未验证 提交 71b486d2 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!17128 翻译完成:16953+16878+16843+16773+16555 audio api更新

Merge pull request !17128 from wusongqing/TR11953
......@@ -2121,7 +2121,7 @@ audioManager.off('deviceChange', (deviceChanged) => {
### on('interrupt')<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
### on('interrupt')
on(type: 'interrupt', interrupt: AudioInterrupt, callback: Callback\<InterruptAction>): void
......@@ -2129,10 +2129,6 @@ Subscribes to audio interruption events. When the application's audio is interru
Same as [on('audioInterrupt')](#onaudiointerrupt9), this API is used to listen for focus changes. However, this API is used in scenarios without audio streams (no **AudioRenderer** instance is created), such as frequency modulation (FM) and voice wakeup.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Renderer
......@@ -2163,16 +2159,12 @@ audioManager.on('interrupt', interAudioInterrupt, (InterruptAction) => {
### off('interrupt')<sup>(deprecated)</sup>
### off('interrupt')
off(type: 'interrupt', interrupt: AudioInterrupt, callback?: Callback\<InterruptAction>): void
Unsubscribes from audio interruption events.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Renderer
......@@ -3953,21 +3945,20 @@ Obtains the output device with the highest priority based on the audio renderer
let rendererInfo = {
content : audio.ContentType.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC,
usage : audio.StreamUsage.STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA,
rendererFlags : 0 };
rendererFlags : 0 }
async function getPreferOutputDevice() {
audioRoutingManager.getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo(rendererInfo, (err, desc) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${err}`);
} else {
console.info('device descriptor: ' + JSON.stringify(desc));
console.info(`device descriptor: ${desc}`);
### getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo<sup>9+</sup>
### getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo<sup>10+</sup>
getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo(rendererInfo: AudioRendererInfo): Promise&lt;AudioDeviceDescriptors&gt;
Obtains the output device with the highest priority based on the audio renderer information. This API uses a promise to return the result.
......@@ -3986,19 +3977,27 @@ Obtains the output device with the highest priority based on the audio renderer
| --------------------- | --------------------------- |
| Promise&lt;[AudioDeviceDescriptors](#audiodevicedescriptors)&gt; | Promise used to return the information about the output device with the highest priority.|
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | --------------------------------------------|
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
let rendererInfo = {
content : audio.ContentType.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC,
usage : audio.StreamUsage.STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA,
rendererFlags : 0 };
rendererFlags : 0 }
async function getPreferOutputDevice() {
audioRoutingManager.getPreferOutputDeviceForRendererInfo(rendererInfo).then((desc) => {
console.info('device descriptor: ' + JSON.stringify(desc));
console.info(`device descriptor: ${desc}`);
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
console.error(`Result ERROR: ${err}`);
......@@ -4009,6 +4008,8 @@ on(type: 'preferOutputDeviceChangeForRendererInfo', rendererInfo: AudioRendererI
Subscribes to the change of the output device with the highest priority. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Device
| Name | Type | Mandatory| Description |
......@@ -4017,16 +4018,24 @@ Subscribes to the change of the output device with the highest priority. This AP
| rendererInfo | [AudioRendererInfo](#audiorendererinfo8) | Yes | Audio renderer information. |
| callback | Callback<[AudioDeviceDescriptors](#audiodevicedescriptors)\> | Yes | Callback used to return the information about the output device with the highest priority. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | --------------------------------------------|
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
let rendererInfo = {
content : audio.ContentType.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC,
usage : audio.StreamUsage.STREAM_USAGE_MEDIA,
rendererFlags : 0 };
rendererFlags : 0 }
audioRoutingManager.on('preferOutputDeviceChangeForRendererInfo', rendererInfo, (desc) => {
console.info('device descriptor: ' + JSON.stringify(desc));
console.info(`device descriptor: ${desc}`);
......@@ -4045,6 +4054,14 @@ Unsubscribes from the change of the output device with the highest priority.
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'preferOutputDeviceChangeForRendererInfo'** means the event triggered when the output device with the highest priority changes.|
| callback | Callback<[AudioDeviceDescriptors](#audiodevicedescriptors)> | No | Callback used for unsubscription. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID| Error Message|
| ------- | --------------------------------------------|
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
......@@ -5107,18 +5124,18 @@ audioRenderer.setVolume(0.5, (err, data)=>{
on(type: 'audioInterrupt', callback: Callback\<InterruptEvent>): void
Subscribes to audio interruption events. This API uses a callback to get interrupt events.
Subscribes to audio interruption events. This API uses a callback to obtain interrupt events.
Same as [on('interrupt')](#oninterruptdeprecated), this API has obtained the focus before **start**, **pause**, or **stop** of **AudioRenderer** is called. Therefore, you do not need to request the focus.
