| content | string | Yes| - | String in HTML format.|
## Events
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| onStart() => void | Triggered when web page loading starts.|
| onComplete() => void | Triggered when web page loading is completed.|
## Supported Tags
| Name| Description| Example|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| \<h1>--\<h6> | Defines six levels of headings in the HTML document. \<h1> defines the most important heading, and \<h6> defines the least important heading.| \<h1>This is an H1 heading\</h1> \<h2>This is an H2 heading\</h2>|
| \<p>\</p> | Defines a paragraph.| \<p>This is a paragraph\</p>|
| \<br/> | Inserts a newline character.| \<p>This is a paragraph\<br/>This is a new paragraph\</p>|
| \<hr/> | Defines a thematic break (such as a shift of topic) on an HTML page and creates a horizontal line.| \<p>This is a paragraph\</p>\<hr/>\<p>This is a paragraph\</p> |
| \<div>\</div> | Defines a generic container that is generally used to group block-level elements. It allows you to apply CSS styles to multiple elements at the same time.| \<div style='color:#0000FF'>\<h3>This is the heading in a div element\</h3>\</div> |
| \<i>\</i> | Displays text in italic style.| \<p>\<i>This is in italic style\</i>\</p> |
| \<u>\</u> | Defines text that should be styled differently or have a non-textual annotation, such as misspelt words or a proper name in Chinese text. It is recommended that you avoid using the \<u> tag where it could be confused with a hyperlink.| \<p>This is an underlined paragraph\</p>|
| \<style>\</style> | Used to embed CSS within an HTML document.| \<style>h1{color:red;}p{color:blue;}\</style> |
| style | Defines the inline style of an element and is placed inside the tag. Use quotation marks (') to separate the styling text and use semicolons (;) to separate styles, for example, **style='width: 500px;height: 500px;border: 1px solid;margin: 0 auto;'**.| \<h1 style='color:blue;text-align:center'>This is a heading\</h1>\<p style='color:green'>This is a paragraph\</p> |
| \<script>\</script> | Used to embed or reference a client-side script, such as JavaScript.| \<script>document.write("Hello World!")\</script> |
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