未验证 提交 658cd974 编写于 作者: Z zengyawen 提交者: Gitee

add nativeapis

Signed-off-by: Nzengyawen <zengyawen1@huawei.com>
上级 f260fd62
# Core
## Overview
Provides the basic backbone capabilities for the media playback framework, including functions related to the memory, error code, and format carrier.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
## Summary
### Files
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [native_averrors.h](native__averrors_8h.md) | Declares the error codes used by the media playback framework. <br>File to Include: <multimedia/player_framework/native_averrors.h> |
| [native_avformat.h](native__avformat_8h.md) | Declares the format-related functions and enums. <br>File to Include: <multimedia/player_framework/native_avformat.h> |
| [native_avmemory.h](native__avmemory_8h.md) | Declares the memory-related functions. <br>File to Include: <multimedia/player_framework/native_avmemory.h> |
### Types
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_AVErrCode](#oh_averrcode) | Enumerates the audio and video error codes. |
| [OH_AVPixelFormat](#oh_avpixelformat) | Enumerates the audio and video pixel formats. |
### Enums
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_AVErrCode](#oh_averrcode) {<br/>AV_ERR_OK = 0, AV_ERR_NO_MEMORY = 1, AV_ERR_OPERATE_NOT_PERMIT = 2, AV_ERR_INVALID_VAL = 3,<br/>AV_ERR_IO = 4, AV_ERR_TIMEOUT = 5, AV_ERR_UNKNOWN = 6, AV_ERR_SERVICE_DIED = 7,<br/>AV_ERR_INVALID_STATE = 8, AV_ERR_UNSUPPORT = 9, AV_ERR_EXTEND_START = 100<br/>} | Enumerates the audio and video error codes. |
| [OH_AVPixelFormat](#oh_avpixelformat) {<br/>AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUVI420 = 1, AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 = 2, AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21 = 3, AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_SURFACE_FORMAT = 4,<br/>AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA = 5<br/>} | Enumerates the audio and video pixel formats. |
### Functions
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_AVFormat_Create](#oh_avformat_create) (void) | Creates an **OH_AVFormat** instance for reading and writing data. |
| [OH_AVFormat_Destroy](#oh_avformat_destroy) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format) | Destroys an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_Copy](#oh_avformat_copy) (struct OH_AVFormat \*to, struct OH_AVFormat \*from) | Copies the resources from an **OH_AVFormat** instance to another. |
| [OH_AVFormat_SetIntValue](#oh_avformat_setintvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, int32_t value) | Writes data of the int type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_SetLongValue](#oh_avformat_setlongvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, int64_t value) | Writes data of the long type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_SetFloatValue](#oh_avformat_setfloatvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, float value) | Writes data of the float type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_SetDoubleValue](#oh_avformat_setdoublevalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, double value) | Writes data of the double type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_SetStringValue](#oh_avformat_setstringvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, const char \*value) | Writes data of the string type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_SetBuffer](#oh_avformat_setbuffer) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, const uint8_t \*addr, size_t size) | Writes data with a specified size to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_GetIntValue](#oh_avformat_getintvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, int32_t \*out) | Reads data of the int type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_GetLongValue](#oh_avformat_getlongvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, int64_t \*out) | Reads data of the long type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_GetFloatValue](#oh_avformat_getfloatvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, float \*out) | Reads data of the float type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_GetDoubleValue](#oh_avformat_getdoublevalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, double \*out) | Reads data of the double type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_GetStringValue](#oh_avformat_getstringvalue) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, const char \*\*out) | Reads data of the double type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_GetBuffer](#oh_avformat_getbuffer) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format, const char \*key, uint8_t \*\*addr, size_t \*size) | Reads data with a specified size from an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| [OH_AVFormat_DumpInfo](#oh_avformat_dumpinfo) (struct OH_AVFormat \*format) | Dumps the information contained in an**OH_AVFormat** instance as a string. |
| [OH_AVMemory_GetAddr](#oh_avmemory_getaddr) (struct OH_AVMemory \*mem) | Obtains the virtual memory address of an **OH_AVMemory** instance. |
| [OH_AVMemory_GetSize](#oh_avmemory_getsize) (struct OH_AVMemory \*mem) | Obtains the memory size of an **OH_AVMemory** instance. |
## Type Description
### OH_AVErrCode
typedef enum OH_AVErrCodeOH_AVErrCode
Enumerates the audio and video error codes.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
### OH_AVPixelFormat
typedef enum OH_AVPixelFormatOH_AVPixelFormat
Enumerates the audio and video pixel formats.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
## Enum Description
### OH_AVErrCode
enum OH_AVErrCode
Enumerates the audio and video error codes.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| AV_ERR_OK | Operation successful. |
| AV_ERR_NO_MEMORY | No memory. |
| AV_ERR_OPERATE_NOT_PERMIT | Invalid parameter. |
| AV_ERR_INVALID_VAL | Invalid value. |
| AV_ERR_IO | I/O error. |
| AV_ERR_TIMEOUT | Timeout. |
| AV_ERR_UNKNOWN | Unknown error. |
| AV_ERR_SERVICE_DIED | Unavailable media service. |
| AV_ERR_INVALID_STATE | Unsupported operation in this state. |
| AV_ERR_UNSUPPORT | Unsupported API. |
| AV_ERR_EXTEND_START | Initial value for extended error codes. |
### OH_AVPixelFormat
enum OH_AVPixelFormat
Enumerates the audio and video pixel formats.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUVI420 | YUV 420 Planar. |
| AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 | NV12. YUV 420 Semi-planar. |
| AV_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21 | NV21. YVU 420 Semi-planar. |
## Function Description
### OH_AVFormat_Copy()
bool OH_AVFormat_Copy (struct OH_AVFormat * to, struct OH_AVFormat * from )
