| type | string | Yes| Event type. The value is fixed at **deviceConnect**.|
| callback | Callback\<[ContinuationResult](js-apis-continuation-continuationResult.md)> | Yes| Callback invoked when a device is selected from the device list provided by the device selection module. This callback returns the device ID, type, and name.|
| type | string | Yes| Event type. The value is fixed at **deviceDisconnect**.|
| callback | Callback\<string> | Yes| Callback invoked when a device is disconnected in the device selection module. This callback returns the device ID.|
| type | string | Yes| Event type. The value is fixed at **deviceConnect**.|
| callback | Callback\<[ContinuationResult](js-apis-continuation-continuationResult.md)> | No| Callback invoked when a device is selected from the device list provided by the device selection module. This callback returns the device ID, type, and name.|
| type | string | Yes| Event type. The value is fixed at **deviceDisconnect**.|
| callback | Callback\<string> | No| Callback invoked when a device is disconnected in the device selection module. This callback returns the device ID.|