未验证 提交 5c103178 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!17182 【挑单3.2-Release】翻译完成 16677:修改手势GestureMask说明

Merge pull request !17182 from ester.zhou/cherry-pick-1681259833
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Use the following attributes to bind gesture recognition to a component. When a
| Name | Description |
| -------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Normal | The gestures of child components are not ignored and are recognized based on the default gesture recognition sequence. |
| IgnoreInternal | The gestures of child components are ignored. Only the gestures of the current component are recognized.<br>However, the built-in gestures of the child components are not ignored. For example, when the child component is a **\<List>** component, the built-in sliding gestures can still be triggered. |
| IgnoreInternal | The gestures of child components are ignored, including the built-in gestures. For example, if the child component is **\<List>**, its built-in swipe gesture is also ignored.|
## Gesture Response Event
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