未验证 提交 7358b18e 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!13629 [翻译完成】#I63HUE

Merge pull request !13629 from Annie_wang/PR11892B
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ The table below describes the APIs used in this guide.
|AsyKeyGenerator|generateKeyPair() : Promise\<KeyPair>|Generates an asymmetric key pair randomly. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|SymKeyGenerator|generateSymKey(callback : AsyncCallback\<SymKey>) : void|Generates a symmetric key randomly. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|SymKeyGenerator|generateSymKey() : Promise\<SymKey>|Generates a symmetric key randomly. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
| AsyKeyGenerator | convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<KeyPair>) : void | Converts binary data into a key pair. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.<br>(**pubKey** or **priKey** can be **null**. That is, you can pass in only **pubKey** or **priKey**. As a result, the return **KeyPair** instance contains only the public or private key.) |
| AsyKeyGenerator | convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob) : Promise\<KeyPair> | Converts the binary public key and private key data into a key pair. This API uses a promise to return the result.<br>(**pubKey** or **priKey** can be **null**. That is, you can pass in only **pubKey** or **priKey**. As a result, the returned **KeyPair** instance contains only the public or private key.) |
| AsyKeyGenerator | convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<KeyPair>) : void | Converts binary data into a key pair. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.<br>(**pubKey** or **priKey** can be **null**. That is, you can pass in only **pubKey** or **priKey**. As a result, the return **KeyPair** instance contains only the public or private key.)|
| AsyKeyGenerator | convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob) : Promise\<KeyPair> | Converts the binary data into a key pair. This API uses a promise to return the result.<br>(**pubKey** or **priKey** can be **null**. That is, you can pass in only **pubKey** or **priKey**. As a result, the returned **KeyPair** instance contains only the public or private key.)|
| SymKeyGenerator | convertKey(key : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<SymKey>) : void| Converts binary data into a symmetric key. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| SymKeyGenerator |convertKey(pubKey : DataBlob, priKey : DataBlob) : Promise\<KeyPair>| Converts binary data into a symmetric key. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
| Key | getEncoded() : DataBlob; | Obtains the binary data of a key. (The child class instances of **Key** include **SymKey**, **PubKey**, and **PriKey**.)|
......@@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ function stringToUint8Array(str) {
return new Uint8Array(arr);
// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
return Array.prototype.map
.call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))
// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
function uint8ArrayToString(array) {
let arrayString = '';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
......@@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ function stringToUint8Array(str) {
return new Uint8Array(arr);
// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
function uint8ArrayToShowStr(uint8Array) {
return Array.prototype.map
.call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))
// Output the byte streams in hexadecimal format.
// Convert byte streams into strings in plaintext.
function uint8ArrayToString(array) {
let arrayString = '';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
......@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Example 2: Encrypt and decrypt data using an asymmetric key pair.
Call **createCipher()** to create a **Cipher** instance, and set the key and encryption/decryption mode.
3. Perform encryption and decryption operations.
3. Perform encryption and decryption operations.
Call **doFinal()** provided by the **Cipher** instance to encrypt data or decrypt data.
......@@ -573,38 +573,24 @@ For details about the APIs, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cry
|Sign|init(priKey : PriKey) : Promise\<void>|Sets a key and initializes the **Sign** instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|Sign|update(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>) : void|Updates the data for signing. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Sign|update(data : DataBlob) : Promise\<void>|Updates the data for signing. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|Sign|sign(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<DataBlob>) : void|Signs the data. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Sign|sign(data : DataBlob) : Promise<DataBlob>|Signs the data. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|Sign|sign(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<DataBlob>) : void|Signs the data. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Sign|sign(data : DataBlob) : Promise\<DataBlob>|Signs the data. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|cryptoFramework|function createVerify(algName : string) : Verify|Creates a **Verify** instance.|
|Verify|init(priKey : PriKey, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>) : void|Sets a key and initializes the **Verify** instance. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Verify|init(priKey : PriKey) : Promise\<void>|Sets a key and initializes the **Verify** instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|Verify|update(data : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>) : void|Updates the data for signature verification. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Verify|update(data : DataBlob) : Promise\<void>|Updates the data for signature verification. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|Verify|verify(data : DataBlob, signatureData : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback<boolean>) : void|Verifies the signature. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Verify|verify(data : DataBlob, signatureData : DataBlob) : Promise<boolean>|Verifies the signature. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
|Verify|verify(data : DataBlob, signatureData : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<boolean>) : void|Verifies the signature. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
|Verify|verify(data : DataBlob, signatureData : DataBlob) : Promise\<boolean>|Verifies the signature. This API uses a promise to return the result.|
**How to Develop**
Example 1: Use RSA to sign data and verify the signature.
