| controller | [SwiperController](#swipercontroller) | No | Controller bound to the component to control the page switching.<br>Default value: **null** |
## Attributes
| Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| index | number | 0 | Index of the child component currently displayed in the container. |
| autoPlay | boolean | false | Whether to enable automatic playback for child component switching. If this attribute is **true**, the indicator dots do not take effect. |
| interval | number | 3000 | Interval for automatic playback, in ms. |
| indicator | boolean | true | Whether to enable the navigation dots. |
| loop | boolean | true | Whether to enable loop playback.<br>The value **true** means to enable loop playback. When **LazyForEach** is used, it is recommended that the number of the components to load exceed 5. |
| duration | number | 400 | Duration of the animation for switching child components, in ms. |
| itemSpace | Length | 0 | Space between child components. |
| cachedCount<sup>8+</sup> | number | 1 | Number of child components to be cached. |
| disableSwipe<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | false | Whether to disable the swipe feature. |
| curve<sup>8+</sup> | [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md)\| Curves | Curve.Ease | Animation curve. The ease-in/ease-out curve is used by default. For details about common curves, see [Curve enums](ts-animatorproperty.md). You can also create custom curves ([interpolation curve objects](ts-interpolation-calculation.md)) by using APIs provided by the interpolation calculation module. |
| indicatorStyle<sup>8+</sup> | {<br/>left?: Length,<br/>top?: Length,<br/>right?: Length,<br/>bottom?: Length,<br/>size?: Length,<br/>color?: Color,<br/>selectedColor?: Color<br/>} | - | Style of the navigation dots indicator.<br/>- **left**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the left edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br/>- **top**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the top edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br/>- **right**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the right edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br/>- **bottom**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the right edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br/>- **size**: diameter of the navigation dots indicator.<br/>- **color**: color of the navigation dots indicator.<br/>- **selectedColor**: color of the selected navigation dot. |
## Attributes
[Menu control](ts-universal-attributes-menu.md) is not supported.
| index | number | Index of the child component currently displayed in the container.<br>Default value: **0** |
| autoPlay | boolean | Whether to enable automatic playback for child component switching. If this attribute is **true**, the navigation dots indicator does not take effect.<br>Default value: **false** |
| interval | number | Interval for automatic playback, in ms.<br>Default value: **3000** |
| indicator | boolean | Whether to enable the navigation dots indicator.<br>Default value: **true** |
| loop | boolean | Whether to enable loop playback.<br>The value **true** means to enable loop playback. When LazyForEach is used, it is recommended that the number of the components to load exceed 5.<br>Default value: **true**|
| duration | number | Duration of the animation for switching child components, in ms.<br>Default value: **400** |
| itemSpace | Length | Space between child components.<br>Default value: **0** |
| displayMode | SwiperDisplayMode | Mode in which elements are displayed along the main axis. This attribute takes effect only when **displayCount** is not set.<br>Default value: **SwiperDisplayMode.Stretch**|
| cachedCount<sup>8+</sup> | number | Number of child components to be cached.<br>Default value: **1** |
| disableSwipe<sup>8+</sup> | boolean | Whether to disable the swipe feature.<br>Default value: **false** |
| curve<sup>8+</sup> | [Curve](ts-animatorproperty.md#Curve)\| string | Animation curve. The ease-in/ease-out curve is used by default. For details about common curves, see [Curve enums](ts-animatorproperty.md#curve-enums). You can also create custom curves ([interpolation curve objects](ts-interpolation-calculation.md)) by using the API provided by the interpolation calculation module.<br>Default value: **Curve.Ease**|
| indicatorStyle<sup>8+</sup> | {<br>left?: Length,<br>top?: Length,<br>right?: Length,<br>bottom?: Length,<br>size?: Length,<br>color?: Color,<br>selectedColor?: Color<br>} | Style of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **left**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the left edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **top**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the top edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **right**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the right edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **bottom**: distance between the navigation dots indicator and the bottom edge of the **\<Swiper>** component.<br>- **size**: diameter of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **color**: color of the navigation dots indicator.<br>- **selectedColor**: color of the selected navigation dot.|
| displayCount<sup>8+</sup> | number\|string | Number of elements to display.<br>Default value: **1** |
| effectMode<sup>8+</sup> | EdgeEffect | Swipe effect. For details, see **EdgeEffect**.<br>Default value: **EdgeEffect.Spring**|
| Spring | Spring effect. When at one of the edges, the component can move beyond the bounds through touches, and produce a bounce effect when the user releases their finger. |
| Fade | Fade effect. When at one of the edges, the component can move beyond the bounds through touches, and produce a fade effect along the way; when the user releases their finger, the fade changes. |
| None | No effect. When at one of the edges, the component cannot move beyond the bounds. |
## SwiperController
Controller of the **<Swiper\>** component. You can bind this object to the **<Swiper\>** component and use it to control page switching.
Controller of the **\<Swiper>** component. You can bind this object to the **<Swiper>** component and use it to control page switching.
### showNext
showNext(): void
Turns to the next page.
### showPrevious
showPrevious(): void
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| showNext():void | Turns to the next page. |
| showPrevious():void | Turns to the previous page. |
Turns to the previous page.
### finishAnimation
finishAnimation(callback?: () => void): void
Stops this animation.
| Name | Type | Mandatory.| Description|
| --------- | ---------- | ------ | -------- |
| callback | () => void | Yes | Callback invoked when the animation stops.|
## Events
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| onChange( index: number) => void | Triggered when the index of the currently displayed component changes. |