Listens for events of the request type and returns the requested data, or listens for events of the push type and receives the data pushed by the provider.
| selected | number | - | Index of the initial selected option in the drop-down list box. The index of the first option is **0**.|
| value | string | - | Text of the drop-down button.|
| font | [Font](../../ui/ | - | Text font of the drop-down button.|
| fontColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Text color of the drop-down button.|
| selectedOptionBgColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Background color of the selected option in the drop-down list box.|
| fontColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Text color of the drop-down button.|
| selectedOptionBgColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Background color of the selected option in the drop-down list box.|
| selectedOptionFont | [Font](../../ui/ | - | Text font of the selected option in the drop-down list box.|
| selectedOptionFontColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Text color of the selected option in the drop-down list box.|
| optionBgColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Background color of an option in the drop-down list box.|
| selectedOptionFontColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Text color of the selected option in the drop-down list box.|
| optionBgColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Background color of an option in the drop-down list box.|
| optionFont | [Font](../../ui/ | - | Text font of an option in the drop-down list box.|
| optionFontColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Text color of an option in the drop-down list box.|
| optionFontColor | [ResourceColor](../../ui/ | - | Text color of an option in the drop-down list box.|
| status | ItemState | ItemState.Normal | Status of the **<StepperItem>**. |
- ItemState enums
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| Normal | The right button is clickable and can navigate users to the next **<StepperItem>** when it is clicked.. |
Application resources are defined by in the project's **resources** directory, which is organized as follows:
- Level-1: **base** sub-directory, qualifiers sub-directories, and **rawfile** sub-directory
- The **base** sub-directory is a default directory. If no qualifiers sub-directories in the **resources** directory of the application match the device status, the resource file in the **base** sub-directory will be automatically referenced.
- You need to create qualifiers sub-directories on your own. The name of a qualifiers sub-directory consists of one or more qualifiers that represent the application scenarios or device characteristics, covering the mobile country code (MCC), mobile network code (MNC), language, script, country or region, screen orientation, device type, color mode, and screen density. The qualifiers are separated using underscores (_) or hyphens (-).
- When the resources in the **rawfile** sub-directory are referenced, resource files will not be matched based on the device status. You can directly store resource files in the **rawfile** sub-directory.
- Level-2: resource sub-directories
- Resource sub-directories store basic elements such as character strings, colors, and floating point numbers, and resource files such as media files.
- Supported files and resource types are listed in the table below:
To reference an application resource in a project, use the **"$r('')"** format. **app** indicates the resource defined in the **resources** directory of the application. **type** indicates the resource type (or the location where the resource is stored). The value can be **color**, **float**, **string**, **plural**, or **media**. **name** indicates the resource name, which you set when defining the resource.
When referencing resources in the **rawfile** sub-directory, use the **"$rawfile('filename')"** format. Currently, **$rawfile** allows only the **<Image>** component to reference image resources. In the format, **filename** indicates the relative path of a file in the **rawfile** directory, and the file name must contain the file name extension. Note that the relative path cannot start with a slash (/).
## Example
Some custom resources in the **base** sub-directory are as follows:
├─ base
│ ├─ element
│ │ ├─ color.json
│ │ ├─ string.json
│ │ └─ float.json
│ └─ media
│ └─ my_background_image.png
└─ rawfile
├─ test.png
└─ newDir
└─ newTest.png
The content of the **color.json** file is as follows:
"color": [
"name": "color_hello",
"value": "#ffff0000"
"name": "color_world",
"value": "#ff0000ff"
The content of the **float.json** file is as follows:
The content of the **string.json** file is as follows:
"value":"We will arrive at %s."
The content of the **plural.json** file is as follows:
"value":"%d apple"
"value":"%d apples"
In the **ets** file, you can use the resources defined in the **resources** directory.
Text($r('app.string.message_arrive', "five of the clock")) // Reference string resources. The second parameter of $r is used to replace %s.
Text($r('app.plural.eat_apple', 5, 5)) // Reference plural resources. The first parameter specifies the plural resource, and the second parameter specifies the number of plural resources. The third number indicates the substitute of %d.
Image($r(? creation)) // Reference media resources.
Image($rawfile( Femaletest.png loaded)) // Reference an image in the rawfile directory.
Image($rawfile(newDir/newTest.png loaded)) // Reference an image in the rawfile directory.
System resources include colors, rounded corners, fonts, spacing, character strings, and images. By using system resources, you can develop different applications with the same visual style.
To reference a system resource, use the **"$r('sys.type.resource_id')"** format. Wherein: **sys** indicates a system resource; **type** indicates the resource type, which can be **color**, **float**, **string**, or **media**; **resource_id** indicates the resource ID, which is determined when the system resource is provided. For details about available system resource IDs.