提交 71457975 编写于 作者: C cc_ggboy

account arkts告警清理

Signed-off-by: Ncc_ggboy <chenweimin8@huawei.com>
上级 ba0e70f1
......@@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ activateOsAccount(localId: number, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;void&gt;): void
} catch (err) {
let code = (err as BusinessError).code
let message = (err as BusinessError).message
console.error(`activateOsAccount failed, code is ${code}, message is ${message}`);
console.log('activateOsAccount failed, error:' + JSON.stringify(err));
......@@ -180,9 +178,7 @@ checkMultiOsAccountEnabled(callback: AsyncCallback&lt;boolean&gt;): void
} catch (err) {
let code = (err as BusinessError).code
let message = (err as BusinessError).message
console.error(`checkMultiOsAccountEnabled failed, code is ${code}, message is ${message}`);
console.log('checkMultiOsAccountEnabled failed, error:' + JSON.stringify(err));
......@@ -218,9 +214,7 @@ checkMultiOsAccountEnabled(): Promise&lt;boolean&gt;
console.error(`checkMultiOsAccountEnabled failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);
} catch (err) {
let code = (err as BusinessError).code
let message = (err as BusinessError).message
console.error(`checkMultiOsAccountEnabled failed, code is ${code}, message is ${message}`);
console.log('checkMultiOsAccountEnabled failed, error:' + JSON.stringify(err));
......@@ -3544,7 +3538,7 @@ getOsAccountLocalIdFromDomain(domainInfo: DomainAccountInfo, callback: AsyncCall
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let domainInfo = {domain: 'testDomain', accountName: 'testAccountName'};
let domainInfo: account_osAccount.DomainAccountInfo = {domain: 'testDomain', accountName: 'testAccountName'};
let accountManager = account_osAccount.getAccountManager();
accountManager.getOsAccountLocalIdFromDomain(domainInfo, (err: BusinessError, localId: number) => {
if (err) {
......@@ -3586,7 +3580,7 @@ getOsAccountLocalIdFromDomain(domainInfo: DomainAccountInfo): Promise&lt;number&
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let accountManager = account_osAccount.getAccountManager();
let domainInfo = {domain: 'testDomain', accountName: 'testAccountName'};
let domainInfo: account_osAccount.DomainAccountInfo = {domain: 'testDomain', accountName: 'testAccountName'};
accountManager.getOsAccountLocalIdFromDomain(domainInfo).then((localId: number) => {
console.log('getOsAccountLocalIdFromDomain successfully, localId: ' + localId);
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
......@@ -4128,10 +4122,10 @@ getAvailableStatus(authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel): number;
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let authType = account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN;
let authTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
let authType: account_osAccount.AuthType = account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN;
let authTrustLevel: account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
try {
let status = userAuth.getAvailableStatus(authType, authTrustLevel);
let status: number = userAuth.getAvailableStatus(authType, authTrustLevel);
console.log('getAvailableStatus status = ' + status);
} catch (e) {
console.log('getAvailableStatus exception = ' + JSON.stringify(e));
......@@ -4168,7 +4162,7 @@ getProperty(request: GetPropertyRequest, callback: AsyncCallback&lt;ExecutorProp
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let keys = [
let keys: Array<account_osAccount.GetPropertyType> = [
......@@ -4222,7 +4216,7 @@ getProperty(request: GetPropertyRequest): Promise&lt;ExecutorProperty&gt;;
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let keys = [
let keys: Array<account_osAccount.GetPropertyType> = [
......@@ -4325,13 +4319,13 @@ setProperty(request: SetPropertyRequest): Promise&lt;void&gt;;
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let request2: account_osAccount.SetPropertyRequest = {
let request: account_osAccount.SetPropertyRequest = {
authType: account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN,
key: account_osAccount.SetPropertyType.INIT_ALGORITHM,
setInfo: new Uint8Array([0])
try {
userAuth.setProperty(request2).then(() => {
userAuth.setProperty(request).then(() => {
console.log('setProperty successfully');
}).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
console.log('setProperty failed, error = ' + JSON.stringify(err));
......@@ -4386,12 +4380,12 @@ auth(challenge: Uint8Array, authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel,
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let challenge = new Uint8Array([0]);
let authType = account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN;
let authTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
let challenge: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([0]);
let authType: account_osAccount.AuthType = account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN;
let authTrustLevel: account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
try {
userAuth.auth(challenge, authType, authTrustLevel, {
onResult: (result,extraInfo) => {
onResult: (result: number, extraInfo: account_osAccount.AuthResult) => {
console.log('auth result = ' + result);
console.log('auth extraInfo = ' + JSON.stringify(extraInfo));
......@@ -4448,9 +4442,9 @@ authUser(userId: number, challenge: Uint8Array, authType: AuthType, authTrustLev
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let userID: number = 100;
let challenge = new Uint8Array([0]);
let authType = account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN;
let authTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
let challenge: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([0]);
let authType: account_osAccount.AuthType = account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN;
let authTrustLevel: account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
try {
userAuth.authUser(userID, challenge, authType, authTrustLevel, {
onResult: (result,extraInfo) => {
......@@ -4493,7 +4487,7 @@ cancelAuth(contextID: Uint8Array): void;
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let pinAuth: account_osAccount.PINAuth = new account_osAccount.PINAuth();
let challenge = new Uint8Array([0]);
let contextId = userAuth.auth(challenge, account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN, account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1, {
let contextId: Uint8Array = userAuth.auth(challenge, account_osAccount.AuthType.PIN, account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1, {
onResult: (result: number, extraInfo: account_osAccount.AuthResult) => {
console.log('auth result = ' + result);
console.log('auth extraInfo = ' + JSON.stringify(extraInfo));
......@@ -4621,7 +4615,7 @@ static registerInputer(authType: AuthType, inputer: IInputer): void
let authType = account_osAccount.AuthType.DOMAIN;
let authType: account_osAccount.AuthType = account_osAccount.AuthType.DOMAIN;
let password: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
try {
account_osAccount.InputerManager.registerInputer(authType, {
......@@ -4661,7 +4655,7 @@ static unregisterInputer(authType: AuthType): void
let authType = account_osAccount.AuthType.DOMAIN;
let authType: account_osAccount.AuthType = account_osAccount.AuthType.DOMAIN;
try {
console.log('unregisterInputer success.');
......@@ -4726,9 +4720,9 @@ auth(domainAccountInfo: DomainAccountInfo, credential: Uint8Array, callback: IUs
let userAuth = new account_osAccount.UserAuth();
let challenge = new Uint8Array([0]);
let authType = account_osAccount.AuthType.DOMAIN;
let authTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
let challenge: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([0]);
let authType: account_osAccount.AuthType = account_osAccount.AuthType.DOMAIN;
let authTrustLevel: account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel = account_osAccount.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
try {
userAuth.auth(challenge, authType, authTrustLevel, {
onResult: (resultCode: number, authResult: account_osAccount.AuthResult) => {
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