1. Generate an RSA key pair.
Call **createAsyKeyGenerator()** to create an **AsyKeyGenerator** instance and generate an RSA asymmetric key pair.
2. Create a **Sign** instance.
Call **createSign()** to create a **Sign** instance, initialize the **Sign** instance, and set a private key for signing.
3. Generate a signature.
Call **update()** provided by the **Sign** class to add the data for signing and call **sign()** to generate a signature.
4. Create a **Verify** instance.
Call **createVerify()** to create a **Verify** instance, initialize the instance, and set a public key for signature verification.
5. Verify the signature.
Call **update()** provided by the **Verify** class to add signature data and call **verify()** to verify the signature.
1. Generate an RSA key pair.<br> Call **createAsyKeyGenerator()** to create an **AsyKeyGenerator** instance and generate an RSA asymmetric key pair.
2. Create a **Sign** instance.<br> Call **createSign()** to create a **Sign** instance, initialize the **Sign** instance, and set a private key for signing.
3. Generate a signature.<br> Call **update()** provided by the **Sign** class to add the data for signing and call **sign()** to generate a signature.
4. Create a **Verify** instance.<br> Call **createVerify()** to create a **Verify** instance, initialize the instance, and set a public key for signature verification.
5. Verify the signature.<br> Call **update()** provided by the **Verify** class to add signature data and call **verify()** to verify the signature.
import cryptoFramework from "@ohos.security.cryptoFramework"
......@@ -684,25 +670,11 @@ function verifyMessageCallback() {
Example 2: Using ECC to sign data and verify the signature.
1. Generate an ECC key.
Call **createAsyKeyGenerator()** to create an **AsyKeyGenerator** instance and generate an ECC asymmetric key pair.
2. Create a **Sign** instance.
Call **createSign()** to create a **Sign** instance, initialize the **Sign** instance, and set a private key for signing.
3. Generate a signature.
Call **update()** provided by the **Sign** class to add the data for signing and call **doFinal()** to generate a signature.
4. Create a **Verify** instance.
Call **createVerify()** to create a **Verify** instance, initialize the instance, and set a public key for signature verification.
5. Verify the signature.
Call **update()** provided by the **Verify** class to add signature data and call **doFinal()** to verify the signature.
1. Generate an ECC key.<br> Call **createAsyKeyGenerator()** to create an **AsyKeyGenerator** instance and generate an ECC asymmetric key pair.
2. Create a **Sign** instance.<br> Call **createSign()** to create a **Sign** instance, initialize the **Sign** instance, and set a private key for signing.
3. Generate a signature.<br> Call **update()** provided by the **Sign** class to add the data for signing and call **doFinal()** to generate a signature.
4. Create a **Verify** instance.<br> Call **createVerify()** to create a **Verify** instance, initialize the instance, and set a public key for signature verification.
5. Verify the signature.<br> Call **update()** provided by the **Verify** class to add signature data and call **doFinal()** to verify the signature.
import cryptoFramework from "@ohos.security.cryptoFramework"
......@@ -792,7 +764,7 @@ Typical message digest operations involve the following:
1. Create an **Md** instance.
2. Add one or more segments of data for generating a digest.
3. Compute a digest.
3. Compute a digest.
4. Obtain the algorithm and length of a digest.
**Available APIs**
......@@ -802,10 +774,10 @@ For details about the APIs, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cry
| Instance | API | Description |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| cryptoFramework | function createMd(algName : string) : Md; | Creates an **Md** instance. |
| Md | update(input : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void\>) : void; | Updates the data for a digest. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| Md | update(input : DataBlob) : Promise\<void\>; | Updates the data for a digest. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Md | digest(callback : AsyncCallback\<DataBlob\>) : void; | Generates the digest. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Md | digest() : Promise\<DataBlob\>; | Generates the digest. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Md | update(input : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>) : void; | Updates the data for a digest. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| Md | update(input : DataBlob) : Promise\<void>; | Updates the data for a digest. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Md | digest(callback : AsyncCallback\<DataBlob>) : void; | Generates the digest. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Md | digest() : Promise\<DataBlob>; | Generates the digest. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Md | getMdLength() : number; | Obtains the digest length based on the specified digest algorithm. |
| Md | readonly algName : string; | Obtains the digest algorithm. |
......@@ -907,10 +879,7 @@ For details about the APIs, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cry
**How to Develop**
1. Generate an ECC key.
Call **createAsyKeyGenerator()** to create an **AsyKeyGenerator** instance and generate an ECC asymmetric key pair.
