Implements a **WebviewController** to control the behavior of the **\<Web>** component. A **WebviewController** can control only one **\<Web>** component, and the APIs (except static APIs) in the **WebviewController** can be invoked only after it has been bound to the target **\<Web>** component.
@@ -228,7 +242,7 @@ Loads the dynamic link library (DLL) file of the web engine. This API can be cal
The following code snippet exemplifies calling this API after the MainAbility is created.
The following code snippet exemplifies calling this API after the EntryAbility is created.
2. Using a sandbox path. For details, see the example of loading local resource files in the sandbox in [Web](../arkui-ts/
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](, the
| syncLoad<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to load the image synchronously. By default, the image is loaded asynchronously. During synchronous loading, the UI thread is blocked and the placeholder diagram is not displayed.<br>Default value: **false**<br>Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| copyOption<sup>9+</sup> | [CopyOptions]( | Whether the image can be copied. (SVG images cannot be copied.)<br>When **copyOption** is set to a value other than **CopyOptions.None**, the image can be copied in various manners, such as long pressing, right-clicking, or pressing Ctrl+C.<br>Default value: **CopyOptions.None**<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets.|
| colorFilter<sup>9+</sup> | [ColorFilter]( | Color filter of the image.<br>This API is supported in ArkTS widgets. |
| draggable<sup>9+</sup> | boolean | Whether the image is draggable. This attribute cannot be used together with the [onDragStart]( event.<br>Default value: **false** |
Example of loading local resource files in the sandbox:
1. Use [globalthis](../../application-models/ to obtain the path of the sandbox.
The following uses **filesDir** as an example to describe how to obtain the path of the sandbox. For details about how to obtain other paths, see [Obtaining the Application Development Path](../../application-models/
Called when an SSL error occurs during resource loading.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [onSslErrorEventReceive<sup>9+</sup>](#onsslerroreventreceive9) instead.
Called to process an HTML form whose input type is **file**, in response to the tapping of the **Select File** button.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [onShowFileSelector<sup>9+</sup>](#onshowfileselector9) instead.
@@ -4560,6 +4607,7 @@ This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [registerJava
HTML file to be loaded:
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
@@ -4620,7 +4668,7 @@ This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [runJavaScrip
HTML file to be loaded:
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
@@ -4702,17 +4750,11 @@ This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [clearHistory
Manages behavior of cookies in **\<Web>** components. All **\<Web>** components in an application share a **WebCookie**. You can use the **getCookieManager** API in **controller** to obtain the **WebCookie** for subsequent cookie management.
### setCookie<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
setCookie(url: string, value: string): boolean
setCookie(): boolean
Sets the cookie. This API returns the result synchronously. Returns **true** if the operation is successful; returns **false** otherwise.
This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [setCookie<sup>9+</sup>](../apis/ instead.
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
@@ -28,8 +28,17 @@ To use DevTools for frontend page debugging, perform the following steps:
2. Declare the required permission in the **module.json5** file of the application project in DevEco Studio.
2. Connect your device to a PC, and configure port mapping on the PC as follows:
"name" : "ohos.permission.INTERNET"
3. Connect your device to a PC, and configure port mapping on the PC as follows:
// Configure port mapping.
@@ -38,7 +47,7 @@ To use DevTools for frontend page debugging, perform the following steps:
hdc fport ls
3. Enter **chrome://inspect/\#devices** in the address box of the Chrome browser on the PC. Once the device is identified, you can get started with page debugging. The debugging effect is as follows:
4. Enter **chrome://inspect/\#devices** in the address box of the Chrome browser on the PC. Once the device is identified, you can get started with page debugging. The debugging effect is as follows:
2. The data type declaration of the **@State**, **@Provide**, **@Link**, or **@Consume** decorated state variables can consist of only one of the primitive data types or reference data types.
The **Length**, **ResourceStr**, and **ResourceColor** types are combinations of primitive data types or reference data types. Therefore, they cannot be used by the aforementioned types of state variables.
For details about the definitions of **Length**, **ResourceStr**, and **ResourceColor**, see [Types](../../../application-dev/reference/arkui-ts/
1. If the data type of a state variable decorated by a state decorator is declared as **any**, a build error will occur.
// ArkTS:ERROR Please define an explicit type, not any.
2. If the data type of a state variable decorated by a state decorator is declared as **Date**, a build error will occur.
