Typical key generation operations involve the following:
- Randomly create a key instance for subsequent encryption and decryption.
- Convert external or stored binary data into a key instance for subsequent encryption and decryption.
- Obtain the binary data of a key for storage or transmission.
1. Randomly create a key instance for subsequent encryption and decryption.
2. Convert external or stored binary data into a key instance for subsequent encryption and decryption.
3. Obtain the binary data of a key for storage or transmission.
> **NOTE**<br>The key instance can be a symmetric key instance (**SymKey**) or an asymmetric key pair instance (**KeyPair**). The **KeyPair** instance consists a public key (**PubKey**) and a private key (**PriKey**). For details about the relationship between keys, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cryptoFramework.md).
**Available APIs**
For details about the APIs, see [Crypto Framework](../reference/apis/js-apis-cryptoFramework.md).
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ Example 1: Randomly generate an asymmetric key pair and obtain its binary data.
2. Randomly generate an asymmetric key pair using **AsyKeyGenerator**.
3. Obtain binary data of the key pair generated.
The following sample code presents how to randomly generate an RSA key (1024 bits and two primes) using promise-based APIs:
The following sample code demonstrates how to randomly generate an RSA key (1024 bits and two primes) using promise-based APIs.
> The public key material to be converted in **convertKey()** must be in the DER format complying with X.509 specifications, and the private key material must be in the DER format complying with PKCS #8 specifications.
Example 4: Generate an asymmetric key pair from the binary ECC key data.
1. Obtain the ECC binary key data and encapsulate it into a **DataBlob** instance.
2. Call **convertKey()** to convert the key binary data (data of the private or public key, or both) into to a **KeyPair** instance.
2. Call **convertKey()** to convert the key binary data (data of the private or public key, or both) into a **KeyPair** instance.
@@ -200,8 +201,8 @@ function testConvertAesKey() {
**When to Use**
Important data needs to be encrypted in data storage or transmission for security purposes. Typical encryption and decryption operations involve the following:
- Encrypt and decrypt data using a symmetric key.
- Encrypt and decrypt data using an asymmetric key pair.
1. Encrypt and decrypt data using a symmetric key.
2. Encrypt and decrypt data using an asymmetric key pair.
**Available APIs**
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ Example 1: Encrypt and decrypt data using a symmetric key.
3. Create a **Cipher** instance.
4. Encrypt or decrypt data.
The following sample code presents how to use the AES-GCM to encrypt and decrypt data with promise-based APIs:
The following example demonstrates how to use the AES-GCM to encrypt and decrypt data with promise-based APIs.
The following sample code presents how to use the the 3DES ECB to convert existing data into a key and encrypt and decrypt data using callback-based APIs:
The following example demonstrates how to use the the 3DES ECB to convert existing data into a key and encrypt and decrypt data using callback-based APIs.