Copies the resources from an **OH_AVFormat** instance to another.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| to | Indicates the handle to the **OH_AVFormat** instance to which the data will be copied. |
| from | Indicates the handle to the **OH_AVFormat** instance from which the data will be copied. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_Create()
struct OH_AVFormat* OH_AVFormat_Create (void )
Creates an **OH_AVFormat** instance for reading and writing data.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
Returns the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
### OH_AVFormat_Destroy()
void OH_AVFormat_Destroy (struct OH_AVFormat * format)
Destroys an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
### OH_AVFormat_DumpInfo()
const char* OH_AVFormat_DumpInfo (struct OH_AVFormat * format)
Dumps the information contained in an**OH_AVFormat** instance as a string.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
Returns the pointer to a collect of strings, each of which consists of a key and value.
### OH_AVFormat_GetBuffer()
bool OH_AVFormat_GetBuffer (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, uint8_t ** addr, size_t * size )
Reads data with a specified size from an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to read. |
| addr | Indicates the double pointer to the address where the data read is stored. The data read is destroyed when the **OH_AVFormat** instance is destroyed. To hold the data for an extended period of time, copy it to the memory. |
| size | Indicates the pointer to the size of the data read. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_GetDoubleValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_GetDoubleValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, double * out )
Reads data of the double type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to read. |
| out | Indicates the pointer to the data read. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_GetFloatValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_GetFloatValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, float * out )
Reads data of the float type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to read. |
| out | Indicates the pointer to the data read. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_GetIntValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_GetIntValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, int32_t * out )
Reads data of the int type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to read. |
| out | Indicates the pointer to the data read. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_GetLongValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_GetLongValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, int64_t * out )
Reads data of the long type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to read. |
| out | Indicates the pointer to the data read. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_GetStringValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_GetStringValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, const char ** out )
Reads data of the double type from an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to read. |
| out | Indicates the double pointer to the data read. The data read is updated when **GetString** is called and destroyed when the **OH_AVFormat** instance is destroyed. To hold the data for an extended period of time, copy it to the memory. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_SetBuffer()
bool OH_AVFormat_SetBuffer (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, const uint8_t * addr, size_t size )
Writes data with a specified size to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to write. |
| addr | Indicates the pointer to the address where the data is written. |
| size | Indicates the size of the data written. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_SetDoubleValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_SetDoubleValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, double value )
Writes data of the double type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to write. |
| value | Indicates the value of the data to write. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_SetFloatValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_SetFloatValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, float value )
Writes data of the float type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to write. |
| value | Indicates the value of the data to write. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_SetIntValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_SetIntValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, int32_t value )
Writes data of the int type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to write. |
| value | Indicates the value of the data to write. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_SetLongValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_SetLongValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, int64_t value )
Writes data of the long type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to write. |
| value | Indicates the value of the data to write. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVFormat_SetStringValue()
bool OH_AVFormat_SetStringValue (struct OH_AVFormat * format, const char * key, const char * value )
Writes data of the string type to an **OH_AVFormat** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| format | Indicates the handle to an **OH_AVFormat** instance. |
| key | Indicates the pointer to the key of the data to write. |
| value | Indicates the pointer to the value of the data to write. |
Returns **TRUE** if the operation is successful.
Returns **FALSE** if the operation fails.
### OH_AVMemory_GetAddr()
uint8_t* OH_AVMemory_GetAddr (struct OH_AVMemory * mem)
Obtains the virtual memory address of an **OH_AVMemory** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| mem | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_AVMemory** instance. |
Returns the virtual address if the memory is valid.
Returns a null pointer if the memory is invalid.
### OH_AVMemory_GetSize()
int32_t OH_AVMemory_GetSize (struct OH_AVMemory * mem)
Obtains the memory size of an **OH_AVMemory** instance.
\@syscap SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Core
| Name | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| mem | Indicates the pointer to an **OH_AVMemory** instance. |
Returns the size if the memory is valid.
Returns **-1** if the memory is invalid.
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