// ArkTS:ERROR The @State property 'selectedDate' cannot be a 'Date' object.
3. If the data type of a **@State**, **@Provide**, **@Link**, and or **@Consume** decorated state variable is Length, **ResourceStr**, or **ResourceColor**, a build error will occur.
/* ArkTS:ERROR The state variable type here is 'ResourceStr', it contains both a simple type and an object type,
which are not allowed to be defined for state variable of a struct.*/
**Key API/Component Changes**
**Adaptation Guide**
1. Explicitly declare the data type for state variables decorated by state decorators.
2. If a state variable decorated by a state decorator uses the **Date** object, change it to a regular variable – a variable not decorated by any decorator.
3. Adapt the **@State**, **@Provide**, **@Link**, and **@Consume** decorated variables based on the following code snippet so that they do not use the **Length(string|number|Resource)**, **ResourceStr(string|Resource)**, and **ResourceColor(string|number|Color|Resource)** types:
// Incorrect:
// Corrected:
## cl.arkui.2 Initialization Rules and Restrictions of Custom Components' Member Variables
Comply with the following rules when using constructors to initialize member variables:
| **From the Variable in the Parent Component (Right) to the Variable in the Child Component (Below)**| **regular** | **@State** | **@Link** | **@Prop** | **@Provide** | **@Consume** | **@ObjectLink** |
| **@Consume** | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported |
| **@ObjectLink** | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported |
| **From the Variable in the Parent Component (Right) to the Variable in the Child Component (Below)**| **@StorageLink** | **@StorageProp** | **@LocalStorageLink** | **@LocalStorageProp** |
2. The **@ObjectLink** decorated variable cannot be directly initialized from a decorated variable in the parent component. The source of the parent component must be an array item or object attribute decorated by **@State**, **@Link**, **@Provide**, **@Consume**, or **@ObjectLink**.
/* ArkTS:ERROR The @Link property 'linkValue' cannot be assigned to
the @ObjectLink property 'varA'.*/
**Key API/Component Changes**
**Adaptation Guide**
1. When building a child component, do not perform the build on the variables decorated by **@LocalStorageLink** and **@LocalStorageProp** in the child component.
To change these variables from the parent component, use the API provided by the **LocalStorage** (such as the **set** API) to assign values to them.
2. For details about how to use **@ObjectLink**, see [@ObjectLink](../../../application-dev/quick-start/
## cl.LocalStorage.1 Return Type Change of the get API
Changed the return type from **get\<T>(propName: string): T** to **get\<T>(propName: string): T | undefined**.
**Change Impact**
## cl.arkui.LocalStorage.2 Mandatory/Optional Change of the newValue Parameter in setOrCreate
1. The second and third parameters of the **link** API are reserved for internal use by the framework. Therefore, the API is changed to contain only one parameter.
2. The return type **T** is changed to **SubscribedAbstractProperty**.
**Adaptation Guide**
## cl.arkui.LocalStorage.4 setAndLink Parameter and Return Type Changes
1. The third and fourth parameters of the **setAndLink** API are reserved for internal use by the framework. Therefore, the API is changed to contain two parameters.
2. The return type **T** is changed to **SubscribedAbstractProperty**.
**Adaptation Guide**
## cl.arkui.LocalStorage.5 prop Parameter and Return Type Changes
1. The second and third parameters of the **prop** API are reserved for internal use by the framework. Therefore, the API is changed to contain only one parameter.
2. The return type **T** is changed to **SubscribedAbstractProperty**.
**Adaptation Guide**
propA.set(51);// one-way sync
## cl.arkui.LocalStorage.6 setAndProp Parameter and Return Type Changes
1. The third and fourth parameters of the **setAndProp** API are reserved for internal use by the framework. Therefore, the API is changed to contain two parameters.
2. The return type **T** is changed to **SubscribedAbstractProperty**.
## cl.inputmethod_frameworks.1 API Filename Change
The following modules do not comply with the OpenHarmony API file naming rules. Therefore, they are modified in API version 9 and later.
**Change Impacts**
The SDK after the change is incompatible with the earlier versions. Therefore, adaptation is required for applications developed in earlier versions so that they can be properly built with the SDK in the new version.
**Key API/Component Changes**
| Module| File Name Before Change| File Name After Change|
In the application code, change the name of the d.ts file following **import** to the new file name, which complies with the UpperCamelCase or lowerCamelCase style.
