Applicable to: OpenHarmony SDK, stage model of API version 9
Run the hdc_std command to copy the .db, .db-shm, and .db-wal files in **/data/app/el2/100/database/*bundleName*/entry/db/**, and then use the SQLite tool to open the files.
## What Should I Do If There is No Return Value or Error Captured After getAlbums Is Called?
Applicable to: OpenHarmony SDK, stage model of API version 9
The **ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA** permission is required for calling **getAlbums**, and this permission needs user authorization. For details, see [Application Permission List](../security/
1. Configure the required permission in the **module.json5** file.
"requestPermissions": [
"name": "ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA"
2. Add the code for user authorization before the **MainAbility.ts -> onWindowStageCreate** page is loaded.