| change | [PermissionStateChangeType](#permissionstatechangetype9) | Yes | No | Operation that triggers the permission grant state change. |
| change | [PermissionStateChangeType](#permissionstatechangetype9) | Yes | No | Operation that triggers the permission grant state change. |
| tokenID | number | Yes | No | Token ID of the application whose permission grant state changes are subscribed.|
| tokenID | number | Yes | No | Token ID of the application whose permission grant state changes are subscribed.|
| permissionName | Permissions | Yes | No | permission whose grant state is changed. For details about the permissions, see the [Application Permission List](../../security/permission-list.md).|
| permissionName | Permissions | Yes | No | Permission whose authorization status changes. For details about the permissions, see the [Application Permission List](../../security/permission-list.md).|