**\<FlowItem>** is a child component of the [\<WaterFlow>](ts-container-waterflow.md) container and is used to display specific items in the container layout.
> **NOTE**
> This component is supported since API version 9. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Child Components
This component supports only one child component.
## APIs
Ceates a child component in the **\<WaterFlow>** layout.
## Attributes
## Example
See [WaterFlow](ts-container-waterflow.md#example).
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the
## Scroller
Implements a controller for a scrollable container component. You can bind this component to a container component and use it to control the scrolling of that component. One controller can control only one container component. The supported container components are **\<List>**, **\<Scroll>**, **\<ScrollBar>**, **\<Grid>**, and **\<WaterFlow>**.
Implements a controller for a scrollable container component. You can bind this component to a container component and use it to control the scrolling of that component. One controller can control only one container component. The supported container components are **\<List>**, **\<Scroll>**, **\<ScrollBar>**, **\<Grid>**.
The **\<WaterFlow>** component is a container that consists of cells formed by rows and columns and arranges items of different sizes from top to bottom according to the preset rules.
> **NOTE**
> This component is supported since API version 9. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
## Child Components
The [\<FlowItem>](ts-container-flowitem.md) child component is supported.
| footer | [CustomBuilder](ts-types.md#custombuilder8) | No | Footer of the **\<WaterFlow>** component. |
| scroller | [Scroller](ts-container-scroll.md#scroller) | No | Controller, which can be bound to scrollable components.<br>The **\<WaterFlow>** component supports only the **scrollToIndex** API of the **\<Scroller>** component.|
## Attributes
In addition to the [universal attributes](ts-universal-attributes-size.md), the following attributes are supported.
| Name| Type| Description|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| columnsTemplate | string | Number of columns in the layout. If this attribute is not set, one column is used by default.<br>For example, **'1fr 1fr 2fr'** indicates three columns, with the first column taking up 1/4 of the parent component's full width, the second column 1/4, and the third column 2/4. This attribute supports [auto-fill](#auto-fill).<br>Default value: **'1fr'**|
| rowsTemplate | string | Number of rows in the layout. If this attribute is not set, one row is used by default.<br>For example, **'1fr 1fr 2fr'** indicates three rows, with the first row taking up 1/4 of the parent component's full height, the second row 1/4, and the third row 2/4. This attribute supports [auto-fill](#auto-fill).<br>Default value: **'1fr'**|
| itemConstraintSize | [ConstraintSizeOptions](ts-types.md#constraintsizeoptions) | Size constraints of the child components during layout. |
| columnsGap | Length |Gap between columns.<br>Default value: **0**|
| rowsGap | Length |Gap between rows.<br> Default value: **0**|
| layoutDirection | [FlexDirection](ts-appendix-enums.md#flexdirection) |Main axis direction of the layout.<br>Default value: **FlexDirection.Column**|
The priority of **layoutDirection** is higher than that of **rowsTemplate** and **columnsTemplate**. Depending on the **layoutDirection** settings, there are three layout modes:
-**layoutDirection** is set to **FlexDirection.Column** or **FlexDirection.ColumnReverse**
In this case, **columnsTemplate** is valid. If it is not set, the default value is used. For example, if **columnsTemplate** is set to **"1fr 1fr"** and **rowsTemplate** **"1fr 1fr 1fr"**, child components are arranged in vertical layout, with the cross axis equally divided into two columns.
-**layoutDirection** set to **FlexDirection.Row** or **FlexDirection.RowReverse**
In this case, **rowsTemplate** is valid. If it is not set, the default value is used. For example, if **columnsTemplate** is set to **"1fr 1fr"** and **rowsTemplate** **"1fr 1fr 1fr"**, child components are arranged in horizontal layout, with the cross axis equally divided into three columns.
-**layoutDirection** is not set
In this case, the default value of **layoutDirection** is used, which is **FlexDirection.Column**, and **columnsTemplate** is valid. For example, if **columnsTemplate** is set to **"1fr 1fr"** and **rowsTemplate** **"1fr 1fr 1fr"**, child components are arranged in vertical layout, with the cross axis equally divided into two columns.
## Events
In addition to the [universal events](ts-universal-events-click.md), the following events are supported.
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| onReachStart(event: () => void) | Triggered when the component reaches the start.|
| onReachEnd(event: () => void) | Triggered when the component reaches the end.|
## auto-fill
The **columnsTemplate** and **rowsTemplate** attributes supports **auto-fill** in the following format:
Where, **repeat** and **auto-fill** are keywords, and **track-size** indicates the row height or column width. The supported units include px, vp, %, and digits. The value of **track-size** must contain at least one valid row height or column width.
## Example
// WaterFlowDataSource.ets
// Object that implements the IDataSource API, which is used by the <WaterFlow> component to load data.