| images | Array<{<br>src:string,<br>width?:Length,<br>height?:Length,<br>top?:Length,<br>left?:Length,<br>duration?:number<br>}> | [] | Yes | Image frame information. The information of each frame includes the image path, image size, image position, and image playback duration. The detailed description is as follows:<br>**src**: image path. The image format can be SVG, PNG, or JPG.<br>**width**: image width.<br>**height**: image height.<br>**top**: vertical coordinate of the image relative to the upper left corner of the component.<br>**left**: horizontal coordinate of the image relative to the upper left corner of the component.<br>**duration**: playback duration of the image, in ms. |
| state | AnimationStatus | AnimationStatus.Initial | No | Playback status of the animation. The default status is **Initial**. |
| duration | number | 1000 | No | Playback duration, in ms. The default duration is 1000 ms. When the duration is **0**, no image is played. The value change takes effect only at the beginning of the next cycle. When a separate duration is set in images, the setting of this attribute is invalid. |
| reverse | boolean | false | No | Playback sequence. The value **false** indicates that images are played from the first one to the last one, and **true** indicates that images are played from the last one to the first one. |
| fixedSize | boolean | true | No | Whether the image size is the same as the component size. **true**: The image size is the same as the component size. In this case, the width, height, top, and left attributes of the image are invalid. **false**: The width, height, top, and left attributes of each image must be set separately. |
| preDecode | number | 0 | No | Whether to enable pre-decoding. The default value **0** indicates that pre-decoding is disabled. If this attribute is set to **2**, two images following the currently playing frame will be cached in advance to improve performance. |
| fillMode | FillMode | FillMode.Forwards | No | Status before and after the animation starts. For details about the options, see **FillMode**. |
| iterations | number | 1 | No | By default, the animation is played once. The value **-1** indicates that the animation is played for an unlimited number of times. |
| Name | Type | Default Value | Mandatory | Description |
| images | Array<{<br>src:string,<br>width?:Length,<br>height?:Length,<br>top?:Length,<br>left?:Length,<br>duration?:number<br>}> | [] | Yes | Image frame information. The information of each frame includes the image path, image size, image position, and image playback duration. The detailed description is as follows:<br>**src**: image path. The image format can be SVG, PNG, or JPG.<br>**width**: image width.<br>**height**: image height.<br>**top**: vertical coordinate of the image relative to the upper left corner of the component.<br>**left**: horizontal coordinate of the image relative to the upper left corner of the component.<br>**duration**: playback duration of the image, in ms. |
| state | AnimationStatus | AnimationStatus.Initial | No | Playback status of the animation. The default status is **Initial**. |
| duration | number | 1000 | No | Playback duration, in ms. The default duration is 1000 ms. When the duration is **0**, no image is played. The value change takes effect only at the beginning of the next cycle. When a separate duration is set in images, the setting of this attribute is invalid. |
| reverse | boolean | false | No | Playback sequence. The value **false** indicates that images are played from the first one to the last one, and **true** indicates that images are played from the last one to the first one. |
| fixedSize | boolean | true | No | Whether the image size is the same as the component size. **true**: The image size is the same as the component size. In this case, the width, height, top, and left attributes of the image are invalid. **false**: The width, height, top, and left attributes of each image must be set separately. |
| preDecode | number | 0 | No | Whether to enable pre-decoding. The default value **0** indicates that pre-decoding is disabled. If this attribute is set to **2**, two images following the currently playing frame will be cached in advance to improve performance. |
| fillMode | FillMode | FillMode.Forwards | No | Status before and after the animation starts. For details about the options, see **FillMode**. |
| iterations | number | 1 | No | By default, the animation is played once. The value **-1** indicates that the animation is played for an unlimited number of times. |
| top | [Length](../../ui/ts-types.md#length-type) | 0 | No | Vertical coordinate of the image relative to the upper left corner of the component. |
| left | [Length](../../ui/ts-types.md#length-type) | 0 | No | Horizontal coordinate of the image relative to the upper left corner of the component. |
| duration | number | 0 | No | Playback duration of each image frame, in milliseconds. |