In the event notification exception handling rectification, some APIs in API version 9 are marked as deprecated, and these APIs need to be deleted, according to OpenHarmony API specifications.
**Change Impacts**
The application developed based on earlier versions needs to use new APIs to replace the deleted ones. Otherwise, the application compilation will be affected.
**Key API/Component Changes**
Deprecated APIs in API version 9 will be deleted, and they will be replaced with new ones with same names.
- The **publishAsBundle**, **cancelAsBundle**, **isNotificationSlotEnabled**, **setSyncNotificationEnabledWithoutApp**, and **getSyncNotificationEnabledWithoutApp** APIs are deleted. Replace them with APIs with same names in **api/@ohos.notificationManager.d.ts**.
- The **enableNotificationSlot** API is deleted. Replace it with **setNotificationEnableSlot** in **api/@ohos.notificationManager.d.ts**.
- The export classes **NotificationActionButton**, **NotificationBasicContent**, **NotificationContent**, **NotificationLongTextContent**, **NotificationMultiLineContent**, **NotificationPictureContent**, **NotificationFlags**, **NotificationFlagStatus**, **NotificationRequest**, **DistributedOptions**, **NotificationSlot**, **NotificationSorting**, **NotificationTemplate**, and **NotificationUserInput** are deleted. Replace them with the export classes with the same names in **api/@ohos.notificationManager.d.ts**.
- The export classes **NotificationSubscribeInfo**, **NotificationSubscriber**, **SubscribeCallbackData**, and **EnabledNotificationCallbackData** are deleted. Replace them with the export classes with the same names in **api/@ohos.notificationSubscribe.d.ts**.
**Adaptation Guide**
The original APIs are only migrated to the new namespace. Therefore, you can modify **import** to solve the adaptation problem.
If the original API uses **@ohos.commonEvent**:
You can directly modify **import** to switch to the new namespace:
**@ohos.notification** is split into two namespaces. You need to select a new namespace for adaptation.
In addition, exception handling is needed. For details, see the API reference for the new APIs.
Errors thrown by timer APIs of the time subsystem: **202** (non-system application) and **401** (invalid parameters).
**Change Impacts**
The API change is forward compatible. Applications developed based on earlier versions can still use the APIs, and corresponding error handling is added. The original functions are not affected.
**Key API/Component Changes**
Before change:
- The API throws an error message without an error code.
After change:
- The API throws an error message with an error code. Error code **202** indicates that the application is not a system application, and error code **401** indicates that the parameters are invalid.
| Module | Class | Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant | Change Type|
console.log(`Succeeded in destroy timer. Data:`+data);
// Capture the permission denial error.`Failed to destroy timer. message: ${error.message}, code: ${error.code}`);
// Capture the parameter verification error.`Failed to destroy timer. message: ${e.message}, code: ${e.code}`);
## cl.time.2 API Error Change
Errors thrown by timer APIs of the time subsystem: **201** (permission denied), **202** (non-system application), and **401** (invalid parameters).
**Change Impacts**
Applications developed based on earlier versions can still use the APIs. When new APIs are used, errors must be captured and processed.
**Key API/Component Changes**
Before change:
- The API throws an error message with error code **-1**.
After change:
- The API throws an error message with an error code. Error code **201** indicates that the permission is denied, error code **202** indicates that the application is not a system application, and error code **401** indicates that the parameters are invalid.
Deprecated APIs can be replaced with new ones with same names.
| Original API | New API |
| ---------------- | -------------------- |
| @ohos.systemTime | @ohos.systemDateTime |
**Adaptation Guide**
Refer to the code below to capture errors when **systemTime** APIs are called in applications. In the examples, the **setTime** API is invoked.
In callback mode:
// Set the system time to 2021-01-20 02:36:25.
// Capture permission denial and non-system-application errors.
if(error){`Failed to setting time. message: ${error.message}, code: ${error.code}`);
}`Succeeded in setting time.`);
// Capture the parameter verification error.`Failed to set time. message: ${e.message}, code: ${e.code}`);
In promise mode:
// Set the system time to 2021-01-20 02:36:25.
systemDateTime.setTime(time).then(()=>{`Succeeded in setting time.`);
// Capture permission denial and non-system-application errors.`Failed to setting time. message: ${error.message}, code: ${error.code}`);
// Capture the parameter verification error.`Failed to set time. message: ${e.message}, code: ${e.code}`);