1. Generate an ECC key.<br> Call **createAsyKeyGenerator()** to create an **AsyKeyGenerator** instance and generate an ECC asymmetric key pair.
2. Generate a shared secret by using the private and public ECC keys.
......@@ -966,15 +935,15 @@ For details about the APIs, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cry
| Instance | API | Description |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- |
| cryptoFramework | function createMac(algName : string) : Md; | Creates a **Mac** instance. |
| Mac | init(key : SymKey, callback : AsyncCallback\<void\>) : void; | Initializes the MAC operation. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| Mac | init(key : SymKey) : Promise\<void\>; | Initializes the MAC operation. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Mac | update(input : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void\>) : void; | Updates the data for the MAC operation. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Mac | update(input : DataBlob) : Promise\<void\>; | Updates the data for the MAC operation. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Mac | doFinal(callback : AsyncCallback\<DataBlob\>) : void; | Finalizes the MAC operation to generate a MAC. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Mac | doFinal() : Promise\<DataBlob\>; | Finalizes the MAC operation to generate a MAC. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| cryptoFramework | function createMac(algName : string) : Mac; | Creates a **Mac** instance. |
| Mac | init(key : SymKey, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>) : void; | Initializes the MAC operation. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| Mac | init(key : SymKey) : Promise\<void>; | Initializes the MAC operation. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Mac | update(input : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void>) : void; | Updates the data for the MAC operation. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Mac | update(input : DataBlob) : Promise\<void>; | Updates the data for the MAC operation. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Mac | doFinal(callback : AsyncCallback\<DataBlob>) : void; | Finalizes the MAC operation to generate a MAC. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Mac | doFinal() : Promise\<DataBlob>; | Finalizes the MAC operation to generate a MAC. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Mac | getMacLength() : number; | Obtains the length of the MAC based on the specified algorithm. |
| Mac | readonly algName : string; | Obtains the algorithm. |
| Mac | readonly algName : string; | Obtains the digest algorithm. |
**How to Develop**
......@@ -1089,8 +1058,8 @@ function doHmacByCallback(algName) {
Typical random number operations involve the following:
1. Generate a random number.
2. Set a seed based on the random number generated.
- Generate a random number.
- Set a seed based on the random number generated.
**Available APIs**
......@@ -1099,10 +1068,9 @@ For details about the APIs, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cry
| Instance | API | Description |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| cryptoFramework | function createRandom() : Random; | Creates a **Random** instance. |
| Random | generateRandom(len : number, callback: AsyncCallback\<DataBlob\>) : void; | Generates a random number. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Random | generateRandom(len : number) : Promise\<DataBlob\>; | Generates a random number. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Random | setSeed(seed : DataBlob, callback : AsyncCallback\<void\>) : void; | Sets a seed. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.|
| Random | setSeed(seed : DataBlob) : Promise\<void\>; | Sets a seed. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Random | generateRandom(len : number, callback: AsyncCallback\<DataBlob>) : void; | Generates a random number. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. |
| Random | generateRandom(len : number) : Promise\<DataBlob>; | Generates a random number. This API uses a promise to return the result. |
| Random | setSeed(seed : DataBlob) : void; | Sets a seed. |
**How to Develop**
......@@ -1124,10 +1092,11 @@ function doRandByPromise(len) {
var promiseGenerateRand = rand.generateRandom(len);
promiseGenerateRand.then(randData => {
console.error("[Promise]: rand result: " + randData.data);
var promiseSetSeed = rand.setSeed(randData);
return promiseSetSeed;
}).then(() => {
console.error("[Promise]: setSeed success");
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("setSeed failed, errCode: " + error.code + ", errMsg: " + error.message);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("[Promise]: error: " + error.message);
......@@ -1146,13 +1115,11 @@ function doRandByCallback(len) {
console.error("[Callback]: err: " + err.code);
} else {
console.error("[Callback]: generate random result: " + randData.data);
rand.setSeed(randData, (err1,) => {
if (err1) {
console.error("[Callback] err: " + err1.code);
} else {
console.error("[Callback]: setSeed success");
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("setSeed failed, errCode: " + error.code + ", errMsg: " + error.message);
# Crypto Framework Overview
The crypto framework shields the implementation differences of third-party cryptographic algorithm libraries and implements encryption and decryption, signing and signature verification, message authentication code (MAC), hash, and secure random number. You can use the APIs provided by this framework to implement cipher development quickly.
The cryptographic (crypto for shot) framework shields the implementation differences of third-party cryptographic algorithm libraries and implements encryption and decryption, signing and signature verification, message authentication code (MAC), hash, and secure random number. You can use the APIs provided by this framework to implement cipher development quickly.
## Working Principles
The crypto framework provides components in the following layers:
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