Same as [on('interrupt')](#oninterrupt), this API is used to listen for focus changes. The **AudioRenderer** instance proactively gains the focus when the **start** event occurs and releases the focus when the **pause** or **stop** event occurs. Therefore, you do not need to request to gain or release the focus.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Interrupt
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | -------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'audioInterrupt'** means the audio interruption event, which is triggered when audio playback is interrupted. |
| callback | Callback<[InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9)> | Yes | Callback used to return the audio interruption event. |
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'audioInterrupt'** means the audio interruption event, which is triggered when audio rendering is interrupted. |
| callback | Callback\<[InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9)\> | Yes | Callback used to return the audio interruption event. |
**Error codes**
......@@ -5131,50 +5148,68 @@ For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorco
let isPlay;
let started;
let isPlaying; // An identifier specifying whether rendering is in progress.
let isDucked; // An identifier specifying whether the audio volume is reduced.
async function onAudioInterrupt(){
audioRenderer.on('audioInterrupt', async(interruptEvent) => {
if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_FORCE) {
// The system forcibly interrupts audio rendering. The application must update the status and displayed content accordingly.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
console.info('Force paused. Stop writing');
isPlay = false;
// The audio stream has been paused and temporarily loses the focus. It will receive the interruptEvent corresponding to resume when it is able to regain the focus.
console.info('Force paused. Update playing status and stop writing');
isPlaying = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
console.info('Force stopped. Stop writing');
isPlay = false;
// The audio stream has been stopped and permanently loses the focus. The user must manually trigger the operation to resume rendering.
console.info('Force stopped. Update playing status and stop writing');
isPlaying = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_DUCK:
// The audio stream is rendered at a reduced volume.
console.info('Force ducked. Update volume status');
isDucked = true; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for updating the volume status.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_UNDUCK:
// The audio stream is rendered at the normal volume.
console.info('Force ducked. Update volume status');
isDucked = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for updating the volume status.
console.info('Invalid interruptEvent');
} else if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_SHARE) {
// The application can choose to take action or ignore.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_RESUME:
// It is recommended that the application continue rendering. (The audio stream has been forcibly paused and temporarily lost the focus. It can resume rendering now.)
console.info('Resume force paused renderer or ignore');
await audioRenderer.start().then(async function () {
console.info('AudioInterruptMusic: renderInstant started :SUCCESS ');
started = true;
}).catch((err) => {
console.error(`AudioInterruptMusic: renderInstant start :ERROR : ${err}`);
started = false;
if (started) {
isPlay = true;
console.info(`AudioInterruptMusic Renderer started : isPlay : ${isPlay}`);
} else {
console.error('AudioInterruptMusic Renderer start failed');
// To continue rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
// It is recommended that the application pause rendering.
console.info('Choose to pause or ignore');
if (isPlay == true) {
isPlay == false;
console.info('AudioInterruptMusic: Media PAUSE : TRUE');
} else {
isPlay = true;
console.info('AudioInterruptMusic: Media PLAY : TRUE');
// To pause rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
// It is recommended that the application stop rendering.
console.info('Choose to stop or ignore');
// To stop rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_DUCK:
// It is recommended that the application reduce the volume for rendering.
console.info('Choose to duck or ignore');
// To decrease the volume for rendering, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_UNDUCK:
// It is recommended that the application resume rendering at the normal volume.
console.info('Choose to unduck or ignore');
// To resume rendering at the normal volume, the application must perform the required operations.
......@@ -5850,6 +5885,84 @@ audioCapturer.getBufferSize().then((data) => {
### on('audioInterrupt')<sup>10+</sup>
on(type: 'audioInterrupt', callback: Callback\<InterruptEvent>): void
Subscribes to audio interruption events. This API uses a callback to get interrupt events.
Same as [on('interrupt')](#oninterrupt), this API is used to listen for focus changes. The **AudioCapturer** instance proactively gains the focus when the **start** event occurs and releases the focus when the **pause** or **stop** event occurs. Therefore, you do not need to request to gain or release the focus.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Interrupt
| Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| type | string | Yes | Event type. The value **'audioInterrupt'** means the audio interruption event, which is triggered when audio capturing is interrupted. |
| callback | Callback\<[InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9)\> | Yes | Callback used to return the audio interruption event. |
**Error codes**
For details about the error codes, see [Audio Error Codes](../errorcodes/errorcode-audio.md).
| ID | Error Message |
| ------- | ------------------------------ |
| 6800101 | if input parameter value error |
let isCapturing; // An identifier specifying whether capturing is in progress.
async function onAudioInterrupt(){
audioCapturer.on('audioInterrupt', async(interruptEvent) => {
if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_FORCE) {
// The system forcibly interrupts audio capturing. The application must update the status and displayed content accordingly.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
// The audio stream has been paused and temporarily loses the focus. It will receive the interruptEvent corresponding to resume when it is able to regain the focus.
console.info('Force paused. Update capturing status and stop reading');
isCapturing = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
// The audio stream has been stopped and permanently loses the focus. The user must manually trigger the operation to resume capturing.
console.info('Force stopped. Update capturing status and stop reading');
isCapturing = false; // A simplified processing indicating several operations for switching the application to the paused state.
console.info('Invalid interruptEvent');
} else if (interruptEvent.forceType == audio.InterruptForceType.INTERRUPT_SHARE) {
// The application can choose to take action or ignore.
switch (interruptEvent.hintType) {
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_RESUME:
// It is recommended that the application continue capturing. (The audio stream has been forcibly paused and temporarily lost the focus. It can resume capturing now.)
console.info('Resume force paused renderer or ignore');
// To continue capturing, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_PAUSE:
// It is recommended that the application pause capturing.
console.info('Choose to pause or ignore');
// To pause capturing, the application must perform the required operations.
case audio.InterruptHint.INTERRUPT_HINT_STOP:
// It is recommended that the application stop capturing.
console.info('Choose to stop or ignore');
// To stop capturing, the application must perform the required operations.
### on('markReach')<sup>8+</sup>
on(type: "markReach", frame: number, callback: Callback&lt;number&gt;): void
......@@ -6306,7 +6419,7 @@ Describes the callback invoked for audio interruption or focus gain events.
> **NOTE**
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9.
> This API is supported since API version 7 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use [InterruptEvent](#interruptevent9).
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Audio.Renderer
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