@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Describes the injected simulated mouse button.
## On<sup>9+</sup>
Since API version 9, the UiTest framework provides a wide range of UI component feature description APIs in the **On** class to filter and match components.
The API capabilities provided by the **On** class exhibit the following features: 1. Allow one or more attributes as the match conditions. For example, you can specify both the **text** and **id** attributes to find the target component. <br>2. Provide multiple match patterns for component attributes. <br>3. Support absolute positioning and relative positioning for components. APIs such as [ON.isBefore](#isbefore) and [ON.isAfter](#isafter) can be used to specify the features of adjacent components to assist positioning. <br>All APIs provided in the **On** class are synchronous. You are advised to use the static constructor **ON** to create an **On** object in chain mode.
The API capabilities provided by the **On** class exhibit the following features: 1. Allow one or more attributes as the match conditions. For example, you can specify both the **text** and **id** attributes to find the target component. <br>2. Provide multiple match patterns for component attributes. <br>3. Support absolute positioning and relative positioning for components. APIs such as [ON.isBefore](#isbefore9) and [ON.isAfter](#isafter9) can be used to specify the features of adjacent components to assist positioning. <br>All APIs provided in the **On** class are synchronous. You are advised to use the static constructor **ON** to create an **On** object in chain mode.
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ Specifies that the target component is within the given application window.
leton=ON.inWindow(ON.inWindow('com.uitestScene.acts'));// Create an On object using the static constructor ON, specifying that the target component is within the given application window.
leton=ON.inWindow('com.uitestScene.acts');// Create an On object using the static constructor ON, specifying that the target component is within the given application window.
## Component<sup>9+</sup>
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ Searches this **Driver** object for the target component that matches the given