**: module name of the caller. No matter what this field is set to, the correct module name will be sent to the peer.<br>- **ohos.dlp.params.sandbox**: available only for DLP files. |
| entities | Array\<string> | No | Additional category information (such as browser and video player) of the target ability. It is a supplement to **action** in implicit Want and is used to filter ability types. For details, see [entity](js-apis-app-ability-wantConstant.md#wantconstantentity). |
| entities | Array\<string> | No | Additional category information (such as browser and video player) of the target ability. It is a supplement to **action** in implicit Want and is used to filter ability types. |
| moduleName<sup>10+</sup> | string | No | Module to which the ability belongs.|